Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir
No really. If you wonder why our own corner is getting dominated by DH, it’s ‘cause they just roll over us when we come out of our primetime ’cause there NOBODY ELSE for them to fight, ’cause we’re cherry picking like little weaklings.
Seriously, this is one of the best matchups we’ve ever had, stop ruining it by playing for 2nd.
Yes, I’m talking to the other commanders on IoJ. You know who you are. Play where it counts so the people picking up after you don’t have to deal with one team that is holding all the cards.
If you don’t want to play for second why are you on IoJ?
Lol, it has been irritating on our end. When we were winning our first days on reset here, we were told that you were both going after us because we had the most points, when we dropped down to second, it was because DH recaps stuff faster, when we dropped down to last it’s because there is less resistance.
It’s okay, you can admit you hate us, we’re used to it from t8/t7 by now. You’ve successfully demoralized our fairweathers, so we only really have core WvW’ers around anymore (which has given a lot of us an interesting perspective, especially on countering zergs).
It also makes defeating IoJ and DH in battles that much sweeter.
I like fighting IoJ & SF equally, most of their players are zerglings and it makes me look really good haha. Not like DR those guys can fight, i miss actually having a tough time killing people with skill =(
I tried to suggest to IoJ a week (or more) back that they should focus more on DH and we could do the same. I was ofc met with criticism from IoJ, and borderline panic from DH.
As it stands now you both are fighting over the scraps that are left of SF, the more you push us, the more we push back (as much as we can that is). So you end up splitting your ppt’s and allowing us to drag you down with us.
But then again I guess I am crazy again….
As far as the PVE’ers, guilds taking vacations, bandwagoners, fairweathers, and any other kittenamamie excuses we have heard go: make it permanent. I would rather be able to depend on a group of people that are here day-in-day-out, rather than see the kind of wild variances that your presence and now absence has caused us. I am not saying make WvW your job, God knows that would be awful. But if you are kitten crying in a corner because of the PPT, or the outmanned buff I would say: SUCK IT THE kitten UP.
It is time for SF to figure out if we are a T6 server, or if we are really a T7 that is merely pretending, IoJ if you wanna play for 1st then you need to push DH and vampire some of that PPT. If you want to guarantee 2nd then continue how your are going. SF can hold off one of you, but not both. Do your jobs and we can do ours, but continue the way you are and get cozy playing 2nd fiddle.
I like fighting IoJ & SF equally, most of their players are zerglings and it makes me look really good haha. Not like DR those guys can fight, i miss actually having a tough time killing people with skill =(
That’s funny, last night holding off 50+ (yes 50, because you had enough to mitigate damage to your siege from our arrowcarts) in our area in EB with 3-10 people at a time would’ve said otherwise :P.
It was rather funny to watch how easily the huge DH zerg could be deterred with a single AC or Ballista countering the normal siege areas. DH calling anyone out on ‘zerglings’ is lulz at it’s finest.
I like fighting IoJ & SF equally, most of their players are zerglings
I peed a little laughing so hard at this….It must be lonely on DH being an elitist roamer on the zergiest server of the lower tiers…..I have seen nothing on DH but: 30+ man zergs, glassy’s, upscales, and some decent guild groups.
All of those (minus the guild groups), are pretty clear indicator’s of a zergling server, so I would say: don’t throw stones from your glass house sir (of which I would indeed likely find glass cannons on all of your mantles).
I like fighting IoJ & SF equally, most of their players are zerglings and it makes me look really good haha. Not like DR those guys can fight, i miss actually having a tough time killing people with skill =(
That’s funny, last night holding off 50+ (yes 50, because you had enough to mitigate damage to your siege from our arrowcarts) in our area in EB with 3-10 people at a time would’ve said otherwise :P.
It was rather funny to watch how easily the huge DH zerg could be deterred with a single AC or Ballista countering the normal siege areas. DH calling anyone out on ‘zerglings’ is lulz at it’s finest.
Uh, i think you don’t understand where im coming from my friend. I dont care about 50 man this or that. I’m talking about me roaming solo or duo and crush 4-5 of your guys, then escaping the eventual convenient zerg that comes to the rescue. The only people that are remotely challenging now are the (KING) guys from SF, and only a few of those guys give me trouble. Cheers! And GL earning that silver medal in T6. ^.^
I like fighting IoJ & SF equally, most of their players are zerglings
I peed a little laughing so hard at this….It must be lonely on DH being an elitist roamer on the zergiest server of the lower tiers…..I have seen nothing on DH but: 30+ man zergs, glassy’s, upscales, and some decent guild groups.
