have you ever noticed that when JQ is losing it turns into an argument of 2v1 and accusations of lap dogs? Same thing happened the first matchup with HOD, SBI, and JQ which is what earned them the JQQ monnikar from many around.
To those that are on JQ playing the game for what it is and fighting hard I salute you and I won’t take the few QQ’ers making excuses as the whole server. It has been a fun matchup so far so keep up the good fight.
Well gratz sbi. No idea at al how you did it. I mean I get how you overnight early morning capped, but to hold off at prime time is certainly my hats off.
And I will thank you as I have been waiting to get away from the pugs now. Think a nice tier 4 or 5 server will be a nice change of pace.
I would doubt guilds will leave jq but who knows I mean they will still be ranked 1
Thanks to all sbi and ioj on a great week. I doubt I will see any of you for awhile
I love how the minute JQ starts losing, they accuse IoJ of being lapdogs, and that we’re 2v1 against them.
It’s a 3 way fight. there will always seem like a 2v1 going on, as has been stated since the beginning of WvW. not this week. the beginning of wvw. It’s also been said that to accuse servers of 2v1 is poor sportsmanship, that shows you are a sore loser. Suck it up, you lost. It was a great week of battles, and if that’s not good enough for you, if you HAVE to win, go play a different game. This one is obviously not for you.
JG to all 3 servers this week! Very proud of IoJ for standing up to the “big dogs” and showing them we belong in t1. JQ and SBI, you guys are fantastic opponents and i look forward to seeing you on the battlefield again, should i ever decide to log in again.
I’ve actually heard alot of people saying IoJ was purposely not attacking JQ the past 2 days or so just so JQ doesn’t get 1st. It’s defiantly gotten really silly, like yesterday afternoon when we came close to losing a lot of the keeps our late night crew managed to take an upgrade IoJ was running around the WvW map only killing yaks when they clearly had enough people that they might have been able to take their entire entire side of the map back and just didn’t. I wouldn’t really accuse SBI of 2v1ing or anything since we pretty much owned everything that was red and had no intention of giving it up even if they tried. I agree it’s kinda lame though, it’s alot like when ET refused to attack us to attack HoD and we just responded by managing to nearly fully upgrade every keep we owned then took all of red’s stuff since it was easier to hit.
I love how the minute JQ starts losing, they accuse IoJ of being lapdogs, and that we’re 2v1 against them.
It’s a 3 way fight. there will always seem like a 2v1 going on, as has been stated since the beginning of WvW. not this week. the beginning of wvw. It’s also been said that to accuse servers of 2v1 is poor sportsmanship, that shows you are a sore loser. Suck it up, you lost. It was a great week of battles, and if that’s not good enough for you, if you HAVE to win, go play a different game. This one is obviously not for you.
JG to all 3 servers this week! Very proud of IoJ for standing up to the “big dogs” and showing them we belong in t1. JQ and SBI, you guys are fantastic opponents and i look forward to seeing you on the battlefield again, should i ever decide to log in again.
IoJ guy I take it? Wow, they really have you thinking you did well by riding their coattails? You all have missed so many opportunities for points that you could have made a real fight for second. It’s staggering that you’d settle for so little when you could have done so much better. Well, one last day to show that you haven’t been fully de-fanged… get out there and fight! Surely you can do better than hiding in one corner of the map spawn camping if you really belong in T1.
Can’t you?
I think ioj are simply recognising that jq are the weaker side.
BTW I especially enjoyed trebbing to death the 9 ballistas you guys set up at faith supply camp. I don’t think you guys even got to fire them?
Volkon, you forgot when IOJ races out to attack the waterkeep… when JQ is attacking from the north.. then as soon as SBI is outnumbered by both armies, and JQ gets the orb… IOJ slinks back to that corner and logs.
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
LOL harrison OMG when we came over that hill and they had those ballistas lined up like military jets? and we said “treb.. aim fire on faith!” and BOOM JQ ran around like hillbillies on fire wondering where all their silver went. LOL classic 3 stooges move.
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
C’mon guys stop with double teaming stuffs and flaming each other. My experience within last two days, I never faced IoJ on SBI BL, JQ BL and EB only have to fight SBI. Their present is low. So does ours while SBI comes with motivation and co-ordination. That’s why they win. We lose this round but I had fun. Let’s have fun again next round with BG.
