It’s seems unlike most hard core PvP’ers to walk away from a close WvW to explore the Halloween content. Honestly though I haven’t really looked into what exactly beside a kitten load of candy corn, some costumes and skins (of which the "purchased ones appear to be the sought after), and some new recipes. Maybe there’s a lot more to it than I’m aware? I don’t for see anything being that awesome to tear me away from a close tier 1 match though. Maybe I should google the halloween stuff, who knows?
This is by far the tightest and best match we’ve had thus far though. Better be something really hot to get these people away. And I’m talking some KINGSIZE candy bars here! Not no kitten FUNSIZE little candy bars!!! ;P
Your not missing anything. Good ole pve/rp’rs. Lol at once a year arguement, how’s your once a year events on WoW doing for you? Oh ya nothing. Its a different game, JQ proved halloween events or any event for that matter mean nothing if your serious about defending the server.
But then again, that’s just my opinion. I love pvp, don’t have time for pve/rp crap
Blackgate is coming hope they close transfers soon or all JQ bandwagoners will come to us ….
Actually Raven, JQ has the superior coverage not the superior talent
Whatever you gotta tell yourself.
Blackgate is coming hope they close transfers soon or all JQ bandwagoners will come to us ….
Bring it.
Actually Raven, JQ has the superior coverage not the superior talent
Whatever you gotta tell yourself.
Blackgate is coming hope they close transfers soon or all JQ bandwagoners will come to us ….
Bring it.
Enjoy the Halloween event while it lasts. JQs days are numbered as SBI was proving prior to the Halloween event kickoff.
JQ’s days numbered? I would not be too sure of that just yet. The even match this week should have given them a lease on life, since they will have gotten less bandwagoneers than they would have with a 400k-50k-50k result.
However, I am very happy with the position of SBI right now. We really have it golden: Tons of tier 1 matches, lately very competitive, too, but we never got hit by the bandwagon curse … neither the “joining” one, nor the “leaving” one. We might not have the omph to win against the high population server of the day, but the scores are getting closer (while our ques are staying low).
Oh and special props to IoJ: You really proved that you can fight in T1 during this week.
- Xeeron
JQ’s days numbered? I would not be too sure of that just yet. The even match this week should have given them a lease on life, since they will have gotten less bandwagoneers than they would have with a 400k-50k-50k result.
However, I am very happy with the position of SBI right now. We really have it golden: Tons of tier 1 matches, lately very competitive, too, but we never got hit by the bandwagon curse … neither the “joining” one, nor the “leaving” one. We might not have the omph to win against the high population server of the day, but the scores are getting closer (while our ques are staying low).
Oh and special props to IoJ: You really proved that you can fight in T1 during this week.
- Xeeron
I 100% agree with this post. For a server that hasn’t caught the attention of all the bandwagoners, we’re doing pretty good. Even though we’re still 20k points behind atm we’re giving both JQ and IoJ a good fight on all 4 maps and it’s not because of superior numbers but because of how we communicate and work together as a cohesive group.
Were actually outmanned atm in Eb but have a third of the map like everyone else.
JQ is still the top choice of bandwagoneers guilds btw. OES, a US-based wvw guild from Crystal Desert just transfered there, and Foo, a TW guild from ET also went to JQ.
Foo is the ultimate bandwagoon guild, JQ must be like their fifth server they transfer to.
So excitements today in SBIBL: SBI trebbed Bay from Garrison and finally took it after a couple runs at it. Then, we got to Ninja the bay back from SBI, then haul buttocks back to hills to defend the orb with success. It was a worthy risk assessment and paid off.
Much yak lovings happening today I dream about yak suppositories to make em move faster now… but keeping hold of the supplies today been back and forth and some of the camp battles were pretty rad.
JQ = 171.8 **
SBI = 148.2
IoJ = 127.9
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.
According to this:…
Looks like my server, Isle of Janthir is finally going back to T2 while Blackgate is moving up to T1. Many thanks to Jade Quarry and Stormbluff Isle for showing us an awesome fight! Our evolution points have been on a steady decline as of late, so it’s a given that IoJ will return to T2.
Either way, there’s always next time! When that time comes, there will be no Halloween to bog us down!
Actually Raven, JQ has the superior coverage not the superior talent
Whatever you gotta tell yourself.