All of those (minus the guild groups), are pretty clear indicator’s of a zergling server, so I would say: don’t throw stones from your glass house sir (of which I would indeed likely find glass cannons on all of your mantles).
? i cant help it if DH has zerglings, nor do i care. I’m looking for quality fights and all im saying is that since DR left there is a huge vacuum of good players looking for the same. I have yet to see any good small groups on ioj, so just because we happen to have more zerglings doesnt mean your server is not comprised of “mostly zerglings”. Prove me wrong and field a team that doesnt suck.
(edited by Mayhem.1935)
lulz, couldn’t you put the drama in our own matchup thread? That thing has crickets.
Uh, i think you don’t understand where im coming from my friend. I dont care about 50 man this or that. I’m talking about me roaming solo or duo and crush 4-5 of your guys, then escaping the eventual convenient zerg that comes to the rescue. The only people that are remotely challenging now are the (KING) guys from SF, and only a few of those guys give me trouble. Cheers! And GL earning that silver medal in T6. ^.^
Wait wait, holdup, you’re hardcore because you killed some randoms (in a borderland nonetheless)? Your player skill must be off the charts, I can’t even imagine going up against numbers greater than ours and defeating them, I mean, WvW is all about numbers, right?
That totally explains why every [SE] group we’ve encountered not only didn’t wipe us, but was slaughtered in seconds. Dat pro skillz. Bragging without backing anything up is apparently where the pro points are in this tier.
lulz, couldn’t you put the drama in our own matchup thread? That thing has crickets.
VII. From the smallest blade of grass to the largest mountain, where trolls go… so, too, should you. Or something like that, I may have forgot my learnings, from not being bashed on the head by these pro [SE] players so often.
(edited by pulsecodesgnl.3470)
One does not simply mock The Swindler.
I would get out of the way, SF. Those clones of his will solo your keeps, 40 man defensive zerg or not.
I don’t run with their zerg often, but when I do, I see things like this. Here is a screencap of SF doing a fabulous job of “slaughtering” [SE] from behind, catching them completely unawares with the advantage of speed, and surprise, and skill.
Spoiler alert. SF lost.
Lol @ claiming pugs and 7 different guilds comprises of [SE]. And dat proof of losing is legit. Here lemme give this a try…
Here is a screen cap of me spying in DH as I watched a zerg half the size of [SE]’s original force demolish the remainder of these glassy pros.
Spoiler alert. [SE] wiped so hard they emoquit the game.
Lol @ claiming pugs and 7 different guilds comprises of [SE]
I will totes take the credit on my level 22 squishy for [SE] if you insist.
Lol @ claiming pugs and 7 different guilds comprises of [SE]
I will totes take the credit on my level 22 squishy for [SE] if you insist.
Liar, you stole my screen cap, I already revealed that was me spying.
To quote the revered Sir Fred Durst and his tasteful lyrics of luxurious decadence, “… your mouth’s writing checks that your kitten can’t cash”. <333
T5 fighting over who’s fighting for second? Anvil and Borlis are so proud of you, you’re just like us at your age.
For me it’s not even really about playing for 1st, it’s about keeping the match up interesting. It goes to kitten when one of the non-green teams gets double teamed, it’s fantastic when both teams push the stronger one that’s basically holding all the cards on EB. I want more of the 2nd, less of the 1st. Tiers are pretty irrelevant. We’re all in this for fun. I’ll always try to push DH when i’m leadin’ EB, I hope more IOJ’s do the same
T5 fighting over who’s fighting for second? Anvil and Borlis are so proud of you, you’re just like us at your age.
1. This is T6 unless we got promoted overnight.
2. We hope to “grow up” one day soon, as we know that being a lower tier means we are comprised of inferior-child-like players who have yet to blossom into adulthood that is the mickey mouse esque game of GW2.
It could be that noobs pile into higher tiers in the name of “eliteness”, and think the combination of queues and skill lag = being good.
For me it’s not even really about playing for 1st, it’s about keeping the match up interesting. It goes to kitten when one of the non-green teams gets double teamed, it’s fantastic when both teams push the stronger one that’s basically holding all the cards on EB. I want more of the 2nd, less of the 1st. Tiers are pretty irrelevant. We’re all in this for fun. I’ll always try to push DH when i’m leadin’ EB, I hope more IOJ’s do the same
You seem to have an excellent handle on the situation, good luck in your endeavors, the only winner of IoJ and SF constantly fighting is DH.
