With ArenaNet moving server size to be in-line with World vs. World activity, I think it would be interesting to think about what it would be like if they pushed that idea to it’s logical conclusion: a transferring system that is so rigid that it will funnel players straight to the least active World vs. World server. That appears to sound pretty horrid, but I think looking at how a system like that would function would still be beneficial. Here is a few ideas on how it could work:
Measures not only the WvW activity of each server across all timezones (I am assuming it does that now), but also their WvW activity each in each timezone (eight timezones in total). This could be possible given what they are already doing now.
Measures which timezone each player (active WvW’er or not) spends most of their time in. I don’t know if this is possible, but let’s say in a perfect world it is. This would be an ongoing measurement that adapts over time to the changes in a person’s playing habits.
The server select screen will display an additional column related to the timezone you are associated with. All servers except the weakest one(s) will have the word “Closed” next to their name and overall WvW activity. A little explanation on why they are closed should be given when your cursor goes over them. The servers people can transfer to may be different depending what timezone they are in. It will be much more specific than it is for the WvW activity info we get now. For example, you should only have a choice of the two weakest servers in EU and NA initially.
Transferring would be free (no gem cost) since the system is heavily geared towards balance.
Upon transferring you are initially recognized as an average WvW player until proven otherwise to avoid gaming the system.
Once WvW activity in a timezone has reached the threshold of another server, that next server will be opened up to free transfer. It would (in a utopia) continue until the timezone is balanced for all servers.
Players will have the option to queue for servers that are currently closed by right clicking on that server’s row on the transfer screen. When that server opens through the balancing of your timezone or another player in a relatively similar timezone wishes to swap places with you, you will automatically be brought to that server. You will not be able to queue for servers where their overall WvW activity is listed as “Full”. This means players on these “Full” servers have no choice but to move to the least active server in their timezone and then queue for the server they wished to enter initially.
New accounts must choose during which timezone they believe they will be most likely to play then given server options based on that timezone choice. They are not considered an average WvW player upon choosing that server like an existing account would. A short description on why it is like this and how it will not affect their interactions with players in other servers in PvE and PvP will be necessary.
This is probably as hardcore as you could possibly go with the server transfer feature without actually forcing people to move (that would never happen… what a catastrophe that would be). I can see something like this not sitting too well with a lot of people, but I think I would be OK with it. The idea of cutting friends, family and guild members off from playing with eachother in World vs. World is best to be avoided. However, it could work, and is just another theory to balance this unbalanceable gamemode!