In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934



And the next Half Hour i am refreshing the sieges.

Is there any player that thinks that the timers on superior sieges ( , that need materials and siege master guide = game time and limited ) and guild sieges ( , guild sieges need except the small in-game currency 3 Guild Commendations that someone can win 6 per week ) that cost a lot of gold and game time and nobody can waste them for griefing are ….

correct and logical ?

i will read the forums for 10 more days to listen what was the reason to have the “advanced” sieges same timers with simple sieges ( from anet devs , but players can say their opinions too ) , before … i move on to the next open-field hype pvp mmo .

p.s. ofc this is not the only reason that i am moving , there are so many game flaws in wvw but really after so much time that i lost the last 1.5 year ( proof in the image below ) refreshing these sieges , i need to listen a REALLY reason


(edited by Reborn.2934)

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: Ansau.7326


Well, you have spent more that 7 hours/day non-stop since you started. Wasting your last 1,5 years on a game, your problem. Hope you find another game that provides so much hours of fun like this.

PD: It’s not a game flaw if people of your server don’t pay attention on refreshing siege or upgrading things…

Ansau – Sylvari Mesmer – Exiled Warriors [wE] – Gandara

i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz

(edited by Ansau.7326)

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


thank you ansau for you answer and your calculations . i have spent the 70% and more of this time in wvw game mode because i thought that will be all the time fun … and in this time i just realized with your calculations that i lost too much time refreshing sieges and loosing my time in a awful game mechanism . refreshing something that very few players care about it and never rewarded at least …

this makes me more sad. i loved the game but so much wasted time for refreshing sieges ….

(edited by Reborn.2934)

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: dandamanno.4136


I refresh siege that I run across. That’s it. Why would I play a game that required me to run around doing something terribly boring for hours a day?

Maybe it helps your team win, maybe not. But at the end of the week it’s not like you get any dazzling rewards (for winning the match or refreshing siege) and no one will remember your work refreshing sieges anyway.

Play for fun and don’t let anyone else tell you how you should be spending your time.

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: Reverence.6915


Siege should have a countdown timer to avoid troll siege being stuck there until an enemy comes over to take your structure. It’s a pretty good way to ensure that siege you don’t want gets removed. 1hr isn’t that long that troll siege placement can be extremely devastating, and it isn’t that short that you can chill about siege refreshment since it’s once every 50-55mins for around 5-10 mins

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: Rimmy.9217


I refresh siege that I run across. That’s it. Why would I play a game that required me to run around doing something terribly boring for hours a day?

Maybe it helps your team win, maybe not. But at the end of the week it’s not like you get any dazzling rewards (for winning the match or refreshing siege) and no one will remember your work refreshing sieges anyway.

Play for fun and don’t let anyone else tell you how you should be spending your time.

Your “dazzling reward” comes when the siege is available to defend with when your opponents come a-knocking.

The game doesn’t require you to do anything – it’s your choice to refresh siege. If you ‘want to be remembered’ as you say, then do something memorable.

And I say this coming from a server where nobody refreshes siege, so we often don’t bother until our gates are being hit.

Trollnado Ele – Ehmry Bay

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: dandamanno.4136


I refresh siege that I run across. That’s it. Why would I play a game that required me to run around doing something terribly boring for hours a day?

Maybe it helps your team win, maybe not. But at the end of the week it’s not like you get any dazzling rewards (for winning the match or refreshing siege) and no one will remember your work refreshing sieges anyway.

Play for fun and don’t let anyone else tell you how you should be spending your time.

Your “dazzling reward” comes when the siege is available to defend with when your opponents come a-knocking.

The game doesn’t require you to do anything – it’s your choice to refresh siege. If you ‘want to be remembered’ as you say, then do something memorable.

And I say this coming from a server where nobody refreshes siege, so we often don’t bother until our gates are being hit.

I think we agree? Don’t blow your playing time doing things you find to be unfun. Find ways to contribute doing fun things instead.

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: Menaka.5092


Use less siege, problem solved.

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: nirvana.8245


Don’t refresh siege. Don’t do upgrades. Don’t scout. Don’t get caught up in server pride. Play WvW for fun.

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: Rimmy.9217


I refresh siege that I run across. That’s it. Why would I play a game that required me to run around doing something terribly boring for hours a day?

Maybe it helps your team win, maybe not. But at the end of the week it’s not like you get any dazzling rewards (for winning the match or refreshing siege) and no one will remember your work refreshing sieges anyway.

