(edited by Widebody.5071)
If you play WvW to duel
I am terribly sorry for every duelers who got interrupted by the other Bubi.
Not all of the Bubi’s are playing this way, some know how to respect others.
A duel-loving Bubi
Oh wow! I hope you main a mesmer as well, that would be awesome!
I am terribly sorry for every duelers who got interrupted by the other Bubi.
Not all of the Bubi’s are playing this way, some know how to respect others.
A duel-loving Bubi
Oh wow! I hope you main a mesmer as well, that would be awesome!
yes he does =)))))
I am terribly sorry for every duelers who got interrupted by the other Bubi.
Not all of the Bubi’s are playing this way, some know how to respect others.
A duel-loving Bubi
Oh wow! I hope you main a mesmer as well, that would be awesome!
2 mesmers on lvl 80
(A salad for CoF p1 and the Mainstream-roaming asura [only power for the fun!] )
This thread was started by a not-dueler. This thread is not about a dueler whining ’cos he got interrupted. (Thou it evolved into the usual discussion.)
I am terribly sorry for every duelers who got interrupted by the other Bubi.
Not all of the Bubi’s are playing this way, some know how to respect others.
A duel-loving Bubi
Oh wow! I hope you main a mesmer as well, that would be awesome!
2 mesmers on lvl 80
(A salad for CoF p1 and the Mainstream-roaming asura [only power for the fun!] )
I’m scared, he has an asura mesmer as weel for his roaming
I’m as much scared as the time I was using my asura mesmer for roaming and he was using a charr guardian (our mains are almost the opposite, only difference is that I’m maining a norn guardian)
Whiteside Ridge
(edited by Dawntree.7246)
I cant say that ive ever really seen anyone dueling in WvW… although i think most people like to duel in Southernmost part of BL
Gates Of Madness
Jewelcrafting to 500!
Eeeeh, I’ve argued with people about duels. If there is no queue, there is no point in being a jerk to duelists. They aren’t hurting anyone. Proper duels have no stomps, so there is no stomp points gained on either side. I sit and watch them most times. They are thoroughly entertaining and refreshing to see a sense of honor amongst duelists. Of course….I’ve been told all duelists are spies. Which is silly. But still. The vitriol in mapchat when discussing duelists is insane.
I admit I get rather salty when people interrupt duels. I try to warn them to go away, there is no ganking going on there….and people persist. I in turn refuse to assist them when the other side ruins their parade. Nor will I pick up their corpse. If I recognize said kitten , I may even jump on their corpse before going back to watching the duels….but I’m supposedly a spy…and very obviously a jerk….
Dear BG, I miss your Stonemist duelers…..
[KiS] Kinetic Storm
If I’m on my staff ele then feel free to come help me as I’m being ganked- it’s not built for 1v1.
There’s a staff ele build you can run for duels. It’s not bad! Maybe if you have problems running back to the zerg/group, you can use that build and then swap when you meet up with your group.
I always try to intercept any duels I see, altough I am never lookig for them.
I do that because:
1. If I found you dueling, you are probably dueling on the main road, and not somewhere where you should (eg.: behind the windmill, OS, Skritt, Centaur).
2. I like the rage text after. I am curious what sorted profanity you have to throw at me.
3. If you are allowed to ‘play how you want’, so am I.
The difference, of course, being that you just stated that you do it for the reaction, and you’re intentionally trying to ruin someone’s experience.
I’ve had griefers interrupt duels (people standing watching an enemy and I spar) and my opponent stands by while I stomp their server mate (after they were told it’s a duel and to back off, pls). Pretty amusing to hear my opponent repeat to me what their dead server mate says. “halp plaeses. y u no rez!??!?!”
Obsidian Sanctum has a dueling area which most people respect. PvP also has dueling servers which most people respect. That’s where WvW dueling should be done.
If you are dueling in the open field of your BL don’t cry cause someone interrupted you fight and stomped you. Anywhere other than the 2 places mentioned above is fair game.
Again, no duelist is complaining here. The person who failed to interrupt a duel is the one complaining. So I say the same argument back to you; if you try to interrupt a duel and get killed, don’t cry on the forums.
Actually the duelers are the ones complaining about being interrupted and some doing so in a rude and disrespectful manner. All because the original poster tried to point out that there was a pvp mode in game for dueling. Duelers can’t expect folks to do things their way and then not be respectful of non-duelers way of doing things.
