IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


I recall players named Tripp.9862 and Monsoon.2589 bragging about “ninjaing an orb”. word for word. probably your culprits

epics, you’re still mad that myself and others called you out on repeatedly taking supply from towers and keeps.

Stop lying.

It’s pretty sad that the only way you can defend your crap actions in WvW, you know stealing supply desperately needed to upgrade defenses, is by telling bald faced lies on the forums.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

(edited by Tripp.9862)

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


what alliance with IOJ? secondly i wasn’t even online when that orb was supposedly stolen. please provide some evidence.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: epics.9310


bad players making a bad server look bad. shame.

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


epics lets be honest here, the fact that supply in a keep or tower can be emptied by players who’s guild hasn’t claimed it is anet’s fault as much as players who do it.

you accusing me and monsoon, who called you out for it, of hacking is sad.

if monsoon and i had actually claimed to hack there would be reports against us and we’d be facing bans. this is obviously not the case. please continue lying it will only come back on you.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347


Wow normally these threads are full of server vs. server trolling, but this one is filled with server vs. itself trolling!

Keepin’ it classy.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Dimok.6187


Not to derail your online slap fight, but what’s the score? ET is gettin pounded in tier 1, not sure where our good commanders go during top tier week, but I haven’t seen most of them more then once.

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


sb-ioj-bg right now dimok. sb is in the lead by almost double of ioj’s score.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.1462



There have been some reports from this thread and by the looks of it, some players are into a flamewar one against the other. We kindly as to refrain from this behaviour and keep the thread civil and constructive.

Thanks for your understanding

(edited by Moderator.1462)

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347


Yea, SBI sort of gave up last week. War weariness, I think.

Even still, SBI has far too much coverage and far too many dedicated WvW players/guilds to be beaten in Tier 2, at least in my estimation.

Prove me wrong!

And BTW, from my perspective, Blackgate has got some grit.

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Tripp.9862


Yea, SBI sort of gave up last week. War weariness, I think.

Even still, SBI has far too much coverage and far too many dedicated WvW players/guilds to be beaten in Tier 2, at least in my estimation.

Prove me wrong!

And BTW, from my perspective, Blackgate has got some grit.

we try sky, we try. right now we’re lacking some organization. not sure why, but hopefully we’ll put up a better fight throughout the week.

Tripp DurranVice Commander of Soul Guard [SG]
Commander on Blackgate

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Yerffejy.6538


I agree, BG has been very formidable throughout.

Mainly from an EB viewpoint, overall you guys have been very aggressive, and I love it. You guys are constantly harassing everyone, with coordinated smash attacks at key locations. Take pride that you are being hit as hard as possible. That just means you are a threat, and we have to give it everything we got to make sure you don’t take us down.

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Lepha.3521


Speaking from SBI?

I am absolutely thrilled to be fighting BG and IOJ. After falling from Tier 1 I’m honestly having a great time. The difference is largely in that we are facing people on a fairly even time frame.

Conversely, when we were up against HoD, we could hold our own rather well (and even win) during the normal hours of the day. When their IMMENSE Oceanic crew came on, we lost severely, as did everyone else.

I look forward to further battling with people in our time frame. Good times to be had by all.

P.S. My -one- complaint? You IoJ boys -really- like camping that jumping puzzle. >.<

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Rodarin.6058


Yeah this shows the severe dichotomy (for lack of a better word) between tiers. Or maybe just the servers with 24/7 coverage.

Which once again proves that it isnt about anything beyond numbers.

JQ will more than likely win in tier 1 this week, due to a couple things, HoD losing guilds and JQ gaining ‘off peak’ coverage.

SBI has coverage during off peak, more than most servers but not nearly enough to compete with the serves who can field players 24/7 which is basically HoD, or was. Now it seems JQ is the round the clock server. But as I said a couple weeks ago SBI will dominate any tier below tier 1 because we still have enough people logging in versus those other servers during off peak hours. I would guess some servers in tiers 2 thru 4 have as few as 10 people in there during the weekdays during ‘work’ hours. Basically anywhere from 6 Am to 3 PM Pacific time.

