Space Marine Z [GLTY]
Is 2v1 a breach of the Rules of Conduct?
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
Some of the guild leaders planned it and both servers are disciplined enough to follow the chain of command, so far. Nobody is saying it wasn’t a mistake.
It would be interesting for Anet to comment on that looking at 2 different points of view.
On one hand, 2vs1 I suppose could ruin the enjoyment of another if they are essentially relegated to being stuck in their spawn point.
On the other hand, stacking your server to the point your opponents have no chance (and cause other servers WvW populations to implode) also ruins the enjoyment of others on a much grander scale than 2vs1.
Remember, you can’t be biased about this, you have to look at it from all angles but you do bring up an interesting point.
Anet already did say that 2vs1 is a viable strategy to bring down the bigger server, so I think we already know the answer to that.
With that, it really is in the server’s hands to enhance their own enjoyment. They have to ask themselves the question “why is their enjoyment being ruined”. Then they have to ask themselves “is there anything we can do to prevent the actions taken against us”
Answering the second question should come to the glaring conclusion: Do not stack your server. Action/reaction as they say.
JQ stacks SEA even further from SoR transfers.
TC receives a handful of guilds from SoR transfers.
BG receives 1 OXC guild fielding 20-25 players and an ex-BG guild.Lets not forget BG has lost guilds since season 1.
BG stacked ftw.
Once you get it through your head that BG players simply play longer when the odds are even, you’ll see how silly you and the countless others are when you claim a server is stacked despite you being part of a FULL server as well. It’s not BG’s job to get your guys into wvw, whether they’re PvE/PvX/WvW.
This is coming from a former BG player whom played most of Season 1 on BG as well as most of the off season before Season 2. During the off season, I counted 6 separate blackouts and welcoming’s of new guilds. 6, not 2, but 6. The only guild that left I believe was ZD if I’m not mistaken. At no point do I recall any welcoming of an “old” BG guild so I guess that would make the number at 7 guilds joining. You also ignore the glaring fact that BG already had greater coverage on their server than the other 2 before those 7 guilds transferred over. Not only that, I wonder how many guilds transferred to BG after I left. How many transfers did BG get 3 weeks prior to Season 2 starting? Add that 7.
BG guilds did not pull long hours, I know that for a fact. I often played during prime time and straight through Oceanic/SEA. The guilds would always change, and during those “off hours” BG’s numbers would often double or borderline triple the opposing forces. That’s why they won, that is the only reason.
I spent more time rezzing dead allies on BG than I did killing enemy players. To say they were winning with skill is simply not true. When numbers were even across the maps, our PPT hovered between 150-200. When Oceanic/SEA time came about the numbers would jump to 350-425. Throughout the day, it was 250-300.
As a former BG player myself, I can state as a fact, BG players do not play longer, they have more players/guilds covering all hours of the day.
(edited by DeadlySynz.3471)
2v1 is not a breach of conduct. Organizing a 2v1 in advance so you can win trade is both against the code and beyond pathetic. Trading wins to manipulate the entire tournament so you can finish first and second is actually impressively blatant. It will be interesting to see if anet cares enough about wvw to do something about it. They will probably tell us they are working on it, ask for our opinion in a thread, then lock that thread for match discussion.
No not really, it is the fault of the third server for not doing anything about it. I’m sure if BG stops crying on the forums and actually plan a way to make sure TC doesn’t win they would at least be able to do something. Instead BG loves to play the victim card and honestly nobody is buying it. #bgtears
It is like if say SoS had 2x coverage and numbers versus DB and Mag and saying it is pathetic that SoS has more coverage. Seriously DB and Mag could focus SoS or 2v1 them. BG complains too much about this because the dominate BG strat since pre S1 has been recruit + buy more guilds. The reason is that more coverage = win. No coverage = lose. Don’t believe me look at the coverage difference between servers across T2->T8 NA and you can see. Instead now at least coverage isn’t the #1 strat because you can get focused/2v1d.
Wait you honestly think BG has more coverage than JQ and TC? When I wake up early I get to map hop playing against a massive jq SEA that says otherwise. There is no lack of coverage on these servers. They literally lost one match so they decided that they needed to rig the entire tournament to compete. After they had already won every match for two months between the two of them, they just couldn’t comprehend losing. Clearly they had to work together to manipulate the outcome of the entire tournament.
When I wake up early during EU I get massive BG map blob. Your point?
Yeah cause JQ and TC are going to hand BG free wins? What do you not understand about the point system. Please go to your respective community site and ask there someone will do the math for you since has been done on TC and JQ community site along with r/guildwars2.
So that 2nd week match during Feb where BG won doesn’t count. Ok now. So JQ/TC has so much coverage they blew BG out of the water for 2 months straight (didn’t happen btw go check Mos most of the matchups from Feb till before S2 were close except 3-4 matches which is like 1 month). So BG is SUPER weak yet won W1 by a large margin yet prior to seasons they lost by a significant margin (throw much?). Don’t even say break cause all 3 servers took a break.
How about this, I want you to publically wage 500g in a pot to the server that wins the entire tournament. I want you to guess who will win S2 since you said it is rigged. If so then you can guess who will get 1st. Saying either JQ or TC getting first doesn’t count. If JQ and TC were so great at match manipulate wouldn’t you in your infinite wisdom know who will get 1st, 2nd, 3rd. So instead of just putting out nonsense why don’t you just straight up put a wage on it. Or unless you are sour that BG won’t get that free win it got in S1. In that case I’m sorry and may I recommend this course of action to you. Consider sPvP, GvG, or WvW roaming (where points, wins, PPT don’t matter).