This is especially true of those that resort to grouping people into derogatory groups just because they have opinion that is different then their own. If you get steamrolled for dueling in an open field don’t get mad in the forums when someone tries to guide you to the proper venue.
Did you even read the OP’s post? He’s mad because he interrupted a duel and died, as he should have. Moral of the story, don’t interrupt duels then get made if/when you die. Duelists are perfectly aware that people can interrupt the duel, as a result we don’t usually deal kindly with those who interrupt, that means watching a team mate die.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
How about posting in map-chat that you’re dueling, where u are, and plz dont interfere, and say when you’re done? It would be quick and easy to do. Like for eg. /M dueling N of SE Camp, plz don’t help. Quicker than re-setting or trying to find that player again. I know, once in a while you both might get trolled, but not much I’d wager. And just a quick “all done” or whatever when you finish. I like to duel, and i gotta say, it happens in all places in the maps, so I think moving of to a diff spot isn’t gonna work naturally. And if you’re in TS, which you other WvW players should be, just say something in there. I might do that from now on. I think my server mates will respect that. If you wan’t to not get someone to jump in, take the 3 seconds to /m a half sentence. You shouldn’t be mad cause someone is taking WvW serious, and sees red and goes for the kill. Different if you /s something and they still do it. It’s all relative to each situation.
I don’t think either side of this coin is “right” IMO. People have different views of WvW(Like the playing uplevels arguments). I’m actually a little empathetic to each view. But this seems very fixable on us the players end. Next time I duel, I’m gonna try doing what I suggested.
Maguuma & A Few alts on other NA/EU servers
You’d be pleased to know that there’s an actual game mode that’s focused solely on small scale fights and duels:
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvpMeanwhile, don’t be the jerk that lets your team die because you insist on dueling with enemy. WvW is meant to be a field of war where everything green is your friend to assist and everything red is your enemy to attack.
The WvW players
spvp for small scale fights? hell no its all about standing in a circle and kitten ing
Lol, I’m amazed at how many people are so obsessed with PPT and server pride. There’s no right/wrong way to play WvW.
I play it so that good, even fights are my be all, end all reason for loading into WvW.
You say it’s disrespectful to not help a teammate? Good, I don’t have any respect for people who ruin good even fights.
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]
There is nothing wrong with dueling, just don’t be am obnoxious jerk when I accidentally kill the guy you’re “dueling” with (especially when he’s a guardian unable to beat a glass cannon ranger with fibromyalgia, arthritis and a 3 button mouse). If I realize you’re dueling I won’t interfere but otherwise I shoot first and ask questions later. WvW is not your personal playground and no one has to respect your private play. If you act like a jerk and hurls insults at people playing the way they want to play that reduces the odds people will respect your private duels or those of others.
If I am in WvW, consider your fights interrupted. If i can see an enemy player at or on a node or in between nodes or in any hidy holes or back routes then you are doing it wrong and you are a threat. If you are south of windmill or in Obsidian Sanctum then enjoy your duels. If you are south of windmill and ss camp is your color then too bad duel is going to be interrupted.
Warrior – The New Burninator! Strongbad would be so proud!
Guardian – Burn for you, heal for me, block for me and uh…sorry Im all out of gifts.
Bottom line, if your using WvW primarily to duel.. don’t, get out, go to the proper venue.
I’m not saying this to tell you how to play, I’m saying this because if your “Red”, i’ll mow you down regardless of whether your dueling or not.
Given I play the class being whined the most about at the moment in full glass gear, I have the 1 skill that will do just that when I catch you by surprise… Which I will because your focused on dueling.
Everyone can do whatever they want, but if you try to disrupt my duel prepare to die, and if you are my allie you are not getting any ressing from me, I will just jump on your dead body and /laugh
No just no.
I play WvW for duels and roaming.
And backstabbing spies? You are taking this game far too serious man. This is like you can t be friends with someone only because he’s fighting for a different side. If you want to blob fine, but don t go interupting 1v1’s except if someone joins in.
And besides something is called OS, it’s an Arena Where you can 1v1 people. If you gank there, you won t have any reputation left.
The real WvW roamers
Words of enlightenment OP.
Step up and talk for the majority of us WvW’ers, don’t let the minority take control of this game and run it to the ground.