[DKJ] – Jade Quarry
Great Job SBI.
10-26-2012 9-46-25 AM EST
committed great sins, God would not have sent a
punishment like me upon you." ~ Temüjin ~
(edited by Mjolniir.2541)
Man the amount of kitten talk towards IoJ is just poor sportsmanship.
Their first week in T1 and they performed great. All servers did.
Where JQ went the past 2 days – no clue on that one. Almost feels like they decided they wanted 2nd place or some pvp guilds left.
I’m really not excited about gaining the transfer herpes.
Seriously, I don’t want my server community destroyed like so many others.
GW2 – the only game that destroys your server if you win!
Asura Engineer
CG, which map was that? I’ve been on IoJ borderlands and hadn’t seen that.
I have to admit… that would have been hilarious to be on the delivering end of. There was a moment yesterday when IoJ was trying yet again to take our tower right outside spawn, they had a ton of siege set up not only on sentry island but out in the field as well. A quick treb in the tower had similar results to what you describe, so I understand the satisfactory feeling there. I manned the treb, so admittedly there’s a bias in the “fun” category.
Still, so much time and effort onto one tower by IoJ when they could have swung north and claimed multiple spots while SBI was smashing their faces into Bay… seems like a ton of wasted opportunities and settling for third. What happened to the guys that showed up the first few days when everything was swinging back and forth and the lead changed between all three servers continually? THAT was some epic fighting. Then IoJ appeared to roll over and give it all to SBI. Very sad.
I mean there were times this week… that I sincerely thought we were fighting Elmer Fudd. One time the orb was in the hills. and there was not a single JQ in sight to defend it… and we were forced to fight IOJ for an hour or better because they wanted the bay instead of the orb. STILL not sure where their leadership chain failed… maybe east means west over there. ‘\o.o/’
OH lets not forget the time JQ built 3 golems and tried to march them down the cliff . past sunny, and to the bay. by the time they got near there we had slowly sniped them to nothing. Lots of gold wasted this week, and I cant say I regret a penny of it..except that time I sat a pile of siege equipment down for someone… and turned my back .. only to see a JQ asura picking it all up and running away as fast as he could… I was so angry at that kid. >.<
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
What happened to the guys that showed up at the match start? The Halloween event. Though not sure where they all ran off to at this point, think we would have gotten them back by now. But yeah, we are running outmanned on every BL and EB is the only place we aren’t (hence the only place we have anything)
Honestly it looks like SBI took off for the event and came back, JQ skipped the event at the start and is doing it now, and we (Ioj) just never came back from the event for some reason.
What happened to the guys that showed up at the match start? The Halloween event. Though not sure where they all ran off to at this point, think we would have gotten them back by now. But yeah, we are running outmanned on every BL and EB is the only place we aren’t (hence the only place we have anything)
Honestly it looks like SBI took off for the event and came back, JQ skipped the event at the start and is doing it now, and we (Ioj) just never came back from the event for some reason.
You know… that could have had a definite impact. Even when in a zerg group I see plenty of candy corn stops along the way. It’ll be interesting to see the next couple weeks, whether servers are better focused, whether they fight for themselves and all that.
So, what was it like a 40,000 point swing in a day? Wow. I noticed the tempo pick up Wednesday night.
Hey, I’ll take second to SBI. No shame in that. And Blackgate is going to stomp us both next week.
IoJ, great job first time out of the gate. I won’t mention specific other servers that just give up when in third, but you guys really hung in there. If there was an award for ‘Best T1 Performance for Third Place’, you guys would get it. And you’re STILL fighting today! Awesome. You guys can come back anytime you want. Best T1 match so far.
I love how the minute JQ starts losing, they accuse IoJ of being lapdogs, and that we’re 2v1 against them.
It’s a 3 way fight. there will always seem like a 2v1 going on, as has been stated since the beginning of WvW. not this week. the beginning of wvw. It’s also been said that to accuse servers of 2v1 is poor sportsmanship, that shows you are a sore loser. Suck it up, you lost. It was a great week of battles, and if that’s not good enough for you, if you HAVE to win, go play a different game. This one is obviously not for you.
JG to all 3 servers this week! Very proud of IoJ for standing up to the “big dogs” and showing them we belong in t1. JQ and SBI, you guys are fantastic opponents and i look forward to seeing you on the battlefield again, should i ever decide to log in again.