Blackgate is coming hope they close transfers soon or all JQ bandwagoners will come to us ….
Bring it.
Enjoy the Halloween event while it lasts. JQs days are numbered as SBI was proving prior to the Halloween event kickoff.
Come on dude this is what I was talking about. Man, maybe JQ has a bunch of college students that can afford to stay up and spend their nights PvPing or something and still stumble through class the next day. Maybe they have more Oceanic players. Something, anything. I was hoping and praying none of you were gonna crack off with that week mess, “Oh yeah! We had you guy’s KITTENS until they broke out this ultra unique Halloween event and you know it!!!” Weak man, sssooooo weak.
“Yeah!! AIN’T NOTHIN’ but the hardest of the hard core PvP’ers over here on SBI!!! We’re all about PWNING face and OWNI…. ooohhhh KITTEN guys! Is that Candy Corn I see?!?!? Kitten the WvW guys!!! There’s candy corn and costumes and stuff over here!!!! Let JQ or IoJ have this win. Who cares now, it’s Halloween in an MMO!!!!!!!!!!!”
I know you don’t speak for your entire server but come on man!!!!.
It’s only Wednesday night SBI and it’s still anyone’s game at this point. You guy’s aren’t in the lead at the moment but don’t get behind one or two members of your server already trying to hang the loss on some weak kittened Halloween excuse. Plenty of fighting left to do.
Take a break and run to the store for some Snickers and Blowpops and a mask or something then saddle back up and get back in there! I’m on JQ and I REFUSE to let you hang a loss on that flimsy excuse. ESPECIALLY ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALREADY!!! JEEBUS!!!
“Oh yeah we woulda won but you know, it was Halloween! Of course we threw in the towel! I mean, have you guys seen the spectacle of awe and wonder that takes place when an MMO has a holiday event?!?!?! Of course we gave up on the closest WvW match since GW2 was released for the Halloween thingy!!!
Nah. No Sir. Not even a good try…
Actually, while winning or losing isn’t relevant to it, the fact that the Halloween event did affect the number of people in WvW is undeniable.
If you were playing WvW immediately after the update, you’d know that JQ took the entire IoJ borderlands nearly unopposed. I can say that SBI had no queues for hours after the update. I’m sure IoJ didn’t either, seeing as there weren’t many of them in all of the WvW areas.
The update did throw things off, as the score was quite close beforehand and only did JQ pull farther ahead once the event hit. I’m happy they have such a dedicated WvW team. It proves to be a wonderful challenge.
Sad. If that’s the case the Blackgate is moving up then, maybe not all of em this week but Blackgate is gonna any gettin saddled by the same “flavor of the weekers” that drove the competition off HoD.
Stop this Anet. The balls completely in your court now. It’s entirely up to you guys to stop this free server hopping madness and the servers that get ruined by being blown up and then gutted weekly by the “we wanna ride with the cool kids” gang.
I’m no programmer by any stretch of the imagination but I’m guessing it shouldn’t be that difficult to put a stop to all these unfettered server transfers while still leaving a free transfer grace period for game accounts activated in the future. New players can still find their friends and transfer over to their servers and the people that have already had around 2 months have to make a choice and stick with it so all of the servers can get down to the business of building up their communities with out the flux of wanna-bes coming and going to what ever server has better weather this week.
Do it already. Other than the wanna-bes, I think every one has picked their server and is ready to get down to business. It’s already long over due.
@Mayam: The only reason why they haven’t gotten rid of the free server transfers is because the guesting system is still broken as kitten and cannot be patched into the game at all.
Once it’s in the game, I gurantee you that the free server transfers will be gone for good.
Actually Raven, JQ has the superior coverage not the superior talent
Whatever you gotta tell yourself.
Blackgate is coming hope they close transfers soon or all JQ bandwagoners will come to us ….
Bring it.
Enjoy the Halloween event while it lasts. JQs days are numbered as SBI was proving prior to the Halloween event kickoff.
So… you’re basically saying that all the SBI WvWer’s decided to costume brawl and mine candy corn, that’s why you lost this week? I gotta say that’s one of the funniest, and lamest, excuses of all time.
