I want to play EOTM JUST FOR FUN!(help)
I don’t understand the question, it sounds like you know what you want to do so go do it.
Two ways to look at this.
- 1) Change EOTM to reward fighting between players instead of flipping unattended kitten. Not gonna happen.
- 2) Form a group/guild and raid in EOTM. Take 20-30 guy and construct your play around zerg wiping. This can be quite fun but be warned, if pugs can’t ktrain to their hearts content because some enemy force is laying waste to their farming, they’re likely to leave and find a new instance of eotm.
how about make eotm non-80s only
I want to build sieges and stuff like that.
Why don’t you do it on regular WvW then where people won’t complain about it? Usually we just set siege on EotM for some bag farm… If you want to make a serious defense you should go to a BL or EBG. I’m sure your server will appreciate as not everyone is fond of defending…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
I have to support what Jeknar just said, it’s been annoying as heck that people have been defending in EOTM lately, “real” WvW is the place for that! Before when all we did was KTRAIN I made MASSIVE profits (loots/drops, money, karma, badges, ranks, and the list goes on) [I am not even gonna say how much, but I made a LOT]. Now this last week I’ve noticed an uptrend in people defending and wanting to “PvP” (“BAGS”). It’s downright annoying, because now I make so LITTLE “profit” I would have to play about FIVE times (5x) the amount to make the same that I’d make in ONE time (1x). That’s right, I’d have to play about FIVE DAYS to make what I used to make in ONE.
It was also a GREAT place to level alts, due to the ktrain nature. With defense, not so much. Luckily all my alts/toons are leveled to 80, but that doesn’t help my children’s toons/alts NORMAL EOTM is a GREAT place for me to take my kids to level, unless of course there’s no KTRAINING going on…
I say, each ‘thing’ in the game has it’s reason behind it / “thing” to do. If you want to deal with monsters only, go PvE. If you want to fight players, go to PvP. If you want to play a little mix of both, with NPC mobs, and some fighting and offensive and defensive siege’s go to WvW. If you wanna KTRAIN go to EOTM.
That’s just my $0.02
© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock
I guess the other thing I’m trying to say is everyone must also adapt. Almost all I do in this game was WvW (before EOTM) and I am actually really into defending. When EOTM first came out I didn’t get to check it out right away. When I finally did, almost naturally I went to defend things (yes, even on my own). It didn’t take very long for someone to “yell” at me / explain to me that “we don’t defend in EOTM” and “please don’t defend”, “this whole map is one giant KTRAIN”. I adapted, and I went with the flow. Why can’t people just continue to do that? Like I said, if you wanna defend, head on over to Eternal Battlegrounds, or one of the three borderlands maps.
Although, more directly to the OP, you are probably happier than a pig in poo right now because for at least the last week people actually have been defending in EOTM. Which is what honestly is driving me nuts about it. Like I said, it now would take me roughly FIVE days to make (“profit”) what I used to in just ONE. That’s horrible.
I cannot bring myself to PvE, too static for me (although I’ve seen people say "go KTRAIN in PvE, which doesn’t even make any sense to me, IDK how you could ever get the same profits I used to get in EOTM in ANY PvE area). And to that I rebut, if you wanna fight so bad, and only fight, why don’t you go PvP? Defense is NOT a bad thing, don’t get me wrong, but I agree that EOTM is not the place to do it! WvW (especially during a ‘season’ or ‘tournament’) is the place for defense!!
I’m really hoping this trend ends soon or I may stick to real WvW only (where I am used to defense), or even worse, having to look for a new game (because I got so used to those massive ‘profits’ from ktraining in EOTM)… =\
© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock
I have a simple solution though, it would require ANets participation!
Make DEFENDING just as rewarding as OFFENDING/KTRAINing!!!
Then we can ALL be happy!!!
© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock
I’m ecstatic that someone put 2 walls of text complaining about the status of EoTM. Until Anet decides to do something for WvW, the push will continue I hope. Only have 3 more days before I can get back in there. GG…
Tacktical Killers [TK]
We’re looking for players.
PM me here or ING.
I have a simple solution though, it would require ANets participation!
Make DEFENDING just as rewarding as OFFENDING/KTRAINing!!!
Then we can ALL be happy!!!
no – because defending is tooo simple in this game
and for the EOTM problem – they rly should remove Arrowcarts on this map cause map is not designed for this and Arrowcart-AOE jsut absolut op
green and blue keep you have only 3 gates you can attack and this is to easy to defend – there are no walls you can open from range and in blue keep you have even to sit in small chokes when wanna open a gate and the kittentiest clicker can farm your zerg with an arrowcart
sry but thats absolut bad design
Play a necromancer.
I have a simple solution though, it would require ANets participation!
Make DEFENDING just as rewarding as OFFENDING/KTRAINing!!!
Then we can ALL be happy!!!
Defending in EOTM is currently profitable; it’s just not as profitable as ChooChoo Good Time. You get tons of bags/badges from defending, and all you have to do is set out a couple of sup ACs.