Thats why the problems with WvW are more widespread than most people think because every tier has some population imbalance problem not just the low servers but the high pop servers as well.

I suspect as the week progresses the score for SBI will dwarf the other two servers, maybe not like Hod was getting in its prime but we will surely double up the other two servers I would imagine. The weekend scores were actually fairly close, but as we have seen, starting today (Monday) the separation became extreme. I think we were ticking 600 for a few hours this morning. Not because we are that good but because we were the only ones in there for the most part.

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Krooks.1624


even without the off peak hour guilds doing WvW SBI is certainly in better shape this week than last. I guess most of the server stopped caring about T1 because que times were instant even during prime time but now I’ve got anywhere from a 15min que to a 45min one.

SBI is the server to be on, we’ve got good players, good guilds & we coordinate together like nobody’s business. Most of all, we have respect for each other & our opponents.

Feels good to be a Stormbluff ruffian!

Sugarbuns Jackson

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Wolffmother.4895


I can honestly say there have been some very solid battles against Ioj and BG and despite the few exploits that have occurred the rest of their servers have been straight up and fun to battle against.

Ioj and B have been doing what the 3 server battle is supposed to have gang up on the one in first, cause as was said before if they were to just fight each other it may just lead to us furthering our lead

Props to BG and Ioj for putting up awesome fights and for all the fun battles! Looking forward to 4 more days of it

Ps. Fights over stone mist have been tons of fun :P

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Ignicity.7938


Hi guys,

Awesome fights over the weekend!

Bad news now is, I’m at work

Cookies to the first person to post an accurate score update (extra cookies for pics)

Ignicity – 80 Necromancer
Unreal Aussies [uA] – Isle of Janthir

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Jewel.1457


As of a couple hours ago it was
SBI – 139,493 (380), IoJ – 78,281 (160), BG – 70,971 (+155)

Gamey Blog: Healing the Masses - with the soul of thine enemy
Eriena of JQ-warrior forever

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Stenia.9623


I hope the orb ninja stuff is fixed soon, its becoming more of a problem in WvWvW than the fail culling system

“Jade Quarry overstacked in TKG timezone”

Necro Class Lead for Night Shift [NS]

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


In game just a second ago several SBI just portaled into hills with both gates at full and walls up. I took several screenshots of it and got their guild names. ill post them in a sec.

They appear to be from PRE and UL.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

(edited by Scyndek.5273)

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Yerffejy.6538


Hope you reported them, if they indeed hack/exploit.

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Talesslaser.7813


If they just portaled in how do you know the mesmer wasn’t just hiding and didnt actually exploit it? Especially if you havnt actually held keeps for extended periods of time. Theres alot of things Mesmers can do to hide for hours without you seeing them.

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


If they just portaled in how do you know the mesmer wasn’t just hiding and didnt actually exploit it? Especially if you havnt actually held keeps for extended periods of time. Theres alot of things Mesmers can do to hide for hours without you seeing them.

because we owned the keep for a while before it happened & if that WAS the case than why did their whole zerg kill the outside gate than was focusing on the inner (at 50% in the pictures) instead of just portaling in earlier and killing the lord?

Oh and I looked for the mesmer after the first one did it and found nothing, sure enough a second mesmer portaled in shortly after completely different from the first.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


I highly doubt either of those guilds were utilizing an exploit. If they were, they get disowned by the server guilds. Both guilds are upstanding in our community of SBI and have had quite the amount of progression input for the server. Working with their team leads they frown upon said actions from happening.

What you are experiencing is more than likely one of our Mesmers pulling a fast one on you by hiding. I know last night I had a mesmer that successfully hid in the Hills keep for about an hour and 20 minutes before he was found. He wasn’t too happy with me when I finally called the portal and he was found and wasted all that time hiding.

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF] – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


It’s not like anything came of 3 people coming through a portal, just thought it was strange. Not to mention if they were hiding why didn’t they portal in more people..?

