I'm begging the Devs for a Random WvW option

I'm begging the Devs for a Random WvW option

in WvW

Posted by: Limulus.4380


This is an amazing game. However, there is major trouble in WvW. There needs to be some type of queue that randomizes players in WvW. In addition, there needs to be multiple WvW instances per server, not just 1 per server. This is a game saver. Listen to your customers. Please.

I'm begging the Devs for a Random WvW option

in WvW

Posted by: Xasapis.9237


I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking, at least on the first part about randomizing players. What does that mean?

As for the second part, if you make a copy of a WvW zone for one server, you need to make for all three. Now that the game started maturing a bit, you will see queues only during prime time on the majority of servers. And since some servers are more popular than others, they’ll have queues faster the rest.

What exactly is the problem(s) you are trying to solve with those requests?

TBH on Gunnar’s Hold