Ha ha ha, i dont speak for [SE] i speak for me, i dont WvW with my guild outside of 3 to 4 people.
Pulsecode, IoJ are the worst at staring at me through neutral ground -alone- while they wait for numbers to build up and CHAAAARGGE!! Or hide behind guards, not stray 10 feet from a tower/keep portal, what have you, it’s LOLable. Nobody wants to fight on IOJ except in a zergball —from what ive seen-- . If i’m wrong, awesome, send them my way plz!
I’ve seen a few roaming groups on IoJ, well, last night was the first time, and they didn’t really stand out (i.e. dead fast), but they they exist! To be fair though, we (as in me, my guildies, and when I’m commanding) don’t go after IoJ for a number of reasons. 1) DH is up in our face 2) DH is up in our face 3) DH is up in our face.
Lol, seriously though, we only take from IoJ when they grab our buildings. More fun to go either play defense against large numbers, or go after the bigger targets. Makes playing the game fun.
Guys, can DH come out to play?
For me it’s not even really about playing for 1st, it’s about keeping the match up interesting. It goes to kitten when one of the non-green teams gets double teamed, it’s fantastic when both teams push the stronger one that’s basically holding all the cards on EB. I want more of the 2nd, less of the 1st. Tiers are pretty irrelevant. We’re all in this for fun. I’ll always try to push DH when i’m leadin’ EB, I hope more IOJ’s do the same
mate, we’re both commanders on the same server and we do attack DH; just not when we’re outmanned 3 to 1. As much as I love attacking DH I can’t fight zergs 3x my groups size. The reason why we can only attack SF for now is because DH has more organized WvW guilds and most of the fair-weathers on IoJ and SF have gone to Southsun and stopped doing WvW. I will say though WvW has been pretty boring lately with DH just wiping all of EB 10 times a day with golem rushing the outmanned server.
My point is IoJ has never had the numbers to equally compete with DH (we have around the same during aussie hours though) so it just kinda makes sense that we’re trying to hold onto our position of second place by keeping SF below us.
T5 fighting over who’s fighting for second? Anvil and Borlis are so proud of you, you’re just like us at your age.
1. This is T6 unless we got promoted overnight.
2. We hope to “grow up” one day soon, as we know that being a lower tier means we are comprised of inferior-child-like players who have yet to blossom into adulthood that is the mickey mouse esque game of GW2.ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
It could be that noobs pile into higher tiers in the name of “eliteness”, and think the combination of queues and skill lag = being good.
Hey man I was just kidding, I meant T6 and when we were there Borlis and NSP constantly accused us of playing for 2nd. Not knocking or talking down at you guys just pointing out the same dynamic seems to be the same. That’s all. You’re lucky down in T6, T5 blows. EBay is too large and coordinated for this tier and it’s basically us and Borlis trading off second place each week while EBay can’t break out. There are no transfers piling in either, Anvil and Borlis are pretty much all the same people from back when we’ve always been.
Darkhaven used to beat us on reset and the few days after too man, they just didn’t have the coverage during the week. What tier you’re in has less to do with skill and more to do with coverage. I hardly think there’s a correlation, the lower tiers have the best small man squads in the game for example.
T5 fighting over who’s fighting for second? Anvil and Borlis are so proud of you, you’re just like us at your age.
1. This is T6 unless we got promoted overnight.
2. We hope to “grow up” one day soon, as we know that being a lower tier means we are comprised of inferior-child-like players who have yet to blossom into adulthood that is the mickey mouse esque game of GW2.ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
It could be that noobs pile into higher tiers in the name of “eliteness”, and think the combination of queues and skill lag = being good.
Hey man I was just kidding, I meant T6 and when we were there Borlis and NSP constantly accused us of playing for 2nd. Not knocking or talking down at you guys just pointing out the same dynamic seems to be the same. That’s all. You’re lucky down in T6, T5 blows. EBay is too large and coordinated for this tier and it’s basically us and Borlis trading off second place each week while EBay can’t break out. There are no transfers piling in either, Anvil and Borlis are pretty much all the same people from back when we’ve always been.
Darkhaven used to beat us on reset and the few days after too man, they just didn’t have the coverage during the week. What tier you’re in has less to do with skill and more to do with coverage. I hardly think there’s a correlation, the lower tiers have the best small man squads in the game for example.