Words of enlightenment OP.
Step up and talk for the majority of us WvW’ers, don’t let the minority take control of this game and run it to the ground.
Especially when the “minority” is just trying to do their own thing. How dare they not conform!?
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
It will only be a matter of time before you do not care about PPT anymore
I am honestly surprised people still do
I definitely do not bother telling people who play for keeps and towers how to play though
Please add in a dueling option so we can duel between friends anywhere we want OR AT THE VERY LEAST in the OS sanctum arena. That way I don’t have to hear any more complaining from terrible players when they interrupt a duel and get destroyed in a 1v1.
Bottom line, if your using WvW primarily to duel.. don’t, get out, go to the proper venue.
I’m not saying this to tell you how to play, I’m saying this because if your “Red”, i’ll mow you down regardless of whether your dueling or not.
Given I play the class being whined the most about at the moment in full glass gear, I have the 1 skill that will do just that when I catch you by surprise… Which I will because your focused on dueling.
Lol, nice attempt at trying to be intimidating, but every ranger I see in wvw running a full glass longbow can’t play the game to save their life. Go ahead and interrupt those duels, whatever makes you feel significant. I just hope maybe you would try and interrupt mine with a build like yours, I never get tired of killing LB rangers
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
If you go play on a rink or in a field, the car isn’t going to follow you around without breaking some laws. Bad attempt to extend the analogy. If you keep moving from street to street and a car keeps following you, well, you can do what you want, and so can the person in the car.
That doesn’t stop the guy in the car from being a kitten.
You’re trying so hard to make it sound like “intentionally ruining other people’s fun for no other reason than your own twisted amusement” is totally fine because it’s “allowed”.
Just because something is allowed doesn’t make it okay. Infact, if the guy in the car followed you around for long enough, there would be fair grounds for a harassment charge. Harrasment is precisely this situation; doing something technically legal but with the intent of causing annoyance.
No matter how you spin it, intentionally causing misery to others for no reason is always, always, everywhere in life, a kittenbag move.
It’s strange that you don’t extend your logic to the core point I was making. So, I’ll do it for you: just because you “can” duel in WvW, doesn’t mean you should. You’re taking a queue spot from someone actually committed to the purpose of WvW and you’ve got options outside of WvW for dueling. Your activity is causing misery to that person in particular and to your team as a whole.
If we extend your logic even further and grant that all duels should never be interrupted, what if the server limit of people jumps into a map and does nothing but duel? Do you support that position? Are you in favor of a group of people wrecking WvW players’ fun by camping a map for a purpose for which it wasn’t designed?
Of course, you chose to leave out my last paragraph, which was the one that actually applied. The analogy of the car was a terrible one to begin with and argument by analogy is fundamentally limited. Which is why I made the point: “This whole discussion is silly. Duelers should accept they’re going to get ganked/interrupted and solo players interrupting a duel should be prepared to die alone. It’s pretty simple to understand.” I’m not advocating griefing; I’m advocating having your kitten handed to you in a PvP environment because you’re too busy playing for yourself, instead of your team. It doesn’t matter if you’re a dueler or an interrupter. There’s a war going on in WvW. Stop screwing around and run up the score!
Lol, this thread is giving me cancer.
It’s strange that you don’t extend your logic to the core point I was making. So, I’ll do it for you: just because you “can” duel in WvW, doesn’t mean you should.
What do you think the purpose of WvW is? To PPT? That’s pretty laughable. In the end, you play the game to have fun, and if dueling is fun to someone, let them be. Last I checked, pretty sure fighting enemies was a part of WvW too. Whether that fight was an arranged 1v1 or a chaotic zergfest doesn’t matter.
You’re taking a queue spot from someone actually committed to the purpose of WvW and you’ve got options outside of WvW for dueling. Your activity is causing misery to that person in particular and to your team as a whole.
This is incredibly wrong on so many levels. It basically reads “you’re not playing the game the way I like to play it, so you’re griefing your entire server”. Head’s up: having the highest score on Friday doesn’t do anything for you or your server — this is especially true without Seasons.
If we extend your logic even further and grant that all duels should never be interrupted, what if the server limit of people jumps into a map and does nothing but duel? Do you support that position? Are you in favor of a group of people wrecking WvW players’ fun by camping a map for a purpose for which it wasn’t designed?
