I wish the matchups went by straight glicko.

I wish the matchups went by straight glicko.

in WvW

Posted by: Deventrio.8576


Mag really shouldn’t have been in a T4 matchup for the past two weeks. Every day has been a joke.


I wish the matchups went by straight glicko.

in WvW

Posted by: Jski.6180


It would be nice to see mag in T3 or even into the T2 mix hehe. T3 is kind of messed up too i guess so is T4 atm they should even out in time your just going to have these bad match up from time to time. As things stand no one can move into T1 becuse glicko there is too high.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

I wish the matchups went by straight glicko.

in WvW

Posted by: aspirine.6852


Hahah that has got to be the most kittened up matchup ever.

I wish the matchups went by straight glicko.

in WvW

Posted by: Blockhead Magee.3092

Blockhead Magee.3092

When bandwagons get rolling – things like that happen.

Every once in awhile, we see a few matchups that aren’t total routes.


I wish the matchups went by straight glicko.

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

This is why Anet needs to make a manual adjustment every now and then. But they don’t.

I’m not sure if its because they’re just not paying attention or they’re afraid to do it or can’t do it. (But I’m pretty sure they can because I thought they did it once in T8 NA).

I wish the matchups went by straight glicko.

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


Hahah that has got to be the most kittened up matchup ever.

Realize nsp and ioj have had months of no relief from totally unbalanced matches – not just a week or two. After months, I am sure many have moved or are taking a break. Respect to those that did remain and still try to have fun.

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

I wish the matchups went by straight glicko.

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.2769


So your picture confirms that the whole world belongs to Maguuma.

Commander X Swagalicious X
Commander Twerknificient
Joey Bladow

I wish the matchups went by straight glicko.

in WvW

Posted by: Puck.9612


We had to deal with it for a month straight in T6. Have fun with coverage wars.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

I wish the matchups went by straight glicko.

in WvW

Posted by: aquabat.2986


T3 is going to look pretty good next week, which will sort out T4 automatically.

I wish the matchups went by straight glicko.

in WvW

Posted by: rhejeckt.5791


Hahah that has got to be the most kittened up matchup ever.

Realize nsp and ioj have had months of no relief from totally unbalanced matches – not just a week or two. After months, I am sure many have moved or are taking a break. Respect to those that did remain and still try to have fun.

^^THIS!!! It wasn’t a joke to IOJ & NSP during the months that they had to endure bad, horrible match-ups that went on & on & on. Best of luck in future match-ups in hopes that you get servers that are the caliber that you desire or actually servers that haven’t been beat to death because of the bad match-ups.

I wish the matchups went by straight glicko.

in WvW

Posted by: BrettM.9062


I’m very new to WvW, though I have played GW2 since release. This sort of match-up seems pretty demoralizing and is not encouraging me to stick with the format and try to learn to play it well. I see very few of my fellow IoJ players most of the day, nothing can be defended, and playing WvW is wasting my gold at a prodigious rate as I purchase upgrades that are lucky to even be completed before the location changes hands again. Capping anything (or even just walking out the gates of the citadel) just hands points to Maguuma, and I spend most of my time waypointing to the citadel and running back across half the map since we rarely have any waypoints elsewhere. This is fun?

I’m about ready to declare WvW a Bad Idea and go do something more productive. I can only imagine how badly the experienced WvW players must feel if we’ve been enduring months of this. It seems like it might be better to just stay out of WvW during such a match-up. Let the map stay red for a week, giving them nothing to cap after the first round and nobody to kill. Let it be a real passive-aggressive spite match!

(Sung to the tune of Home on the Range): Oh give me a home where the Maguuma don’t roam and the other two worlds get to play …

I wish the matchups went by straight glicko.

in WvW

Posted by: Liston.9708


Don’t waste your gold on this sort of match…. You could always eotm and hope for a better match on reset.

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

I wish the matchups went by straight glicko.

in WvW

Posted by: Tibstrike.2974


Yep. Never waste gold on upgrading stuff in a matchup like this.