No worries bro, but you would be surprised how many of the high tier elitists we deal with on a normal basis (although you are fairly enlightened judging from your reply so you may not be surprised at all).
Apologies for the half-kittened rant then, carry on good sir.
For me it’s not even really about playing for 1st, it’s about keeping the match up interesting. It goes to kitten when one of the non-green teams gets double teamed, it’s fantastic when both teams push the stronger one that’s basically holding all the cards on EB. I want more of the 2nd, less of the 1st. Tiers are pretty irrelevant. We’re all in this for fun. I’ll always try to push DH when i’m leadin’ EB, I hope more IOJ’s do the same
mate, we’re both commanders on the same server and we do attack DH; just not when we’re outmanned 3 to 1. As much as I love attacking DH I can’t fight zergs 3x my groups size. The reason why we can only attack SF for now is because DH has more organized WvW guilds and most of the fair-weathers on IoJ and SF have gone to Southsun and stopped doing WvW. I will say though WvW has been pretty boring lately with DH just wiping all of EB 10 times a day with golem rushing the outmanned server.
My point is IoJ has never had the numbers to equally compete with DH (we have around the same during aussie hours though) so it just kinda makes sense that we’re trying to hold onto our position of second place by keeping SF below us.
That’s a bad excuse. DH’s zerg is pathetically one-track minded. Two groups of 5 people can not only backcap whatever they zerg over, but also attack their structures that have next to no people in them because they leave up crap for defenses.
In EB, I have seen the DH zerg split up MAYBE once, and it was followed by both ends wiping to siege. Picking on weaklings is exactly why we detested ET for the longest time in T8, when they would frequently go after FC (before the mass ET exodus). It doesn’t prove anything other than the mentality of a bully, and quite honestly, I don’t see how anyone could actually enjoy that.
If you really have the same numbers and you are having trouble going after DH during your aussie hours, I sincerely hope they have better quality zergs than they do during our primetime. Otherwise I need to find a shaking head in shame gif for you.
^ lol, people still say that about zergs? dh wipes ioj and sf zergs, ioj and sf do the same, everyone gets wiped and wipes. Get over yourself boy
For me it’s not even really about playing for 1st, it’s about keeping the match up interesting. It goes to kitten when one of the non-green teams gets double teamed, it’s fantastic when both teams push the stronger one that’s basically holding all the cards on EB. I want more of the 2nd, less of the 1st. Tiers are pretty irrelevant. We’re all in this for fun. I’ll always try to push DH when i’m leadin’ EB, I hope more IOJ’s do the same
mate, we’re both commanders on the same server and we do attack DH; just not when we’re outmanned 3 to 1. As much as I love attacking DH I can’t fight zergs 3x my groups size. The reason why we can only attack SF for now is because DH has more organized WvW guilds and most of the fair-weathers on IoJ and SF have gone to Southsun and stopped doing WvW. I will say though WvW has been pretty boring lately with DH just wiping all of EB 10 times a day with golem rushing the outmanned server.
My point is IoJ has never had the numbers to equally compete with DH (we have around the same during aussie hours though) so it just kinda makes sense that we’re trying to hold onto our position of second place by keeping SF below us.
Strongly disagree with you there. When one team is double-teamed, they buckle. It just happens 90% of the time. I buckle when double-teamed, most people do, it’s natural.
When two teams are outmanned and still putting pressure on the stronger server, the stronger server now has to even the odds vs. both teams or push hard on one team while the other one sucker punches ‘em in the gut. Southsun wrecked SF and IoJ ’cause frankly we were treading water to begin with, but you won’t ever see me to for SF anymore. And the more people push the stronger server, the more often the other smaller server will see that and push back.
When you keep cherry picking to play for 2nd, one team buckles, then the stronger server just washes over everybody with no hope to be seen (‘cause you just double teamed it into oblivion) and they’d rather retaliate and go kick you in the nuts before pushing the stronger server.
TL;dr: give the other smaller server less of a reason to come for your nuts, and you’re better off double-teaming the bigger server. Why even play for 2nd? 3rd place is the place to be—they get the best corner in EB IoJ has proven they can take 2nd if they want—we have nothing more to prove there. Let’s elevate our game and invite SF to join us in some nut-kicking all 3 servers can enjoy!!!
(edited by GavinGoodrich.1382)
Strongly disagree with you there. When one team is double-teamed, they buckle. It just happens 90% of the time. I buckle when double-teamed, most people do, it’s natural.