Either way you know them better than I do but that is what appeared to be happening.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


My guess would be a failed communication at one point. It gets pretty tense on all ends when we are rushing a portal bomb and not wanting to screw it up. You really don’t want to be the guild that screws the pooch on a portal bomb. Then everyone points and laughs while you try to unscrew the situation. At that point, you say, OKAY WE WERE RUSHING THAT SUPPLY CAMP OVER THERE RIGHT??!!!!!! GOGOGOGOG, everyone follows and you pretend like nothing happened (Not like this happened last night or anything…)

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF] – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Alumisoul.9072


Overall this has been an enjoyable matchup. Even though SBi seems to have better all around coverage, the battles themselves have been great fun between all three servers.

We at Blackgate are a scrappy bunch. We may not have the best organization or 24/7 coverage, but we try to make a showing.

Deadi – LVL 80 Guardian
Blackgate – Team Nemesis [nem]

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Destroyer.1306


First place might be a foregone conclusion, and I really couldn’t tell you if I’d prefer second or third place… But it’s a fun match. Keep it coming! I want to pop more Elixir U’s.

Stinky Garbage, Engineer. Meatbag, Guardian. Dum Dums, Elementalist.

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: shortcake.8659


should check your corners a lil better for them sneaky mesmers, just hate it when they stash away and steal your keep like that. might want to look into getting a flashlight for those dark areas.

some terrible idiot in [pre]

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


There was a patient Mesmer hiding there for quite a while. I think he was watching Lost until more people logged on.

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Notrub.6925


I just wanted to chime in on the orb thing. First I am from SBI, just to get that out of the way.

Anyway, yesterday I played about 13 hours on the SBI borderlands map. We had held the garrison since the day before. About 3AM eastern I was waypointed to the garrison to to do repairs. I just happened to be facing the orb altar when lightning struck the room and the altar was broken and the orb was gone. About a minute later the orb appeared at the Titanpaw orb alter. We went to go retrieve it but the orb guardian and all the NPCs were green and we couldn’t attack them to get the orb back. It sat there for 11 hours before I beleive it was BG came and got it and took it to the Hills keep.

Now, that I have seen it with my own eyes I do not think a lot of the talk about people exploiting to get the orb is what is actually going on. There seems to be some kind of mechanic in place with the quaggan to break the orb altars in the keeps. Which is fine by me now that I understand it. It just means that having the quaggan on your side will be important and probably lead to some epic underwater battles from all 3 servers.

Though I do believe that the NPCs being unattackable for 11 hours by the home team must be some kind of glitch? Would be nice if someone from Anet could chime in one way or the other to verify if this is what is really going on with the orb and if it is intended?

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Zwizm.7013


Zero queue time > All.

Th fact that people care about scores and rankings makes me LoL since none of it matters.

What does matter is which server I transfer to next to ensure I can run around killing folks as soon as I hit the join button.

Talk to me when transfers are 10$ and allowed once monthly. Then you can boast about identities and results.

BTW, looking at the score, IoJ and Blackgate should be giving each other high 5’s in the field and double-teaming SB at every turn.

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Orchis.6087


I just wanted to chime in on the orb thing. First I am from SBI, just to get that out of the way.

Anyway, yesterday I played about 13 hours on the SBI borderlands map. We had held the garrison since the day before. About 3AM eastern I was waypointed to the garrison to to do repairs. I just happened to be facing the orb altar when lightning struck the room and the altar was broken and the orb was gone. About a minute later the orb appeared at the Titanpaw orb alter. We went to go retrieve it but the orb guardian and all the NPCs were green and we couldn’t attack them to get the orb back. It sat there for 11 hours before I beleive it was BG came and got it and took it to the Hills keep.

Now, that I have seen it with my own eyes I do not think a lot of the talk about people exploiting to get the orb is what is actually going on. There seems to be some kind of mechanic in place with the quaggan to break the orb altars in the keeps. Which is fine by me now that I understand it. It just means that having the quaggan on your side will be important and probably lead to some epic underwater battles from all 3 servers.

Though I do believe that the NPCs being unattackable for 11 hours by the home team must be some kind of glitch? Would be nice if someone from Anet could chime in one way or the other to verify if this is what is really going on with the orb and if it is intended?