If that many people want to duel, then that’s perfectly fine. If that many people want to duel, then you’re in the minority, and if you interrupt their duel, you’re the one “wrecking WvW players’ fun”.
Again, there’s no purpose to WvW other than to have fun. You do that however you want. Your entire complaint reminds me of that Anet dev that complained about GvG players “violating his game mode”, only to later eat his words and have a co-worker publicly apologize on his behalf.
If you go play on a rink or in a field, the car isn’t going to follow you around without breaking some laws. Bad attempt to extend the analogy. If you keep moving from street to street and a car keeps following you, well, you can do what you want, and so can the person in the car.
That doesn’t stop the guy in the car from being a kitten.
You’re trying so hard to make it sound like “intentionally ruining other people’s fun for no other reason than your own twisted amusement” is totally fine because it’s “allowed”.
Just because something is allowed doesn’t make it okay. Infact, if the guy in the car followed you around for long enough, there would be fair grounds for a harassment charge. Harrasment is precisely this situation; doing something technically legal but with the intent of causing annoyance.
No matter how you spin it, intentionally causing misery to others for no reason is always, always, everywhere in life, a kittenbag move.
It’s strange that you don’t extend your logic to the core point I was making. So, I’ll do it for you: just because you “can” duel in WvW, doesn’t mean you should. You’re taking a queue spot from someone actually committed to the purpose of WvW and you’ve got options outside of WvW for dueling. Your activity is causing misery to that person in particular and to your team as a whole.
If we extend your logic even further and grant that all duels should never be interrupted, what if the server limit of people jumps into a map and does nothing but duel? Do you support that position? Are you in favor of a group of people wrecking WvW players’ fun by camping a map for a purpose for which it wasn’t designed?
Of course, you chose to leave out my last paragraph, which was the one that actually applied. The analogy of the car was a terrible one to begin with and argument by analogy is fundamentally limited. Which is why I made the point: “This whole discussion is silly. Duelers should accept they’re going to get ganked/interrupted and solo players interrupting a duel should be prepared to die alone. It’s pretty simple to understand.” I’m not advocating griefing; I’m advocating having your kitten handed to you in a PvP environment because you’re too busy playing for yourself, instead of your team. It doesn’t matter if you’re a dueler or an interrupter. There’s a war going on in WvW. Stop screwing around and run up the score!
Your whole post implies there are queues on every map, so hello Mr. T1 zergling. It also implies that people care about PPT, and somehow, playing for PPT makes you more worthy than not. You can’t even say duelists are elitist with a mentality like that…
If you really want to get into the tiny little details, that duelist is taking up a queue spot true (great point m8, didn’t see that one coming), however he also deals with at least one more enemy who is also dueling. Therefore it cancels out. Meaningless argument is meaningless.
As somebody already said, and you quoted in your post; if you duel, prepare to get interrupted, if you interrupt, prepare for an unassisted fight. It’s that simple, there is no right way to play the game.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Lol, this thread is giving me cancer.
Does anyone ever read the entirety of anything? I too support the “do WTF you want.” I even say it! Repeatedly!!!!! What I do not support is people trying to use e-honor arguments to defend their point of view. My point in the whole first part of my last post was to point out the ridiculousness of his argument.
I’ll repeat it one more time for the comprehension-impaired (it’s weird that you all cut out the last kittening paragraph, which is the relevant one. ): if you duel and get ganked shut up and respawn. You’re red on a battle field. If you attempt to gank a dueler and get killed, shut up and respawn. You’re red on a battle field.
Whatever argument you have to make boils down to “if it feels good, do it.” So kill all the things. You and I agree, not disagree. It would be nice if people didn’t reflexively post.
As somebody already said, and you quoted in your post; if you duel, prepare to get interrupted, if you interrupt, prepare for an unassisted fight. It’s that simple, there is no right way to play the game.
I said it!! ME! I’m the one who said it! Does nobody kittening read!? LOL
Looks like Omega’s argument got bashed too kitten the unofficial forums, so he has to come crying to the few people who actually agree with him.
I duel in WvW, because it’s fun. However, if I’m not in OS or the windmill, I’m prepared for a 1v2, or 1vX, and to hoof it if I need to. It’s however most entertaining when one other person intervenes and my opponent whispers me something like “Do with him what you will,” and then they get mad.
Basically, what Kaal (Calypso) said. Same stance as her.