To be honest to all those saying SBI doesn’t have a chance, or that they will never come in first. WE DO NOT WANT FIRST PLACE. Not right now. Not till the server transfers are closed. We don’t to end up with the long kitten queues from the bandwagoners. If we never get first, we won’t have the bandwagoners. And besides, it’s been really close lately. And we like where we are. Also, most of the server is too busy with the halloween events. There isn’t a queue for us.
Formerly [QT] Questionable Tactics
First, you guys are kidding yourself if you think that no bandwagoners have transferred to your server. Second, there are plenty of times on JQ where we have no queues at all (right now I just got into our BL instantly, and its prime time in the US) so the whole idea of countless bandwagoners transferring here creating 24/7 queues is greatly exaggerated. Third, be serious, you want first place. Everyone does, it’s human nature.
Okay, fair enough. I’d heard anecdotally (which is to say, you know, not reliable) that there was an issue with restart lag, meaning that some servers were restarting noticeably quicker than some others. Maybe it did maybe work to JQ’s advantage maybe it didn’t. Also, I’ve seen several friends playing using the “guesting” feature but I heard its still borked as of a couple weeks ago so okay, maybe that’s why free transfers yet remain.
I’d really just hate to see other servers throwing in the towel on Wed. night. Well, to say “other servers” isn’t at all fair. It just appears there are a few individuals popping in here to lay the foundation for an “excuse” because they seem convinced it’s already over.
“It was Halloween, we gave up fighting arguably the best and closest matchup so far to enjoy the GW2 Halloween stuff.” And now this soon to be classic: “Well, we could win if we wanted to but (and this is where it becomes a classic: we’ve all, as a server apparently, made the community decision to NOT win so) we don’t have to deal with the pain in the neck of being winners so we’re choosing to lose.” Wow…
Whatever though. I’m just trying to reiterate the obvious point that the match is far from over nor is there a discrepancy of points large enough to already be proclaiming anything like, “Oh yeah?!?! Well we didn’t want to win anyway!!!”
Come on everyone, get in there and keep swinging. I don’t know, I’m starting to be swayed some that maybe the matches do last too long. Maybe there shouild be a weekend circuit and a weekday circuit. It seems even in some of the closer matches once one horse seems to pull ahead about mid week (sometimes earlier though even). Some people (at least some of the more vocal ones, which doesn’t even hardly represent a majority) are already prep to throw it in and provide some kind of “excuse”.
Meh, at this precise moment there is a point difference of 25 and 45k respectively. On Wenesday evening, 6PM server time. All I’m trying to get across is it ain’t over yet. Been a great fight this week all. Week isn’t over yet though, and the match doesn’t need to be either…
I think it’s still apparent that JQ still has more coverage 24/7 than SBI. The fact of the matter is that a large group of people did take a break from WvW this week to take advantage of the first holiday event of GW2. If you can’t see the obvious coincidence between the event start and the time at which you guys finally took the lead then you’re just wearing blinders.
You can beat your chest and act like you guys are all hardcore but the reality is you simply have more people waiting to fill the spots should anyone decide to take a break for a few days. And you guys keep getting more and more on your server. I’ll gladly take 2nd if it keeps SBI from becoming the defacto choice of bandwagoners.
It’s been a great week of WvW and I’m sure next week will be just as intense. I’m just saying don’t get too comfortable with your #1 spot.
Well I just want to say transfers are not only to JQ.
If I’m not wrong SYN from HoD moved to SBI.
SYN is a good WvWer and very organized plus they are oceanic.
I know because I play GMT+8 and most of my play time have to face them.
So please stop saying like JQ got more people because of transfers thus winning.
SBI can put up a fight because of transfers too.
Aside from transfer, we forgot that there is a high chance those level 80 ppl bored with PvE join WvW as well.
[DKJ] – Jade Quarry
Enjoy the Halloween event while it lasts. JQs days are numbered as SBI was proving prior to the Halloween event kickoff.
lamest excuse I’ve seen so far (for both servers actually), do you mean most of your WvW dudes just did carebear stuff all day long and thats why you somehow probably gonna lose this week? oh come on…..
Reclussion – lvl80 Mesmer
Elite Solidarity [ESOL] – Jade Quarry
Enjoy the Halloween event while it lasts. JQs days are numbered as SBI was proving prior to the Halloween event kickoff.
lamest excuse I’ve seen so far (for both servers actually), do you mean most of your WvW dudes just did carebear stuff all day long and thats why you somehow probably gonna lose this week? oh come on…..