Koffix [xxx] (all the rest)
[Phnx] Phoenix Rises from the Ashes | Crystal Desert
I have to support what Jeknar just said, it’s been annoying as heck that people have been defending in EOTM lately, “real” WvW is the place for that! Before when all we did was KTRAIN I made MASSIVE profits (loots/drops, money, karma, badges, ranks, and the list goes on) [I am not even gonna say how much, but I made a LOT]. Now this last week I’ve noticed an uptrend in people defending and wanting to “PvP” (“BAGS”). It’s downright annoying, because now I make so LITTLE “profit” I would have to play about FIVE times (5x) the amount to make the same that I’d make in ONE time (1x). That’s right, I’d have to play about FIVE DAYS to make what I used to make in ONE.
It was also a GREAT place to level alts, due to the ktrain nature. With defense, not so much. Luckily all my alts/toons are leveled to 80, but that doesn’t help my children’s toons/alts
NORMAL EOTM is a GREAT place for me to take my kids to level, unless of course there’s no KTRAINING going on…
I say, each ‘thing’ in the game has it’s reason behind it / “thing” to do. If you want to deal with monsters only, go PvE. If you want to fight players, go to PvP. If you want to play a little mix of both, with NPC mobs, and some fighting and offensive and defensive siege’s go to WvW. If you wanna KTRAIN go to EOTM.
That’s just my $0.02
I love defending in EOTM. Sometimes I get tired of defending/roaming on the regular maps because I know exactly where everything goes. I haven’t spent near as much time on the EOTM map so there are still some spots to defend that I haven’t gotten optimal yet.
If you want to Ktrain you can still do it but you are going to have to figure out how to do it smarter. I defended green keep solo 3 times this week and every time they threw down catas in range of my grenades.
I have a simple solution though, it would require ANets participation!
Make DEFENDING just as rewarding as OFFENDING/KTRAINing!!!
Then we can ALL be happy!!!
Defending in EOTM is currently profitable; it’s just not as profitable as ChooChoo Good Time. You get tons of bags/badges from defending, and all you have to do is set out a couple of sup ACs.
Others always mention “BAGS” too, well guess what, even on a lv80 toon – BAGS are JUNK, they MAY give you a yellow every now and then but other than that you’re getting GARBAGE * JUNK like [SPIKE]'s.
So, IDK why people that are “bag hungry” don’t just “bag farm” in real WvW, there’s about no difference in the bags you’ll get from EOTM, and the bags from elsewhere…
If you wanna discuss badges too, fine – I’ll mention that before I’d make about 1,500 badges PER DAY playing in EOTM. Now, yea you guessed it, about 300 -or- 1/5th of that (so again, I’d have to play about FIVE days to make what I used to make in ONE). I don’t know if you remember but, you may get a badge or two per person from your ‘bag farming’, but EOTM objectives give more than anywhere else in WvW. I know it seems kinda ‘random’ but even from crap objectives like “altar” you may get like 10 badges. Most times flipping a keep yields in upwards of 30-40 badges. Bear in mind running a KTRAIN and doing that, yes, you’ll get about 1,500 per 16 hours of play. You’ll never make that much “bag farming”, or defending, or “PvP’ing”…
So yea,
I really like the idea of defense and PvP in EOTM
I really like the idea that I now have to play for FIVE days to make what I used to make in ONE
© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock
Bags from EotM came in many levels… From the tiny bags that drop T1 crafting materials, to the Heavy bags that contain T6 ones.
Uplevels are a good source of low level crafting material (principally cloth which you can’t simple gather), so setting a Superior AC and getting some bags can be very profitable and give you materials that K-Training will not (Champion bags are tied to your character level).
But ofc, I don’t defend for extended periods of time. Mostly because I usually do it alone, or because the enemy zerg simply gave up… It’s not like I keep calling the zerg to come back and wipe the enemy force (again because people will mostly just give up and I no longer will be able to farm).
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
(edited by Jeknar.6184)
As long as there are some problems with balance on this map, I will defend.
If you are green, everything is fine, you can farm as you want, level a character to 80 or just do something else profitable. If you are blue or red, you getting farmed (most of the times by green superiority 3-4 x as big as our own zerg). I am blue again atm, we rarely got commanders here, we rarely got a zerg with more than 20 people in it. Most times we are outnumbered. Running into a Superblob of greenies makes me really angry in the meantime and that’s why my superior ac’s will feed you and your green KarmaTrainy again and again with sweet arrows <3
Only for that reason … because me needs to have fun too !
And sometimes, our keep is the only thing we’ve got.
That’s the reason why me and many friends of mine started to defend in eotm.
(edited by Minneling.5489)
I can understand that, but on the other side of that very fence I could just buy any and all of those low lv mats I need with all the gold I make from KTRAINing. That’s less of an argument I know, and even more subjective (if they can be earned either way, by buying, or by personally obtaining them).
I think that’s another reason it’s so ‘miffing’ to me. Because it will cause people to give up, and or leave the map. I’m to that point. What bags are people gonna farm if people give up and EOTM becomes a ghost town?
© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock
I want to try something new for once, and play EOTM just for the fun of it. No karma train or anything like that.
I want to build sieges and stuff like that.
Whats your suggestions on how to play EoTM in a non-karma train sort of way?
