IoJ vs SoR vs BG

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Snow Aeth.1937

Snow Aeth.1937

^That’s the spirit Shira
Keep on fighting, don’t even look at those point totals, just enjoy the fights!

“I can outrun a centaur”
Hacking your orbs since 2/11

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Guild Wars Fan.3249

Guild Wars Fan.3249

seriously your logic is mindboggling.

It’s really not that hard to understand, but I suppose I’ll try to explain it to you again.

During NA prime, JQ and SBI have their strongest forces. They are able to hold their own BL as well as fight over EB and your BL. You have a small force during this time albeit strong enough to hold your own BL especially with two servers fighting over the southern section and EB. The end result is you lose a little.

During EU prime, none of the 3 servers have a serious population. The end result is nothing changes.

During Asia prime, you have a large force and JQ/SBI have almost no force. You are able to take the entire map with little to no resistance. The end result is you gain a lot.

This is ultimately the problem with a 3 server system…

If it was 2 servers it would be balanced because you would alternate times of strength. The better server would truly win. But because it’s a 3 server system, JQ and SBI end up fighting each other during times of strength meanwhile your strength goes unopposed.

ah…that would explain why we gained all our points during NA primetime and lost so many during Asia prime…oh…hold on….

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: omgonoes.5368


It’s been a really great night tonight in the Blackgate BL, I can’t even tell you how long I’ve been there. We’ve been working hard all day here over at SoR, and I applaud everyone for their determination and fighting spirit. Big props to the Commanders that lead us day in and day out, winning or losing. This week has been a fantastic match up thus far, and has provided a load of learning experience and fun. “Beastgate” is one tough server and has not let up yet, nor do I see them doing so. You guys REALLY want your Garrison back Although they are behind, I admire IoJ’s spirit as they have really managed to hold their own, you guys have a tough crowd as well. I’m looking forward for what all is to come, and I’ll see you on the battlefield; where i’m not as friendly.

Effessyou [Choo] – Necromancer

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: MiasmicMist.1420



I don’t understand what that sentence means “I give up”. :-P even when I’m at work I’m on the forums or researching maps for new siege placement or pathing options to better surprise an enemy!

PvP gaming…. The most addicting of all known man made drugs…

Commander Miasmic Spiritsong
Leader of Caedas [CDS] :
Sanctum Of Rall

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: IomegadriveOne.5291


BG has no reason to 2v1. What would we gain? We want T1 again, SoR is not required for that.

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

SoS had more coverage, and way more men than BG. SoS were also methodical, and predictable. They had a routine and they stuck to it. That meant you could outmanoeuvre them, however due to sheer numbers (along with portal bomb/render attacks) it didn’t often mean much. SoS also had wacky, costly siege ideas (trebbing odd spots from all over the place for example), but that was all tied in to the number game (more men, more supply, more silver, more siege). On the ground, man for man, I found SoS were poor fighters. That’s outside of zergs. Perhaps because they fight in large groups so much (which is perfectly valid and effective).

BG on the other hand are more creative fighters. Yeah, their groups get rolled, but they’ve also rolled back. I haven’t taken the time to do much defence against them yet (Fractuals anyone?), and zergs bore me to tears, but the smaller scale fights have been top notch, and loads of fun.

Snaps to both servers, though I find BG more fun to play with.

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

I experienced my first true loss tonight at the hands of SoR. My guild put quite a bit of work into securing Redwater tower and supply camp on our BL a few hours ago. We did a pretty good job of it too. I personally put a bit of money into siege and upgrades for each, and I felt quite good about it. I was actually contributing to the server’s progress.

And then our meager 10-12 man guild team got rolled over by an SoR zerg 3/4 of the way through our upgrades. We held out for a decent while, but the end was inevitable without any support from any of our zergs (still kind of sad that not even one of the two very close groups came to assist).

But oh well. It felt good to actually make a contribution finally. It sucked to have it taken away so hopelessly, but hey. It was fun. Thanks for the challenge, SoR. We’ll be back to take over some obscure tower again real soon.

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Peetee.9406


ah…that would explain why we gained all our points during NA primetime and lost so many during Asia prime…oh…hold on….

Whatever makes you feel better about yourselves. I play during Oc/Eu prime, I see the number disparity I’ll trust my own eyes….

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Azaruil.3406


Had some fun fights in BG BL tonight. Also nice to see action that is spread out. At one point, BG was pushing on Bay and Garrison while SoR was pushing on hills. There were people attacking and defending all 3 keeps which makes a nice change from fighting against uni-zergball servers. Much more chaotic this way

“I smell like pomegranate.”

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: MiasmicMist.1420


At work again can I get a score update?

Commander Miasmic Spiritsong
Leader of Caedas [CDS] :
Sanctum Of Rall

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


At work again can I get a score update?