Surely you jest. Do you honestly believe you pulled a 10k lead in a single day (the day of the patch) out of pure server skill? If so, why didn’t you guys do that sooner?
Excuses aside, there still remains plenty of time left in this match. We’ll see how it turns out soon enough here. Best of luck to the three servers in tier 1 still fighting what is a competitive match with none of us guaranteed a victory yet.
Let’s try and keep the sour grapes out of this thread so it doesn’t get locked.
There’ll be plenty of time to explain to the victor why they did or didn’t deserve to win or how they were allowed to win or whatever after the fact if anyone still feels like persuing it. (I’m betting no one will though and will just be hoping the particulars of the hardest fought match yet will just fade from memory ASAP).
A quick lesson on good sportsmanship probably wouldn’t be out of place here but if that’s a lesson anyone here has yet to learn then some random guy on an MMO forum probably won’t be the one to manage to teach it.
Picture update
Just a heads up, the team leads from SBI decided it was a great idea to go for 1st throughout this whole matchup. There were talks of, what about all of the server transfers? Well, we figured we could just deal with it when it happens. Plenty of our guilds have agreed that no matter what, we are going to stay because of the community we have built together.
As you can see, on some borderlands we are actually forcing IoJ off of the map once they drop in population so we can keep up in point ticks. Again, it’s not personal, we’re just trying to keep up and have consistent pressure on JQ from both sides – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry
Excuses aside, there still remains plenty of time left in this match. We’ll see how it turns out soon enough here. Best of luck to the three servers in tier 1 still fighting what is a competitive match with none of us guaranteed a victory yet.
Let’s try and keep the sour grapes out of this thread so it doesn’t get locked.
There’ll be plenty of time to explain to the victor why they did or didn’t deserve to win or how they were allowed to win or whatever after the fact if anyone still feels like persuing it. (I’m betting no one will though and will just be hoping the particulars of the hardest fought match yet will just fade from memory ASAP).
A quick lesson on good sportsmanship probably wouldn’t be out of place here but if that’s a lesson anyone here has yet to learn then some random guy on an MMO forum probably won’t be the one to manage to teach it.
Well… it not really excuses. It’s explanation.
I’m IoJ. Since Sunday, we’ve had the Outmanned Boon on all 4 maps for 4-8 hours—during AUS peak. And I didn’t notice exactly when, but during NA peak last two days as well. I’m surprised we didn’t get left behind in the score (and still stayed in lead while under Outmanned). I’m proud of our Commanders. Just wish they’d show up more lol. We have more commanders running around doing the Holiday than in WvW. (hint hint Commanders)
People are doing the events. It isn’t “carebear”. It is having an interest in more than 1 aspect of the game. Plus, it was HUGE money the first day. Oh boy was that profit. =)
Running through the maps, SBI is MIA as well. It’ll always be that way I’m betting. JQ just has more of a population willing to do WvW than IoJ or SBI. At least it is still fun and evenly balanced. Can’t wait until the next match-up between our three servers. Hopefully SBI and IoJ won’t start bailing early. We need to rally people to fill the other timezones.
This morning in EB, we took Wildcreek. It was a quick and painless affair since we on IoJ are so amazing at placing siege.
Let us not forget the fallen:
- rams innumerable
- 1 trebuchet
- 2 superior ballistas
- 1 golem
Miraculously, golems #2 and #3 survived for slightly more than 5 minutes after the siege ended.
also L80 Ele/Necro/Mesmer
Hey IOJ , I know you think you are clever and stuff teaming with SBI and thinking ill help you bump us to third. Its not feasibly possible unless SBI gives you a 200+ point lead which isn’t going to happen.
You just got used like a dirty condom, way to give into the mooch and free labor.
Hey IOJ , I know you think you are clever and stuff teaming with SBI and thinking ill help you bump us to third. Its not feasibly possible unless SBI gives you a 200+ point lead which isn’t going to happen.
You just got used like a dirty condom, way to give into the mooch and free labor.
I thought we were over the double teaming accusations.
Hey IOJ , I know you think you are clever and stuff teaming with SBI and thinking ill help you bump us to third. Its not feasibly possible unless SBI gives you a 200+ point lead which isn’t going to happen.
You just got used like a dirty condom, way to give into the mooch and free labor.