When two teams are outmanned and still putting pressure on the stronger server, the stronger server now has to even the odds vs. both teams or push hard on one team while the other one sucker punches ‘em in the gut. Southsun wrecked SF and IoJ ’cause frankly we were treading water to begin with, but you won’t ever see me to for SF anymore. And the more people push the stronger server, the more often the other smaller server will see that and push back.
When you keep cherry picking to play for 2nd, one team buckles, then the stronger server just washes over everybody with no hope to be seen (‘cause you just double teamed it into oblivion) and they’d rather retaliate and go kick you in the nuts before pushing the stronger server.
TL;dr: give the other smaller server less of a reason to come for your nuts, and you’re better off double-teaming the bigger server. Why even play for 2nd? 3rd place is the place to be—they get the best corner in EB
IoJ has proven they can take 2nd if they want—we have nothing more to prove there. Let’s elevate our game and invite SF to join us in some nut-kicking all 3 servers can enjoy!!!
I get what you’re saying Nom, but how many times have you been on during oceanic time?
DH have enough to hold us off(somewhat) from their fully upgraded towers and keeps and SF have next to no presence whatsoever. Yeah its great when 2 weaker servers gang on the strongest, but when the 3rd server is a no show…what are we to do? Headbut the stronger server and get no where? Or flip the weakest server for PPT? There is rarely a double team happening against DH for them to buckle, either SF are zerging every map and IoJ is no where to be seen or vice versa.
It does vary from night to night (i will always hit DH before SF to test their defenses) Sometimes we wipe DH off the map, other times we cant even take Klovan/Wildcreek.
Its a 24/7 game, populations vary, youll never be able to get a full grasp on what goes on unless youre awake 24/7.
This is also known as “Fight for 2nd”, which was very common between FC and ET at T8, while SF was there…
Nothing new here…
SF should feel like ET or FC felt when you guys were dominating them for 10+ weeks.
Not really, because we know we have the skill and numbers to wipe you when we’re both queued. We proved it both of our first two reset nights through the weekend. ET/FC couldn’t really say that much.
We’ve definitely resorted to smaller group tactics now and we fare well with the numbers we have, so in that aspect yes, that sentiment is shared with ET/FC. The problem is burnout and apathy, we lose too much during our lack of coverage, people don’t want to defend and upgrade, because honestly, it’s not worth it.
Hell, I even come in WvW much less than I used to simply because it’s much less entertaining/fun when we aren’t matched well.
I have yet to see a queue outside of those first two weekends, it’s rather sad, used to happen in Primetime almost daily.
dh wipes ioj and sf zergs
Lol, what SF zergs? Have you even played in the last week? Or are we still sticking with the 15 people = a zerg for low tiers.
We’ve definitely resorted to smaller group tactics now and we fare well with the numbers we have, so in that aspect yes, that sentiment is shared with ET/FC. The problem is burnout and apathy, we lose too much during our lack of coverage, people don’t want to defend and upgrade, because honestly, it’s not worth it.
Hell, I even come in WvW much less than I used to simply because it’s much less entertaining/fun when we aren’t matched well.
I have yet to see a queue outside of those first two weekends, it’s rather sad, used to happen in Primetime almost daily.
Welcome to the club…This has been IoJ since January i cant remember the last time ive had to wait in a queue.
>because it’s much less entertaining/fun when we aren’t matched well.
You mean its not fun when you’re dominating the other 2 servers* This is the most even match up you will have, just like for us.
Like our fall from T5, you guys thought you were going to come into this tier and dominate, then you realise wait a minute…these servers are going to stomp us. It is a huge uppercut to the morale of your server but look at IoJ, our core group are still fighting strong and we’re starting to move up, finally staying second.
Could not begin to tell you the amount of money myself, and 100s of other players have put into upgrades, just for the tower/keep to flip against 30+ enemies with no hope of defending it.
Once your server gets used to this tier and snaps out of their t7/8 play, you guys will be back and then we’ll have ourselves a match up
Who said anything about headbutting? Hit their supply, keep them guessing, keep skirmishing/picking off things like cannons/mortars that require ginormous amounts of supply, etc etc.
