I think you killed it

I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: Albane.3618


A couple weeks ago I came back to GW2 after a break of a few months. I came back to something that was drastically worse then what it was when I left.
A little background. I am on Dragonbrand and I am an avid WvWer.
So anyway, one of the things I enjoy most about this game is the WvW. Before I left, I could jump in and usually find something going on anytime of the day. Ever since I came back though, everything is dead. Dragonbrand used to be pretty good in WvW and could at least put up a fight with any server matched against it. Now it has devolved into an outmatched, outnumbered mess. Even when there are more then 10 people on, the best that can be hoped for is camp raids or an occasional tower cap when the other servers we are fighting feel like throwing us a bone.

I know that the cause of this was the move onto T1 servers by all the WvW guilds. Something should have been done to counter the move that should have been expected from the changes implemented into WvW. Maybe it’s time to start looking into merging servers or restricting numbers or something. Hell, open back up the free server transfers again. I’d have no problem moving if that is what it took, but I sure as hell am not going to pay for it. You guys broke the game. I’m not going to pay extra for your screw up.

I guess the message here is you broke the best part of the game and need to get the problem fixed. And communicate that you are doing something. The best way to make someone give up on something entirely is to ignore them.

Well, they recently changed the fact of there being 2 NA leagues to 3, but that isn’t to say that this changes things very much. Their system of PPT for server pride was set to fail from the beginning, and instead of finding an alternate method to encourage players to continue WvWing, they added in more point capture.

I think by now we can all understand that more point capturing means more favor to better coverage. Players generally want fun and exciting open-field battles, not some alternate form of babysitting.

If you think things are going to get better or that ANet will do a complete 180, you might as well give up hope now. “Conquest” is the name of the game here and the developers, especially sir Devon Carter, have expressed no interest in capitalizing on the combat system in the context of WvW. The best way to voice your concern is to simply not log in and find a different game.


(edited by Albane.3618)

I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: Blix.8021


It’s just DB’s turn to crash and burn. It wasn’t the first, and it won’t be the last. It’s what happens when people stack a server but don’t quite make it to tier 1 levels. Remember at the start of the year, DB was a tier 5 server with 0 NA presence, just an asian PvDoor squad.

I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: Furiousbeard.7602


I would usually be happy about DB getting a raw deal, but for the health of the overall WvW community, it’s not good. Another server will of course rise up to take it’s spot, but the gap between the top 4 servers in NA and the servers below that seems to be growing wider every week.

WvW can be salvaged, but changes need to happen now. Changes that are endorsed by the community and not FORCED on the community.

Perhaps it’s time to change the direction of this ship Mr. Carver.

FA Soldier of Fortune – Flashypants (20,078 WvW kills) http://m.youtube.com/user/Duppa81
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB

I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: Albane.3618


I would usually be happy about DB getting a raw deal, but for the health of the overall WvW community, it’s not good. Another server will of course rise up to take it’s spot, but the gap between the top 4 servers in NA and the servers below that seems to be growing wider every week.

WvW can be salvaged, but changes need to happen now. Changes that are endorsed by the community and not FORCED on the community.

Perhaps it’s time to change the direction of this ship Mr. Carver.

Changing the direction of the ship would be great if it weren’t already sinking.


I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: junglizm.5843


Everyone know the problem is the top 3. Just lock transfers to Rank 1-3 servers. DB would have never fallen apart and top 3 can’t buy guilds to shore up their numbers anymore.

In the last 3 months, anytime the top 3 have been matched, there was never a blowout. It is the most stable tier. They don’t need transfers and shouldn’t even be an option to anyone who is looking to move elsewhere. The only way you will ever keep people from playing the hand-holding game is to lock the server transfers. You can get out but you can’t get in.

Accelerant [BURN] – Fort Aspenwood

I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


why do you think guilds leaving your server is breaking the game? and what in the world do you want anet to do about it exactly? Im pretty sure your server was already well on the way to imploding, guilds in it seeking better wvw environments LOOOOOOONG before leagues came out

I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: Natronix.9827


Stop crying to anet. Jesus its the players fault for stacking on the same server and creating imbalances, anet do not have and never will have control over it.

Commander Nachonix

I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

I don’t know the situation on DB. But I know what happened to my server a while back. We were top tier, and fell to the middle tiers. And guess what, the middle tiers have some darn good WvW going on. We got beat a lot but it wasn’t the obliterated spawn camping type of getting beat. It was fun – lots of fights, lots of victorys, lots of defeats but fun.

I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: awesomesauce.5980


Dragonbrand is dropping out of the gold league. Wherever they land is going to be far better than where they would have been had this not happened. Ride out the next week or two of bad matches and you will actually see a much better scenario than you would have if you were still in the top six.

