Invitation to Piken Square, From Gunnars Hold
As far as we (AM) know [KISS] are actually 4 guilds. Because of their numbers they make up quite a large number of GH’s whole WvW-Community.
From our point of view it’s a difference to fight VII or (2 weeks ago) RG than to face KISS. Because VII is smaller, with a lot of well playing gamers, you will also defeat KISS because of their numbers they don’t seem the be as well-rehearsed as the Piken-Guilds are.
Their strengh lies in numbers and wide-scale organisation. They can easily dominate more than one BL with just one guild.
That’s just my point of view. So I think in 1:1 Piken would win.
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Thats cause VII has a secret weapon: Darwald.
This is turning out to be such a great week. Close scores and great battles. I don’t know about other servers but I know that many of us on Piken are loving it.
Second Law.
Piken primetime force = strongest (more pvp focused guilds of decent size)
Gunnars later night force (01:00-03:00) = strongest most nights
AM’s early morning/day force = strongest
Though primetime piken lead is normally only a small amount, you still have the stronger forces that pick on the weakest enemy (good tactic but annoying as that means it me as i pick outmanned bl ) … though will you hold onto the lead you got through the weekend? Hmmm not sure. Think the day and/or night difference will mean you lose it to one of the others if not both… but you are far from being the weekest server.
Definately going to be a very good week. I been doing PvE so far today but hope to play some WvW later as been fun each day so far
Slips, Xzi, Ive been asking around about you, have run into Hob a few times already, good to hear from you both. Ill check GWguru but Im registered on so many forums I keep forgetting which one to check :-p
Vitas is the same Vitas Odium Parit from War but without Imperial Pact,
Vitas dropped the ‘Odium Parit’ as it didnt seem appropriate, we went with Vitas as w working title but never truelly find a name we felt was fitting so we went with tradition :-)
Well, crushing victory eh? We will have to see about that, but we WILL make you fight for it, you can have your victory if you pry if from our cold, dead hands :-D
Hope to see you all in the end of week comm meeting. If not needed elsewhere Vitas will be running around on Piken Square’s borderland, Ill see what I can do about posting a screenie of some of our fighters.
See you on the battlefield!
(edited by Moderator)
Piken primetime force = strongest (more pvp focused guilds of decent size)
Gunnars later night force (01:00-03:00) = strongest most nights
AM’s early morning/day force = strongestThough primetime piken lead is normally only a small amount, you still have the stronger forces that pick on the weakest enemy (good tactic but annoying as that means it me as i pick outmanned bl
) … though will you hold onto the lead you got through the weekend? Hmmm not sure. Think the day and/or night difference will mean you lose it to one of the others if not both… but you are far from being the weekest server.
Definately going to be a very good week. I been doing PvE so far today but hope to play some WvW later as been fun each day so far
We (as in Piken) have been expanding our daytime forces – we’ve had a Russian Alliance join from Vabbi in the last day, so AM may well have some competition during daylight hours.
Fun fights this week, it’s nice seeing some old familiar names about
It was a pleasure to meet Vanz very nice guy. There is some seriously organized guilds on Piken that would be making our time in kiss hard work
“fun to the end none the less” excellent match up this week and it looks like all 3 servers will stay in this tier for next weeks match up. Look forward to seeing you in game Piken.
Zee germans dont seem to play as well this week, I wonder why. Good job to those german guilds who are putting in good effort. “we enjoyed beating on you last night”
I don’t know about the other guilds on Piken, but BOON Control love Piken too much to ever move.
Piken it just to perfect a server for an enjoyable game,
1. Its the “RP server” thus has next to no kitteners, idiots or trolls resulting in no drama anywhere. (and I get a bit of closet RP-ing on the side)
2. The RP-ers keep PvE busy and the WvW ques next to non exisitant
3. No ques for WvW last night I took 30 BOONs from AM bl back to piken at 9.30pm, and then moved back to AM bl later
4. Lots of very organised WvW guilds, we played Piken while on Vabbi? and while Vabbi “won” the WvW match, it was very clear to us that Piken had something very special going on there as we had never met proper hard to fight guild raids in WvW and not just one, 5 or 6 across all the borderlands and knew that would be a great place to WvW alongside strong organised guilds, and we are glad to say we were 100% right, best move we ever made.
