If WvW became like EotM...
Edge of the Mists has already been unanimously declared as karma train central.
I must have missed that memo. I go EotM when i want to see some action. When i get bored from flipping unguarded camps and escorting dolyaks to a tower, which then gets sniped by 6 guild cata’s before the swords even pop up.
Im glad we have EotM, no nonsense, no escorting some dumb AI, paying actual gold to get stuff upgraded. Just going around the map, fighting stuff.
More frequently see good fights in EotM then i do in our own kitten borderland, and thats tier1!
I never understood why a.net doesn’t incentive defending objectives (it would be so easy to do so…), but that’s why EoTM fell this low.
EotM become like it is because the rewards where so great. So each time you ask for more rewards in wvw your asking for the ppt maps to be pushed to becoming more like EotM. The thing that going to keep ppt maps from EotM is there world lock and the risk of losing ranks. A real goal that effects every one on that world and not just loot.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
On certain tiers it has already become apparent (and actively encouraged) to have “PPT Week”. Wherein we defend/zerg and basically do our best to win the week one time out of three. The other weeks we are encouraged to not bother and let the other sides have their go at it. So in essence regular WvW is becoming a EotM farm on tri-weekly basis now anyways.
I give it a year and all WvW will be is the place you go when you cannot find a good EotM megaserver to play on.
(edited by Tommyknocker.6089)
GW2’s opening day WvW was heavily inspired by Mythic’s Dark Age of Camelot’s “Frontiers” where three “countries” duked it out daily for keeps, walls, castles, etc….with siege all very familiar to you in Gw2…… wide open large zones where the battles were Epic.
When Gw2 came out a lot of us were OMG this is awesome!!!!! …….and it was awesome too…. BUT over time the developers make changes that seem to overwhelmingly derail WvW from being the Awesome warzone that it could be…. in fact many of these changes are eroding the WvW in a downward spiral…..
Edge of the Mists is cool…. but the hidden dark side is that is sucks the players out of the Borderlands and creates the Ultimate Train Ride for those going to the Karma Station……
The Bloodlust addition essentially plopped a giant PvP map into the three borderlands….
Colored Commander tags are now given but with the caveat that it is treated like a very expensive Vanity item… 300 gold ($47 US Dollars if you buy gems and convert to gold in the gem store PER COLOR)….. really? What a Spit into the faces of the WvW community this gracious addition is at 1500 Gold (nearly $250 in US Dollars) for all five colors! Jeesh I could almost buy a precursor and the much of the supplies to make my kitten legendary for that!
Siege Disabler…. this seems to be actually WORSE than the Commander tag fiasco… Commanders and the groups spend money buying siege…spend time building and getting the supply to complete the siege…. people tick and sentry the siege for hours…. then here comes Joe havoc group with Siege Disablers with 1200 range and deployed like a grenade with an AOE of supposedly 450 turning off your defensive siege for 45 seconds…. plenty of time for you to watch your siege AOEd into Dust without you ever firing off a single shot.
Add this to the fact that Defenders get Zilch for defending…..and that most of us are in the poorest gold category if we play mostly WvW…and most certainly the least rewarded of all the other portions of the game….
With these types of changes it begs the question whether the WvW Community is really considered a valuable asset to the Developers…..
Nerf the rewards of EotM and no one would go there anymore. People don’t play the map because it is great. Most people go there to level alts, increase wxp, or gain karma.
The map itself it a failure.
the whole concept of wvw is flawed.
make guild vs guild 25 vs 25 matchmaking.
Siege Disabler…. this seems to be actually WORSE than the Commander tag fiasco… Commanders and the groups spend money buying siege…spend time building and getting the supply to complete the siege…. people tick and sentry the siege for hours…. then here comes Joe havoc group with Siege Disablers with 1200 range and deployed like a grenade with an AOE of supposedly 450 turning off your defensive siege for 45 seconds…. plenty of time for you to watch your siege AOEd into Dust without you ever firing off a single shot.
Ok so im in the tower and they disabled all my siege. Guess what? I can disable their rams from the wall so they can no longer cap the tower in a fast time. Reinforcements can then arrive to get them off the tower before they can finish the gate off. The siege disabler is useful for the defending side as well as the offensive. It isn’t the end of the world for defenders.
Only if you have supply….. how many times have the enemy starved the supply of the tower to zero during the period where your particular server has poor coverage….. you rely on your siege to help you have a fighting chance to hold onto the tower or keep until coverage improves…. however the attacker KNOWS what they are up to…they will have worked out supply for their siege and their need for a number of these siege disablers. If there are only a couple ACs protecting the tower this will be insanely cheezy and easy for the attackers to take it….
This is also Yet Another Great step toward the borderlands becoming simply Karma trains….
