Ice Cold! (Like a Coke)

Ice Cold! (Like a Coke)

in WvW

Posted by: Hurtappl.6405


I posted this in the necro section as well but since it has to do with wvw raiding, gvg, small man roaming, WvW only buffs, absolutly not PvE related! Well..
Whats that noise?
dropped! or copy and pasted!

Ice Cold! (Like a Coke)

in WvW

Posted by: Hurtappl.6405


WvW zerg busting build link/ GvG if your man enough

100% FrrrrRRzzZZ Chill Duration
50% everything else duration

Everyone loves necros blind on chill and the amount of soft CC they can bring
Everyone loves their bombs
Everyone loves their boon RIP’s

Lets make it all A+ little better (In my I’s neways)

I chose Dagger/Focus beacuse it had what I was looking for to compliment this build. This build is based around doing the normal massive necro well damage while being able to pick off targets and make them EASY PICKINS on your off time. A 4.5 sec immo, a 10 sec chill, and a 3 boon rips does just that.
You can of coarse pick whatever weapons you want because they are all good and have their own benefits (except scepter). Like warhorns swiftness and cripple <— not to be over looked, that axe burst and aoe cripple, or offhand dagger bouncing chill and blind. Follow your heart?!

The runes of Ice- are cheap! They give me that extra 30% chill duration and 7% more damage to chilled foes. A no brainer for this build.

Sigil of chilling- needed that extra 20% to get my blind chills to 2 seconds without sacrificing any of the other traits I liked

Sigil of hydromancy- I like to play my necro up front and personal inside or very close to the melee ball. I can practice to swap weapons as I dodge roll through the enemy to give them a 4 sec chill!

Zerker Gear- Duhhh!.. but do whatever you like.. I like zerker cus of the big and often crits and being tanky in this game mostly comes from boons or active skills like proctection, dodge, blind, and block. not armor or hp.. I do have 4 cav trinkets tho but that is the armor level I feel comfy with and this hp is more then enough for me expecially with the guard buffs.

So.. How much chill can we produce and will it be enough to help make the enemy.. train like a snake and get ripped apart?
well of darkeness gives 2 sec of chill every pulse
plague gives 2 sec every pulse
hydromancy gives 4 sec every weapon swap
chill blains mark gives 8 sec on a 20 sec cd!

What about that part where you said we could help make targeted enemies easy pickins?
I say drop chillblains mark on them if you have it up(8 sec)
weapon swap on top of them if they are close enough(4 sec)
cast spinal shivers(10 sec and RIP’s 3 boons)
dark path (10 sec and converts 2 boons into condi)
dark pact (4.5 sec immo)
All in All those few seconds you were harassing that target he/she felt like it was forever (because you see you slowed down their brains thought process by 66% for 32sec) Even if they did cleanse the stuff during some point you could just reapply it with your next move and removing 5 boons from them could be enough alone to kill them but the chill and immo and dps you have.. just ouch.. The best part is you can continually do this to differnt people because the cd’s are so short. Shorter even then the amount chill they get from you.

As for the traits they are pretty standand
focus reduced recharge ( only because I have a focus equipped)
chill on blind
well skills use ground targeting
dark path now converts boons into condi( choose something differnt if you like.. maybe gain life force on crit to compliment your 110 crit chance after you drop your wells and get into ds)
life blast pierces
marks generate life force (again this may not be the best choice but I didnt choose 15% ds recuction on pupose because their cd’s line up perfectly with the 2 damaging wells)
50% crit chance in ds ( because I like damage)

Anyways give it a try if you are tired of doing JUST damage, and really want to watch the enemies crawl so they can eat more damage in the long run!

ROAMING and small man parties

Same basic concept as before but this time you lose the wells except the blind one.
All things CHILL related that you have at your disposal!!!!
sigil of ice- 4 sec chill on hit with a 10 sec cd
sigil of hydromancy- 4 sec chill on weapon swap
spinal shivers- 10 sec chill with a 1200 range and 16 sec cd, removes 3 boons
spectral grasp- 8 sec chill , 1200 range, 24 sec cd
signet of spite- 2 sec chill, 1200 range, 60 sec cd, tons of fake condi pressure to make them blow cleanses
well of darkness- 2 sec chill every pulse
plague- 2 sec chill every pulse
chilblains mark- 8 sec chill, 1200 range, 20 sec cd
chill of death trait, 10 sec chill, 20 sec cd ( also removes 3 boons I believe?)

And remember to always /laugh when trolling!

Ice Cold! (Like a Coke)

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Like a Coke, but better. with lime. and kicks