Honestly, it was probably a bug. A similar thing happened last week where we (BG) lost our keeps and the orb, but we managed to defend the orb altar. The orb was retaken, but we killed the orb carrier and reset it and still had siege to defend through the next wave of assaults. The second time the orb respawned; however, there was no champion and the shield was around the orb, prevent us from taking it. While it did benefit us, I suppose, we were pretty WTF about the whole thing since we definitely wanted to move the orb in our garrison and we initially thought that the other server hacked it so we couldn’t move it. I highly doubt it was something that someone on the server did, and most like an error. They seem to occur at a decent frequency and as upsetting as it is, I highly doubt someone on the server is doing it.

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


I just wanted to chime in on the orb thing. First I am from SBI, just to get that out of the way.

Anyway, yesterday I played about 13 hours on the SBI borderlands map. We had held the garrison since the day before. About 3AM eastern I was waypointed to the garrison to to do repairs. I just happened to be facing the orb altar when lightning struck the room and the altar was broken and the orb was gone. About a minute later the orb appeared at the Titanpaw orb alter. We went to go retrieve it but the orb guardian and all the NPCs were green and we couldn’t attack them to get the orb back. It sat there for 11 hours before I beleive it was BG came and got it and took it to the Hills keep.

Now, that I have seen it with my own eyes I do not think a lot of the talk about people exploiting to get the orb is what is actually going on. There seems to be some kind of mechanic in place with the quaggan to break the orb altars in the keeps. Which is fine by me now that I understand it. It just means that having the quaggan on your side will be important and probably lead to some epic underwater battles from all 3 servers.

Though I do believe that the NPCs being unattackable for 11 hours by the home team must be some kind of glitch? Would be nice if someone from Anet could chime in one way or the other to verify if this is what is really going on with the orb and if it is intended?

Sigh, not that I’m trying to help teach you / SBI anything.. but you know those quaggan storms? The reason you capture the island? The ones that cause lightning?

Yea… they have a purpose, no hacks just quaggans.

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: TheReign.9740


I just wanted to chime in on the orb thing. First I am from SBI, just to get that out of the way.

Anyway, yesterday I played about 13 hours on the SBI borderlands map. We had held the garrison since the day before. About 3AM eastern I was waypointed to the garrison to to do repairs. I just happened to be facing the orb altar when lightning struck the room and the altar was broken and the orb was gone. About a minute later the orb appeared at the Titanpaw orb alter. We went to go retrieve it but the orb guardian and all the NPCs were green and we couldn’t attack them to get the orb back. It sat there for 11 hours before I beleive it was BG came and got it and took it to the Hills keep.

Now, that I have seen it with my own eyes I do not think a lot of the talk about people exploiting to get the orb is what is actually going on. There seems to be some kind of mechanic in place with the quaggan to break the orb altars in the keeps. Which is fine by me now that I understand it. It just means that having the quaggan on your side will be important and probably lead to some epic underwater battles from all 3 servers.

Though I do believe that the NPCs being unattackable for 11 hours by the home team must be some kind of glitch? Would be nice if someone from Anet could chime in one way or the other to verify if this is what is really going on with the orb and if it is intended?

Adding to what the previous poster said. When you are on your homeworld’s map, you cannot attack the orb defenders… They are there to defend your orb. If you want to put it back in garrison, you need to wait until another team takes it off the alter, kill the enemy orb carrier, take the orb and run it to the garrison.

[TL] Team Legacy – Isle of Janthir

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Eclipses.7152


Well I would like to say that The Royal Guard has recently transferred over to IoJ! It’s full quite often, though the WvW times are mostly instant! so it’s going to take a few more days to get us all on board.

With that being said, we’re happy to be here and we look forward to making a positive impact on the server. If you’re on IoJ and you’re looking for a competitive, fun focused and community oriented WvW guild, check us out!

We cannot wait to get situated and playing with our new allies! Keep a look out for us!

The Royal Guard –
Isle of Janthir

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: TheReign.9740


I just wanted to chime in on the orb thing. First I am from SBI, just to get that out of the way.