Downside to Piken? next to zero off peak players, resulting in a low WvW ranking as a server, but yeah meh so what. If we wanted to be world number one we would joined a big NA allaince off peak or a super full EU server with some off peak, anyone can jump ship and be on a top WvW ranked server and go look at us, means nothing imo, what you do as guild in game fighting actual players is all that counts to us.
So yeah BOON can live with a low WvW ranking to be with such fine company, so long as Piken stays as it is, BOON is staying here and loving our T6-T8 battles. We have fought T1 servers and didn’t notice any difference other than more of them for longer.
Catch you all again tonight o/
(edited by Katiechops.6807)
abaddon have lower numbers but kick more kitten per person this week, is my impression. you guys coordinating more? :P also greetings to the nice abaddon players who dont kill me in jumping puzzle. /wave
piken plz teleport more into my 100b =) thanks!
Zee germans dont seem to play as well this week, I wonder why
. Good job to those german guilds who are putting in good effort. “we enjoyed beating on you last night”
tbh I think they are sick of Piken, as we have meet several times the last time they beat us by alot on “WvW score”, but even I felt sorry for them all prime time they would go from a 350-500 pts score at start of the evening to 100 at the end of the night and take a real beating, sure 30 mins after the Piken guilds called their raids they are back to 350-500 pts again.
But yeah must have sucked getting 4-5 hours hard fight and taking a beating then 20ish hours of nothing much to entertain them knowing that the next evening we would be back to take all their stuff again :/
Getting Piken again with a higher ranked server from above likely cost morale a bit.
I actually enjoy fighting AM tbh, as they are pretty relentless and determined they keep coming, you leave a map for 15 mins and you always lose stuff, we have played servers that simply give up after 1-2 hours in prime time and just piss off and just wait until we left and come back and pve it all for the night score.
AM may lose alot of stuff during prime time but they at least fight all night prime time win or lose so gg them o/
(edited by Katiechops.6807)
Greetings from Guild Leader of The Unlikely Plan (TUP). Can easily say it’s been a treat this week, stalling the “late” night blobs of gunnars has been entertaining. Although only so much stalling one can do with a handful of unlikely misfits. Not to mention ofc the enjoyable fights during primetime against both servers. Special mention goes to Kill Frenzy, and to Val in particular… Apologies for not letting you take the East keep in Piken monday night, not so sorry for eventually kicking your server mates completely out of the keep though, now that was fun
TUP like i’m sure its the same with our many allies, old and new, continue to look forward to the rest of an enjoyable week. Maybe fornight if we are lucky :P
Aurora Glade EU
I’m glad to see that this thread has moved from ‘Kill all the Germans where you see them’ to a nice chatter about this weeks matchup.
I myself had a very decent afternoon on AM Borderlands yesterday and enjoyed defending our keep against Piken and fighting for supplies again and again. Although we have become a bit weaker during the last days, I’m looking forward for next weeks revenge match with two other servers of about the same level as we are.
See you then!
Anarchistic Gaming [AnaG] / Die Randoms [Rndm]
Abaddon’s Mouth
TUP , HoB , Tainted AND VII all at the same time last night in garrison ? Jesus , my backside is STILL sore lol.
Awsome last stand fight in hills lord room at the end there guys , this week has been a pleasure guys allbeit a painful one at times
To clear up the RG stuff:
The week before we went 7-day transfers RG started the week with us, switched to fight against us while we were ahead.
When we continued to hold the lead (with them against us..) they rejoined before the end of the week and started their “leave the server so WE (RG) can fight..” stuff.
Not well received by the Piken community.
They left at the end of that week.
~ nothing is constant but change~
Currently: 3619 kills ~ all for Piken Square
I think those Gunnars chaps should come join Piken Square.
Believe me, if I ever moved server with my guild it would be to piken. I just really enjoy the fights with you even if you zerg my kitten off half the time
Also the chats I have had with some people are really fun, bit of banter as well as generalised good chats.
Piken is for serious roleplaying only. Only those who have killed Zhaitan can be accepted.
Exceptions can be made for those that cannot resist popping bubble wrap!
There have been a lot of good fights so far this week and I am really hopping the match up doesn’t change for a few weeks! Best fights in game so far.
That and is always nice to go after HoB, Tainted, VII, Duraz Tarag, and the whole bunch of other Norn guilds floating around from WAR.
