(edited by Ricky.4706)
Invulnerable, Evade, Block Block Block
did you notice any of them with a banner?
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
could be, but it said invulnerable and it wasn’t taking conditions either. i also saw 0 damage, lots of blocks, non stop evades. it was pretty crazy, if a banner can do all that….then wow.
Well the banner can give resistance to which can explain why you werent seeing any conditions being placed, blocks idk the banner also has a skill that can block projectiles but not sure if that would show up as “block” text on your screen, the evades well thats just their own movements.
can you give any more details, like what professions you were facing?
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
yes, i saw that. pretty amazing how useless it makes fighting heh.
Heh yea, banners and other gimmicks are not going over well with a lot of people. Unfortunately we have to deal with them for the foreseeable future.
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
well, not have to….. but that’s quite poorly thought out, especially since many players are roamers. It’s yet another elitist game mechanic that messes up the game for the majority of non guilded roamers.
I’m not even going to suggest that it get nerfed either, I’m starting to think that if you don’t want to join a guild, this just isn’t the game to be in. I get it “Guild” wars. every guild i join either dies or are run by obsessive gamers, so I like to roam, but you obviously get penalties for that. vs god mode no less. lol
(edited by Ricky.4706)
Invulnerable, Evade, Block., Block, Block.
I was seeing that on people who weren’t in downed states, didn’t come up from downed states either, over and over …I’ve never seen anything like it before…is this a new feature ? and if so, what’s the build that causes this god mode ?
they were constantly going invulnerable. and I mean lots of people were going invulnerable. Not just one profession.
before seeing in not downed state take a look at downed state
Gate of Madness
Invulnerable, Evade, Block., Block, Block.
I was seeing that on people who weren’t in downed states, didn’t come up from downed states either, over and over …I’ve never seen anything like it before…is this a new feature ? and if so, what’s the build that causes this god mode ?
they were constantly going invulnerable. and I mean lots of people were going invulnerable. Not just one profession.
before seeing in not downed state take a look at downed state
actually, thanks for that ……I wasn’t seeing “invulnerable” in white, it was red – and they weren’t almost down……they didn’t just come up….. they were simply invulnerable, then I saw like 5 consecutive evades, followed up by another 5+ blocks ….
I don’t even mean “Like” a god mode, I mean, actually a god mode, completely untouchable – for a long time… it was quite extreme else I wouldn’t even ask.
actually, thanks for that ……I wasn’t seeing “invulnerable” in white, it was red – and they weren’t almost down……they didn’t just come up….. they were simply invulnerable, then I saw like 5 consecutive evades, followed up by another 5+ blocks ….
I don’t even mean “Like” a god mode, I mean, actually a god mode, completely untouchable – for a long time… it was quite extreme else I wouldn’t even ask.
What class(es) were you up against, if Chronomancer was involved they can provide distortion to themselves and teammates to grant Invulnerability, they can Blurred Frenzy to evade, then use Shield 4 for a channeled block.
it was a pretty large skirmish, and pretty much everyone i was hitting was having the same result, the closest thing I can imagine was that turtle banner, although I don’t remember seeing any banner of the sort, but then not like that’s something you look for when you dodging and attacking everything coming at you. I’ve never seen anything like it before. ( other than in pve ) – the skirmish was fairly evenly matched too, so I wasn’t the only one experiencing it.
Put it to you this way, it’s enough to make someone want to just stop playing wvw till it’s addressed, you kind of feel silly after about 15 minutes fighting someone in god mode. – actually it was more like a few hours.
(edited by Ricky.4706)
Yeah, I saw the title and thought you were talking about fighting a Chronomancer…depends on how many people were there, I guess.
i know there are skills, such as on the guardian that have a few seconds of invincibility, but this just seemed that it was non stop defenses on a variety of players. first I would see invulnerable like 5 times in a row, in red, then like 5 evades, then followed up by 5 blocks, then a bunch of zero damage ….and I even tried logging on with a few different characters, to try different attacks ….some pure physical, others pure condition, with ascended spike builds… the only one that seemed to have any effect was my druid …..since he just kept autocasting faster than the rest, I would just keep scanning around to see if anyone wasn’t in god mode and found a few, but for the most part a good chunk of the enemy frontline was pure god mode.
put it to you this way, if both sides had the same build, no one would die period.
I kind of find it hard to believe that anet would build such a mechanic, even for an elitist that’s pretty extreme.
(edited by Ricky.4706)
Sounds like one of the new Tempest builds, Diamond skin I believe shows “invulnerable” to conditions unless below 90% health. That on top of there huge health regen and couple of block skills are possibly it.
The mesmer build someone mentioned before also a possibility, more unlikely would be a perma evade thief but I don’t know where the blocks would be generated from.
Invulnerable, Evade, Block., Block, Block.
I was seeing that on people who weren’t in downed states, didn’t come up from downed states either, over and over …I’ve never seen anything like it before…is this a new feature ? and if so, what’s the build that causes this god mode ?
they were constantly going invulnerable. and I mean lots of people were going invulnerable. Not just one profession.
If you’re talking about at Maguuma’s spawncamping of DH (by your other posts you are) this was me doing this. Was using our turtle banner off of respawn which gives a spammable block bubble, a 4 skill which slows your skills (gives us resistance), a 3 skill which gives aoe invulnerable (only 3-4 seconds), and my favorite the 5 skill which knocks back your entire zerg for 4-5k damage.