Sure mia.


Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297



I don’t understand what that sentence means “I give up”. :-P even when I’m at work I’m on the forums or researching maps for new siege placement or pathing options to better surprise an enemy!

PvP gaming…. The most addicting of all known man made drugs…

YES! I’m not the only one!

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF] – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: sinister.9216


New HB video is up, showing some of the fights we had in BG bl last night.

A big shout out to LUN and GSCH from SoR. You guys are great to fight !

Cool video, HB. I can see myself spinning across the screen a few times, like a little red blender Honestly, that night was the most fun I’d had doing WvW so far. Epic fights as far as the eyes could see, assuming players rendered.

Overall, this week has been pretty sweet. The other night when SoR was hitting BG Garrison at 3 different gates at once…. Epic. A few fights this week have been kinda ruined by rendering issues tho. There was one time in particular, Blackgate has around 25 people hitting north inner gate @ SH. Someone shouts out “INC from behind!” So, I turn around and don’t see anyone. We got wiped out. Now, in the downed state and eventually defeated, I finally see the people who killed us. As much as I enjoy frantically tabbing around to try to find an opponent, I do hope it gets fixed soon.

SoR & IoJ – Keep it coming, this battle has been more enjoyable than our 3 weeks in T1. I don’t think I’m wrong in saying that T2 isn’t far behind T1 as far as player skill and desire to have fun is concerned (coverage.. well.. another story for another day :P). You guys show us everytime you step on the battlefield, you’re there to bring it.

Tywin Onassis – 80 Necro Mez Yar – 40ish Mesmer
Uri Nightshade – 50ish Thief
Sarugaki Hiyori – 80 Warrior – Blackgate [FEAR]

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Wasabee.5031


I enjoyed the fights against loJ and SoR more than JQ and SBI. Best of all, we are all having fun and no trash talk. Awesome!
I hope to see you all again next week.

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


I enjoyed the fights against loJ and SoR more than JQ and SBI. Best of all, we are all having fun and no trash talk. Awesome!
I hope to see you all again next week.

I hope we have y’all in the next match too!
So much fun!

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Setsunayaki.4907


My heart goes out to the IoJ night capping crew.

Thank you! It was great logging back in the morning and finding a well fortified BL. Of course I still hate the fact that unmanned siege disappears after 30 minutes. Congrats on retaining the keeps.

Remember, the mark of a champion is not so much in the ability to conquer as is in the ability to retain. There is nothing that shows of spirit more than being able to successfully retain a keep (against a worthy adversary) that is damaged and falling apart everywhere in the heat of battle.

Capturing a keep is something, but what makes defense so amazing is the fact that everyone has that bulls eye on you and is gunning for your keep and they aren’t going to back down when they find a weakness to exploit.

I rather be wiped out against an enemy that deserves a win against me than steamroll over everything and walk away without a story to tell.

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Thundar.3910


Very much enjoying this weeks match up, IoJ and BG you guys are fun to fight. There’s something magical about running into one of your respective servers zergs, charging headlong into the fray, to watch people scatter for about 4 seconds, then to have them realize I’m alone and roflstomp me into the ground!

Keep Calm and Conquer
When you are out numbered, and the situation is hopeless, you have no option-you must attack

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Peetee.9406


Have to give praise to BG and IoJ as well. It’s been a blast playing against very skilled players that use legit war games tactics. As opposed to a certain unnamed server that rushes 20 golems and 50 players against a 5 man defended keep.

Honestly I wish we could keep you in Tier 2. You are, by far, the best server we have played against. I never thought at any point we would lose a matchup where the numbers were fair but you guys are just simply better then we are right now.

Hats off to you!

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Exavion.2564


I experienced my first true loss tonight at the hands of SoR. My guild put quite a bit of work into securing Redwater tower and supply camp on our BL a few hours ago. We did a pretty good job of it too. I personally put a bit of money into siege and upgrades for each, and I felt quite good about it. I was actually contributing to the server’s progress.

And then our meager 10-12 man guild team got rolled over by an SoR zerg 3/4 of the way through our upgrades. We held out for a decent while, but the end was inevitable without any support from any of our zergs (still kind of sad that not even one of the two very close groups came to assist).

But oh well. It felt good to actually make a contribution finally. It sucked to have it taken away so hopelessly, but hey. It was fun. Thanks for the challenge, SoR. We’ll be back to take over some obscure tower again real soon.

It was probably a good time for me to sign off that night, we did good work though. Some of the evenly-matched skirmishes with SoR were pretty fun. This WvW matchup has been fun on all the borderlands, culling issues aside. Hopefully we get matched up with IoJ and SoR again next week!

