I cannot finish the WvW meta or play GW2
Hi Fastbucks,
A few things, What time zone do you play in and how long would you normally play? Also how many of the Achievements do you have and which do you need?
I play late PST and have yet to have a queue longer then 30 Mins (EBG) and 10 Mins (active BL) For the most part no queue on 2 of the BL’s including BGBL. These maps are good for farming out some of the achievements that don’t require a group.
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
I bandwagon on a stacked server and now regretting it is a better title for this thread.
Sorry, OP, but you were warned…
They even had discounted server transfers leading up to to the start of season one to help those who took heed, but instead most people did the opposite.
If it is true what you say and have been on BG since day one then that sucks that bandgwagoneers are forcing you to either leave or get no rewards, but fact is this was done on purpose in an attempt to unstack T1.
One of three things going on here:
1 troll post
2 you play only on Friday night at reset
3 queuing for nothing but ebg
Blackgate is one of the easiest servers to complete the meta on, and your stated queue times are just flat out wrong.
I never even worked at the achievements outside of the ruins, and I finished in week 4. Also, I play NA prime, so its not like I did this during lower activity hours. I’m not sure why you’re having issues.
[KnT] – Blackgate
I play on a T1 Server (SoS), have completed the meta and put in almost 100 hours in WvW this season. Haven’t seen a queue yet.
Your win is your loss, congrats.
I love this game. I have been here from the beginning and need some help from the devs. I play on a T1 server (Black Gate) and exclusively WvW when I login. The issue I face is that when I get home, login, there are hours of queues to get into the borderlands or EB where fighting takes place.
I know that new overflow maps are coming, but I really wanted to get this meta ache done (since our server will rein number one after the season).
I find myself loggin in, seeing the que and just logging out again. I havent play GW2s in a month for more then a few mins because of this.
Anet, I love this game and love supporting it, but I don’t think I’m alone in this.
Anet is stopping you from playing for good reason. If everyone on BG could play simultaneously then there would be no competition. Change servers, done.
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.
I bandwagon on a stacked server and now regretting it is a better title for this thread.
He might have been playing on that server since launch, people actually did start on certain servers you know.
just an fyi, because i think you werent aware of this fact.
He could have gotten involved in his community and helped prevent the server stacking and consequently scabbing / poaching lower tier populations at same time when it counted. He failed so now he has to reap the rewards.
OP could have transfered off BG once the League started to avoid Queue’s while still recieving BG’s rewards. No its not the ideal option because it requires transfering which requires gold or money but it is an option.
I love this game. I have been here from the beginning and need some help from the devs. I play on a T1 server (Black Gate) and exclusively WvW when I login. The issue I face is that when I get home, login, there are hours of queues to get into the borderlands or EB where fighting takes place.
I know that new overflow maps are coming, but I really wanted to get this meta ache done (since our server will rein number one after the season).
I find myself loggin in, seeing the que and just logging out again. I havent play GW2s in a month for more then a few mins because of this.
Anet, I love this game and love supporting it, but I don’t think I’m alone in this.
Wiz, it helps if you log in and try to play. We’ve had a taxi going every day too -_-
http://www.gw2opp.com • http://www.youtube.com/user/oppveretta
(edited by Gully.7358)
If you started on BG and was able to log into WvW, you can move servers now and finish it on another server. Your server credit is tied to your home server.
Really if you do not log in on purpose, you shouldn’t be rewarded. However if you log in, you can still finish the 15. Doesn’t take long at all. I got 6 or 8 the first day [granted I did all 4 jp’s]. But you do in fact, have to play to get the rest. Walls don’t break from watching movies, nodes don’t flip from eating dinner, and SM doesn’t cap when you ‘drop the kids off in the pool.’
Sounds like your server mates are even beckoning ya. I bet they would help ya even if you had to temporarily relocate to blast through some of it.
its easy, just dont be on a stacked server
The main problem I’m having to complete the Meta is, since our server is usually winning, almost all the map belongs to us, which mean you cannot get Guard achievements, yak achievements, capture camps/towers/sentries/SM etc. There’s no “defensive” achievements save for the supply restorer (which is like 500, how in the world did you come up with that? ). So now I’m stuck at 10/15 achievements because all the maps with stuff to actually cap have a queue. The only time a guard or a camp is available for a cap it usually ends up getting flipped before I can even get there. I think it’s a terrible flaw in the achievement design to only think offensively.