Play for fun and don’t let anyone else tell you how you should be spending your time.

Your “dazzling reward” comes when the siege is available to defend with when your opponents come a-knocking.

The game doesn’t require you to do anything – it’s your choice to refresh siege. If you ‘want to be remembered’ as you say, then do something memorable.

And I say this coming from a server where nobody refreshes siege, so we often don’t bother until our gates are being hit.

I think we agree? Don’t blow your playing time doing things you find to be unfun. Find ways to contribute doing fun things instead.

Yes we agree lol.

I was expanding on what you said, but directing it to the OP. I realize now that I didn’t make that clear, rereading myself.

Trollnado Ele – Ehmry Bay

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: Altie.4571


a) siege needs a de-spawn point in case some siege was badly placed or placed by a troll
b) because siege has a limit per map (something like 100 / team / map)
c) because above there’s a timer

And finally, no one forces you to refresh siege. If that’s your excuse, its a poor one and you DON’T DESERVE an answer.

When scientists discover the center of the universe,
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


Other then what others have already mentioned, it might also encourage scouting objectives. If you’re staying in a tower to refresh, or running back every so often to do so, you may be more likely to see attackers before swords pop up. If you find scouting a waste of time… well it may not be particularly rewarding for yourself, but can be extremely useful in keeping objectives. (If you don’t value defending, I’m not sure why you would have wasted so much time dong so…)

If you’re waiting for a Dev response, you’re highly unlikely to get one.

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: Jeff.5139


Would be nice to maybe have a longer de-spawn time for superiors at least, maybe 2 hours?

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: McWolfy.5924


Refreshing is not a 1 man job
I think the 1 hour is too much

Just the WvW

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: edd.5013


Hey Reborn

Saw you in Auroria yesterday

I’m moving there permanently on the 12th

Officer: Confront and Conquer [VICI]
Surinda Thorberg. Jorge Thorberg.

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: Berk.8561


Is any player that thinks that the timers on sieges , special on superior sieges and guild sieges ( that cost a lot gold and game time and nobody can waste them for griefing ) are correct and logical ?

For the most part, yes, though it’s helps when there is siege you don’t want that’s taking up real estate where you’d rather put something else. My suggesting is to create a version of the metabolic primer, which makes food last for 12 hours, for siege weapons. If you deploy (or maybe complete) a siege weapon while the siege primer is active (one shot or within a time limit), the siege weapon won’t expire for 12 hours (unless it’s destroyed). Way to keep some critical siege weapons from expiring. Way for ANet to get some money from WvW players through the gem store.

Kerzic [CoI] – Ranger – Eredon Terrace

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: titanlectro.5029


This is why there are siege timers. This is from one of the beta weekends.

Gate of Madness | Leader – Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is my Trahearne’s story

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: MoonT.6845


I agree with the OP siege refresh is ridiculous, why on earth should siege just disappear after a set time, must be some serious bloody woodworm in these keeps and towers. It’s hard enough trying to defend a tower when a 60 man blob turns up, you hit all your defences to run through the crowd on the gate, get inside and lo and behold all the siege you placed earlier in the day is gone and you’re left slinging stones from the tower walls with 0% chance of holding.

I naturally like to play tower defence, zerging for me is boring, I’d much rather pit my wits to keep an enemy at bay. However I’m now at the stage where I no longer scout because it just costs me money and I earn next to none back. I throw 10 bits of siege up in a tower, probably spend 2g on that, another couple of gold upgrading and then head off for tea. Come back an hour or 2 later and because the person you left scouting didn’t do a job I now have to spend more on resiegeing, if the tower has been taken.

ANet need to find a better way to reward people that don’t jump on the karma train and want to play this game with some level of tactics and sanity. Siege refresh is just another way to drain gold and ensure the zerg mentality remains.

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Because the siege map limit will be reached,as it was happening before the decayer got introduced.And we couldn’t throw anymore rams Anywhere because of it ..and it was happening frequently..When people got a hold of it,they purposely started maxing out the map limit so No one could use anymore rams…No,it wasn;t fun.

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


I agree with the OP siege refresh is ridiculous, why on earth should siege just disappear after a set time, must be some serious bloody woodworm in these keeps and towers. It’s hard enough trying to defend a tower when a 60 man blob turns up, you hit all your defences to run through the crowd on the gate, get inside and lo and behold all the siege you placed earlier in the day is gone and you’re left slinging stones from the tower walls with 0% chance of holding.

