Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
(edited by X T D.6458)
Hi all, I have a few ideas for EB that I thought I would bring up for a discussion and see how others feel about them. Please feel free to post your own ideas as well, ty.
-Replace mercenary camps with Bloodlust. This would work differently then other maps. They would be set on a timer, and lets say just as an example, every 2 hours a random Bloodlust node will become available for capture. In order to capture it, a team must hold it for 5 minutes. Capture mechanics would work the same as with objectives, whereby enemies inside the circle will slow or delay the process. Capture progress would be measured by a bar in the top right of your screen so everyone can see how each side is doing. Capturing this node will add an extra bloodlust point for your server that will reset with the next cycle. There could also be a champion lord that needs to be defeated to give teams more time to arrive in the area.
-Move the Overgrown Grub to a more isolated area. Reduce, or remove the ascalonian ghosts by blue keep.
-Remove dredge turrets, if mercenaries remain.
-Reposition Red keep/SMC so that Overlook cannot be trebbed from SMC and vice versa.
-Reposition Mendon’s tower to give it a more strategic purpose.
-Add destructible walls to the inner section of SMC. Reposition the cannons on the top floor.
-Shorten the ramp sections on the top floor so trebs cannot hit towers safely from the top.
Please add your thoughts, feedback, and ideas, ty.
(edited by X T D.6458)
Walls on inner SM, i would not like that, it it would make smc easy ktrainable, besides every side is always trbbing smc walls, so that would make SMC like a tower w/o…. would make smc cap more easilly than it is… since every is one massive blob, cap it fast when other blob is ktraining a empty map…
Altough if was impossible to stop the “hide and treb tower to castle” as it is, that would make more people going to open field siege and probably that would make sense add those wall to SM still game would have to loose the gimmick of 3 sides be able to treb walls, and smc would have to loose the same option to treb the closest towers.
That might create more open field fights.
I like your bloodlust ideas, still the outmaned “debuff” could add more chance % of close bloodlust merc camp be trigered.
What if SMC could be changed to a babel tower with several inner gates and walls as well with lord in top?
-One tower that i would like to get fixed is jerifer tower, it is possible to get that tower in a very very lame way…. no siege from keep or from the tower can hit the offensive siege in that place.
->Mendon could get more near the camp, at least would hold strategic position for that camp?
Somewhere near the cliff close to that camp?
About the Grub, it would be entertaining to see the worm poping up from the ground at any yellow swords XD like the wurms from dune.. and the ones from GW1, still eb map woud not be a good map for it, if only desert map… had more deser and less empty space under it…
Its like to add something more easy cap some stuff need to become more harder/effort to cap.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
SMC should be harder to defend given its defensive and strategic advantages, and also since it is worth so much more points now. Currently a server can simply hold it by sitting on siege. Basically build acs over the gates, and trebs to hit close towers and constantly backcap them. This is extremely stale and sometimes seems like the only way to cap an upgraded SMC is to wait until your opponent has a coverage gap, or to heavily blob up. This just discourages a lot of players especially since SMC is the dominant central landmark of the map, this is what makes the map fun and brings fights. Allowing one side to have too much of a defensive advantage produces stale gaming.
My idea, still allows SMC to be trebbed from towers keeping their strategic importance, however you would not be able to treb those towers safely from the top floor of SMC and basically just constantly backcap those towers and make it pointless to upgrade them. Adding destructible walls to the inner section gives an extra way to attack so defenders cannot just simply put up a bunch of acs above a gate.
The whole idea is to put SMC into play for all sides, not just to let one side dominate it. Basically if you want to keep it, you should actually have to fight for it.
(edited by X T D.6458)
I wouldn’t put bloodlust on EBG, I would rather see it put in the middle of desert BL or something , am ok with other suggestions however, especially about repositioning red keep and mendons.
I wouldn’t put bloodlust on EBG, I would rather see it put in the middle of desert BL or something , am ok with other suggestions however, especially about repositioning red keep and mendons.
I agree, though I think this idea could be more easily implemented in the dbl. The main reason for it is to replace the useless mercenary areas with an event that would promote fighting between groups. Keep in mind though that it would work much differently then the bloodlust in the borderlands.
Fix the lag first. helps when the rams actually can hit the gate.
Fix the lag first. helps when the rams actually can hit the gate.
Only way for Anet to adress that is reduce the number ofplaeyrs in WVW… while they keep increase server load with more aoe/cleaves/condis ticks.
-Shorten the ramp sections on the top floor so trebs cannot hit towers safely from the top.
SMC would lose it’s strategic value with that change. I’m all for stopping the SMC/OL treb wars, but the outer towers are suposed to be threatened by the castle.
-Shorten the ramp sections on the top floor so trebs cannot hit towers safely from the top.
SMC would lose it’s strategic value with that change. I’m all for stopping the SMC/OL treb wars, but the outer towers are suposed to be threatened by the castle.
You can still treb those towers from the ground level. The point of this change would be to stop safe trebbing from the top levels that cannot be countered, especially when outnumbered. This essentially throws those towers into an endless loop of backcapping and can make it pointless to upgrade them.