Anyway, yesterday I played about 13 hours on the SBI borderlands map. We had held the garrison since the day before. About 3AM eastern I was waypointed to the garrison to to do repairs. I just happened to be facing the orb altar when lightning struck the room and the altar was broken and the orb was gone. About a minute later the orb appeared at the Titanpaw orb alter. We went to go retrieve it but the orb guardian and all the NPCs were green and we couldn’t attack them to get the orb back. It sat there for 11 hours before I beleive it was BG came and got it and took it to the Hills keep.

Now, that I have seen it with my own eyes I do not think a lot of the talk about people exploiting to get the orb is what is actually going on. There seems to be some kind of mechanic in place with the quaggan to break the orb altars in the keeps. Which is fine by me now that I understand it. It just means that having the quaggan on your side will be important and probably lead to some epic underwater battles from all 3 servers.

Though I do believe that the NPCs being unattackable for 11 hours by the home team must be some kind of glitch? Would be nice if someone from Anet could chime in one way or the other to verify if this is what is really going on with the orb and if it is intended?

Adding to what the previous poster said. When you are on your homeworld’s map, you cannot attack the orb defenders… They are there to defend your orb. If you want to put it back in garrison, you need to wait until another team takes it off the alter, kill the enemy orb carrier, take the orb and run it to the garrison.

Re-read what I said. The orb defenders did not respawn, the protective barrier went up over the orb with no NPCs.

The previous poster in this thread was Scyndek.5273, who was giving a how WvW works comment, which is what I was extending to, since the poster I quoted thought that having defenders that coudn’t be attacked to get the orb was a bug.

Don’t be so self-centered in the future, the world isn’t about you.

[TL] Team Legacy – Isle of Janthir

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Scyndek.5273


For some reason the quote system isn’t working for me (it randomly works I feel like) but Queue times to WvW this week have been down I feel like due to the fact that invisible army zerging is dumb. I know last night our guild called off our raid of about 30- 40 people due to not being able to see ANYTHING (yes allies, npc’s or enemys I couldn’t see a thing)

Also, theres an official IoJ website for guilds to introduce themselves, please check out

Elementalist – Isle of Janthir

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: dotHack.6359


Most of BG have put up a good fight, but I’ve come across a a couple of these invuln siege sites so far, and only by BG guilds.


IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Notrub.6925


Thanks for the education…:o)
Now I know.

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Aeden.5896


Most of BG have put up a good fight, but I’ve come across a a couple of these invuln siege sites so far, and only by BG guilds.

My first reaction to the second picture:

“Holy crap, how does this guy have such a good view distance!?”

Those BG defenders, especially the one farthest back, would remain forever invisible to me

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Anti.5642


I just wanted to chime in on the orb thing. First I am from SBI, just to get that out of the way.

Anyway, yesterday I played about 13 hours on the SBI borderlands map. We had held the garrison since the day before. About 3AM eastern I was waypointed to the garrison to to do repairs. I just happened to be facing the orb altar when lightning struck the room and the altar was broken and the orb was gone. About a minute later the orb appeared at the Titanpaw orb alter. We went to go retrieve it but the orb guardian and all the NPCs were green and we couldn’t attack them to get the orb back. It sat there for 11 hours before I beleive it was BG came and got it and took it to the Hills keep.

Now, that I have seen it with my own eyes I do not think a lot of the talk about people exploiting to get the orb is what is actually going on. There seems to be some kind of mechanic in place with the quaggan to break the orb altars in the keeps. Which is fine by me now that I understand it. It just means that having the quaggan on your side will be important and probably lead to some epic underwater battles from all 3 servers.

Though I do believe that the NPCs being unattackable for 11 hours by the home team must be some kind of glitch? Would be nice if someone from Anet could chime in one way or the other to verify if this is what is really going on with the orb and if it is intended?

Sigh, not that I’m trying to help teach you / SBI anything.. but you know those quaggan storms? The reason you capture the island? The ones that cause lightning?

Yea… they have a purpose, no hacks just quaggans.

