Huge undertaking - Fastest way to solo keeps?

Huge undertaking - Fastest way to solo keeps?

in WvW

Posted by: Sunreva.8714


I think the Ultimate Subjugator title for WvW is awesome, and I’d really like to have it. I’ve been running the numbers regarding the 100,000 keeps I’ll need to capture, but haven’t quite figured out the best profession to do it with. So my question is, which profession is the quickest at soloing keeps? ((after all, I can’t expect my guild to take 100,000 keeps with me))

Some considerations:

Assuming I’m able to capture 1 keep every 6 minutes, this is a rate of 10 per hour, and 100 per day (I’ll be pulling 10 hours shifts). If I do this every day, that’s 36,500 captured keeps per year, meaning it’ll take approx. 2.7 years to get the achievement. Only problem with this strategy is that it simply takes too long, and I’ll likely be playing different games around June/July 2017.

So…I need to double my efforts. I need a profession that can take 1 keep every 3 minutes, this is a rate of 20 per hour, or 200 per day. If I do this every day, I’ll have the title in 1.3 years—around March/April 2016.

I think March/April 2016 is a much more realistic and plausible goal, and I don’t think it’ll be a problem managing 10 hour daily keep capturing shifts. All I need now is a profession. Any suggestions?

Huge undertaking - Fastest way to solo keeps?

in WvW

Posted by: Cormac.3871


Except you have to ensure that the keeps are all taken back by the time you cycle back to them a little over an hour later. And if your opponents are doing that they are probably defending as well, making soloing impossible.

Not that I’d know, I can’t even solo a tower. I’ll just stick to camps.

Huge undertaking - Fastest way to solo keeps?

in WvW

Posted by: Sekai.2987


if you have started your achivment hunt two years ago, when you started playing the game , you would have almost completed it by now !

Huge undertaking - Fastest way to solo keeps?

in WvW

Posted by: ArthurDent.9538



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Huge undertaking - Fastest way to solo keeps?

in WvW

Posted by: Dasenthal.6520


So… You’re gonna farm 10 hours a day for a year and a half, for a title in a game that you don’t anticipate playing in 2 and a half years… Wut?

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Edair. But allies-allies will fight by your side”~Cobiah Mariner

Huge undertaking - Fastest way to solo keeps?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I see what you did here

Hmm I think the Hacker profession might provide what you need, you just need a good build. Beware though – this profession starts with a 0,0001% chance of “hardcore” death to all your characters. Also – this chance increases by 0,0001% every 500 ingame hours.

Huge undertaking - Fastest way to solo keeps?

in WvW

Posted by: Sunreva.8714


So… You’re gonna farm 10 hours a day for a year and a half, for a title in a game that you don’t anticipate playing in 2 and a half years… Wut?

Wait…I don’t understand, if farming in this manner is a strange, how else are players supposed to get that achievement?

I definitely think capturing one tower every 3-6 minutes is feasible, and the 1.3 years that would take (playing 10 hours daily) isn’t too bad. I mean, the alternative would be to play very casually and take lets say..3 per hour? In that case it would be 30 keeps per day, approx 10,950 per year. At that casual rate the achievement would be done in 9 years.

I REALLY dont think the devs intended the achievement to take 9+ years. That would be ridiculous! But 1.3 years (assuming 1 keep every 3 minutes, 10 hours daily, 365) is more feasible. Don’t you agree?

How can I get this done? What profession would work? Oh, and assume travel time between keeps. So the profession really needs to capture the keep in about 2.5 minutes (assuming 30 secs travel time). Surely this can be done.

Huge undertaking - Fastest way to solo keeps?

in WvW

Posted by: Dethl.2875


You think you can start building a catapult, go back to a camp, return to finish the catapult, take down the outer wall, take down the inner wall, then kill 4 respawning veterans and a champion without being noticed in 150 seconds? And then move to another keep, do the same thing, and hope not to be noticed while also hoping your keep gets retaken?

You’re either trolling or have serious delusions about time. Seriously, 30 seconds travel time?

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Huge undertaking - Fastest way to solo keeps?

in WvW

Posted by: Juba.8406


WvW achievements and titles needs a real looking at. its not even funny ANet.

Huge undertaking - Fastest way to solo keeps?

in WvW

Posted by: oscuro.9720


You have to remember you have to get inside the keep. No profession gets you inside the keep. Once you START on the lord, an average keep cap takes 2:30-3:30 if you get good at it. 1 keep every 3 minutes isn’t feasible since you need to have a way in, unless you get Mesmers as dedicated as you to hide in the keep, which is not likely. Best of luck though!

Huge undertaking - Fastest way to solo keeps?

in WvW

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

This is obviously a joke. Bit like the achievements actually!

