Idea to improve/fix WvWvW
Perhaps you need to explain a bit more about this…
I’m reading:
Push everyone into 3 servers. 1 server at a time until they are full.
I’m interpreting:
Are you saying that the 3 servers that would be matched up every week get thrown into the hat and build 3 teams from that? I don’t think I like the idea of fighting next to people I can’t stand (not you ET).
How would server ranking be effected. Or do you want to throw the world wide population into one hat and create a few match ups? eeeeee!!!! And what if that last match up only has one server not fully populated? Or even worse, 1 person misses out on the pop cut and ends up on a team all alone…
My opinion is that server pride plays a huge roll in WvW – otherwise people would just hope over to any server if they wanted to pay the fee. There are some of us who can’t imagine fighting for any other team or with any other group of random people just in order to obtain some form of balanced match up.
The answer is: there is no answer. You can’t merge EU with NA. You can’t merge NA/EU within NA/EU, because it’s pointless due to night capping.
Just hope and pray “things sort themselves out” in the long run… which obviously has not happened.
Keep the Faith (and stay out of AC fire)
Merging together NA and EU is possible. Each WvW is a separate server, having 2 maps on a server located in EU and two on a server in NA would be fair (lag-wise). Actually, the oceanic connection is pretty good now (for West Europe at least), and you can play WvW with decent latency. You will be far more affected by skill lag / client side (rendering) lag anyway…
Merging NA and EU together would solve night capping as there would be no night capping. You’d have close to 100% prime time (with players from Asia that is).
Merging NA and EU together won’t solve population imbalances (bound to happen sooner or later) and as a result – queues / empty maps.
Going to elaborate a bit on OPs idea, as I had a similar one a while ago:
Merging server populations (inter or intra region), and creating 3 Factions (whole guild belongs to a faction) would solve population imbalance. Given enough maps (like hundred something to choose from; now there are 204 WvW maps across NA and EU servers), or implementing dynamic map allocation (all maps full, new one opens) would prevent queues and empty maps from happening. Server pride becomes Faction pride. Point wise, scrap total points and leave current income (WvW bonuses in PvE based on current score). Ongoing slaughter.
I understand what the op means by the 3 teams instead of 3 servers, however for it to work each “team” would have to be a groups of 3-4 different servers per each team and they would have to be balanced out so that you don’t end up with having all 1 tier server all on the same team. So for example you would need to balance team out like:
Teams would be something like
Server 1 is from ether T1/ T2
Server 2 is from ether T3/ T4
Server 3 is from ether T5/ T6
It could solve the problem for wvw for alot of smaller server as they would then be teaming up with other larger sever however the problem of some severs having 24/7 coverage would still be a problem unless eu/na/as players are block from joining from out side there respected region.
Just to clarify on some of my points:
1) The current servers will be divided into 3 teams. These teams will be balanced (ie top server teaming with bottom server etc.).
2) People on a team would log into a WvW server until it becomes full, during then people will be put into the next WvW server and so on.
3) There will be an option to select which server to que in, so group and guilds can que together.
4) Due to the lag, keep NA and EU servers separate, until these can be merged without lag. This is simply a hardware issue that exists even now.
5) Can’t predict which servers will have 24/7 coverage, but with this system, all 3 teams will have a much greater change of having full coverage.
Let’s here more suggestions
He wants multiple instances of each map, and all servers thrown into that one fight. I don’t like it, score will mean nothing, and you also lose the rivalry between different servers. It’s nice that you have some knowledge of the enemies you face and you have had good fights with them before.
Server merging EU and USA…. Only the english speaking EU servers or what? Then the German and french and spanish servers will be at a big disadvantage. Merging them all and you have the language problem reintroduced.