I made an effort. Now I get it!

I made an effort. Now I get it!

in WvW

Posted by: ptitminou.6489


I get why ANet doesn’t care about forums.

I read some posts and ideas from other players, some of those are downright bad and counterproductive. Perhaps for each good idea, there are 10 bad ones. I understand why the devs don’t care about forums now. Imagine, being wage-slaved into having to read all that crap, how terrible and how lackluster one’s life must be, no wonder the world runs on anti-depressants.

This week in WvW for me has been a Yak’s Bend zerg here, a Yak’s Bend zerg there, a Yak’s Bend zerg everywhere! So I hope Devon and his team figure something out to balance the servers, however, I understand if nothing gets done either, my brain is numb from just 15 or so posts. I don’t know how you guys deal with all that crap day in and day out, but you should all take a month-long vacation and come back with a solution, provided you can stay away from these boards.

kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten
Because censorship is the most important part of the MMO business.

I made an effort. Now I get it!

in WvW

Posted by: nothing.7941


If you don’t want them to have to read bad posts, a good start would be not making a bad post.

Martin Firestorm, Borlis Pass
Gaile Gray wrote:
Oh wait, read Martin Firestorm, he says it better…

I made an effort. Now I get it!

in WvW

Posted by: Madora.9340


I get why ANet doesn’t care about forums.

I read some posts and ideas from other players, some of those are downright bad and counterproductive. Perhaps for each good idea, there are 10 bad ones. I understand why the devs don’t care about forums now. Imagine, being wage-slaved into having to read all that crap, how terrible and how lackluster one’s life must be, no wonder the world runs on anti-depressants.

This week in WvW for me has been a Yak’s Bend zerg here, a Yak’s Bend zerg there, a Yak’s Bend zerg everywhere! So I hope Devon and his team figure something out to balance the servers, however, I understand if nothing gets done either, my brain is numb from just 15 or so posts. I don’t know how you guys deal with all that crap day in and day out, but you should all take a month-long vacation and come back with a solution, provided you can stay away from these boards.

That’s what I realized earlier today, though my brain hasn’t quit yet.

I made an effort. Now I get it!

in WvW

Posted by: Sepreh.5924


Haha, until this thread I hadn’t realized that the forum does not change the word “crap” into “kitten”

Legendary Sepreh, Necromancer
[SYN] Synyster Legion | Dragonbrand Server
Youtube Necromancer

I made an effort. Now I get it!

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


If “crap” was filtered, we wouldn’t be able to talk about the inventor of the toilet, Mr. Thomas Crapper. It would call him Mr. Thomas Kittener.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

I made an effort. Now I get it!

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


I read some posts and ideas from other players, some of those are downright bad and counterproductive. Perhaps for each good idea, there are 10 bad ones.

Far as I can tell even some of the really bad ideas are still better ideas than ANET is coming up with on their own, so what do they have to lose?

Bottom line is that ANET doesn’t have anyone that really plays WvW at a competitive level. If they want to understand how things actually work in a live game and why many of their ideas are crap, they need to pay attention to all of these ideas, even the bad ones.

~ AoN ~

I made an effort. Now I get it!

in WvW

Posted by: ptitminou.6489


I read some posts and ideas from other players, some of those are downright bad and counterproductive. Perhaps for each good idea, there are 10 bad ones.

Far as I can tell even some of the really bad ideas are still better ideas than ANET is coming up with on their own, so what do they have to lose?

Bottom line is that ANET doesn’t have anyone that really plays WvW at a competitive level. If they want to understand how things actually work in a live game and why many of their ideas are crap, they need to pay attention to all of these ideas, even the bad ones.

Well, they say a bad plan is better than no plan at all. However, most of these ideas have no plan behind them, at least ANet has a plan, force people to transfer so they can make money off gem sales! It is a terrible plan, but it is better than none at all.

Also, after reading so many bad ideas, their subconscious still registers them and when they get in meeting rooms, they subconsciously discuss them and even sometimes agree to do them, because their minds are so numb that they cannot think of any thing good, they can only say why something is bad, so they choose the least bad thing to babble out of someone’s mouth.

OK, them actually playing would also help.

kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten
Because censorship is the most important part of the MMO business.

I made an effort. Now I get it!

in WvW

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


We shouldn’t expect them to read each post we make or adapt each idea we suggest. They will still have the last say and their necks are on the line.

However, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t read these things at all, at least choose topics relevant to improving the game.

Else, these forums would serve no purpose.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

I made an effort. Now I get it!

in WvW

Posted by: ptitminou.6489


We shouldn’t expect them to read each post we make or adapt each idea we suggest. They will still have the last say and their necks are on the line.

However, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t read these things at all, at least choose topics relevant to improving the game.

Else, these forums would serve no purpose.

No, as clients we should expect them to come up with better ideas than those posted on this forum, or if they do it worse, like with bloodlust and 12-server leagues, then we should expect them to at least tell us what their plan is and why it will be good in the long run. Cant say these forums serve a purpose outside the tech and customer service boards to be honest.

kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten
Because censorship is the most important part of the MMO business.

I made an effort. Now I get it!

in WvW

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


We shouldn’t expect them to read each post we make or adapt each idea we suggest. They will still have the last say and their necks are on the line.

However, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t read these things at all, at least choose topics relevant to improving the game.

Else, these forums would serve no purpose.

No, as clients we should expect them to come up with better ideas than those posted on this forum, or if they do it worse, like with bloodlust and 12-server leagues, then we should expect them to at least tell us what their plan is and why it will be good in the long run. Cant say these forums serve a purpose outside the tech and customer service boards to be honest.

I can respect your position.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

I made an effort. Now I get it!

in WvW

Posted by: kingcragus.6810


Put you self in Anets shoes and then think about reading the forums.

Example. Carebear: " Oh these match ups are boring and stale please change them"
Anet: “Ok!”
Carebear: “These match ups are one sided and terrible, Anet please do something!”
Anet: “We just did…”

Basically people cry for change, stuff gets changed then people, sometimes the same people, cry about the changes.

I sure as hell wouldn’t listen to any of it…

(edited by kingcragus.6810)

I made an effort. Now I get it!

in WvW

Posted by: LHound.8964


Put you self in Anets shoes and then think about reading the forums.

Example. Carebear: " Oh these match ups are boring and stale please change them"
Anet: “Ok!”
Carebear: “These match ups are one sided and terrible, Anet please do something!”
Anet: “We just did…”

Basically people cry for change, stuff gets changed then people, sometimes the same people, cry about the changes.

I sure as hell wouldn’t listen to any of it…


A more realistic example:
Carebear: “Oh these match ups are unfair due to server unbalance”
Anet: “Ok, New update here!”
Carebear: “err…. it’s worse! Match ups are even more unbalanced, Anet please do something!”
Anet: “We don’t give a crap about you. Statistics FTW”
Carebear: “Cmon…. This is unplayable … OMFG”
Anet: …………………………….

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Charr’s need more Love. All is Vain
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I made an effort. Now I get it!

in WvW

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Imagine, being wage-slaved into having to read all that crap, how terrible and how lackluster one’s life must be, no wonder the world runs on anti-depressants.

Devs are required to read the forums? When did that happen?

I made an effort. Now I get it!

in WvW

Posted by: Swamurabi.7890


I read some posts and ideas from other players, some of those are downright bad and counterproductive. Perhaps for each good idea, there are 10 bad ones. I understand why the devs don’t care about forums now. Imagine, being wage-slaved into having to read all that crap, how terrible and how lackluster one’s life must be, no wonder the world runs on anti-depressants.

I was in a class where the topic was ways to generate ideas. It’s been proven that throwing ideas out, however bad, is a way to find one idea that is good because someone may get a spark of inspiration after hearing a totally awful idea. There are other techniques that can be used besides brainstorming to generate ideas but just because you feel someone’s idea is bad doesn’t mean that it can’t inspire somebody else to come up with a great idea.

I made an effort. Now I get it!

in WvW

Posted by: Antara.3189


If “crap” was filtered, we wouldn’t be able to talk about the inventor of the toilet, Mr. Thomas Crapper. It would call him Mr. Thomas Kittener.

Thomas did not infact invent the Toilet, but did invent the “ballc**k”. (The mechanism which fills your modern toilet tank). He did however, encourage the use of the bathroom fittings. (your modern bathroom make-up).

The word “crap” can be derived from both the dutch and french.

I made an effort. Now I get it!

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


devs dont read the forums, they read what the mods think is good enough to pass along

JQ: Rikkity
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