Revel [REV] of Blackgate –
Alina Martell – Human Guardian – PvE / sPvP
Thoros Ahai – Asura Mesmer – WvW

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: yarz widowmaker.5893

yarz widowmaker.5893

The fights this week are truly enjoyable and fun. I have learned a lot from enemies and friends alike this week. Looking forward to many more battles soon

SoR – Warrior – l Dark Phoenix I [RET]
Retribution – Sanctum of Rall

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: MiasmicMist.1420


Isle of Janthir, can I offer a friendly piece of advice? This isn’t meant to trash talk, this isn’t meant to start a flame war. Serious question.. SoR focused purely on BG in EB for past 2 hours, took every tower/camp and was working on their keep. We decided to leabe Isle of focus on SM and attempt to push BG off the map…
Image of BG being pushed ->

What happened.. IoJ setup a massive siege camp in ogres, and went nuts on Durios and Bravost, and even pushed to our homekeep. So, we left BG area alone and focused on retaking our stuff… Well, BG then focused on you while we pushed back to retaliate.

Image of BG making their comeback ->

Like I said, this isn’t meant to be insulting in any manner shape or form!

I am just curious why you would focus on the server attempting to push the current owner of Stonemist off the map, and never touch it and then suffer retaliation from 2 servers. The trebbing from Overlook could have been amazing. I personally hate the blue side of EB. :-(

Commander Miasmic Spiritsong
Leader of Caedas [CDS] :
Sanctum Of Rall

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Warlord.9074


I’ve seen the same kinda bone headed tactless decisions made on both sides. Everybody needs to learn how to play. Learn some tactics and learn to think.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: jcabe.7549


@ Mist

Hmm… I was playing in IOJ BL last night so I can’t really tell what exactly our thought process was in EB but let me ask you: what should we have done? How I see it on the map is that our only option was to attack SoR on the west or east side, either way we’d be attacking you guys. Now naturally you guys would counter attack on the east side so if we were to focus on the west and take your towers there, we’d be open to be flanked. Of course we could have just sat around watched you guys do your thing but that would also buy you guys time to mount a strong offensive against us.

Either way, I’m not a commander(yet) so I don’t know… but looking at the ppt at that time, you guys were doing well regardless!

Edit: I just realized SM was still in BG possession but looking at the swords there means that we were hitting it still. Maybe BG was just being awesome at the time so we decided to hit something else? :P

Yuki Shinon – Isle of Janthir

(edited by jcabe.7549)

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: MiasmicMist.1420


Well we had their keep waypoint contested (we destroyed water gate of lowlands) so they weren’t getting reinforcements into SM anytime soon. Would have been easy to multi treb from red side.

Oh well, live and learn!

Commander Miasmic Spiritsong
Leader of Caedas [CDS] :
Sanctum Of Rall

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Kanji Maki.1695

Kanji Maki.1695

Happy thanksgiving mates, I just got off work loading your dinners for today lol.

Something to think about…

Good fights out there all, *bow to all the “can do” SoR people out there good work.

Conquerors Within [WvW]-Commander-Valor Victis-Thief-Sanctum of Rall

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: MiasmicMist.1420


Like I said I am not trying to be insulting at all, just curious why their is such a focus on Bravost and Durios when green towers were easy pickings for you guys after we flipped their upgrades. Only saw IoJ flip a green tower once in 3 days in EB that wasn’t their spawn area. Maybe I’m just tired of seeing so many green points for 4 weeks lol

Also, seems SoS is doing well in T1. Good luck!

Commander Miasmic Spiritsong
Leader of Caedas [CDS] :
Sanctum Of Rall

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: MiasmicMist.1420


Also can I get a score update? Stuck at work once again. Prefer a map screenie if possible I can add points in my head

Commander Miasmic Spiritsong
Leader of Caedas [CDS] :
Sanctum Of Rall

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Wonder how empty the fields will be today.

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Sweetevil.9208


Here you go! Epic battle at BG Garrison! Way to push us out AGAIN!! <3



IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Snow Aeth.1937

Snow Aeth.1937

Hmm Thanksgiving and a certain mmofps which a lot of W3 players are interested in came out and that on top of FotM.

I wonder if W3 population will ever recover overall after this week.

“I can outrun a centaur”
Hacking your orbs since 2/11

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Raven Paradox.1860

Raven Paradox.1860

I’m getting CoD BO2 tomorrow, but that won’t stop me from playing WvW. It’s also possible that people are burnt out. No rewards, and we’re all top tiered servers so we play a lot of WvW. I myself just need a break from it every once in awhile.

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: waeren.9743


People still play CoD?

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Sweetevil.9208


We did have the whole BG map =( Still epic fun, tyvm BG!!



IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Smokee.1754


We did have the whole BG map =( Still epic fun, tyvm BG!!

