Idea to solve Population Issues

Idea to solve Population Issues

in WvW

Posted by: Tynyss.8237


My Idea was basically instead of Servers fighting each other, which causes the current population issues, let 3 factions, which are cross server, fight each other.
This way the whole WvW community wouldn’t split itself over 27 Servers(EU, or 24 Servers NA), but instead split itself over 3 factions(EU) and 3 Factions(NA).
To prevent insane long queues, instead of having only 3 Borderlands and 1 EB map, maps would be dynamically created to match the current amount of players.

But new maps would only be created, if all factions have relatively even numbers across all already created maps. This would prevent players from joining the winning faction, because they probably won’t be able to play, as long as the loosing faction doesn’t have relatively even numbers.

To join WvW now you would have a new Window, which shows all currently created maps, aswell as the amount of players of your faction currently playing these maps. You could join all maps as long as there aren’t the maximum amount of players on a map.

Points would still be aquired the same as before, except they are accumulated from all the maps and there wouldn’t be any rating necessary anymore.

You don’t need to join a specific WvW Server, you would simply choose a faction and then you could join WvW similar how you do it now(You will simply have more Maps to play on).

-No population issues
-no queues or lower queue times
-Nearly no incentive to switch factions

-factions aren’t based on laguages, this could be solved in some ways and isn’t necessarily a major problem.
-you don’t fight with people of your own Server anymore
-would take time to implement

So I would like to hear your thoughts on that system or if you like it/don’t like it and why not.
Note: Sorry for any wrong spelling or other grammatical errors, I’m not a native english speaker.

Edit: added another Con

(edited by Tynyss.8237)

Idea to solve Population Issues

in WvW

Posted by: Neeho.3859


Or you could lower queue gates, make it more painful on full servers to force them to transfer to less populated servers. WvW servers can;t handle the lag already as it is, 2 birds, 1 stone.

[SoCo] Solum Contego SoCo loco style!
Yak’s Bend

Idea to solve Population Issues

in WvW

Posted by: kingcragus.6810


What’s to stop people stacking one faction for easy mode ROFL stomping? People will always seek the easy route.

Idea to solve Population Issues

in WvW

Posted by: jrdp.1856


Or you could lower queue gates, make it more painful on full servers to force them to transfer to less populated servers. WvW servers can;t handle the lag already as it is, 2 birds, 1 stone.

Ohh, great idea, with only one stone you could kill half the players of the most populated servers and force them to left the game because you give them two choices:
a) Withstand unbarable queues of several hours
b) Left the servers, clans and comunities that maybe they are part from more than a year, ahh, and pay money/gold to left that servers.

Yes, great options, the problem could be that a lot of people would choose a new third option:
c) Left the game (or at least stop playing it).

To the OP, the problem of one big faction if that a lot of people choose their server for the WvW comunnity, i’m mostly a pug, but i pug with commanders i known from months of WvW, share voice server, etc… and i like that. A gigant WvW side with thousands of people that would be very dificult to fight with the people you knwon is not very appealing to me.

Idea to solve Population Issues

in WvW

Posted by: Tynyss.8237


What’s to stop people stacking one faction for easy mode ROFL stomping? People will always seek the easy route.

New Maps will only be create if all factions have relatively even numbers on the already existing maps, this way even if you join the winning faction you will have very long queues and joining the loosing faction will probably give you better rewards because there you will be able to play.

Idea to solve Population Issues

in WvW

Posted by: LHound.8964


Solving population issues?

1) – Merge Servers;
2) – Add more 2-3 maps for WvW (same or different player limit);


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Charr’s need more Love. All is Vain
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Idea to solve Population Issues

in WvW

Posted by: Tynyss.8237


Or you could lower queue gates, make it more painful on full servers to force them to transfer to less populated servers. WvW servers can;t handle the lag already as it is, 2 birds, 1 stone.

Ohh, great idea, with only one stone you could kill half the players of the most populated servers and force them to left the game because you give them two choices:
a) Withstand unbarable queues of several hours
b) Left the servers, clans and comunities that maybe they are part from more than a year, ahh, and pay money/gold to left that servers.

Yes, great options, the problem could be that a lot of people would choose a new third option:
c) Left the game (or at least stop playing it).

To the OP, the problem of one big faction if that a lot of people choose their server for the WvW comunnity, i’m mostly a pug, but i pug with commanders i known from months of WvW, share voice server, etc… and i like that. A gigant WvW side with thousands of people that would be very dificult to fight with the people you knwon is not very appealing to me.

I understand that completely, I’m still searching for a solution to fix this problem in my idea.

Idea to solve Population Issues

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

One thing that people get hung up on is server stacking…People seem to think that it is about winning, while some of that is true…It tends more to be about being on a server where WvW is the main style of play.

Meaning you aren’t stuck on a server that when ANET decides to allow players to makes 100s of gold a week farming PVE mobs, that you do not have only 5-10 people in EB and less than that on BLs during off-peak hours.

Mag Server Leader

(edited by King Amadaeus.8619)

Idea to solve Population Issues

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

Good idea. Probably should’ve been this way from the beginning.

As a way to not break up communities, the servers could just be split into the factions. Or a single server could all join a faction.

I’m sure its technically not possible though without a complete redesign of WvW.