IoJ guy I take it? Wow, they really have you thinking you did well by riding their coattails? You all have missed so many opportunities for points that you could have made a real fight for second. It’s staggering that you’d settle for so little when you could have done so much better. Well, one last day to show that you haven’t been fully de-fanged… get out there and fight! Surely you can do better than hiding in one corner of the map spawn camping if you really belong in T1.
Can’t you?
First, we don’t ride coattails. Never have, never will. We fought all weekend, right up until the halloween event started. If you go back and look, that’s where the larger score discrepancy started.
Second, while we may have “missed an opportunity for points”, but then again, all 3 servers have throughout the week. SBI and JQ attacking Hills at the same time, not once, but 3 times within an hour or two. Same time. SBI could have been.. attacking JQ while their whole zerg was attacking us, but they didn’t. Same could be said for JQ.
Sportsmanship. It’s missing these days. Competition has stopped being about competition, and it’s about winning. kitten talking your opponent when you win, and giving excuses when you lose. Sportsmanship. It’s what makes you a better competitor.
Congrats to SBI for being able to convince IoJ to be their lapdogs and settle for third. I’m not sure how you pulled that off, but man, that’s some serious politics you all have going. Honestly, convincing a whole server to settle for last to help you get first… I’m impressed.
Like JQ for up until a couple of weeks ago? You do remember yes?
I hope for JQ comeback because 3 orb is to easy to kill bad bad. I also do not want bandwagon transfers.
Help Zibzab [sOLo] have a merry xmas and do not allow SBI to win.
Pnt N Lol at Bndwgn Zerg Server[sOLo]
Zergling Hunter [ZILF]
So I recently transfered to IoJ and one thing I have observed is IoJ’s ability to defeat JQ 2 to 1 pretty consistently. SBI’s field combat seems to be about the same as IoJ’s. I have been really impressed with IoJ. You guys are some tough cookies.
I see a few posts about missing opportunities for points. Well, let me say that I had a lot of free time this week and was able to play on multiple borderlands. At times It would be us(IOJ) and one of the other servers double teaming the third for a while and EVERY single time(that i was on to see at least) and a Commander made a move to hit the server that was preoccupied.
One of Two things would occur. Even if we took it, 15 minutes later it was gone and the full attention of the enemy was now on us. Or, in the case of the our home borderlands, we would RARELY take it, and within the next 30mins we would all our keeps/towers/camps to attacks attacks from both JQ and SBI. So did IOJ really lose out on points by not taking every chance it got to attack with SBI forces focused on JQ? Probably not. Atm, we lack the coordination/numbers/intelligence(I saw more kitten from players on IOJ in the last 3-4 days than I’ve seen in the entirety of a month) to take advantage of good situations when they present themselves. Well, at least on the weekdays that is.
Isles of Janthir
(edited by Flashlegend.2941)
Actually Raven, JQ has the superior coverage not the superior talent
Whatever you gotta tell yourself.
Blackgate is coming hope they close transfers soon or all JQ bandwagoners will come to us ….
Bring it.
over 32 THOUSAND points in what? 24 hours to take number one spot? I think we both “brought it” and " told you "
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
I think what a lot of people forget is.. these are MEMBERS of servers talking smack not servers. Peeps saw “its not our fault we’re pve so we can’t win”, then well “we hate JQ so if we cant win we can screw them” and it became a now cryfest on 3 sides. No one here is server king, just people.
I don’t have the impression SBI members recruited IoJ to aid them, but I do think many IoJ members thought if they can’t win they’d do everything they could to help drop the top team. So SBI continued to improve their rep as a server that fights tooth and nail and earned their win, and IoJ members made their own impression.
Don’t think theirs a thing wrong with a team up personally, but only one is considered dominant and the other is always seen as the tag-a-long historically speaking, because 2 dominant forces don’t need to team up with each other if they could have done it themselves (again I don’t think SBI recruited aid from IoJ, I think they worked hard and didn’t sleep), but theirs no shared glory for first place.
Don’t think poorly of either server for their tactics throughout the match. Been a good fight and good lessons. And a legit win and subsequent placements, Looking forward to next match-ups. SBI was a beast for the last 24 hours btw, great fights, get some sleep now guys.
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.
The amount of JQQ tears have pleased me.