(edited by Ogre.3124)
Sounds like one of the new Tempest builds, Diamond skin I believe shows “invulnerable” to conditions unless below 90% health. That on top of there huge health regen and couple of block skills are possibly it.
The mesmer build someone mentioned before also a possibility, more unlikely would be a perma evade thief but I don’t know where the blocks would be generated from.
Except what you describe sounds like the old tempest. The new DS doesn’t make you invulnerable. Why do you think there are so many necros in pvp now?
There is a lot worse than the current ele regarding the orgy of block, evade, invul that some can abuse. Scrapper, rev, mesmers are far worse. The only thing that is a tad too good on ele is the focus invul (if you play with it) that has a relatively too low CD.
Or mesmer comps. Not uncommon to find scumbag guilds running parties of five mesmers for mass chaining of distortions/blur.
This is just the general direction of PvP since HoT, though; passive procs, overuse of blocks an invulns, and overloads of CC have trivialized most of the PvP in this game to become a battle of cheese.
Invulnerable, Evade, Block., Block, Block.
I was seeing that on people who weren’t in downed states, didn’t come up from downed states either, over and over …I’ve never seen anything like it before…is this a new feature ? and if so, what’s the build that causes this god mode ?
they were constantly going invulnerable. and I mean lots of people were going invulnerable. Not just one profession.
If you’re talking about at Maguuma’s spawncamping of DH (by your other posts you are) this was me doing this. Was using our turtle banner off of respawn which gives a spammable block bubble, a 4 skill which slows your skills (gives us resistance), a 3 skill which gives aoe invulnerable (only 3-4 seconds), and my favorite the 5 skill which knocks back your entire zerg for 4-5k damage.
Typically you want to focus fire anyone holding either a centaur or turtle banner. Should notice me pretty easily as I sit in the big green block bubble which I generate all the time. Warrior with the green/red scarf, come get me plz
So there also was a banner in all this orgy of sieges, cheese and overblobbing? Thinking back on the the 2 years I’ve spent on Mag make me feel shameful when I see you behave from the other side of the mirror this week… so sad…
Invulnerable, Evade, Block., Block, Block.
I was seeing that on people who weren’t in downed states, didn’t come up from downed states either, over and over …I’ve never seen anything like it before…is this a new feature ? and if so, what’s the build that causes this god mode ?
they were constantly going invulnerable. and I mean lots of people were going invulnerable. Not just one profession.
If you’re talking about at Maguuma’s spawncamping of DH (by your other posts you are) this was me doing this. Was using our turtle banner off of respawn which gives a spammable block bubble, a 4 skill which slows your skills (gives us resistance), a 3 skill which gives aoe invulnerable (only 3-4 seconds), and my favorite the 5 skill which knocks back your entire zerg for 4-5k damage.
Typically you want to focus fire anyone holding either a centaur or turtle banner. Should notice me pretty easily as I sit in the big green block bubble which I generate all the time. Warrior with the green/red scarf, come get me plz
So there also was a banner in all this orgy of sieges, cheese and overblobbing? Thinking back on the the 2 years I’ve spent on Mag make me feel shameful when I see you behave from the other side of the mirror this week… so sad…
It’s why I transferred down again after my guild helped push a server to T3 some time ago. The spawncamp scumbaggery and general attitude/whispers coming from Mag players was so atrocious that it simply made several members no longer have an interest in playing.
They pride themselves in their fights and they have some good players, but many are border-line narcissistic sociopaths .
Welcome to GW2 post-HoT. What you likely saw was just the sum total of all the power creep that is attributable to the addition of far too much active and passive sustain options on classes and associated WvW mechanics. Don’t worry though, damage is also so high and easily deliverable now that you just have to get one of two CoRs in between the damage immunity to kill five or more people.
Invulnerable, Evade, Block., Block, Block.
I was seeing that on people who weren’t in downed states, didn’t come up from downed states either, over and over …I’ve never seen anything like it before…is this a new feature ? and if so, what’s the build that causes this god mode ?
they were constantly going invulnerable. and I mean lots of people were going invulnerable. Not just one profession.
If you’re talking about at Maguuma’s spawncamping of DH (by your other posts you are) this was me doing this. Was using our turtle banner off of respawn which gives a spammable block bubble, a 4 skill which slows your skills (gives us resistance), a 3 skill which gives aoe invulnerable (only 3-4 seconds), and my favorite the 5 skill which knocks back your entire zerg for 4-5k damage.
relax, i kitten love you guys, you are basically all of eve in one server lol….to be honest, being camped was the most fun i’ve had in a long time, it brought back fond memories of our first exodus when core members just stopped playing and those that stayed kept fighting! I hope i made a few of you some good gold by how many times i died lol! so thank you if anything. I’m the guy that kept doing suicide runs to take down your trebs rofl! I consider the current magumma crew my perfect adversary -hugs- #bff ( bestie foes for life )
If anything , we should thank you, you guys showed a major flaw in wvw – I’m not in a guild and have no plans to be in one, unless i decide to start one…but i enjoy jumping around tbh – I’ll never have that turtle shell to hide under….so I expect to die…but at least i have you as proof to show anet whats wrong with wvw. <3
we really need a little yellow wvw bus mini!!! I want one!!
(edited by Ricky.4706)