I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: Lenador.1436


I dont care bout even match-up i just like fights more often than the brief NA window depending whom your fighting that’s all you get based on your guilds, or theirs, raid time. The appeal of T1, fights all round but a bit too bloby at times is why i like t2 but those days are over

Cön-Guardian DB
[Con] Supreme Team of Con

(edited by Lenador.1436)

I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: Konrad Curze.5130

Konrad Curze.5130

Stop crying to anet. Jesus its the players fault for stacking on the same server and creating imbalances, anet do not have and never will have control over it.

how about this?

“chars are WvWvW-bound to the server where they were originally created. transferring to a server will only work for the PvE part of the game”

sounds like a pretty definite system to control imbalances to me.

first, because Im sure that the vast majority of players currently playing in one of the top 2 servers transfered there at some point in time. 90% of them would automatically -BOOM- dissapear from WvW overnight…man, that would be hilarious.

second, because the amount of people that is willing to start from scratch a bunch of chars, and re-level and re-gear them in exotics/ascended/legendaries would be a ton less than the amount of people that are willing to farm gold→gems for days then use the gems to switch their already pimped out chars.

so nope you are wrong. it has always been under ANet’s control. they just chose not to control it, because for them, allowing this clusterkitten is profitable in the short term.

Im sure they are well aware that, long term, this is purely suicidal…but everything points that ANet has just given up and all they care about is the short term profit.

(edited by Konrad Curze.5130)

I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: SpehssMehreen.5897


Stop crying to anet. Jesus its the players fault for stacking on the same server and creating imbalances, anet do not have and never will have control over it.

how about this?

“chars are WvWvW-bound to the server where they were originally created. transferring to a server will only work for the PvE part of the game”

sounds like a pretty definite system to control imbalances to me.

first, because Im sure that the vast majority of players currently playing in one of the top 2 servers transfered there at some point in time. 90% of them would automatically -BOOM- dissapear from WvW overnight…man, that would be hilarious.

second, because the amount of people that is willing to start from scratch a bunch of chars, and re-level and re-gear them in exotics/ascended/legendaries would be a ton less than the amount of people that are willing to farm gold->gems for days then use the gems to switch their already pimped out chars.

so nope you are wrong. it has always been under ANet’s control. they just chose not to control it, because for them, allowing this clusterkitten is profitable in the short term.

Im sure they are well aware that, long term, this is purely suicidal…but everything points that ANet has just given up and all they care about is the short term profit.

oh lord, imagine if this guy was in charge of anet…

I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: Empyre.2531


Stop crying to anet. Jesus its the players fault for stacking on the same server and creating imbalances, anet do not have and never will have control over it.

ANet encourages stacking, be it on servers or actually in a zergball. So yes, they are partly to be blamed as well.


I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


A couple weeks ago I came back to GW2 after a break of a few months. I came back to something that was drastically worse then what it was when I left.
A little background. I am on Dragonbrand and I am an avid WvWer.
So anyway, one of the things I enjoy most about this game is the WvW. Before I left, I could jump in and usually find something going on anytime of the day. Ever since I came back though, everything is dead. Dragonbrand used to be pretty good in WvW and could at least put up a fight with any server matched against it. Now it has devolved into an outmatched, outnumbered mess. Even when there are more then 10 people on, the best that can be hoped for is camp raids or an occasional tower cap when the other servers we are fighting feel like throwing us a bone.

I know that the cause of this was the move onto T1 servers by all the WvW guilds. Something should have been done to counter the move that should have been expected from the changes implemented into WvW. Maybe it’s time to start looking into merging servers or restricting numbers or something. Hell, open back up the free server transfers again. I’d have no problem moving if that is what it took, but I sure as hell am not going to pay for it. You guys broke the game. I’m not going to pay extra for your screw up.

I guess the message here is you broke the best part of the game and need to get the problem fixed. And communicate that you are doing something. The best way to make someone give up on something entirely is to ignore them.

Wagonbrand did this to itself.

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: Opc.4718


Same old story, it’s happened to MANY servers already. What can you do about it? Help rebuild your community. AR at one point was a T5 server, after clawing our way out from T7. Long story short, several huge 500 man guilds transferred out or went dead (coincidentally one of them went to DB) and we dropped to rock bottom as The Last Place server. However, through the efforts of our community, we’re making our way up now. Its been 26 weeks and counting since we came first, but we came 2nd for the first time in 13 weeks just 2 weeks ago. A hard work in progress, but progress nonetheless.

In any case, you don’t know the meaning of ghost town and dead wvw until you’ve reached this pit. We’ve come out of the crucible stronger for it, and even better, it’s given everyone a tangible sense of achievement. tl;dr it’s not the end of the world, and the best fights comes when you’re outnumbered and outgunned around every corner.

Kehlirixx Q | Nixx Q | Classic Bunker

(edited by Opc.4718)

I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: Andrew Clear.1750

Andrew Clear.1750

Same old story, it’s happened to MANY servers already. What can you do about it? Help rebuild your community. AR at one point was a T5 server, after clawing our way out from T7. Long story short, several huge 500 man guilds transferred out or went dead (coincidentally one of them went to DB) and we dropped to rock bottom as The Last Place server. However, through the efforts of our community, we’re making our way up now. Its been 26 weeks and counting since we came first, but we came 2nd for the first time in 13 weeks just 2 weeks ago. A hard work in progress, but progress nonetheless.

