Idea for Countering pulled Tactivators

Idea for Countering pulled Tactivators

in WvW

Posted by: Emylia Dentei.3069

Emylia Dentei.3069

Hello everyone!
I haven’t read through all 700+ page if this forum so beg your pardon if I’m just stirring cold soup!

I’ve been bored at work and been thinking on recent threads I have been seeing and well… Idea?

So sometimes there is people wrongly activating Tactivators for various reasons.

The idea I have is to “try” and “reduce” the possibility of a person deciding to “troll”. And by that, I mean people who would get on accounts that are stationned on opposing servers and pull them.

I know there’s an option for a guild to restreint access to general public, but how about this?

You cannot activate any Tavtivators unless your account has been on that map for 1 tick.

I know it means that if your zerg gets a call to go save something on another map, you won’t be able to pull anything in that objective. But it gives you an incentive (good word??) to leave scouts as you raid, or rely on players already on that map.

It’s kinda double edge sword, and it’s a sort of thing that might require some testing.

But the trolls would have to find a really good way to counter that lol. They couldn’t stay stationnary because they will get DC’ed. They would have to ACTUALLY run around for 15 mins before pulling anything. They might reconsider their purposes while waiting

Granted this doesn’t do anything towards people not knowing what they are doing and pulling the levers, but this is not of Anet’s responsability to educate the masses; it’s ours

So Am I just quaggan thinking here or is there some plausible materials to work on??

Idea for Countering pulled Tactivators

in WvW

Posted by: lil devils x.6071

lil devils x.6071

Most of the trolls are on the map for much longer than 1 tick, in addition that would prevent a player from getting there just in time to save the keep and pull the tactivator if they just got on the map from a scouting call. This idea can actually cause people to lose their keeps instead of save them.

The current solution is to only have dedicated guilds claiming objectives that set them to " guild only" and have someone there to handle them if needed. When that guild is leaving the map, they hand it off to another guild on the map and claim something else and allow the guild that will be handling the tactivatos to claim the objective instead. Other than that, the guild can be in coms and if they receive a scout call from another guild,, they can have someone ready to pull at the exact time they make them public and keep them guild only at all other times.The only other option is to guild claim it only while on map, then set to public when leaving if there is no one to hand off to and let the trolls troll away.

[KILL]Killing Tiers Leader [TOON] Toons of Terror Leader [NEWS This Just In Leader

(edited by lil devils x.6071)

Idea for Countering pulled Tactivators

in WvW

Posted by: Emylia Dentei.3069

Emylia Dentei.3069

Yeah, I know it would put some serious problems on a force comming on a map to help. Trying to think outside the box

Idea for Countering pulled Tactivators

in WvW

Posted by: lil devils x.6071

lil devils x.6071

Yeah, I know it would put some serious problems on a force comming on a map to help. Trying to think outside the box

Really the only thing actually works is to set them guild only and babysit them until you hand it off to someone else that will do the same.

[KILL]Killing Tiers Leader [TOON] Toons of Terror Leader [NEWS This Just In Leader

Idea for Countering pulled Tactivators

in WvW

Posted by: Taxidriver.2043


rank limit will weed out alot of alt account.

Idea for Countering pulled Tactivators

in WvW

Posted by: Loosmaster.8263


rank limit will weed out alot of alt account.

Tactivators are a HoT feature. How many alt accounts for trolling have upgraded to HoT? This could also limit its use. Like “Shield Generators”, you can’t use them if you don’t own HoT.

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Idea for Countering pulled Tactivators

in WvW

Posted by: Aileras.9460


They could make it so a message in chat comes up “so and so has pulled the whatever it is” that way at least you’d know who the troll is.

Also seems to be some trolling with useless siege being thrown down everywhere and wasting supply. If it said who threw it down, that might curve the trolls a bit. Its the anonymous nature of this stuff that makes it so easy to do.

Idea for Countering pulled Tactivators

in WvW

Posted by: Loosmaster.8263


They could make it so a message in chat comes up “so and so has pulled the whatever it is” that way at least you’d know who the troll is.

Also seems to be some trolling with useless siege being thrown down everywhere and wasting supply. If it said who threw it down, that might curve the trolls a bit. Its the anonymous nature of this stuff that makes it so easy to do.

Anet has always been dead set against the “Name and Shame” mentality so that will never happen. Your siege comment has been brought up many many times.

Tacktical Killers [TK]
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