I think the main purpose of SMC and the EB map layout is to encourage fighting. The problem with SMC in its current state, is that it is too defensible and creates too much of an imbalance leaving little opportunities for smaller groups to take part in attacking it. Since SMC offers not just a strategic advantage, but also more points now when upgraded, it should require more effort to defend and upgrade. A server should have to commit aggressively to it and prioritize. Currently it is too easy to cap, blob up, and sit on siege, leaving little counterplay.
Resident zergs rushing away from their houses upon destruction.
Red keep – SMC trebbing is a good thing, adds disparity so it’s not so boring.
Mendons is good with watch tower but the sentry kind of makes its roll redundant. They could extend walling from tower into lake and tower towards spawn to force enemy player floe underneath the bridge helping to box in spawn area for red keep.
Sorry I think this would not work at all. EB is not the issue. All of WvW needs fixing atm. There is to long of a list to go into atm. However I do appreciate people bringing ideas to the table. I just do not see how this fixes anything, but rather makes it more convoluted. Just my two cents.
Red keep – SMC trebbing is a good thing, adds disparity so it’s not so boring.
Mendons is good with watch tower but the sentry kind of makes its roll redundant. They could extend walling from tower into lake and tower towards spawn to force enemy player floe underneath the bridge helping to box in spawn area for red keep.
A group should actually have to commit to hitting a keep, being able to place a few trebs inside smc and just wait for the keep walls to go down is incredibly bad design. It makes it near pointless to repair those walls that are taking damage.
Both sides being able to hit each other also makes those waypoints constantly contested which is annoying enough. This would also make towers like Anzalias and Ogrewatch more strategic as well, because there would be more reason to defend them and use them to hit SMC. Also this would equal out all sides, blue and green keeps cannot be hit from smc, and vice versa, but can use towers to treb it.
-Shorten the ramp sections on the top floor so trebs cannot hit towers safely from the top.
SMC would lose it’s strategic value with that change. I’m all for stopping the SMC/OL treb wars, but the outer towers are suposed to be threatened by the castle.
You can still treb those towers from the ground level. The point of this change would be to stop safe trebbing from the top levels that cannot be countered, especially when outnumbered. This essentially throws those towers into an endless loop of backcapping and can make it pointless to upgrade them.
I think the main purpose of SMC and the EB map layout is to encourage fighting. The problem with SMC in its current state, is that it is too defensible and creates too much of an imbalance leaving little opportunities for smaller groups to take part in attacking it. Since SMC offers not just a strategic advantage, but also more points now when upgraded, it should require more effort to defend and upgrade. A server should have to commit aggressively to it and prioritize. Currently it is too easy to cap, blob up, and sit on siege, leaving little counterplay.
That’s why you have to take smc often and break it’s upgrading and kill the defensive siege, kill the yaks going to it or take enemy camps to slow it’s progress. This is also where the 2v1 is mostly seen, not 2 sides fighting together, but forcing both to work on breaking it, thus promoting the biggest fighting area in the game.
You can kill 3rd floor trebs in the outer ring anyways, just a matter of players not being lazy about it and waiting to cap with a zerg, walls are usually down somewhere, not exactly hard to get in that ring and 1 ac can clear a platform.
Smc is fine the way it is to me, only thing I’d like for them to do is go through the entire castle and make sure there aren’t any extra glitches that’s causing lag.
Red area could use a redesign since they have 2 towers and a keep that can get hit by smc, 1 tower in the middle of nowhere, red is usually the “losing” side so why are they at the biggest disadvantage? If anything green and red should have been swapped.
I often wonder if many of the strategic areas they placed in alpine and ebg if they were all actually planned or accidents, there are a ton of good places to place siege to break things and also counter siege, many of the supply huts are good places for trebs. How did they even manage to mess up desert in that regards.
Is it feasible for ANet to just move keeps? I don’t know how zone architecture works.
Other than that I agree something ought to be done with the “Mercenaries” – I’ve never understood what the supposed point of those is. Having a “capture the flag” for Bloodlust is an interesting idea – might be a distraction you could use for cover to stage attacks elsewhere if nothing else.
Is it feasible for ANet to just move keeps? I don’t know how zone architecture works.
Other than that I agree something ought to be done with the “Mercenaries” – I’ve never understood what the supposed point of those is. Having a “capture the flag” for Bloodlust is an interesting idea – might be a distraction you could use for cover to stage attacks elsewhere if nothing else.
If repositioning is not actually possible, they can always redesign the layouts. One suggestion is to redraw and pull back the walls of SMC that face Overlook keep. This way any trebs built in smc would not be able to hit Overlook, and vice versa. If possible, also extend the walls of ogrewatch outwards, so it can be used to treb smc, and vice versa. The whole idea, is to make towers more strategic and worth defending, rather then subjecting red keep to constant trebbing.
The bloodlust idea, can encourage fighting between the 3 sides. I think the randomness of it, and the benefit it would provide will force groups to have to choose what they do. If they go to fight over it, they leave other objectives vulnerable, if they do not fight for it, they lose the benefit of owning it until the next time it resets.