Lol, a lot of the good guilds left JQ. Not surprised at all at this turn. JQ is running on inertia really. I actually said something to that effect in LA the other day — the JQ of now is much weaker than 2 weeks ago, and tons of scrubs/transfers laughed at me claiming that JQ was #1 huehuehe.
Anyways, enjoy the transfers SBI!
Next match should be funny though, can’t wait!
Lol, a lot of the good guilds left JQ. Not surprised at all at this turn. JQ is running on inertia really.
Enjoy the transfers SBI!
Next match should be funny though.
Keep them. No need for weak heart warriors. Sparta killed weak babys. SBI eats them. Rawrrior
Zibzab [sOLo] SBI Immigration and Naturalization Officer {bandwagon offices]
Pnt N Lol at Bndwgn Zerg Server[sOLo]
Zergling Hunter [ZILF]
I don’t really care about all the smack talk, but this has been the most fun I’ve had in W3 since launch.
QQ aside, grats to SBI for a well-organized comeback
Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir
Regardless of what all the “experts” say, we fought our hearts out these last few days to get this victory and it is bloody well deserved.
I don’t care if it was a 17498.5 versus 1.
SBI has always been a contending server and we have proven that week after week.
So congrats to our server, now don’t let it get to your head and let’s keep this up.
SBI, very well done!! I guess its safe to say that you can now sleep well with smiles on your faces, for theres another tough battle coming later on….oh and IoJ, you can now go back to T2, thanks
Reclussion – lvl80 Mesmer
Elite Solidarity [ESOL] – Jade Quarry
Actually Raven, JQ has the superior coverage not the superior talent
Whatever you gotta tell yourself.
Blackgate is coming hope they close transfers soon or all JQ bandwagoners will come to us ….
Bring it.
over 32 THOUSAND points in what? 24 hours to take number one spot? I think we both “brought it” and " told you "
I really wasnt going to post anything negative but where was the massive crap talk from you last week? You know, how you lost by what 300k points? You can run around thumping your chest as loud as you want, but enjoy the bandwangoners. Better yet enjoy that massive surge of oceanic players you were so desperately begging for and got. SBI did the same thing, got kitteny when they pulled ahead of HoD then had their foot shoved in their mouth and it’ll happen again. Oh and before you make some stupid retort of how i’m making excuses or mad, i’m not, i’m spitting facts.
To the other SBI players, you know the ones not full of themselves keep up the good fights.
SBI is hardly a bandwagon server. The people that pulled us ahead are the same ones that play their hearts out week after week. The same commanders that always organize the groups came up with the strats that we executed with success. Sure we may have gotten some EU servers which have helped to cover our non-peak gaps and helped us to maintain what we captured during our peak ours, but we’ve certainly not gotten the flood of people that JQ or BG did, nor do we want them.
I look forward to another knock-down, drag-out fight starting tonight. IoJ you guys fought very well and I hate to see you guys go back to tier 2. You are definitely tier 1 quality.
People please stop server hopping. Have some pride.
I really enjoy our community on SBI – we’re solid, we communicate well, and we’re determined. We’re also pretty consistent. Holding a T1 slot for so long (but not being #1) has helped us immensely.
We’re not hemorraging people who are looking for a better fight, and we’re not flooded with fame-seekers who are looking to be on the top server. We have a consistent, solid community and some really great leaders – but also a lot of thinkers as well.
This week was really exceptional, the action was furious, non-stop, and fun. Isle of Janthir and Jade Quarry both really brought their “A” game to the fight this week – thanks to everyone – on all servers – for making my week so epic!
Baruk [BYOB] on Stormbluff Isle –
(edited by nuance.1806)
Whatever else you can say about this week, it’s been the most fun I’ve had in T1 in over a month.
To the players who thought of IoJ to be Tier 1 material, thank you very much! We would try to avoid going back to Tier 2 as much as we can. We had the best fight and we plan to keep that kind of fight every week. I don’t want to state any reasons on why we were the last on the T1 match, all I know is that we fought with all our might. Congrats to SBI and JQ, you guys are really the best of the best.
Lol, a lot of the good guilds left JQ. Not surprised at all at this turn. JQ is running on inertia really. I actually said something to that effect in LA the other day — the JQ of now is much weaker than 2 weeks ago, and tons of scrubs/transfers laughed at me claiming that JQ was #1 huehuehe.