Huge undertaking - Fastest way to solo keeps?

in WvW

Posted by: pepper.6179


i’d rather fight other people with the time you’re going to use to cap keeps


(edited by pepper.6179)

Huge undertaking - Fastest way to solo keeps?

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861


No one seems to be answering the question. The players whom I know to have the greatest success soloing keeps have done it on Thieves.

The specifics of how they do it, i’m not entirely sure. It probably consists of using a condition build to bleed and backstab a keep lord into submission, and using cloak and dagger to keep aggro manageable.

An important thing to remember would be to kill the guards in sequence, not in a stack, that way they dont all respawn at once while you’re concentrating on the lord. If they respawn one at a time, you’ll be much better able to dispatch them and then move back to killing the champion without getting stunlocked and wrecked.

I’ll ask some of my friends who solo keeps and stonemist for their secrets. i’ll post again if i get anything valuable

Huge undertaking - Fastest way to solo keeps?

in WvW

Posted by: Offair.2563


Those achievements are far away from being realistic. Just remove some zeros so people could actually get 1 or 2.

I think 10+ months ago (unsure as i cba to dig around forum manualy and search still broken after forum reorganisation) Devon Arrowcarter said those achievments are a bit out of touch and they will be looking to change it in the future. (2018?)

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Huge undertaking - Fastest way to solo keeps?

in WvW

Posted by: Pavel.8531


I think 10+ months ago (unsure as i cba to dig around forum manualy and search still broken after forum reorganisation) Devon Arrowcarter said those achievments are a bit out of touch and they will be looking to change it in the future. (2018?)

It was 11 months ago… 4 months ago. How do I remember so precisely? Well, take note of the date of the sticky “don’t necropost!”. This was one of the most popular threads to necro and one of the first threads to fall – with a full on “yeah, these are unrealistic, we are looking into them” Devon statement.

Huge undertaking - Fastest way to solo keeps?

in WvW

Posted by: Sunreva.8714


You think you can start building a catapult, go back to a camp, return to finish the catapult, take down the outer wall, take down the inner wall, then kill 4 respawning veterans and a champion without being noticed in 150 seconds? And then move to another keep, do the same thing, and hope not to be noticed while also hoping your keep gets retaken?

You’re either trolling or have serious delusions about time. Seriously, 30 seconds travel time?

Oh there are no delusions about time, I think 1.3 years is a fair amount of time to take 100,000 keeps. Of course this undertaking requires capturing 1 keep every 3 minutes, 10 hours a day, 365 days per year, for 1.3 years.

It’s not to bad when you really think about it. Certainly obtainable.

I’m just trying to figure out how the time will be logistically spent, and what profession can manage it.

30 seconds of traveling time between keeps.
30 seconds to build the siege
30 seconds to break down outer wall/gate
30 seconds to break down inner wall/gate
60 seconds to kill Lord / capture keep.

If I can manage to do this sequence perfectly 1 time every 3 minutes, 10 hours per day, for 1.3 years, I’ll have that Ultimate Subjugator title sometime in March/April 2016.

Option B of course, entails more casual play taking 3 keeps an hour, for 10 hours per day, 365 days per year. In this case the title will take 9 years. So..this’ll give you the title sometime in January 2024.

So these are your options for this title, and the other WvW achievements are in the same boat (taking upwards of 10+ years if you play casually).

Unless..wait…could something be wrong with how the titles/wvw achievements are designed? Is that a possibility?

Huge undertaking - Fastest way to solo keeps?

in WvW

Posted by: Sirbeaumerdier.3740


I think the Ultimate Subjugator title for WvW is awesome, and I’d really like to have it. I’ve been running the numbers regarding the 100,000 keeps I’ll need to capture, but haven’t quite figured out the best profession to do it with. So my question is, which profession is the quickest at soloing keeps? ((after all, I can’t expect my guild to take 100,000 keeps with me))

Some considerations:

Assuming I’m able to capture 1 keep every 6 minutes, this is a rate of 10 per hour, and 100 per day (I’ll be pulling 10 hours shifts). If I do this every day, that’s 36,500 captured keeps per year, meaning it’ll take approx. 2.7 years to get the achievement. Only problem with this strategy is that it simply takes too long, and I’ll likely be playing different games around June/July 2017.

So…I need to double my efforts. I need a profession that can take 1 keep every 3 minutes, this is a rate of 20 per hour, or 200 per day. If I do this every day, I’ll have the title in 1.3 years—around March/April 2016.

I think March/April 2016 is a much more realistic and plausible goal, and I don’t think it’ll be a problem managing 10 hour daily keep capturing shifts. All I need now is a profession. Any suggestions?

The best profession for that title is “zombie”.