You realize 1/2 the reason SF is a no-show during oceanic is ‘cause we’ve simply rolled over ‘em with massive #’s? You crush morale for the few they have and they simply wait till later to play. No need to continue to do that week after week when we’ve already proven we can.
edit as of this post it’s around 11pm Oceanic and SF still has their keep on EB with a waypoint. And we took one of DH’s towers. And there’s been numerous times in the past we’ve scorched stonemist and towers all the way to their keep until DH rebounds, yes I’ve been on during oceanic to see it can be done. People just don’t want to. Even if they’re not pushing DH, just being on the map with their keep presents a target DH will want to eventually throw all their bodies at, thus buying us more time.
All I wanna do is have us step up our game in a way that also benefits us when our oceanics start to head to bed.
(edited by GavinGoodrich.1382)
I said 20 times now, but every time IoJ and SF get locked up (volley between ogres and umber for example) DH wins.
Right, wrong, or indifferent, SF has bailed on this match for the most part because of the issues highlighted in this thread. Those being that at the beginning of the matchup you got to see our true forces (well at that time at least), over the first two weeks we lost so much during the NA night-time/early working day hours that the “what is the point?” attitude started to fester. Really if you do not have the nighttime coverage you need, and during the day (2-weeks back) we were getting hit from both sides by a huge DH primetime force, and every bit of IoJ’s primetime force. So we spent all of our primetime coverage hrs trying to maintain what we could, whilst losing it all during the night. So again, the permeation was: what is the point, if we can only tread water.
Truth be told, myself and our entire core hate that mentality. But the pugs/masses think for themselves, and no doubt we have been spoiled for a long time, so we have some growing to do.
Like I said before, I tried to express this point a few times a week or two back…If IoJ wants to keep playing 2nd fiddle to DH then keep on keeping on…If you want to push DH for real then attack them at there weakest point every chance you get. Not saying every SF will never attack IoJ, once again the pugs/masses do what they want. But I am saying that SF could get back in this thing, and help you push DH.
Not even in the sense of a “double team” either, just in the sense that we could help balance out the match back to more of a 3-way match, rather than the current setup.
Who said anything about headbutting? Hit their supply, keep them guessing, keep skirmishing/picking off things like cannons/mortars that require ginormous amounts of supply, etc etc.
You realize 1/2 the reason SF is a no-show during oceanic is ‘cause we’ve simply rolled over ‘em with massive #’s? You crush morale for the few they have and they simply wait till later to play. No need to continue to do that week after week when we’ve already proven we can.
edit as of this post it’s around 11pm Oceanic and SF still has their keep on EB with a waypoint. And we took one of DH’s towers. And there’s been numerous times in the past we’ve scorched stonemist and towers all the way to their keep until DH rebounds, yes I’ve been on during oceanic to see it can be done. People just don’t want to. Even if they’re not pushing DH, just being on the map with their keep presents a target DH will want to eventually throw all their bodies at, thus buying us more time.
All I wanna do is have us step up our game in a way that also benefits us when our oceanics start to head to bed.
I know it can be done, earlier tonight around 7-8ish i kept flipping jerrifers and klovan with DH trebbing QL with multiple trebs. DH reinforce quickly, we lost a lot of people and lost our momentum and where was SF? 4-5 of them flipping umber and attempting danelon every now and then, which is fine by me, pugs will be pugs but thats all they had in EB? Their corner was untouched (except speldan) they just dont have the players.
I have flipped the entire SF borderlands with rarely seeing an SF defender, if they had people during that time dedicated to push DH when we did, why do they not bother showing up to defend their own borderlands? This all being when we were still in 3rd being dominated.
They never had the oceanic presence for us to both push DH much like our problem with DR. Except the fairweathers on SF is just amazing how many they have. We’re alone in our endeavour in hacking down the PPT of DH during oceanic prime.
To be honest, Nut up SF so what we flip all your upgrades when youre asleep, i’ve logged on countless times to see us losing stuff in our BL and having nothing in our corner in EB, this isnt T8 or T7 NOTHING is safe, everything has a chance of being flipped now, get used to it, fight on.
Who said anything about headbutting? Hit their supply, keep them guessing, keep skirmishing/picking off things like cannons/mortars that require ginormous amounts of supply, etc etc.
You realize 1/2 the reason SF is a no-show during oceanic is ‘cause we’ve simply rolled over ‘em with massive #’s? You crush morale for the few they have and they simply wait till later to play. No need to continue to do that week after week when we’ve already proven we can.
edit as of this post it’s around 11pm Oceanic and SF still has their keep on EB with a waypoint. And we took one of DH’s towers. And there’s been numerous times in the past we’ve scorched stonemist and towers all the way to their keep until DH rebounds, yes I’ve been on during oceanic to see it can be done. People just don’t want to. Even if they’re not pushing DH, just being on the map with their keep presents a target DH will want to eventually throw all their bodies at, thus buying us more time.
