I have a dream...

I have a dream...

in WvW

Posted by: Rophus.1469


…where we can all have a fair fighting chance.

These are the things I personally feel are quite one sided:

A) Low level scaled up to lvl 80 vs a real lvl 80

B) 1 v 1 of any class of equal skill

Other suggestion / ideas:

1) Not one person should be allowed / able to kill another under 10secs, regardless of build / items / level.

2) Not one person should be allowed / able to hit harder than a siege weapon, with the exception to the arrow cart since it is not shooting arrows/boulders that are larger than your body at you.

I have a dream...

in WvW

Posted by: Elath.1587


If you don’t want gear to play into it at all, then spvp might be a better fit for you. Personally, I’ve beaten geared 80s in my 35 rares simply by outplaying them, which is way more fun to me than having it be sPvP 2.0.

Also, if you’re getting hit for more than a ballista by a player in a single hit, you should probably not be built so entirely glass cannon. If you’re talking about being stunned in a hundred blades channel or whatever, just get accustomed to your stunbreaker skills.

I have a dream...

in WvW

Posted by: Xandax.1753


While I think some classes do need ‘balancing’ – true balance is unobtainable without making everybody into a single class, with the same stick for a weapon and abilities to use.

Would be a pretty dull fight in my book.

I have a dream...

in WvW

Posted by: Nepocrates.3642


I really think the “fair/ballance” between 1 v 1 of any class of equal skill is a myth unless..

we give every 100 health and every weapon/armor/magic combo does 1 point of damage and every skill it both range and melee. Therefore everyone is exactly the same. </sarcasm off>

I am not sure what the issue with bring everyone up to level 80 for WWW but I held my own out there with my level 12 guardian when my guild went into WWW. I even got some solo kills. Sure I did not have the depth of skill and it was much harder then with my level 80.

Hope to see yo in battle.