I naturally like to play tower defence, zerging for me is boring, I’d much rather pit my wits to keep an enemy at bay. However I’m now at the stage where I no longer scout because it just costs me money and I earn next to none back. I throw 10 bits of siege up in a tower, probably spend 2g on that, another couple of gold upgrading and then head off for tea. Come back an hour or 2 later and because the person you left scouting didn’t do a job I now have to spend more on resiegeing, if the tower has been taken.

ANet need to find a better way to reward people that don’t jump on the karma train and want to play this game with some level of tactics and sanity. Siege refresh is just another way to drain gold and ensure the zerg mentality remains.

i agree in all except the words in bold .

i am sure they don’t want to drain the player’s gold from sieges. if anet wanted to do it this way they should remove the feature to take sieges with badges , and badges falling from the sky in eotm , just following the zerg …..

also , i don’t care about simple sieges. theya re not logic the timers for guild / superior sieges and i will update the first post because i have a feeling that it delivers wrong message.

both need much more game time , materials and special the guild sieges are limited by the time …

grief problem ? who wants to grief with something that cost him a lot of gold and game time ? if there is this guy , he is the stupidest gamer in gw2 ….. and i am sure all will laugh in map chat when they will find superior / guild sieges all over the place

This is why there are siege timers. This is from one of the beta weekends.

mate i think you misunderstood . i am speaking for sieges refresh . this means the sieges have built ….. i really don’t care for the timers before built !

(edited by Reborn.2934)

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: Berk.8561


ANet need to find a better way to reward people that don’t jump on the karma train and want to play this game with some level of tactics and sanity. Siege refresh is just another way to drain gold and ensure the zerg mentality remains.

ANet could give players a reward (karma, if not silver) for using any siege weapon with less than 30 minutes left on the timer (not counting rams and golems used primarily for offense). It doesn’t have to be a big reward, but a reward would help encourage players to do it.

Kerzic [CoI] – Ranger – Eredon Terrace

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


Don’t refresh siege. Don’t do upgrades. Don’t scout. Don’t get caught up in server pride. Play WvW for fun.

I totally agree.

WvW pride? That ship has sailed a long time ago, Reborn.

Only refresh the siege you see and move on. You’re supposed to have fun.

(edited by Kraljevo.2801)

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


Don’t refresh siege. Don’t do upgrades. Don’t scout. Don’t get caught up in server pride. Play WvW for fun.

I totally agree.

WvW pride? That ship has sailed a long time ago, Reborn.

Only refresh the siege you see and move on. You’re supposed to have fun.

i am playing for my server and for me same time , and i am not alone in that “ship” . check the requirement wvw section and you will find a lot of server requirements .

that means server pride exist , as PPT exist , because of score ofc.

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238


One of the best things about playing against nightcappers is it doesn’t matter whether you refresh siege or not.

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934



One of the best things about playing against nightcappers is it doesn’t matter whether you refresh siege or not.

siege timers affect a bit the coverage .

let me give an example. when i am alone in the map “cleaning” the south area in my border , while most of our people fighting at eb ( this is a common situation in EU server nights ) , if i have to stop this action and go back to gar , hills , bay ( no time for towers sieges refresh ) then i left the south area without “eyes” .

in this time the enemies will start building omegas and i will not know it because when i will go back i will found only a lord with an ex – time buff to capture again and the time i am capturing back the camp , they are attacking gar, hills, bay ….

i lost very valuable time to safe our keeps . i failed as scouter …. because of refreshing the sieges .

so , siege refresh timers can affect coverage too , under some specials situations ,because you need have more forces to do this awful “job” to stay competitive against enemies.

p.s. maybe the solution for all these siege timers / coverage problems is the disable trap … we will see ….

(edited by Reborn.2934)

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


I will repost a suggestion I made in a similar thread some time back.

As I suggested in another thread the system already keeps track of each and every piece of siege, hence the timers. If they placed a siege “mechanic” in each tower/keep (as one of the upgrades to go along with the extra worker) with a map of the siege placement under his control (trebs are currently shown on mini-map which would suggest that the game knows where all pieces of siege are placed) a person refreshing siege could open the interface, select which siege they would like to refresh and tell the guy to get to work. All refreshed siege in that keep would be under one timer, siege would not get missed by the next shift coming on, and it would save people time. If it is a piece of troll siege then that piece is not selected for refresh on the mechanics interface.
For extra badges or silver depending on the amount of siege under the mechanic’s control the timer could be extended to a max of 3 hours.

Theftwind (HoD)