All I wanna do is have us step up our game in a way that also benefits us when our oceanics start to head to bed.
I know it can be done, earlier tonight around 7-8ish i kept flipping jerrifers and klovan with DH trebbing QL with multiple trebs. DH reinforce quickly, we lost a lot of people and lost our momentum and where was SF? 4-5 of them flipping umber and attempting danelon every now and then, which is fine by me, pugs will be pugs but thats all they had in EB? Their corner was untouched (except speldan) they just dont have the players.
I have flipped the entire SF borderlands with rarely seeing an SF defender, if they had people during that time dedicated to push DH when we did, why do they not bother showing up to defend their own borderlands? This all being when we were still in 3rd being dominated.
They never had the oceanic presence for us to both push DH much like our problem with DR. Except the fairweathers on SF is just amazing how many they have. We’re alone in our endeavour in hacking down the PPT of DH during oceanic prime.To be honest, Nut up SF so what we flip all your upgrades when youre asleep, i’ve logged on countless times to see us losing stuff in our BL and having nothing in our corner in EB, this isnt T8 or T7 NOTHING is safe, everything has a chance of being flipped now, get used to it, fight on.
I don’t think you are listening to what Gav is saying but I will let you two work that out. Once again, call it tunnel vision, call it cherry picking but the focus on SF for whatever reason will always leave IoJ in 2nd and DH in first.
dh wipes ioj and sf zergs
Lol, what SF zergs? Have you even played in the last week? Or are we still sticking with the 15 people = a zerg for low tiers.
Lol, no i actually havent played much this week at all sorry, but i dont think you understood what i was trying to say but its ok, have fun and see you on the battlefield, i hope you sf guys have a bigger showing like you did the first 2 weeks.
For you SF server people, here is a bit of help form a friendly commander in DR.
DH wins in numbers, try divide and conquer. The usually leave there BL completely defenseless when on the offence. Main force in EB and a smaller but still big force in one of the other BLs. Thats the chance to hit.
IoJ main days are Monday and Thursday mornings (7-10 eastern) were they have a good size force and PvE door everything. Overall, their zergs normally lose their morale after the first wipe.
We know how you feel, we had to face IoJ for who knows how long with constant “double teaming” cause IoJ plays for second. Not much info but it helps once you get the feel.
(edited by bellrang.1628)
For you SF server people, here is a bit of help form a friendly commander in DR.
DH wins in numbers, try divide and conquer. The usually leave there BL completely defenseless when on the offence. Main force in EB and a smaller but still big force in one of the other BLs. Thats the chance to hit.
IoJ main days are Monday and Thursday mornings (7-10 eastern) were they have a good size force and PvE door everything. Overall, their zergs normally lose their morale after the first wipe.
We know how you feel, we had to face IoJ for who knows how long with constant “double teaming” cause IoJ plays for second. Not much info but it helps once you get the feel.
“IoJ plays for second” Did you not see that screenshot bub?
[/quote]“IoJ plays for second” Did you not see that screenshot bub?[/quote]
Guess i forgot the mention the one maybe two times IoJ will actually attack the first place server in the entire week long match ups.
Apparently DR need to go down a tier just because IoJ plays for second.
Don’t do that SF, we had fun playing against you, now lets play together and kill DH. Long live Isle of Furnace (or is it Sorrow of Janthir?)!
I don’t think you are listening to what Gav is saying but I will let you two work that out. Once again, call it tunnel vision, call it cherry picking but the focus on SF for whatever reason will always leave IoJ in 2nd and DH in first.
;), I’ma go vegetarian this week. Eat GREEN!
I tried to suggest to IoJ a week (or more) back that they should focus more on DH and we could do the same. I was ofc met with criticism from IoJ, and borderline panic from DH.
As it stands now you both are fighting over the scraps that are left of SF, the more you push us, the more we push back (as much as we can that is). So you end up splitting your ppt’s and allowing us to drag you down with us.
But then again I guess I am crazy again….
