Alright Arius, let me get this straight, you don’t play, but you know that a disproportionately large amount of Mag’s population disrespects DH players… ok. And nobody is complaining about being killed? Hah! Puck just stated he gets whispers from DH players frequently after killing them, and I’m certain he’s not the only one.
Haven’t played much since Dark Souls 3 released, which last I checked we were matched with Mag before that and I did play.
Also I’m saying on the forums. Of course some people, some where, in some game, complain about getting killed. Nobody cares. Dh has lots of complainers and losers, shocker. I’m talking about our discussion on this thread.
You know what the problem is with you guys on DH that are complaining about this? It’s the fact that you’re not getting upset about getting killed. You’re okay with coming out of your spawn and getting slaughtered, but it’s when some idiot throws a ballista blueprint on you when you realize you’re insulted. Oh what a tragedy! If you guys got more upset with getting killed and changed what you were doing in response you wouldn’t have this feeling of disrespect. I’m not trying to “victim blame,” but this is a PvP game mode, so learn how to PvP. If that’s too hard for you, go to PvE and kill NPCs.
I’m neither complaining nor upset. It’s funny, last post you were accusing me of being upset when I get killed (or implying that I was), now you’re saying the problem with all of us is that none of us are?
Also I’m not only referring to siege burials lol. You’re being intentionally dense trying to not understand my point. I’m saying Mag acts bad in so many areas, beyond simple siege burials, rage whispers, sit/laughspam etc… that it’s embarrassing. You’re hijacking multiple threads on these very forums to brag about getting a high k/d from killing bronze tier pugs. Do you really not realize how sad/depressing is? Or how annoying it is to see it everywhere we go?
Wow you really think you’re stuck in your spawn because Mag is keeping you there? That’s ignorance. There are three exists to every spawn in EBG, Maguuma is camping one of yours. If you’re already losing the week in PPT, there’s no reason to focus on your keep in the first place. Go out a different exit, find a different objective somewhere else on the map that will draw attention away from your spawn. I suggest attacked a Tier 3 tower on Mag’s side of the map, unless you’d rather avoid a fight without your spawn behind you to cower back into. Spread that bit of advice to your friends, you know since you don’t play anymore anyway.
Of course we could exit from the side of the spawn and avoid all fights. We’re not cowards so we’re not going to do that. I’m not alleging that you literally won’t let Dh players do anything but play GW2 and sit in our spawn area.
As for taking my word for it… well I ask the same question of you. Why should I take your word that the majority of Mag is acting in the manner that you claim? You’ve shown no evidence that this is happening as frequently as you make it seem. You’re just throwing accusations around left and right, acting like you’re somehow in a position to judge others in a video game. And just because you claim that Maguuma does these awful things more, does not mean that Maguuma actually does it more. All of your arguments work against you as well, if you haven’t noticed. If you’re going to make the claim that Maguuma is the most toxic server in WvW, I suggest you start posting every bit of evidence you have, immediately. Otherwise, you have no ground to stand on. That burden of proof is on you.
I’m not asking you to believe me or take my word for anything. I’m sharing my personal opinion and experiences on the forum. I can’t share my personal experiences because I have what’s called “privileged access” to my own experience/memories. IoW, I can’t show you what I’ve seen/know, I can only relate that I’ve seen it. I’m not in the habit of taking screenshots every time I’m bm’d because idc personally, so I have no evidence to provide.
I believe most people who have faced your server, if questioned, would back my position up though. I think you know that too.
The fact is you ARE suggesting that you believe you are better people than us, simply because you disagree with how some people are playing a stupid video game. “Oh no we’re just saying you guys act more disrespectful from time to time, not that we’re better than you. Now please observe as I go on a diatribe comparing the average Maguuma player to a murderer.” Sure. That’s not acting morally superiority. Not at all. It’s like you spew a bunch of garbage onto your screen, hit post reply, and forget exactly what you said.
Not doing something bad that you do does not suggest that I’m better than you. Or is it every time you accuse someone of doing something bad you’re acting morally superior? Catch a friend telling a white lie and say he’s doing it and suddenly you’re the moral police pretending to be the pope.
You can’t see how an analogy comparing video game activity to the real world is absurd?
No, analogies often work like that?
Are you of the belief that Grand Theft Auto encourages kids to become criminals?
Doubt it but I haven’t given any thought to it really either.
If not, then I believe you realize why your analogy was absurd. I was giving you that benefit of the doubt, but clearly YOUR critical thinking skills are the ones that are sub-par here. By the way, there are such things as weak analogies. The analogies you are using are incredibly weak, as they are grossly hyperbolic, that’s why I refuse to accept them as anything but absurdities and illogical reasoning.
Again, you’re saying that, but you’re not giving any reason how they are. If this were an anecdote or something that’d be fine, but my analogies are right there. You can quote them and show exactly how they’re wrong… so why aren’t you? The reason I don’t give evidence for Mag being in general bad is because I literally could not collect such evidence, it’s purely anecdotal. But it’s not the same for you, you could very easily supply evidence that my analogies were bad if they were, but you refuse to do so. You just keep claiming they are.
