[Idea] Stealth Disruptor Trap -> Dron/Grenade
I don’t like how binary that is. Either stealth is too much utility like now or it’s utterly useless. No matter which, someone is going to be pretty unhappy.
That said, the trap as is…it’s a joke. Considering how hard it is to use, it should at least mark enemies so that it’s not so niche.
Mmm, a similar idea was brought up in this original topic. Though the original topic wanted to make a Marking Trick. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Trick-Marker/
Quoting myself from that topic below:
If your scout/person is within 1200 range and sees the enemy (with w.e. siege) it seems it being a throw-able trick is redundant? They would just say “20 YB at paper tower.” They are better off throwing Siege Disabler.
It would be more useful to revamp the Stealth Disruptor Trap to apply “marked” so it will see more use (it’s kind of in a joke state atm). Probably a better tool that helps those who already scout. I would say only keep it 15 seconds in duration so map awareness is more critical.
Or you could always increase sentries (they force larger forces to stop if they don’t want to be marked)!
In the end it all boils down to the usefulness of marking, which deters larger forces compared to marking a few roamers.
Mark = Knowing Locations of Enemies
Knowing Locations of Enemies = More Fights
More Fights = Profit?
Trinity Of Our EU Lords [Kazo] Zudo Jason Betta
Stealth trap is mostly just an anti-stealth spammer tool these days. Have used them a few times to dispose of bad players using it as a crutch, but the other scenario for which they were created – blocking veils and intercepting portallers – simply does not happen anymore because no-one in their right mind uses melee trains since the stability nerf.