I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Yuki Chuki.2457

Yuki Chuki.2457

Sorry, but I just gotta vent for a while. I’m sure I won’t be as bitter tomorrow but today I just had to quit WvW because I’m finally fed up with the behavior of some guilds.

It’s not that it happened today. I most probably would just have brushed it off. But it happens time and time again. I think it started with a huge influx of new guilds on our sever when the bandwagoning caused by the first tournament happened.

Anyway, I was roaming with a friend of mine and we happened upon a guild. Believe it or not, it can happen. Maps are not infinitely large and it often makes sense to go to the nearest target and capture it. Only a few seconds pass until we are not only rudely told that this is a closed guild raid but also that we should change the map we’re playing on!

I get it. You’re on a guild run. You want to have fun with your buddies. You want to enjoy this game just as I do. You have the right to politely ask me to not follow you around and I’ll happily oblige. But don’t act like the map or the game is yours. Don’t be so kitten impolite. Don’t forget that this is an MMO and other people have just as much right to play it and have fun as you do. Being in a guild doesn’t make you superior. Being in a guild doesn’t give you the right to treat others without any respect at all. Just show some decency and basic respect to your fellow players (which are all humans by the way) and at least try to make this game a place where no one feels totally unwanted.

Like I said above, it really isn’t that it happened today. But it happens at least 3 times a week if I play daily. Although most often not to the extent that I’m told to switch map. I don’t know why some of you feel so entitled and sometimes have the nerve to do things like run into a camp I’m currently taking over, killing all the guards, then run to the next camp (that was next on my “roaming circle” anyway) and then tell me to kitten off if I run into the same direction because I’m ruining your precious guild run. Well, guess what, you’re ruining my precious roamer run.

What I want to say (or ask of you guildies) -I guess- is: Please just be a bit more considerate and don’t make others feel like they’re totally unwelcome in this game.
Don’t jump to the conclusion that someone wants to join you and is out to ruin your guild run just because they are running in the same direction for a camp or two. And if you want people to go somewhere else, remember that you can’t order them to do what you want (you wouldn’t like that either, would you?) but you have the right to ask them in a polite manner.

I’ve been playing WvW for over 3 years now and once loved it dearly (and still do to a certain extent). There was such a great sense of community, of working together against a common enemy and accomplishing things through teamwork. But as things stand now I often feel totally unwelcome up to the point where I don’t feel like playing WvW at all and that’s a kitten shame!

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Akkeros.1675


lol, I feel your pain.
a lot of the wvw guilds in our server started feeling a selfish need to serve only themselves and forget the server as a whole.
Elitist pride would foolishly make them gvg guilds sent to “purposely” distract them while the rest of our home bl flipped and when (or if) they won they would think they were awesome, even though they lost everything everyone else worked to upgrade, lol.
I get what you are saying.

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


They can tell you to switch maps, and you can tell them to kitten off.

That said, I understand both sides of the fence. Guild groups want to run their raids without add ons to test their weakest players and make adjustments. Usually they’re tagged up so its easy to avoid them. Some players will politely be asked to leave and just ignore those requests, so it tends to lead to terse interaction over time.

My best advice is to get a tag yourself and run havoc colour, so that others, like you on the map can coordinate and let the guilds do what they seek.

It’s a respect thing. It should certainly go both ways. But everyone is entitled to play any map they want.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


While it is rude, I think you are making something from nothing. Just go on your way and let them do their thing. I guess I am desensitized to it from years of really nasty tells from enemies.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Move off the map when the borderlands could hold everyone in it? lol.

Block and continue on with whatever you were doing. Although I would discourage making these threads; that just validates people.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: RodOfDeath.5247


They are just mad because they get one pushed, shake it off

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

Thats messed up, and smells like a bunch of elitist kittenes to me. Tell em to go ‘blank’ themselves next time, because nobody owns the map, and you can do w/e you want.