The game’s been out long enough that most people should know that. We know the difference, which is why we always push for the lightning. However, if the enemy does get the lightning it’s not a big deal…just pick up the orb, put it back on the altar, and have a guardian heal it to full.

That is meant to happen, what isn’t supposed to hapkitten the 2 IoJ guilds and 3 BG guilds that hop the walls at bay or port through Hills to kill keep lord/take orb. I have only seen 1 guild do it consistently, like once a day on every borderland which I why I posted the SS of LGN/submitted fraps of it. I talked to ANet and they’ll be fixing all the stuff soon. Not the end of the world, just a pain in the kitten when you put so much time/money into something and then a few people take it back by abusing a design flaw.

BTW Scyndek, you should have gotten kitten of all the people that didn’t take the portal so we could laugh at them haha.

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: epics.9310


score means everything. otherwise those terrible guilds like lords of death wouldnt recruit every player on the server.

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: aycheff.1740


Well this was a boring matchup… Hopefully we don’t get the DP again back in T1. Was nice to get my map completion without any contest though!

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Eclipses.7152


Hello IoJ,

TRG says hello! That organized golem rush on SM Thursday night was a LOT of fun! Here’s to more fun fights on this seemingly awesome server.


The Royal Guard –
Isle of Janthir

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Raze.5420


Again, quotes aren’t working. But this is incorrect:

Also, theres an official IoJ website for guilds to introduce themselves, please check out

The correct site for IoJ guilds is


IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Raze.5420


Zero queue time > All.

BTW, looking at the score, IoJ and Blackgate should be giving each other high 5’s in the field and double-teaming SB at every turn.

Not. Going. To. Happen.

We seem to dislike BG with a passion… and the feeling is mutual. Which has made this weeks match-up awesome fun despite the boring endless SBI zerg, we have had a great battle with BG. Guilds like TRF (hahahaha) and DIE (more laughs) have tried to swutch servers midweek to steal 2nd place, but we’re not about to roll over and let that happen……

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: LazyCanuck.4157


Honestly i was highly amused one day when i discovered that Stonemist Castle has Cannons placed on the highest level of the castle on all 4 of those loooooooong paths that stick out.

After over a month of playing that was the first time i ever noticed those cannons, and i cant have been the only one since i NEVER see anyone go up there… i went up there because i was just fooling around and i only noticed them cause i spotted an attack and was like…“there is a cannon here..”…makes me sad that no one on my server knew about them in that Golem picture a few posts up

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

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Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

IoJ and BG are likely to focus a lot of effort on us simply because of territory held. Overnight when I get back home they tend to focus on separate maps – generally holding a lot of territory on each. Seems SBI has more night-time coverage across 4 maps this week though.

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: Eclipses.7152


Honestly i was highly amused one day when i discovered that Stonemist Castle has Cannons placed on the highest level of the castle on all 4 of those loooooooong paths that stick out.

After over a month of playing that was the first time i ever noticed those cannons, and i cant have been the only one since i NEVER see anyone go up there… i went up there because i was just fooling around and i only noticed them cause i spotted an attack and was like…“there is a cannon here..”…makes me sad that no one on my server knew about them in that Golem picture a few posts up

You mean Mortars, right?

The Royal Guard –
Isle of Janthir

IOJ/Blackgate/SBI - ScoreThread

in WvW

Posted by: LazyCanuck.4157


Honestly i was highly amused one day when i discovered that Stonemist Castle has Cannons placed on the highest level of the castle on all 4 of those loooooooong paths that stick out.

After over a month of playing that was the first time i ever noticed those cannons, and i cant have been the only one since i NEVER see anyone go up there… i went up there because i was just fooling around and i only noticed them cause i spotted an attack and was like…“there is a cannon here..”…makes me sad that no one on my server knew about them in that Golem picture a few posts up

You mean Mortars, right?

No i mean Cannons, on the very top floor on the 4 long platforms that stick out past the inner walls into the main courtyard, each one has a cannon that sits on the edge of them, its pretty much impossible to destroy them from outside the outer walls AFAIK anyway