Anyways, enjoy the transfers SBI!
Next match should be funny though, can’t wait!
Sad but likely true. If the bandwagoners pattern hold true, I can see the bandwagon express coming to SBI today/tomorrow. Not looking forward to long queues.
[Rage] Smelly Tree Sap — Band Camp Babe — Bannned Character--Spooner
Actually Raven, JQ has the superior coverage not the superior talent
Whatever you gotta tell yourself.
Blackgate is coming hope they close transfers soon or all JQ bandwagoners will come to us ….
Bring it.
over 32 THOUSAND points in what? 24 hours to take number one spot? I think we both “brought it” and " told you "
I really wasnt going to post anything negative but where was the massive crap talk from you last week? You know, how you lost by what 300k points? You can run around thumping your chest as loud as you want, but enjoy the bandwangoners. Better yet enjoy that massive surge of oceanic players you were so desperately begging for and got. SBI did the same thing, got kitteny when they pulled ahead of HoD then had their foot shoved in their mouth and it’ll happen again. Oh and before you make some stupid retort of how i’m making excuses or mad, i’m not, i’m spitting facts.
To the other SBI players, you know the ones not full of themselves keep up the good fights.
SBI is hardly a bandwagon server. The people that pulled us ahead are the same ones that play their hearts out week after week. The same commanders that always organize the groups came up with the strats that we executed with success. Sure we may have gotten some EU servers which have helped to cover our non-peak gaps and helped us to maintain what we captured during our peak ours, but we’ve certainly not gotten the flood of people that JQ or BG did, nor do we want them.
I look forward to another knock-down, drag-out fight starting tonight. IoJ you guys fought very well and I hate to see you guys go back to tier 2. You are definitely tier 1 quality.
People please stop server hopping. Have some pride.
I didnt say you were a “bandwagon” server, I simply said enjoy it when it hits your server. Regardless of if you want it to come or not it will until the free transfers stop, everyone knows it. It plagued our queues up terribly and a ton of our BL guilds went to other servers. Is that an excuse? No, its the truth, your server has won fair and square.
Sorry ladies and gentlemen, our server is already full (This is the actual status). Many of our teams still have guildies trying to get in at different times of day and I haven’t seen a huge influx of people I don’t recognize on our BL maps or in TS.
::walks down a line with JQ and IoJ like in High School football saying good game giving the traditional hand shakes (don’t worry I didn’t spit in my hand this time):: – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry
Great Job on the come back SBI
Good fights all around. Looking forward to this next matchup.
Ranger, Warrior, Mesmer
Blackgate’s last 3 weeks
2 weeks ago: Gets server transfers from HoD midweek, still lost to SBI by 2x points, and couldn’t make up a small point gap IoJ held, got pushed to T3 bracket.
1 week ago: Beats up a current T3 server and T4 server, neither of which got any notable transfers from HoD/ET
This week: HoD/ET in same bracket, lol
Next week: Highly doubt they’ve gotten any better since 2 weeks ago? Last time we fought them they didn’t really show any organization at all and pretty much crumbled if you pressured them at all. I haven’t seen any kind of reason to believe they’ve changed either, but I’m still expecting/hoping they’ll put up a good fight like IoJ did.
On another topic though, where exactly DID JQ go these last 2 days? I did hear there was some arguing going on in JQ land between commanders, but did some big guilds actually leave? And to where? That’s really sad if they did, it was alot of fun fighting them both of the past 2 weeks, even if we were “losing” last week. As much as SBI dosn’t like JQ we wouldn’t want to see them fall apart like HoD and ET did.
Outmanned never scared IOJ, we’ll be back… p.s. I have lots of candy corn stored now.
I was pretty impressed with the teamwork we had last night. Garrison being attacked by both sides by both competing servers, one even got into inner gates. We demolished all of them then took out the tower trebbing us and repaired all 4 damaged spots. If only we could keep our own team from taking the 395 supply that had built up lol Everyday we have to go through WHY you want to leave supply in areas that need it. In time, I think everyone will know if we keep explaining.
At one point someone saw 8+ golems being built in the South, I never did hear what happened to them.
Out of the entire matchup, the thing that scared me the most when I ran across them: guild TL.
Spot on and constant mesmer portal bombing kept us on our toes so much. Their ability to zerg was great, however in the long run its not a sustainable strategy imo.
