I really think I'm kittening our server...

I really think I'm kittening our server...

in WvW

Posted by: edyn.6413


I haven’t been a PvPer since the early ages of DAoC, as I feel like I’m, “too old for this kitten,” and just want to focus on my map completion. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to get all of the requirements needed for my map completion, simply because our server cannot control what territory remains for me. (Stuck at 98% Map Completion!)

In addition, when I take up a queue spot just to seek out POIs, Skill Points and Vistas, I feel like I’m hindering our already struggling server by taking up a queue spot that someone would use to actually W3.

I’m coming here because I know that people really want to win W3 on my server and I really don’t think my taking up a spot just to run around like a doofus, avoiding PvP like the plague while trying to get map complete while our server struggles just to compete, is the right answer. Don’t get me wrong… I am capable of helping with keep caps and other W3 events, and have done so on many occasions, but it’s just not fun for me. Since this is a game I have paid to play, I choose to avoid the things I don’t like, if I can.

My question is, “How can I do map completion as a PvEer with a non-dominating server?” Do I transfer servers to a winning one just to complete my map and then transfer back home? Sounds really lame to me, but if I have no other option…?

I would love some advice. Thanks a ton!


I really think I'm kittening our server...

in WvW

Posted by: Kuthos.9623


If you’re only interested in Map Completion, I would just find a server that controls the majority of the maps and go there. There’s usually at least a few match-ups that are really lop sided. That’s if you have no interest in WvW.

If you have some interest in WvW then I don’t think people care if you’re trying to get map completion while pvp’ing as long as you help out every now and then.

They should have left world completion out of pvp imo.

I really think I'm kittening our server...

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


Being stuck at 98% going to a winning server to finish and leaving is exactly what I’d do. (I’d also stop using the word kitten as anything other than describing a baby cat). I don’t think any decent people would mind you logging in for an hour to finish Map Completion. It’s not like that one spot for such a brief time is going to impact the match in any dramatic way.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

I really think I'm kittening our server...

in WvW

Posted by: edyn.6413


Thanks for the advice!

Also, I apologize for my use of the word, “kitten.” I did not intentionally use this word, rather the forum mechanics filtered certain words that I had typed in an effort to censor what they think society might find vulgar (at least, that is my theory).


P.S. – I love kittens. We adopted a street-cat that was so malnourished that even at her 3-year-old full growth, she is still only 6 lbs and looks like a kitten.


I really think I'm kittening our server...

in WvW

Posted by: Kumu Honua.2751

Kumu Honua.2751

Don’t worry about the kitten. Everyone who spends any time here knows that it’s the word filter.

Sylvari Guardian. – Dragonbrand.