As far as the PVE’ers, guilds taking vacations, bandwagoners, fairweathers, and any other kittenamamie excuses we have heard go: make it permanent. I would rather be able to depend on a group of people that are here day-in-day-out, rather than see the kind of wild variances that your presence and now absence has caused us. I am not saying make WvW your job, God knows that would be awful. But if you are kitten crying in a corner because of the PPT, or the outmanned buff I would say: SUCK IT THE kitten UP.
It is time for SF to figure out if we are a T6 server, or if we are really a T7 that is merely pretending, IoJ if you wanna play for 1st then you need to push DH and vampire some of that PPT. If you want to guarantee 2nd then continue how your are going. SF can hold off one of you, but not both. Do your jobs and we can do ours, but continue the way you are and get cozy playing 2nd fiddle.
This is not actually all true. Whenever I try hitting DH BL SF will try to kill our BL so I have to go back and defend our own BL. And then when I go back to DH corners SF will hit our corners again so out of frustration/s I will start hitting SF until DH dominates everything.
I just want to remind you guys, I pick DH first before SF but if you guys kitten me off then I have no choice but to hit your side first since you guys are easier to hit in my prime time.
Lol, it has been irritating on our end. When we were winning our first days on reset here, we were told that you were both going after us because we had the most points, when we dropped down to second, it was because DH recaps stuff faster, when we dropped down to last it’s because there is less resistance.
It’s okay, you can admit you hate us, we’re used to it from t8/t7 by now. You’ve successfully demoralized our fairweathers, so we only really have core WvW’ers around anymore (which has given a lot of us an interesting perspective, especially on countering zergs).
It also makes defeating IoJ and DH in battles that much sweeter
Normally I’d avoid commenting in a thread that has really nothing to do with the server I play on, but I felt obligated to make a quick point:
As a former T8 player in FC — one who fought against SF from the reset they dropped down to T8 to the reset they went back up to T7 — I just want to say that many of us didn’t hate SF. It was frustrating, yes, and at times the relationship strained, but I think a good portion of Ferg well-realized that it wasn’t SFs fault they were stuck in that tier for so long. We had lemons so we made lemonade. Just go back and peruse through some of the match-up threads if you don’t remember. They’re by and large friendly and filled with a mutual disgust at the rating system, not any particular server.
I tried to suggest to IoJ a week (or more) back that they should focus more on DH and we could do the same. I was ofc met with criticism from IoJ, and borderline panic from DH.
As it stands now you both are fighting over the scraps that are left of SF, the more you push us, the more we push back (as much as we can that is). So you end up splitting your ppt’s and allowing us to drag you down with us.
But then again I guess I am crazy again….
As far as the PVE’ers, guilds taking vacations, bandwagoners, fairweathers, and any other kittenamamie excuses we have heard go: make it permanent. I would rather be able to depend on a group of people that are here day-in-day-out, rather than see the kind of wild variances that your presence and now absence has caused us. I am not saying make WvW your job, God knows that would be awful. But if you are kitten crying in a corner because of the PPT, or the outmanned buff I would say: SUCK IT THE kitten UP.
It is time for SF to figure out if we are a T6 server, or if we are really a T7 that is merely pretending, IoJ if you wanna play for 1st then you need to push DH and vampire some of that PPT. If you want to guarantee 2nd then continue how your are going. SF can hold off one of you, but not both. Do your jobs and we can do ours, but continue the way you are and get cozy playing 2nd fiddle.
This is not actually all true. Whenever I try hitting DH BL SF will try to kill our BL so I have to go back and defend our own BL. And then when I go back to DH corners SF will hit our corners again so out of frustration/s I will start hitting SF until DH dominates everything.
I just want to remind you guys, I pick DH first before SF but if you guys kitten me off then I have no choice but to hit your side first since you guys are easier to hit in my prime time.
Hopefully you have seen a difference this past weekend. When you are dealing with a full server of people there will always be those that are: ignorant of what you are trying to do, in disagreement, not on the same page, etc.
So while we have seen people push IoJ, our main forces have been on DH as much as possible.
Personally, I saw IoJ push Ogres last night 3-4 times in a row with an “orange swords” zerg. Each of those times we pushed them out and then capped umber for good measure but held off of the towers (brav/doritos), in order to go back to working on DH.
We understand there will be times when IoJ pushes us, and we are fine with that. In fact we encourage it, as I am sure you guys do. We do not want to make this an “alliance” or 2v1, we just want to help you guys focus on DH all week so the match will not be “mailed in” by Wednesday.
So far I think it has worked out well, let’s keep at it and see where we end up on Thursday.
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