I love this game. I have been here from the beginning and need some help from the devs. I play on a T1 server (Black Gate) and exclusively WvW when I login. The issue I face is that when I get home, login, there are hours of queues to get into the borderlands or EB where fighting takes place.
I know that new overflow maps are coming, but I really wanted to get this meta ache done (since our server will rein number one after the season).
I find myself loggin in, seeing the que and just logging out again. I havent play GW2s in a month for more then a few mins because of this.
Anet, I love this game and love supporting it, but I don’t think I’m alone in this.
haha, this is basically my experience on bg as well, so you are not alone. And when i finally do get into WvW, bg has already captured everything…i know, first world server problems. I don’t want to transfer because i’m poor and i’ve been on this server since the start.
Now i just avoid primetime WvW or hop in the FGS champ train until i get in queue.
I think the overflow WvW servers are gunna be where it’s at once they are implemented. I enjoy WvW for the big fights, not the PPT game.
Even if you’re originally from BG I still don’t feel bad for you.
It’s like you know this fantastikittentle coffee shop down the street that nobody really knows about it. There’s never a line, it’s cheap, the barista is hot, and the coffee is amazing. Then the word gets out and all the sudden you go there and kittens are lining up out the door every day.
What do you do?
Wait in line or go to a different store! Don’t try to act like your money is more valuable than other people’s just because you knew about it first. Sure you’re going to have to pay a bit more gas money to go somewhere else, but it will be better than waiting in line all day and its a choice you have to make.
So Anet makes a really bad move by launching a WvW season with no overflow map, naturally queues disrupt and even discourage many unlucky players, yet people snipe at OP for daring to be on BG and complaining or think it’s his/her fault for not paying their way out of the queue problem…
…that Anet should’ve alleviated (and knew well was a significant issue before the season).
Of course OP has options, but they make the point that everyone else agreed on a long time ago: queues suck and can really discourage playing. Attacking OP for their own circumstances and for not spending money to make their game playable is pretty disgusting.
Fastbucks, Devon carver warned EXACTLY for this when people asked ’what’s the downside to go to stacked winning server’?
“If queues are very long, you might not be able to get meta, and if you don’t get meta chest, you don’t get league rewards” Devon (more or less what he said).
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
and SM doesn’t cap when you ‘drop the kids off in the pool.’
You may want to recheck your facts on this one.
It is not easy to change server. Most of us belong to guilds and if most of guild just plays pve they don’t care about your problems with WvW and if you want to try another server you would need to pay tons of gems to get back, which I don’t have at least.
It seems rather unfair decision to change server to me.
This game is becoming more and more buy gems to do what you want.
if all your guild does is play PvE you can just guest back for any guild activities.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
Sounds like you just want to login and have your rewards handed to you. I’m from Blackgate and I had the meta in the first few days. I worked for them and contributed to my server whilst getting the achievements.
I really don’t feel sorry for the OP at all. You are on the winning server, which by the way, paid people to move there and make your queue longer. Even if -you- didn’t do that personally, other people on your server did. I suggest you go to your own server’s forums/site/community and complain to -them- about what their activity has cost you.
Sucks for you, but that’s what you get – complain to those who caused it. I agree with other posters here. Anet warned you all about this. You did not listen.
I believe the popular quote that applies here is thus:
“A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.”
– [CERN] Commander, Tarnished Coast
– “The best weapon anyone can have, is a sharp mind.”
The issue I face is that when I get home, login, there are hours of queues to get into the borderlands or EB where fighting takes place.
I’m on Eredon Terrace, currently at the bottom of the Bronze League, and I finished my Season 1 achievements a few weeks ago. Basically, your population that causes those queues is the population that put your server at the top of the WvW rankings. So you’ve got a choice. You can continue to play on a dominant server and endure queues that might mean you don’t get to play, or you can transfer to a lower tiered server where your server may be the loser but you’ll almost always have the opportunity to play. Currently, that’s apparently ANet’s only strategy to equalize server populations, but also apparently there are people who would rather sit in a queue and not play than play on a lower tier server.