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Melanion.4892


Consider their argument: you’re not in their teamspeak. Statistically, people who are not in the guild are more likely to get caught out and rally the enemy. You specifically dying and rallying their 5 people could shift the entire fight (assuming that there would be a fight, lol).

If you really feel the need to run with them, try not to rally folks. Try not to get in the way. Try not to miss a key veil. Try not to drop a field where they would otherwise be blasting something more useful. Maybe consider joining their guild (if they’ll have you). Maybe consider joining a guild that would have you. Back when WvW felt like it wasn’t dying, a few wvw guilds ran havoc groups when their guild would enter a map. Gives you a group to play off, but you’re not exactly zerging.

Claude – Pink Fairy Mesmer

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

From what I understand from the post, they werent running with the guild, if they were that kind of behavior is still uncalled for, even if understandable on their part not wanting pugs joining their group for a variety of reasons. Heck Ive done this myself a ton of times, Ive never been told off like that. Only times Ive had this kind of reaction is in pve maps when farmers go nuts if you try to do an event they arent doing..

I say what needs to be said, get used to it.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: emendez.3705


dont let them get you down! and you can take solace in the fact that guild zergs might very organized they almost never have enough numbers to take on a full pug zerg and get wiped all the time lol
im guessing they were wiped and tried to blame the extras for their lack of numbers vs a larger group lol

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Melanion.4892


dont let them get you down! and you can take solace in the fact that guild zergs might very organized they almost never have enough numbers to take on a full pug zerg and get wiped all the time lol
im guessing they were wiped and tried to blame the extras for their lack of numbers vs a larger group lol

You must play against some fairly bad guild groups or with some very good pug groups, then.In my experience, guild groups can deal with about 1.5 times their numbers if they’re good, sometimes more, sometimes less. It really depends on the communication and skill of the pug group. If they’re in ts, that’s one thing. If they’re just following a tag, that’s another.

Claude – Pink Fairy Mesmer

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Diku.2546


@Yuki Chuki

I’ve had that happen a few times, but not as often as you are describing.

That’s extremely rude & bad player behavior on their part.

I hope you use Block on that player & all other players that think it’s ok to bully other players on your server like that.

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Consider their argument: you’re not in their teamspeak. Statistically, people who are not in the guild are more likely to get caught out and rally the enemy. You specifically dying and rallying their 5 people could shift the entire fight (assuming that there would be a fight, lol).

I would agree in theory, but since the demand was to move to an entirely new map, then it is simply an unreasonable demand.

When I suspect that Guilds are scrimming or out for a raid, I ask them specifically that and if they say yes, I will tell them I’m not going to interfere and move out of the way for the very reasons you specified. Even if I were to be able to keep up with them, I’m not on their TS and the fight won’t meet expectations for them or myself unless they decide to want to open up their TS. It’s simply more efficient that way if I know an organized group is dealing with this that I would be needed elsewhere.

If out of the blue, I’m told to move to another map, well, kitten that. I have as much as a right to the map as they do. And most of the time, when it is requested, there’s almost never any drama. Demands though, just get rightfully scoffed at.

And on the flip side, tags and groups have no obligation to ensure the safety of someone that isn’t in comms with them.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


Dumb guilds are dumb. Next time you and your bud run into them, tell them you are having a guild run with him, and they need to leave the map.

Although depending where you were and the situation, some guilds do all kinds of dumb stuff if a map is queued and they are trying to get people on.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Nirvana.8659


ahah just ignore them.
They can be bad sometimes,but this is because people start follow them very often.

Anyway,maps/game/enemy are of/for every one,so even if u were intentionally doing that , it should not be a problem.

Last time it happend on my server EB map,the guild asked some people to stop follow in a real brutal way…do u know what happend next?
A dude tagged up blue,following them and inviting pugs to join.

If they are not nice with you…why should you be nice with them/care of them?