There were so many times you guys barely made it in time to save a tower with the mesmer bombs. Maybe that was intentional, but it’s also an incredibly risky tactic.
All I can say is that IoJ and SBI never really got to see the results of the transfers, they happened on a Thursday I believe. If I remember correctly though, on the last day(friday) with less than an hour before transfers blackgate had 3 orbs and over 1/2 the map, where normally SBI was dominating. Maybe SBI was phoning it in at the end?
Blackgate could compete with IoJ before transfers so I think Blackgate can safely compete in Tier 1. Will Blackgate dominate though? I doubt it, but who wants that? It’s far funner when all 3 worlds are competitively close.
“Out of the entire matchup, the thing that scared me the most when I ran across them: guild TL”
why would you be scared of Team Runaway? all you gotta do is prevent them from taking whatever they are trying to take twice, and they give up and log, or switch servers again
GOOD work this week everyone, and I can honestly and sincerely say that there was ZERO alliance with SBI and IOJ. I was heard at least 100 times this week saying how much IOJ was a pain in my kitten as they always showed up right as we were getting kicked in the teeth by JQ, to try to hit us when we were down or take a base we didn’t want taken.
Thanks to all the hard working SBI warriors that /point /laugh with Zib and myself and dig in for the greatest comeback ever recorded in the history of mankind.. I heard that Universal pictures is currently casting a feature film about it.. I want Sarah Michelle Gellar to play me!!!!
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
Had a great time in WvW this week and while we came in last, it was some of the best fighting I’ve had since the game started. My hats off to both SBI and JQ for the fights this week, and here’s hoping we can all do it again sometime.
Rink Inc: Level 80 Engineer
IoJ noob extraordinaire.
“On another topic though, where exactly DID JQ go these last 2 days? I did hear there was some arguing going on in JQ land between commanders, but did some big guilds actually leave? And to where? That’s really sad if they did, it was alot of fun fighting them both of the past 2 weeks, even if we were “losing” last week. As much as SBI dosn’t like JQ we wouldn’t want to see them fall apart like HoD and ET did.”
Not really, it was more about motivation. JQ had a decent lead so many people decided to ignore WvW and go do Halloween stuff and other things. When they saw SBI charging back, some went to help and others were like meh, won’t change much either way if they win or not. SBI gets “bragging rights” but that is about it. JQ smashed them last week, so its not like JQ has a desire to finally win or be first to motivate them.
There have been no queues almost all day for the last 2 days. A lot of people I play with in WvW simply said it was not worth them wasting hours and resources trying to stay in first when it resets soon and wouldn’t change anything about the matchups in the long run.
People talk about bragging rights but like .001% of players actually come on these forums, so no one really cares about that. To many PvPers this was a battle, not a war. Blackgate imo is more dangerous than IOJ, though while they played great are still a little outmanned overall for T1.
So no, JQ didn’t destroy themselves, they simply lacked the motivation for the past few days. Just like SBI gave up when JQ smashed them last week and stopped showing up.
What a terrible time to go on holidays for a week!!! Played the first 2 days where it was the best W3 to date, IoJ was playing its best since the server started and we still have aloooooooooooooot to learn and improve. We will be back I guarantee it!!
Well done everyone on what is safe to say the best w3 matchup to date and gratz SBI on the comeback win.
WM – I have so much respect for your guild and the way you play the game. The pressure you apply to your opposition is amazing and when in even numbers fights you always steamroll. Hats off!!
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server
GREAT job to all this week!! Lots of strong points shown by all servers ( and weakness’s ).
I just wanna say I’m very proud of “IoJ”, thru thick & thin I think we showed we are a VERY worthy Tier 1 opponent. We’ll take what we learned from this and WILL be back the following week! GL to all this next match up
(UnS) UnitaSumus-GM
(IoJ) Isle Of Janthir-Commander
(edited by EricDravin.8947)
I have to say this was a very intense week in WvWvW this week. Most of the week I logged in it was only a 2000 point difference between the three servers and many stalemates at battle lines. My hats off to all three servers for the excitment they provided. I mean look at how many times SM changed control alone, this is not including any other major chang overs such as maps, keeps, and towers.
Stormbluff Isle
What a great week. Really can’t say much more than that. Kudos to everyone involved and thanks for all the fun fights.
Asura Warrior
Stormbluff Isle