On Eredon Terrace, the only time I see queues is on reset night and, then, only on one map. That’s likely true of all of the servers near the bottom of the rankings. I can play WvW whenever I want and usually on whatever map I want.
Transfer to another server this week, finish your tasks for the key and as a bonus see if you like playing in the lower tiers. If you don’t like it, you get your key and you can transfer back.
Aside from the gem cost there is zero downside to this strategy.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
Transfer to another server this week, finish your tasks for the key and as a bonus see if you like playing in the lower tiers. If you don’t like it, you get your key and you can transfer back.
Aside from the gem cost there is zero downside to this strategy.
That’s the point, the gem cost. Yes you can get it with ingame gold but it’s like 150 gold which is not that easy to get in a week
OP could have transfered off BG once the League started to avoid Queue’s while still recieving BG’s rewards. No its not the ideal option because it requires transfering which requires gold or money but it is an option.
And give up super blobbing pvdoor easy-mode? no wai!
At least we can get some humor out of this.
People are so kitten over people flocking to the top-tier servers that anyone that plays on these servers is automatically guilty and should be mocked. Because everyone knows top-tier servers just phased into existence one day, and werent build up by a community who started playing all the way back in late august 2012.
People are so kitten over people flocking to the top-tier servers that anyone that plays on these servers is automatically guilty and should be mocked. Because everyone knows top-tier servers just phased into existence one day, and werent build up by a community who started playing all the way back in late august 2012.
The problems only exist because the server is stacked. They all have the power to change that.
They deserve to be mocked for posting it, it’s like an obese American complaining about the food and cell phone reception in a 3rd world country. It’s too ironic.
Erm, while I understand the stacked server issue and so what. But it is rather unfair to assume that every1 on that server is there because he is bandwagoning. Some where there from the start, u know…
To blame them for all those loot hunters isn’t fair. The “natives” could move to another server too, that is correct, but is that a fair solution?
@Anet: Create insentives for being on a not stacked server, and people will try to go there soon realizing that stacking on those servers kills that rewards and thereby balancing the whole thing out…
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
Erm, while I understand the stacked server issue and so what. But it is rather unfair to assume that every1 on that server is there because he is bandwagoning. Some where there from the start, u know…
To blame for all those loot hunters isn’t fair. The “natives” could move to another server too, that is correct, but is that a fair solution?
@Anet: Create insentives for being on a not stacked server, and people will try to go there soon realizing that stacking on those servers kills that rewards and thereby balancing the whole thing out…
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
friends don’t let friends buy guilds…or be purchased. Sorry for your loss, but don’t buy guilds next time.
I find myself loggin in, seeing the que and just logging out again. I havent play GW2s in a month for more then a few mins because of this.
Please tell me more about how you haven’t played for most of seasons, are not willing to wait in a queue, and want your rewards handed on a plate. Even the pugs who karma train and take up queue spaces deserve this meta achievement more than you.
friends don’t let friends buy guilds…or be purchased. Sorry for your loss, but don’t buy guilds next time.
But if we don’t buy guilds, how are we meant to have enough forum warriors and chest thumpers for the matchup thread?
friends don’t let friends buy guilds…or be purchased. Sorry for your loss, but don’t buy guilds next time.
Hi Sanduskel,
Since you seem to be so aware of the guild trafficking scene, Can you please inform me of what guilds Blackgate “bought” the rates of said purchases and proof of said transaction. Till you are able to provide this information, you are just another bandwagoner, Refuse to bandwagon to a top tier server? Just you might as well jump on the “cry a lot” express…
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
friends don’t let friends buy guilds…or be purchased. Sorry for your loss, but don’t buy guilds next time.
Hi Sanduskel,
Since you seem to be so aware of the guild trafficking scene, Can you please inform me of what guilds Blackgate “bought” the rates of said purchases and proof of said transaction. Till you are able to provide this information, you are just another bandwagoner, Refuse to bandwagon to a top tier server? Just you might as well jump on the “cry a lot” express…
Do you just copy/paste this from BG’s PR guy’s list of standard responses?
friends don’t let friends buy guilds…or be purchased. Sorry for your loss, but don’t buy guilds next time.