This is a poor change…..and I suspect it wont be until this goes Live that most people “will get it”…..
Only if you have supply….. how many times have the enemy starved the supply of the tower to zero during the period where your particular server has poor coverage….. you rely on your siege to help you have a fighting chance to hold onto the tower or keep until coverage improves…. however the attacker KNOWS what they are up to…they will have worked out supply for their siege and their need for a number of these siege disablers. If there are only a couple ACs protecting the tower this will be insanely cheezy and easy for the attackers to take it….
This is also Yet Another Great step toward the borderlands becoming simply Karma trains….
This is a poor change…..and I suspect it wont be until this goes Live that most people “will get it”…..
This siege disable grenade thing is a projectile, and as such can be obstructed/ requires LOS. There are so many places you can place defensive siege that would be completely unaffected by this grenade, probably more than there is vulnerable spots. So what, you will have to place your billion arrow carts a little more strategically, but either way I think this whole thing is being over hyped. Remember when treb mastery was announced and everybody lost their mind about the supply drain when it hits a supply depot? I am in T1 and have literally never seen that happen… ever. These grenades cost 10 supply to throw, so lets even be generous and say everybody has supply mastery and took supply from a buffed camp, that’s two grenades, and keep in mind the attacking force has to build rams as well. Not to mention there is almost always a trebber hitting the gate with a cow supply drain, which makes it even harder for the attackers ( btw, those trebs are always in a position where they couldn’t be touched by these grenades).
TLDR: these grenades will probably have minimal affect of wvw because people will simply change their siege placement, so stop worrying. It will probably hurt attackers more than defenders tbh, as rams can only go in one place.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Nerf the rewards of EotM and no one would go there anymore. People don’t play the map because it is great. Most people go there to level alts, increase wxp, or gain karma.
The map itself it a failure.
If you keep nerfing, more people will just stop playing the game, period. At least players are still logging in and engaged while in EotM.
For WvW, I think most have tired of it. Tired of the 24/7 meta, tired of putting in over time, tired of the expense, tired that it’s simply one of the most inefficient ways of obtaining wealth in game. That’s why EotM has become more popular. It’s a fun care free game mode with better rewards. Yet, still has fights, still has siege, still has structures to take and defend. Even has great transforms to run around the map with.
For the notion that the upper tiers are GvG, T1 is not GvG at all. There are far too many players in T1 for it to be a GvG game mode. If anything, I think T1 is the last bastion of WvW left in the game. We’re doing an ok job of balancing. An ok job of win sharing. It’s the best we can do, as a whole community, to keep everyone happy and engaged.
IF WvW became like EOTM I would quit this game forever
IF WvW became like EOTM I would quit this game forever
^this pretty much.
GW2’s opening day WvW was heavily inspired by Mythic’s Dark Age of Camelot’s “Frontiers” where three “countries” duked it out daily for keeps, walls, castles, etc….with siege all very familiar to you in Gw2…… wide open large zones where the battles were Epic.
When Gw2 came out a lot of us were OMG this is awesome!!!!! …….and it was awesome too…. BUT over time the developers make changes that seem to overwhelmingly derail WvW from being the Awesome warzone that it could be…. in fact many of these changes are eroding the WvW in a downward spiral…..
Edge of the Mists is cool…. but the hidden dark side is that is sucks the players out of the Borderlands and creates the Ultimate Train Ride for those going to the Karma Station……
The Bloodlust addition essentially plopped a giant PvP map into the three borderlands….
Colored Commander tags are now given but with the caveat that it is treated like a very expensive Vanity item… 300 gold ($47 US Dollars if you buy gems and convert to gold in the gem store PER COLOR)….. really? What a Spit into the faces of the WvW community this gracious addition is at 1500 Gold (nearly $250 in US Dollars) for all five colors! Jeesh I could almost buy a precursor and the much of the supplies to make my kitten legendary for that!
Siege Disabler…. this seems to be actually WORSE than the Commander tag fiasco… Commanders and the groups spend money buying siege…spend time building and getting the supply to complete the siege…. people tick and sentry the siege for hours…. then here comes Joe havoc group with Siege Disablers with 1200 range and deployed like a grenade with an AOE of supposedly 450 turning off your defensive siege for 45 seconds…. plenty of time for you to watch your siege AOEd into Dust without you ever firing off a single shot.
Add this to the fact that Defenders get Zilch for defending…..and that most of us are in the poorest gold category if we play mostly WvW…and most certainly the least rewarded of all the other portions of the game….
With these types of changes it begs the question whether the WvW Community is really considered a valuable asset to the Developers…..
Devs need to read this. But will probably only get a report of what was read in it rather than just what was posted instead.