I apologize for my english.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Phantom.8130


I’ve been on both sides of this equation before, and I’ve seen it play out numerous ways. But the key factor is respect. If the request is made in a polite, respectful manner, more often than not, the respect given back to the guild, and people let them have their run. But if they just kinda…. rage at a person and tell them to get out, because they happen to running in the same direction, it’s insulting and degrading, and said guild pretty much deserves the same treatment in return.

In the example given here, someone just happened to bump into a guild by accident, and both headed to the same camp afterwards. It wasn’t like they saw the guild, chased until they caught up and were following them specifically to follow them. They just happened to be at the same place at the same time by happenstance. They had no intention on joining them. It’s like going to the bus stop and a couple people there yelling at you for standing there, then demanding you go take a cab. It’s hardly the behavior of sane, rational, mature people. It’s the behavior of someone that should be slapped upside the head, then heavily medicated.

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


Wvw happens mate. We are there to kill each other

Just the WvW

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


Well some guilds I’ve found do not mind, so long as you are on voice communication with them, to hear commands.

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Jana.6831


Maybe as a solace:
We rarely had tags on one of the servers I’ve been on – we were basically havoc groups and not much more – which was fun.
So I came by hills and saw a huge group in front of it – our BL, hills paper, undefended.
I went to the gate, helped to build a ram and then was yelled at:
“It would be great if we were able to run as a guild for once”
“You got my 20 supply so I’m capping this with you.”

I mean I was a danger to become a rallybot, aight?

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Avit.3165


I do believe, they asked you not to follow them, but i don’t believe they asked you to leave the map, i’m from wvw guild, and we ask people not to follow us and not to interfere our fights, all the time, but we absolutely never ever asked people to leave the map and i never heard a guilds to tell anyone to leave the map.
This is the first time, for 3 years, when I hear something like this
I think you are overreacting.

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Reverence.6915


Probably cause those guilds are sick of randoms tagging along and started snapping at anyone that came close. I usually have open raids with my guild since we’re the only group running in our time zone on our server on the nights we raid, but being able to run closed raids would be so desirable

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Haralin.1473


Next time if you run pass them say they should go elswhere it is a solo or duo raid and they are only rally bots.

Haralin Engineer

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Notsoperky.2348


I do believe, they asked you not to follow them, but i don’t believe they asked you to leave the map, i’m from wvw guild, and we ask people not to follow us and not to interfere our fights, all the time, but we absolutely never ever asked people to leave the map and i never heard a guilds to tell anyone to leave the map.
This is the first time, for 3 years, when I hear something like this
I think you are overreacting.

If you don’t want people following you, don’t tag up. Use TS. The chances of anyone following you is much reduced.

I don’t really have much problem when I start to play with a guild group (usually on my water staff ele or my strange mes), without using TS, as I don’t tend to die unless almost everyone else has wiped, and know how people move and play and can happily drop fields at the appropriate times without needing to be told in TS.

I can appreciate the guild’s view if they are fighting another guild in a pre arranged match and woudn’t dream of joining in that, but if they are pvd or pvcamp then they really don’t have a reason to push players away (who might be wanting to see what wvw is about before getting more involved).

Been a lot of problems on our server due to elitist attitudes and politics resulting in many guild bandwagonning elsewhere, so it would make sense not to drive any potential recruits away.

Take them under your wing, ask if they can join the guild TS, then you can give them some pointers and teach them how not to be a loot bag. Who knows? Maybe they turn out to be the best commander since Genghis Khan.

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Bury Your Deadgreen.2368

Bury Your Deadgreen.2368

Shake it off bud… Or better yet if you have a spare char slot make a level 1 toon with starter gear and stick to them like glue… I have done this before for its like a whole nother game mode… They will switch off YOUR bl and then you can hop back on your preferred toon and enjoy… PS turn off your chat if you do that and go offline.


I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


Never had it. I would just avoid them (and i switch maps regulary so NP annyway) . If they realy behave rude i would show them what a roamer is. We are fast paced romers in my guild and within a few minutes there would be no camp an tower left to take …. Then they can go for keeps or leave the map themself.