Hi Sanduskel,
Since you seem to be so aware of the guild trafficking scene, Can you please inform me of what guilds Blackgate “bought” the rates of said purchases and proof of said transaction. Till you are able to provide this information, you are just another bandwagoner, Refuse to bandwagon to a top tier server? Just you might as well jump on the “cry a lot” express…
Do you just copy/paste this from BG’s PR guy’s list of standard responses?
Who is this “PR guy”? If he is asking the same question I am, maybe I can see if he has had any luck with a answer. I’m assuming you can’t provide what is asked for above?
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
friends don’t let friends buy guilds…or be purchased. Sorry for your loss, but don’t buy guilds next time.
Hi Sanduskel,
Since you seem to be so aware of the guild trafficking scene, Can you please inform me of what guilds Blackgate “bought” the rates of said purchases and proof of said transaction. Till you are able to provide this information, you are just another bandwagoner, Refuse to bandwagon to a top tier server? Just you might as well jump on the “cry a lot” express…
Buy more guilds! Right up there with hacking orbs and ddos attacks on SOR TS. Lol @ Bribegate.
Buy more guilds! Right up there with hacking orbs and ddos attacks on SOR TS. Lol @ Bribegate.
The term is Buygate, actually.
friends don’t let friends buy guilds…or be purchased. Sorry for your loss, but don’t buy guilds next time.
Hi Sanduskel,
Since you seem to be so aware of the guild trafficking scene, Can you please inform me of what guilds Blackgate “bought” the rates of said purchases and proof of said transaction. Till you are able to provide this information, you are just another bandwagoner, Refuse to bandwagon to a top tier server? Just you might as well jump on the “cry a lot” express…
Do you just copy/paste this from BG’s PR guy’s list of standard responses?
Who is this “PR guy”? If he is asking the same question I am, maybe I can see if he has had any luck with a answer. I’m assuming you can’t provide what is asked for above?
Yeah I could, but why should I give a crap about who you are or why it matters to you.
friends don’t let friends buy guilds…or be purchased. Sorry for your loss, but don’t buy guilds next time.
Hi Sanduskel,
Since you seem to be so aware of the guild trafficking scene, Can you please inform me of what guilds Blackgate “bought” the rates of said purchases and proof of said transaction. Till you are able to provide this information, you are just another bandwagoner, Refuse to bandwagon to a top tier server? Just you might as well jump on the “cry a lot” express…
Do you just copy/paste this from BG’s PR guy’s list of standard responses?
Who is this “PR guy”? If he is asking the same question I am, maybe I can see if he has had any luck with a answer. I’m assuming you can’t provide what is asked for above?
Yeah I could, but why should I give a crap about who you are or why it matters to you.
Right, so you don’t know, so you try to dodge the question. It’s ok, I asked the question and you are refusing to answer it, so keep trolling. You should really stop being so bitter over a video game, much more important things in life…
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
friends don’t let friends buy guilds…or be purchased. Sorry for your loss, but don’t buy guilds next time.
Hi Sanduskel,
Since you seem to be so aware of the guild trafficking scene, Can you please inform me of what guilds Blackgate “bought” the rates of said purchases and proof of said transaction. Till you are able to provide this information, you are just another bandwagoner, Refuse to bandwagon to a top tier server? Just you might as well jump on the “cry a lot” express…
Buy more guilds! Right up there with hacking orbs and ddos attacks on SOR TS. Lol @ Bribegate.
I’m going to respond solely to see how many times you’ll dodge the question and repeat this. Should really stop embarrassing your self.
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
friends don’t let friends buy guilds…or be purchased. Sorry for your loss, but don’t buy guilds next time.
Hi Sanduskel,
Since you seem to be so aware of the guild trafficking scene, Can you please inform me of what guilds Blackgate “bought” the rates of said purchases and proof of said transaction. Till you are able to provide this information, you are just another bandwagoner, Refuse to bandwagon to a top tier server? Just you might as well jump on the “cry a lot” express…
Do you just copy/paste this from BG’s PR guy’s list of standard responses?