1. Play a fearomancer. BL has 4 fear spots. OG has 6, FR has 9. You can even fear inside and outside the gates of spire and perch. Needle has 2 outside.
2. Get on the supercannon and stop zergs on the bridge to spire and perch. You can also hit FR gate at bell and even two wall sections at BL and a wall section of OG
3. Get in one of the towers. Build up all the siege. Slow down the zergs by destroying their rams. Solo cap the closest reactor to keep supply up.
4. Play Thief, follow the enemy zerg and pick off the slowest.
5. Zergs tend to use the same path. Drop siege in a protected spot and see how they react, or not. Most zergs forget to clear oil or cannon before dropping siege. They’re in such a hurry for karma.
After reading sparc’s wall of tears, I had to remind myself that his server doesn’t matter in WvW anyway so why did I read it?
I like that TC and SOS are together in OG now. Makes my heart happy
“My server doesn’t matter”? Dude grow up, what are you five?
“Wall of Tears”? No crying here, just ********
© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock
“My server doesn’t matter”? Dude grow up, what are you five?
“Wall of Tears”? No crying here, just ********
So much mad…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
“My server doesn’t matter”? Dude grow up, what are you five?
“Wall of Tears”? No crying here, just ********
So much mad…
No, well actually yea mad in general about the current status of EOTM, but not his immature post. Seriously, “your server doesn’t matter”, what are we five years old. That’s like “dude, my bike is cooler than yours”. Crying? I don’t see any tears coming from my eyes, just complaining…
I guess if EOTM is beyond the point of no return, of going back to what it once was then I’ll just have to find a new aspect of the game to enjoy (or find a new game all together) =\
Though none of that changes the immature attacks like “dude my tree house is cooler than yours” or the “stop crying”, when IDK how “complaining” can be confused for “crying” but, whatever…
© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock
Sparc, you just inspired me to organize what the OP has suggested.
We’ve already been sending raids into EoTM when our normal opponents won’t fight us. Now you can expect that to be our off-night raid, too.
RvR isn’t “endgame”, it’s the only game. Cu in CU.
I can understand that, but on the other side of that very fence I could just buy any and all of those low lv mats I need with all the gold I make from KTRAINing. That’s less of an argument I know, and even more subjective (if they can be earned either way, by buying, or by personally obtaining them).
I think that’s another reason it’s so ‘miffing’ to me. Because it will cause people to give up, and or leave the map. I’m to that point. What bags are people gonna farm if people give up and EOTM becomes a ghost town?
Then those 5 defenders will simply start karmatraining without all the toxic mapchat idiocracy of selfentitled uplevels.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Then those 5 defenders will simply start karmatraining without all the toxic mapchat idiocracy of selfentitled uplevels.
Or they will just change maps and kill people on another EotM instance…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Set up in enemy keep. Build oil and cannons. Watch up-levels and glass cannons rage-quit.
Works best if you are playing against blue. FG keep is so easily defended that you don’t even need AC. The cannons and oil alone will stop a small Zerg, and blue never seems to have large zergs these days.
For extra fun, build some catapults and destroy bridges.
It does get old after an hour or two, when all you have to do is sit there and admire the scenery because blue can’t be bothered even trying to take their own keep.
Sparc, you just inspired me to organize what the OP has suggested.
We’ve already been sending raids into EoTM when our normal opponents won’t fight us. Now you can expect that to be our off-night raid, too.
Go ahead, IMHO it will be a waste of your time, because people like me will find (either a new game to enjoy – or) other ways to enjoy GW2 (and make “massive profits”)…
Good luck with your [not very rewarding] EOTM defending
© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock
Commander X Swagalicious X shall save you all from your karma train ways. Turn away from said karma and say hello to killing your enemy with koda hammers! Can I get a swag yeah?!
Commander Twerknificient
Joey Bladow
You get a swag yeah form me please commander XSwagaliciousX save us from our karma train ways
Swag yeah!! This bunny wants that k-train gone!
Swag yeah!! This bunny wants that k-train gone!
Ktrains have their place and time and I have no issue with them. With that said I have watched (and taken part in) efforts to bring EOTM back to more of a WvW map the past couple of weeks. It is up to the player base to dictate the way a game mode works.
EoTM is PVE with the possibility of PK, so to me it is good as it is. Play it how you like, personally I only use it to level alts.
Last night it was used to fill OG’s bags. Thank you FR and BL for your donations to the cause.
Commander Twerknificient
Joey Bladow
Sparc, you just inspired me to organize what the OP has suggested.
We’ve already been sending raids into EoTM when our normal opponents won’t fight us. Now you can expect that to be our off-night raid, too.
Go ahead, IMHO it will be a waste of your time, because people like me will find (either a new game to enjoy – or) other ways to enjoy GW2 (and make “massive profits”)…
Good luck with your [not very rewarding] EOTM defending
You farm NPCs and circles, I farm you. Such is the circle of life in The Mists.
RvR isn’t “endgame”, it’s the only game. Cu in CU.
Last night it was used to fill OG’s bags. Thank you FR and BL for your donations to the cause.
Such a good Commander!! All hail Commander Swag!!