Not in game atm, but i can say double teams always happen. When the opportunity presents itself, we take it, just like JQ and SBI do as well. And honestly, who cares? Double teaming the strongest team is the way the game is intended to be played. Pushing JQ into 3rd is basically impossible at this point but limiting their point gain while maximizing ours comparatively is probably better for IOJ at this point and the only way that we can possibly stay in T1 for next week.
Isles of Janthir
Amazing how through the first 3 days it wasn’t about population or night capping or anything really coming from the others servers, but now that JQ is in the lead all of that stuff comes out. We took the lead once lost it and took it back and now its all about population and coverages now. But when we were in 3rd none of this cme out, when we were in 2nd none of this came out.
I know people are going to be surprised but I have seen the outmanned buff this week. Last night was instant queue on all 4 maps-the whole night I was in each BL following and listening to the commanders of other guilds seeing the different tactics etc, no que from 5pm est-12am est on any mapAnd now on Tuesday with over 3 1/2 days to go you say “pretty much over now”
If JQ actually wins this matchup you won’t really need to look for any reason other then that
All this BG crap is horrible however and ofc the you can’t transfer to so and so and then transfer back nonsense doesn’t fly. I used to think that and I even posted that I believed this, but the fact of the matter is it just simply isnt true on any server at all because there is not one server that retains “full” status 24/7 and anyone who actually thinks that would actually have to spend 24 straight hours on server select refreshing the screen, which no one will ever do.
I for one, and I never thought I would say this, but I think SBI and JQ, if they wind up 1 and 2, should really send BG a message next week if they happen to get into tier 1.
I personally hope people don’t roll over now. I like being down and I like playing under alot of duress, and SBI and IoJ has certainly given me plenty of both so far. I like having a reason to be in there.
I am still looking for the 7 day fight though
And btw you can do your monthly in WvW plenty of candy corn nodes on the map. I did level 1 and 2 in about 85 minutes this morning in there
There’s so many things wrong with this post, I don’t even want to go through it all.
First, you guys are kidding yourself if you think that no bandwagoners have transferred to your server. Second, there are plenty of times on JQ where we have no queues at all (right now I just got into our BL instantly, and its prime time in the US) so the whole idea of countless bandwagoners transferring here creating 24/7 queues is greatly exaggerated. Third, be serious, you want first place. Everyone does, it’s human nature.
No we don’t. I guarantee you that 50% of SBI absolutely wants nothing to do with First place. You can continue to try and pat yourself on the back pretending you are winning against an equal force using superior skills but you are only convincing yourself. I am giving no excuses for why SBI is losing im just saying you are more full of yourself than anyone you are trying to shoot down.
No we don’t. I guarantee you that 50% of SBI absolutely wants nothing to do with First place. You can continue to try and pat yourself on the back pretending you are winning against an equal force using superior skills but you are only convincing yourself. I am giving no excuses for why SBI is losing im just saying you are more full of yourself than anyone you are trying to shoot down.
So I guess its the other 50% who got 60% of the map and all 3 orbs in the wee hours?
Are you actually now admitting-for your server-that you play for 2nd place?
Furthermore are you saying that SBI can in fact beat JQ anytime they want, but they don’t solely for the reason that they do not want to have the transfers to their server?
No we don’t. I guarantee you that 50% of SBI absolutely wants nothing to do with First place. You can continue to try and pat yourself on the back pretending you are winning against an equal force using superior skills but you are only convincing yourself. I am giving no excuses for why SBI is losing im just saying you are more full of yourself than anyone you are trying to shoot down.
So I guess its the other 50% who got 60% of the map and all 3 orbs in the wee hours?
Are you actually now admitting-for your server-that you play for 2nd place?
Furthermore are you saying that SBI can in fact beat JQ anytime they want, but they don’t solely for the reason that they do not want to have the transfers to their server?
Absolutely not, like I said I am making no excuses for why SBI is losing. JQ is beating us fair and square. Also I am not going to stop PvPing because it is fun and I really enjoy pushing JQ. All I was saying is that everyone in any of the major guilds agrees that the worst thing that could happen to this server is for us to get the bandwagon transfers right before they close the free transfer door and getting first place will accomplish that. So simple saying that “be serious, you want first place. Everyone does, it’s human nature.” is ignorant. I apologize for my harsh tone I don’t know why that statement really got on my nerves. But I give all the credit in the world to JQ for surviving this far into the Transfer zerg and continuing to excel.