In any case, you don’t know the meaning of ghost town and dead wvw until you’ve reached this pit. We’ve come out of the crucible stronger for it, and even better, it’s given everyone a tangible sense of achievement. tl;dr it’s not the end of the world, and the best fights comes when you’re outnumbered and outgunned around every corner.

agreed. SBI went through this, and a lot of other servers, other than DB, are going through it right now.

I liked it more when we had tougher opponents, it gave us something to do. Stomping servers really isn’t fun at all. It turns WvW into one big place to chop down some trees….cause there isn’t anything else to do when you have captured everything.

I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: TimeBomb.3427


The problem seems to lie in the over-randomized matches. The most balanced match ups we ever had were before the randomization was implemented. At some point, they further increased the randomization threshold, allowing servers to fight other servers even more out of their league, despite most servers getting creamed by a server 3+ ranks above them.

What they should have done rather than any sort of randomization system is legitimately fix T1 (and similarly the last tier, for that matter), so that the algorithm doesn’t allow their scores to skyrocket so high above the tier below it. That should have been done before anything, and if T1 still never changed, then a little bit of randomization may have been acceptable.

The fact of the matter is that the top 4 servers on NA are in a level much higher than any other NA server. Any server that fights them gets stomped. And it’s quite frustrating.

I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: tanachiouz.7628


I really wish people wud stop moaning to anet about the wvw problems. Its the players themselves who fairweathered into the top tier anet did not force this apon anyone. Both tier misbalance and skill lag are both due to players not playing the game the way it was intended to be played . The players only have themselves to blame theyve stacked the top 2 tiers encouraged guilds to migrate hence players themselves have caused the problems with wvw now ur all crying foul to anet. This problem exists because most of you are fairweathers who pay to win i dont feel sorry for any of you at all suck it up fairweathers suck up the fact youve killed wvw cause your game basicly sucks.

[RAGE]Emberz Bladeswift FA

I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


The matchups are far from random. I expected this to level out as the rating system kicked in but it just seems to get worse.

This week we’re just completely dominating two servers that frankly haven’t a hope in hades. (EU)
Worse, the bandwagon effect has caused a huge influx of players, plus all out PvE players have decided that if we’re winning it must be safe to join the zerg.
Result: we have a HUGE zerg running round doing totally brainless stuff like dropping siege at random and chasing after solo players, just winning points by sheer force of numbers.

So it’s not fun whichever side you’re on.

I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: Riondron.1069


I have to chuckle at all the negative whining about how Anet is destroying wvw. First of all, they kinda maybe sorta OWN the game, not the players. People need to get this through their thick heads. Anet does not force transfers, or condemn transfers. They very clearly gave those choices to the community, so how in the kitten is all the transferring Anet’s fault? And please spare us your “logical” reasoning for consistently bashing the dev’s, as the arguments for such idiocy are simply ludicrous. The guild that I am currently repping, and myself, transferred to a lower tier server, near the bottom of the field, and found a much better wvw community as a whole, and they really really want to win matches and see their server rise to the top. But the funny thing is, the same week that roughly 25 of us join the server, that particular server just happens earn it’s second only, first place match up.
Imagine that. Just a handful of players actually can make a difference, if they all work together for a common goal. Who woulda thunk it?

Commander Kitadia
Kill a few: there won’t be a many

I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: Asquared.4091


I have to chuckle at all the negative whining about how Anet is destroying wvw. First of all, they kinda maybe sorta OWN the game, not the players. People need to get this through their thick heads. Anet does not force transfers, or condemn transfers. They very clearly gave those choices to the community, so how in the kitten is all the transferring Anet’s fault? And please spare us your “logical” reasoning for consistently bashing the dev’s, as the arguments for such idiocy are simply ludicrous. The guild that I am currently repping, and myself, transferred to a lower tier server, near the bottom of the field, and found a much better wvw community as a whole, and they really really want to win matches and see their server rise to the top. But the funny thing is, the same week that roughly 25 of us join the server, that particular server just happens earn it’s second only, first place match up.
Imagine that. Just a handful of players actually can make a difference, if they all work together for a common goal. Who woulda thunk it?

I… I don’t know how to respond to this. It’s so fallacious that I don’t know what to even say.


I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: Truearrow.3527


I’m so glad to be in such an incredible stable place in WvW. The main thing is making sure you have fun it doesnt take top ppt, PVDoor or any of that other kitten for FUN to happen. Stay focused, have fun, DB will bounce back.

Embrace the Evil [TIE][PYRO] Maguuma

I think you killed it

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

A person is smart, people are stupid. I forget what movie that is from but its a great line.

Anet (people) do just about everything bassackward with regards to WvW. Players (people) do just about everything bassackward with regards to arranging themselves into servers.