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Shake it off bud… Or better yet if you have a spare char slot make a level 1 toon with starter gear and stick to them like glue… I have done this before for its like a whole nother game mode… They will switch off YOUR bl and then you can hop back on your preferred toon and enjoy… PS turn off your chat if you do that and go offline.

You’re probably the reason why the OP got his head bit off.

Have some respect, both ways.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Bury Your Deadgreen.2368

Bury Your Deadgreen.2368

Shake it off bud… Or better yet if you have a spare char slot make a level 1 toon with starter gear and stick to them like glue… I have done this before for its like a whole nother game mode… They will switch off YOUR bl and then you can hop back on your preferred toon and enjoy… PS turn off your chat if you do that and go offline.

You’re probably the reason why the OP got his head bit off.

Have some respect, both ways.

“I don’t always troll.. But when I do its because someone pushed me to do it..”
I am a wvw only player and am in a wvw guild… With the influx of new players coming in these days. People need to check their elitist attitudes at the door and try to be inclusive and bring these new folks just trying out the game mode for the first time up to speed…. Telling someone to leave a map because your guild thinks its their map is cause for someone like me with to much spare time to help them leave…


I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Shake it off bud… Or better yet if you have a spare char slot make a level 1 toon with starter gear and stick to them like glue… I have done this before for its like a whole nother game mode… They will switch off YOUR bl and then you can hop back on your preferred toon and enjoy… PS turn off your chat if you do that and go offline.

You’re probably the reason why the OP got his head bit off.

Have some respect, both ways.

“I don’t always troll.. But when I do its because someone pushed me to do it..”
I am a wvw only player and am in a wvw guild… With the influx of new players coming in these days. People need to check their elitist attitudes at the door and try to be inclusive and bring these new folks just trying out the game mode for the first time up to speed…. Telling someone to leave a map because your guild thinks its their map is cause for someone like me with to much spare time to help them leave…

Please see my first post in this thread. Someone tells me to leave a map? Haha, I tell them to kitten off.

I’m just saying your method just prolongs the acrimony, and may actually increase it. Letting innocents get caught in the backlash because of it.

It has nothing to do with elitism, that’s your word. It has everything to do with respect.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

I'm sick of the behavior of some WvW guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: SunsetGuardian.5921


At least that was all that guild said to you. In my case, I’ve had two guilds ruining any chance at having even a slightly decent time.

One guild, no matter what was going on, refused to let me on any ram or catapult. I have mastery on all of it, but I wasn’t part of their guild. And their guild had no mastery at all for those sieges. So just because I wasn’t part of their guild, I was forced to sit back and watch while taking objectives took two or three times as long. And it wasn’t a guild run, either, there were only three or four people from that guild in a group of over ten. One of that guilds people were the one dropping the siege, and that’s it. Not only that, the guild members were continuously flinging insults at me; The reason for the insults was that I managed to get on a ram once, which they instantly kicked me off of.

Another instance, far more insulting, had to do with language. I’ve been playing since the very beginning, even back in Beta, and it used to be a rule to speak only English on certain servers, one such being mine. Where that rule went, who knows. Point is, on a map where people were speaking nothing but English, a guild was running, tagged up, and only speaking Spanish. I don’t know any Spanish, so I politely asked them to use their guild chat if they wanted to continue using Spanish. The response I got from them was racism. They didn’t say I was being racist, no, they started hurling racism at me – even going so far as to call me out in map chat while doing so.

So really, simply being told to switch maps is nothing to get worked up about. If you want to get worked up, try being me for a day. That’s all it takes for me to run into these people, a single day. I get to deal with these sorts of people every last time I join WvW, which is my main play in the game. Honestly, the hostility of guilds, and the community in general, is making WvW an undesirable thing.

The age of politeness and consideration seems to be gone.