Who is this “PR guy”? If he is asking the same question I am, maybe I can see if he has had any luck with a answer. I’m assuming you can’t provide what is asked for above?
Yeah I could, but why should I give a crap about who you are or why it matters to you.
Right, so you don’t know, so you try to dodge the question. It’s ok, I asked the question and you are refusing to answer it, so keep trolling. You should really stop being so bitter over a video game, much more important things in life…
Actually, by your very statement you assumed I couldn’t provide the information (you asked no question). I merely contradicted your assumptions. I’m not sure where you get the bitterness from, but then you’ve already shown your predisposition to making assumptions of others.
Sounds like you just want to login and have your rewards handed to you. I’m from Blackgate and I had the meta in the first few days. I worked for them and contributed to my server whilst getting the achievements.
You got 225 sentries in two days? You got 225 dollys in two days? 100 camps? 50 merc camps? Really?
I have been 12/15 for weeks now, but I am probably not going to finish this meta because my god, trying to cap 50 more camps in however much time is left isnt going to happen. If I spend a full night doing WvW I might cap like 8 camps.. it just doesnt happen that often unless all you do is roam around trying to take camps, which is hard because if anyone finds you then you’re screwed.
225 dollys/sentries is just crazy to me. There are usually like 10 sentries to kill on any given map and that would require hoofing it around the entire map, and hoping no enemies gang up on you while you are trying to get them…
I found most of the wvw achievements pretty easy.. I think I was 5/15 on the first day. But the last few are just insane. 500 repairs? 225 dollys/sentries? Good god.
Sounds like you just want to login and have your rewards handed to you. I’m from Blackgate and I had the meta in the first few days. I worked for them and contributed to my server whilst getting the achievements.
This, I’m not from BG, but this. (So many threads going up now of ppl that wake up to wanting to complete the Meta but dont really play WvW…
Sounds like you just want to login and have your rewards handed to you. I’m from Blackgate and I had the meta in the first few days. I worked for them and contributed to my server whilst getting the achievements.
This, I’m not from BG, but this. (So many threads going up now of ppl that wake up to wanting to complete the Meta but dont really play WvW…
I pretty much only do wvw when I play GW2, which is usually only a few hours a night, maybe 3-4 nights a week with guildies or common server groups.
I am finding finishing the meta to be very difficult, specifically the 100 camps, 225 dollys, or 225 sentries.
Sounds like you just want to login and have your rewards handed to you. I’m from Blackgate and I had the meta in the first few days. I worked for them and contributed to my server whilst getting the achievements.
This, I’m not from BG, but this. (So many threads going up now of ppl that wake up to wanting to complete the Meta but dont really play WvW…
I pretty much only do wvw when I play GW2, which is usually only a few hours a night, maybe 3-4 nights a week with guildies or common server groups.
I am finding finishing the meta to be very difficult, specifically the 100 camps, 225 dollys, or 225 sentries.
Well there are 19 available achievements and you only need 15, if you only find these 3 the hard, you should not really have an issue. (and usually supply camp is not that hard, what server are you on?)
Sounds like you just want to login and have your rewards handed to you. I’m from Blackgate and I had the meta in the first few days. I worked for them and contributed to my server whilst getting the achievements.
This, I’m not from BG, but this. (So many threads going up now of ppl that wake up to wanting to complete the Meta but dont really play WvW…
I pretty much only do wvw when I play GW2, which is usually only a few hours a night, maybe 3-4 nights a week with guildies or common server groups.
I am finding finishing the meta to be very difficult, specifically the 100 camps, 225 dollys, or 225 sentries.
Well there are 19 available achievements and you only need 15, if you only find these 3 the hard, you should not really have an issue. (and usually supply camp is not that hard, what server are you on?)
I have 13/15 and the achievements I have left are world ranker(I am 29/50 on this, and I think I will resort to using alts to gain the last levels, because on my main I am barely even gaining one rank a night in wvw), 100 camps, 50 mercs, 225 sentries, 225 dollys, and 500 repairs.
I think my plan will be to use alts to get the rank achievement, and then just try to do nothing but cap supply camps for the rest of the week and hopefully I can finish the meta in time.
My point is, I have been done with most of it for a long time but the last few are just so much harder. 225 dollys? Good god.