We in CNTK Cantankerous ((a lot of Crimson players from Norn)) always delight in going after you all!
In the proud tradition of my past posts appreciating hob / tainted ((if only I could be a dwarf!!!!))
((((It’s a well know fact that yer all a bunch of yellow, dragon pleasing, troll hugging, water drinking, skelk loving, skritt fondling, quaggan beating, sober, ale stealing, dredge slapping, bear watering, keg banditing, krait eating, ettin kissing, dank, smelly, unkempt, never do wells! Who are to afraid of taking a bath let alone a keep, judging by the smell!
You had better get yer running boots on cause we’re coming for you!
For beer and spanners!
./lone engi charge ))))
As always it’s a pleasure!
Sincerely, Karast!
((if you see a human engineer beating people with spanners with the dredge helm on! that’s me!!!))
Piken is for serious roleplaying only. Only those who have killed Zhaitan can be accepted.
Exceptions can be made for those that cannot resist popping bubble wrap!
Yeahy \o/
I have killed Zhaitan… and due to that will never run the dungeon again because im a true roleplayer (lol I think thats a good excuse to use on my guildies :p )
And pass the bubble wrap
Piken is for serious roleplaying only.
I put on my robe and wizard hat…
Loving the matchup folks.
Visko Bludhaven – Level 80 Human Elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold Server Forum
I had no idea that there are Warhammer guilds on GH too.
My guild (Ravens of War [RVNS], used to be Ravens of Bulrok/Karak Azgal) are about to leave Ring of Fire after trying waaaay too hard to get it somewere and going to Picken Squere. RG/iB/PX are all good but from what I saw fighting vs. Picken many times it has more than that going on.
To clear up the RG stuff:
The week before we went 7-day transfers RG started the week with us, switched to fight against us while we were ahead.
When we continued to hold the lead (with them against us..) they rejoined before the end of the week and started their “leave the server so WE (RG) can fight..” stuff.
Not well received by the Piken community.
They left at the end of that week.
We went against Piken to get decent fights against strong forces of piken (PX/TNTD etc), not to bring the other server first. We moved to Aurora Glade, Blacktide, Riverside to have more actions before settling for good on BT.
The “leave the server so we can fight” has been there for a while on EB when we asked people doing nothing (afk spawn, jumping puzzle) to let rooms for people wanting to win the matchup.
i.e we left to be on a competitive server with no queues on prime time
Thanks for trying to clear it up tho
Whatever the reason, its a shame not to see Red Guard amongst our enemies, though perhaps its for the best. Piken is difficult enough already :-)
Tommorow will be the voicecomm meeting between servers, quite looking forward to talking to old friends/enemies.
The meeting will take place at 21:00 British Time:
It will be on a TS3 server, If you want to join in and are not on Gunnars, send me a private message on this forum requesting the information. If you are on Gunnars, check the thread on our server forums for the details.
A reminder ,this meeting isnt about getting people to move so please no blatant recruiting. This is just to discuss the past week.
Abbadons Mouth, if anyone of you want to, join in as well feel free to send a message, dont want to exclude you :-)
We went against Piken to get decent fights against strong forces of piken (PX/TNTD etc), not to bring the other server first. We moved to Aurora Glade, Blacktide, Riverside to have more actions before settling for good on BT.
The “leave the server so we can fight” has been there for a while on EB when we asked people doing nothing (afk spawn, jumping puzzle) to let rooms for people wanting to win the matchup.
i.e we left to be on a competitive server with no queues on prime time
Thanks for trying to clear it up tho
2 weeks ago I had a conversation with RG’s leader Sarcx. He assured me that does not leave PikenSquare. And then you’re gone.
russian players are divided into two sides: those who play on Blacktide and those who hate Blacktide
My clan (Insane) over 5 years fighting against the big russian guild Chaos [Xaoc], which holds that Blacktide is the server of Chaos guild. And now I see as RG went to the server of my enemies. it’s not good
/sry, google translate
Piken Square (unofficial
easymoders will be easymoders in any game :-) . After taking a fair share of server queues making guildgroups very hard to do at FS, im satisfied finding a bracket with decent opponents. Tier ratings matter nothing to me. Finding a map where my server has no camps, means more fights.
easymoders will be easymoders in any game :-) . After taking a fair share of server queues making guildgroups very hard to do at FS, im satisfied finding a bracket with decent opponents. Tier ratings matter nothing to me. Finding a map where my server has no camps, means more fights.