Good fun and lots of bigh fights in BG bl tonight. Stayed up to 4 am EU time to defend it.
The best moment was when SoR sieged Hills and we rushed in behind them, took down inner gate before we got sandwiched between 2 huge zergs.

Looks like SoR got some big guilds out there coordinating with each other each night in the NA primetime. You guys are doing good

Even saw some IoJ out tonight in force. Never thought that would happen!

[HB] Herfolge Boldklub – Competitive online gaming since 2001
Nominated “Internet tough guy” 2013 by Tarkus

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Indo.8629


SoR has always had a solid NA primetime. BG BL has become fully blue everyday since Saturday during NA primetime. We just lose everything at 3am est because there’s no one on to defend.

What we need is Aussies/Asians/Euros.

But all in all, has been some fantastic fights. It’s been tons of fun, BG and IoJ are great opponents, nothing but respect.

Tempest Wolves – The Sanctum
80k kills and counting

(edited by Indo.8629)

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


Yeah NA is a weakpoint for BG currently.

Beast mode

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Peetee.9406


SoR has always had a solid NA primetime. BG BL has become fully blue everyday since Saturday during NA primetime. We just lose everything at 3am est because there’s no one on to defend.

What we need is Aussies/Asians/Euros.

But all in all, has been some fantastic fights. It’s been tons of fun, BG and IoJ are great opponents, nothing but respect.

Our Euro prime coverage has improved tremendously over the last month. Usually when I log in around 6 AM-7 AM EST the map is 3/4 green and 1/4 red. If were lucky we are still holding garrison. When I log off around Noon EST we’ve reclaimed our entire BL and our section of the EB Map.

Alpaca, Silvannas, and Octo do a great job reclaiming a lot of our lost land during the early AM hours.

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: NichtsZuDanken.9237


Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. Fighting today has been intermittent, but overall scoring remains about the same.

GJ to my SoR brothers and sisters. Even with a tough fight these previous weeks we continue to move up in ranking and are almost at the 2k mark! =D

Keep Rallying!

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: laffingseals.5934


(edited by Moderator)

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: laffingseals.5934


IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Kysin.6349


This is definitely a fantastic match up. Thanks to SoR and IoJ for a fun clean match! SoR really bringing it out there right now.

Co-leader of Knights of Eminence[Sir] – PvX
Reap The Weak[Reap] – WvW 5-man havok

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: MiasmicMist.1420


To friend and foe alike, hope everyone had a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

See you guys on the battlefield!!

Commander Miasmic Spiritsong
Leader of Caedas [CDS] :
Sanctum Of Rall

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Peetee.9406



For the second straight day, we have the outmanned buff in our own BL. For the first 4 days of this match we never saw more than 20 of you in our BL, the last two days there has been no less than 100 people at 8 AM EST.

Where were you guys all week? We’re getting our butts handed to us.

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Anatolian Turk.4057

Anatolian Turk.4057

Here’s the latest score.


Honourable Guardian | Desolation
Arenanet killed WvW
R.I.P. WvW 2012 – 2015

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Dash.7108


Really enjoyed the time I had in WvW this week, mostly because of the lack of trash talk. Thank goodness IoJ and SoR (for the most part) don’t trash talk like the T1 servers do!

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Mishi.7058


Really enjoyed the time I had in WvW this week, mostly because of the lack of trash talk. Thank goodness IoJ and SoR (for the most part) don’t trash talk like the T1 servers do!

This is the first match in a few weeks where our initial wvw match thread hasn’t been closed. (Yet, still a few hours left….lol)

Though I also love this match, I hope we get more like this in the future

Commander Silvannas
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Peetee.9406


Really enjoyed the time I had in WvW this week, mostly because of the lack of trash talk. Thank goodness IoJ and SoR (for the most part) don’t trash talk like the T1 servers do!

This is the first match in a few weeks where our initial wvw match thread hasn’t been closed. (Yet, still a few hours left….lol)

Though I also love this match, I hope we get more like this in the future

Wonder whose responsible for that?

checks the 13 messages in the mailbox


[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Ascii.9726


Looks like the next match-ups are identical, im surprised IoJ hasn’t been knocked down to Tier 3 already. Been fun fighting Blackgate and look forward to another round!


Rank 580+ Necromancer WvW Stream
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA

IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: laffingseals.5934


IoJ vs SoR vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Krakah.3582


Hmm Thanksgiving and a certain mmofps which a lot of W3 players are interested in came out and that on top of FotM.

I wonder if W3 population will ever recover overall after this week.

For the long-term health of WvW I really really hope Anet does a PvP focus patch next. PS2 is really biting into the player base across all servers. I’m willing to bet if you took all the PvP minded players and mashed them together. It would only populate around 5-6 servers tops. As some guilds jumping up from T3 or lowers servers mention it’s a ghost town in WvW overall.