Setting a piece of siege down on your character’s dead body is not analogous to genocide or murder of any degree, nor will it ever be. Severity is actually relevant to analogies by the way, because exaggerated analogy takes away from the point you’re trying to make, anybody who has ever debated a kitten thing in their life knows this. If you seem like you’re making a mountain out of a mole hill with your analogy, the point is lost on your audience, just FYI.
No it’s not inherently, but as I’ve said I’m talking about people who do it just to annoy/aggravate other people. So the analgous part of that SPECIFIC action is “doing something negative to someone else for unjust reasons”. Does that statement apply to both murdering someone and siege burying someone to annoy them? YES. That means they’re analogous.
Exaggerated analogy may take away from how convincing my point may be, it does not take away from how accurate my point is. The analogy is accurate no matter how convincing you find it, that’s just your own mental issues with it preventing you from seeing the truth. If you want less exaggerated analogies, we could easily discuss bullying/theft/harassment (as negative things done for unjust reasons) analogies instead, but I have a hard time believing you can’t understand the point because of a gap in severity.
And no, you’re not wrong because I say you’re wrong. You’re because you’re making sweeping generalizations without evidence supporting them.
That doesn’t make someone wrong. If I walked up to you and set there’s a guy named Joe Mongolia in Australia, I’d have no evidence for it… but you’d be awfully conceited to say I’m wrong.
You make the claim that most of Maguuma is being disrespectful, but show nothing to prove it.
Yeah, that’s how testimony works? lol I’m relaying my experiences, not claiming to provide proof.
You think it’s alright to say “Well you’re just making assertions,” while you make even more targeted assertions. If you haven’t noticed, I’m the defense here. You’re the one making the claims, I’m trying to give you counter arguments to help you see why your reasoning is flawed, yet you think somehow you’re not the one with the burden of proof.
Because there’s a difference in the type of claims we’re making. Different claims have different burdens associated with them. This is basic knowledge. For example, mundane claims such as “I ate breakfast yesterday” require no evidence (in theory) because there’s no reason to believe I’m lying. Claims such as “I saw x happen” again requires no evidence, because the person is not claiming “x did occur”. It’s not currently possibly to prove or disprove someone having seen something, except by showing that it’s literally impossible for them to have seen it (which is harder than you think).
The type of concept I’m communicating is that I’ve seen you guys BM way more than ordinary (from my perspective). That’s an experience, that’s not something I could show. Even if I screenshotted you guys doing it a thousand times in a matchup, that wouldn’t show that the other servers don’t do it two thousand times to me in a matchup… I really can’t provide good evidence for it.
On the other hand, you’re saying there is a logical error in my thinking. Logic is like mathematics. If you say 2+2 = 5, I can show you that you’re wrong. Likewise, if you say “your analogy isn’t analogous” you can show that it isn’t, or at the very least you’re expected to.
I know you don’t think I’m a bad person individually, if you did think that you would be insanely wrong. But when you lump together every Maguuma player in a generalization, then yes, you are speaking about me, just on a broader scale.
But I never said every Maguuma, I said most, and even that was a more hyperbolic of saying “way more than normal”. And for the record, I don’t mean to target you specifically either.
You may believe I’m wrong, that is your right, but until you can prove that you’re right, it doesn’t matter. Not a single bit of evidence has been shown that the majority of players on my server are disrespecting DH players. I will agree that there are Mag players that do behave with poor sportmanship, but I will not agree with you that it’s a large portion of the population here until you show evidence of it, and that’s on you to prove, not me to disprove.
Sure, all I ask is that you consider whether or not so many people from so many different servers would complain about the exact same thing if it weren’t true. Of course that’s not necessarily true just because they do complain, but there’s not much other evidence I can provide. Some claims can’t really be proven or evidenced, we just have to think rationally about them as best as we can.
If you legitimately think that the universal complaints that Yak’s Bend’s siegehumping isn’t generally true, or Dragonbrand SEA blobbing, then that’s cool. I tend to think, while servers have much in common, they have much that’s unique to them and different relative amounts of different behaviors. Some servers have more roamers, others more fights, others more ppts etc etc… Maguuma imo just has more disrespectful players. Again, this is not just me, this is not just Dh, look at the threads involving your server on and try to find a single server who doesn’t call yours out on this. Right now SoS players are doing the exact same thing in our current matchup thread. So are Db and TC players even…
Edit: Here’s a quote from “Bloodie” on exactly what Maguuma is. This is a Maguuma commander, as you probably well know, and pretty much sums up what I think of Mag:
we enjoy making people mad, read other server team chat, people crying, commaders ragequitting. That is what fuels maguuma up m8. Maguuma is fueled up with other server teas that is it. you can kitten all you want
One of the reasons I have such a negative perception of Mag is most Mag literally (like I said in my first post) take pride in making other people angry/upset for no real reason. They literally brag about it en masse.