SBI is looking like they may be able to catch up if they keep this up.
I just logged off with SBI at +410 and JQ on bottom of PPT.
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry
Saying “I am making no excuse for why SBI is losing” and “50% of SBI don’t want to win” is called contradicting yourself.
No we don’t. I guarantee you that 50% of SBI absolutely wants nothing to do with First place. You can continue to try and pat yourself on the back pretending you are winning against an equal force using superior skills but you are only convincing yourself. I am giving no excuses for why SBI is losing im just saying you are more full of yourself than anyone you are trying to shoot down.
So I guess its the other 50% who got 60% of the map and all 3 orbs in the wee hours?
Are you actually now admitting-for your server-that you play for 2nd place?
Furthermore are you saying that SBI can in fact beat JQ anytime they want, but they don’t solely for the reason that they do not want to have the transfers to their server?
Pnt N Lol at Bndwgn Zerg Server[sOLo]
Zergling Hunter [ZILF]
You are absolutely right. I thought for certain we would lose this week simply cause we could only field certain organized guild forces fri-sat-sun primetime and the scores certainly dictated that. And losing 3 or so guilds last week didnt help either.
It really is just a matter of time. Who knows how this will finish, what guild will move before next week and where. And you are also absolutely correct that you do not want the mass transfers of individuals to your server cause it is alot worse then people think it is, alot.
JQ packs a hell of a punch, especially when during the day everything gets hella upgraded, we are trying to cap anything we can in sight to keep that tick high when we have more of the SBI population on, we’re not too far behind I think we can either get really really close or quite possibly take it! – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry
JQ packs a hell of a punch, especially when during the day everything gets hella upgraded, we are trying to cap anything we can in sight to keep that tick high when we have more of the SBI population on, we’re not too far behind I think we can either get really really close or quite possibly take it!
Plenty of time if SBI can hold what they have now by midnight est they will be winning. Obviously if they take more its less time. It isnt over
Saying “I am making no excuse for why SBI is losing” and “50% of SBI don’t want to win” is called contradicting yourself.
I am not making any excuses, just making a reply to what I felt was an ignorant statement with an alternative point of view. If I said “We are losing because we want to lose” that would be an excuse.
It’s not that we don’t want to win. That was worded wrong.
The “situation” on SBI is that winning isn’t our main focus. Our focus is just to get out there and fight in the most competitive bracket, and that’s exactly what we get. We don’t play for numbers or for some sort of ranking system. We just want to make sure we’re out there bloodying our competition regardless of how far behind in points we are or how outnumbered.
Someone made a sort of parallel that I personally agree with: “We are not Rome’s legions – we are the Viking horde, our long-ships crews join together for the fight and the loot – then we end it with a beer drinking contest, with fights and songs.”
M O A M E T A L [ Necromancer ][ Staff + D/F ][ Power DS/Wells ]
Y U I M E T A L [ Engineer ][ 3kit P/S ][ Havoc Roam ]
You guys do realize if you keep this up the thread will be closed? How many times do people need to get warned before they learn? Stop arguing about who has the bigger kitten, and just enjoy the battles, no matter who wins.
Or if you want to argue…do it somewhere else. This thread wasn’t made for that.
I find it hilarious that SBI says that we have superior coverage and that’s why we win because we take things overnight… and then overnight SBI takes all 3 orbs. Ah the irony.
(edited by elderan.2638)
But…one of those orbs were during primetime.. As for the statement about superior coverage, I think the score can speak on that. We all know the gaps that are there on SBI and we all know JQ has the superior coverage for all timezones. – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry
JQ has overall better 24-hour coverage. You guys can maintain mid-high PPT for an entire 24 hours with good organization throughout the day.
SBI has overall better Oceanic/Asian/SEA coverage with some amazing guilds covering those spots. Our NA is more or less equal to yours. Our weak spot is EU prime time, as it has always been. What we lose during EU prime time, we try to make up during Oceanic/Asian/SEA prime time.
M O A M E T A L [ Necromancer ][ Staff + D/F ][ Power DS/Wells ]
Y U I M E T A L [ Engineer ][ 3kit P/S ][ Havoc Roam ]