NO! Time for that freeloader to get the boot!
-Replace EBG with Desert BL, enjoy the resulting sea of tears.
Make it like RTS game: once Stonemist Castle is fully upgraded, it will build a nuclear golem that takes 2 hours to complete. Once complete the golem will start heading towards the enemy keep of your choice (like the overlook). Once there it will ’splode, destroying all walls, siege, NPCs, and any players inside. The golem will would slowly and can be killed before it reaches its destination. It would have a 6 hour cooldown before you can build another. Hey, it beats trying to take a keep with 20 arrow carts raining down on you.
Make EBG great again!
(I’m joking)
The thing about trebuchets is, as long as you have the 2 key pressed, it will charge up fully and fire on its own every single time it comes off cooldown. Players will jam something in between the keys, or put something heavy on the 2 key (or maybe use a macro) and go AFK for hours at a time. The problem is this will keep the waypoint contested at SMC for long periods of time, making it hard to get to it to defend if an enemy zerg is trying to take it. Same goes for anyone inside SMC using a treb on a keep: their waypoint stays contested.
I had actually witnessed it myself once. A player on the outer wall of the overlook was trebbing the north east corner of SMC for a couple hours or so. My squad went on the hill just north of SMC and use a ballista to take out the treb along with the player using it. Another player came along and revived him. He didn’t waypoint or anything and appeared to be using a skill over and over as though it was set to autocast (probably weapon skill #2 since skill #2 is used for firing the treb). About 20 minutes later he was back up on the wall with a new treb, hitting SMC again. We took him out again but this time he either waypointed or logged out because his corpse vanished just as soon as he was dead.
Also I’ve noticed that even though the wall of SMC is broken and their server doesn’t go in to try and capture it, the player on the treb will continue to hit the corner. Also, players who own SMC will waste supply constantly repairing the wall. It’s pretty pointless when someone on a treb is AFK all day.
Of course it stops, for a little while, if a squad goes over there and destroys the siege on the walls.
In my opinion this is a form of automated gameplay, though I don’t know if this specifically would be in violation of the rules. I admit it is pretty boring. I spent about 20 minutes or so on a treb once, inside SMC, hitting the outer wall of the overlook and with it reinforced it was taking forever to break down. I got bored and went off roaming or zerging.
I never liked how tiny camp capture areas were. this doesn’t make much sense even to me but there it is.
remove grub, but add an anti zerg mechanic for outnumbered servers:
“call of the grub” commander of at least 10 person squad can call on the almighty grub to zerg bust all the zerg zombies (people who squirrel after everything).
remove supply completely. your towers and keeps generate supply based on your servers kdr/# of players*100.
add a siege cap, so many blah cannot be within 1500 range of eachother. (2?) trebs per camp.
remove aoe cap for most skills, limit some others.
outnumbered buff adds 20% damage resistance to people in at least a 10 person squad and in an area of 1500 around the commander.
revenge of the ambients: will inflict massive agony damage on whoever kills them.
if sitting on siege for too long, you turn into a monkey.
not really eb specific, but oh wells.
(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)
@StandtheWall, Outnumbered acts as an effect, not a buff. It has two main purposes, to indicate when you are the smallest force on a map, and to give a small incentive to play on that map. Using this to give a buff of any kind to a group would be very unfair.
I like the idea of having people turning into monkies if staying on siege too long lol
I know that, but I don’t think it would be unfair.
lol imagine all of the monkey business that would ensue.
(edited by Stand The Wall.6987)
And here is the problem with siege: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Siege_weapon#Siege_weapons_despawning
Player-placed siege weapons despawn if they are not manned for 60 minutes (15 minutes for Flame Ram). The time remaining is shown by the Siege Decay Timer effect on the weapon; players can reset it by briefly manning the weapon.
Siege weapons will self-destruct when the timer expires. Weapons in use will not self-destruct.
Interacting with the siege weapon will reset the timer.
As long as siege is in use, or a player uses it for a second, it will never expire and despawn. And that goes with what I was saying earlier with automated siege usage: if there aren’t many players from any server in EBG for a rather long period of time, someone can sit on a trebuchet for many hours automating siege usage without ever having to rebuild the treb because it will never expire.
Change the siege decay timer to make it continue even when the siege is in use. Siege lasts for 1 hour if it’s not used or interacted with in that amount of time, and 1 hour should be more than enough to break through a wall or gate, even for a single superior trebuchet.
that’s a good point about siege decay. I bet a bunch of siege monkeys whined on forums and got the rules changed. trebs are pretty op without siege decay.
that’s a good point about siege decay. I bet a bunch of siege monkeys whined on forums and got the rules changed. trebs are pretty op without siege decay.
I think siege decay has always been in the game, it is an important feature because otherwise some troll could literally just build a bunch of rams somewhere and siege cap the entire map for your server.
I think the only thing anet did in regards to siege decay was make the timer visible, which is extremely useful, especially for scouts.
If you suspect someone of using some 3rd party program to auto fire a treb, they should be reported through the proper in game tools.
Siege used to have a 15min timer, changed to 1hour unlike rams.
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