Yeah! WvW has been a lot more fun since we swapped from FS to GH. No queues, friendly active community, less of a zerg focus.
There are a lot more guilds in the 10-20 range that go out and do their own thing on different maps, and when your matched up with servers like PS ankittenhat have similar sized groups out and about doing the same you can get those nice fights here and there, between keeps, towers, and camps!
What’s surprised me the most is we can even get some good fights in the late night / early morning hours from time to time when the populations shift.
Change of plans: meeting will be at mumble rather then teamspeak, all are offcourse still welcome, just send a PM to me.
Again, despite the title of this thread, all 3 servers are welcome. Just send me a PM asking for the mumble details.
Guys don’t get worked up over RG leaving, we seem to be doing better without them, we moved up a tier, and are currently winning the tier by 60k points. At the very least, them leaving had no effect. And lets face it, there’ve been some great fights this week. And with a few guilds joining Piken, we’ve become competitive at most times during the 24 hours now. Some more NA and Oceanic would be nice, but I don’t really want to move to the higher tiers. The servers around here are apparently devoid of the whiners, moaners, and trolls that seem to plague the T1/2 servers. Which is fine by me
Looking forward to next week!
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
Update for the meeting:
For the mumble server, please put the server abbrevation in first, then the guild abbrevation, then the user name. This should help make it clear where everyone is from. PS for Piken, AM for Abbadons Mouth and GH for Gunnars Hold.
for example, my name would be [GH][VS]Nidhogg
see you later tonight
Just want to say thanks to Nidhogg for setting this up.
Was good to talk to old WAR [Norn] guys as well as the new ‘Rising stars’ getting it done for Gunnars Hold. Some more guys from Abbadons Mouth coming on would have been cool too.
Sounds like a great community over on [GH] and just kicking back and chatting about the fights last week especially how hard fought things were, was refreshing. Your guild leaders present during the 3 hours we were chatting are a credit to the whole server.
Is it possible to schedule another one after it’s all over next week?
Maybe some more of the leaders from each server could make it on next time, as the fighting tonight was strong – right up till the server reset. 100 pt margin between 2nd and 3rd. What an effort from all involved.
Aurora Glade – EU
ex-Piken Square – EU
It was very nice to talk to old friend and enemies again, good to hear about what you have created on Pikens Square. I hope that next week Abbadons Mouth will also send a few people, but considering the score yesterday it was understandable they couldnt spare any WvW-er.
The Gunnars WvW-ers on the channel had some trouble adjusting to a voicecomm where they shouldnt call out incoming, Vanz nearly gave one of our Commanders a heart attack by saying he was mustering his troops right now :-p
Despite, or possible because of, us having fought each other all week the mood was chatty and cheerfull, some old War(hammer) stories got exchanged but mostly this game and the battles of the last week got discussed.
I would very much like to have a chat like this next week as well. Slips, can you suggest a time and place this time? can ask Visko if the same mumble is aviable.
Bit late to the party here but seeing as how I don’t generally check the forums here I’d just like to restate Afterlife are loving the situation in Piken Square and have no intention of leaving for the exact same reason Katiechops and Boon are there. I’d rather get into WvW at the end of the day and play decent players than sit for 5 hours deal with trolls and deal with all the other nonsense the higher tier servers need to.
Loving the match ups chin up guys this is some of the best pvp we’ve had since we started the game imo.
Executed [ExE] – Piken Square
Bit late to the party here but seeing as how I don’t generally check the forums here I’d just like to restate Afterlife are loving the situation in Piken Square and have no intention of leaving for the exact same reason Katiechops and Boon are there. I’d rather get into WvW at the end of the day and play decent players than sit for 5 hours deal with trolls and deal with all the other nonsense the higher tier servers need to.
Loving the match ups chin up guys this is some of the best pvp we’ve had since we started the game imo.
no one in the meeting was asked to leave their server
no one here asks you to leave your server
but good to hear you arent leaving your server
The match is enjoyable, seen your guild around, good people. Last week for you in this pairing, will watch Pikens rise with interest.
(edited by Nidhogg.2950)