+3 to this thread.
JQ Ranger
2v1 is not a breach of conduct. Organizing a 2v1 in advance so you can win trade is both against the code and beyond pathetic. Trading wins to manipulate the entire tournament so you can finish first and second is actually impressively blatant. It will be interesting to see if anet cares enough about wvw to do something about it. They will probably tell us they are working on it, ask for our opinion in a thread, then lock that thread for match discussion.
No not really, it is the fault of the third server for not doing anything about it. I’m sure if BG stops crying on the forums and actually plan a way to make sure TC doesn’t win they would at least be able to do something. Instead BG loves to play the victim card and honestly nobody is buying it. #bgtears
It is like if say SoS had 2x coverage and numbers versus DB and Mag and saying it is pathetic that SoS has more coverage. Seriously DB and Mag could focus SoS or 2v1 them. BG complains too much about this because the dominate BG strat since pre S1 has been recruit + buy more guilds. The reason is that more coverage = win. No coverage = lose. Don’t believe me look at the coverage difference between servers across T2->T8 NA and you can see. Instead now at least coverage isn’t the #1 strat because you can get focused/2v1d.
Wait you honestly think BG has more coverage than JQ and TC? When I wake up early I get to map hop playing against a massive jq SEA that says otherwise. There is no lack of coverage on these servers. They literally lost one match so they decided that they needed to rig the entire tournament to compete. After they had already won every match for two months between the two of them, they just couldn’t comprehend losing. Clearly they had to work together to manipulate the outcome of the entire tournament.
When I wake up early during EU I get massive BG map blob. Your point?
Yeah cause JQ and TC are going to hand BG free wins? What do you not understand about the point system. Please go to your respective community site and ask there someone will do the math for you since has been done on TC and JQ community site along with r/guildwars2.
So that 2nd week match during Feb where BG won doesn’t count. Ok now. So JQ/TC has so much coverage they blew BG out of the water for 2 months straight (didn’t happen btw go check Mos most of the matchups from Feb till before S2 were close except 3-4 matches which is like 1 month). So BG is SUPER weak yet won W1 by a large margin yet prior to seasons they lost by a significant margin (throw much?). Don’t even say break cause all 3 servers took a break.
How about this, I want you to publically wage 500g in a pot to the server that wins the entire tournament. I want you to guess who will win S2 since you said it is rigged. If so then you can guess who will get 1st. Saying either JQ or TC getting first doesn’t count. If JQ and TC were so great at match manipulate wouldn’t you in your infinite wisdom know who will get 1st, 2nd, 3rd. So instead of just putting out nonsense why don’t you just straight up put a wage on it. Or unless you are sour that BG won’t get that free win it got in S1. In that case I’m sorry and may I recommend this course of action to you. Consider sPvP, GvG, or WvW roaming (where points, wins, PPT don’t matter).
Your trolling is such a failure. Of course I can tell you who will win each matchup. If JQ and TC don’t keep trading wins, one will break the doubleteam. TC needs to win this one, JQ the next, so on. If they don’t, the double team will stop.
If you had any reading abilities at all you would have reread your post I replied to, which tried to imply BG outnumbers TC or JQ 2 to 1. The T1 servers are closer in coverage than they ever have been before, this is 100% that the top guilds on these two servers thought they were so much worse than the BG guilds that they decided to conspire to cheat the entire tournament rather than change their builds.
Troll better please.
EDIT: even better, since you say the matches before the league were close, clearly you must think week one was close as well, since it was far closer. On top of that you will certainly correct the trolls claiming BG threw those matches on purpose, I mean look how close they were. Thank goodness you are here.
Plus I would like you to list two guilds BG bought. Hell list 10, I mean we stacked so much, it isn’t like the same guilds are just pulling more hours. And get one of them to come here and show how much money we paid them. With us buying so many guilds as you said, surely somewhere there is one person that will show you.
(edited by BAITness.1083)
2v1 is not a breach of conduct. Organizing a 2v1 in advance so you can win trade is both against the code and beyond pathetic. Trading wins to manipulate the entire tournament so you can finish first and second is actually impressively blatant. It will be interesting to see if anet cares enough about wvw to do something about it. They will probably tell us they are working on it, ask for our opinion in a thread, then lock that thread for match discussion.
No not really, it is the fault of the third server for not doing anything about it. I’m sure if BG stops crying on the forums and actually plan a way to make sure TC doesn’t win they would at least be able to do something. Instead BG loves to play the victim card and honestly nobody is buying it. #bgtears
It is like if say SoS had 2x coverage and numbers versus DB and Mag and saying it is pathetic that SoS has more coverage. Seriously DB and Mag could focus SoS or 2v1 them. BG complains too much about this because the dominate BG strat since pre S1 has been recruit + buy more guilds. The reason is that more coverage = win. No coverage = lose. Don’t believe me look at the coverage difference between servers across T2->T8 NA and you can see. Instead now at least coverage isn’t the #1 strat because you can get focused/2v1d.
Wait you honestly think BG has more coverage than JQ and TC? When I wake up early I get to map hop playing against a massive jq SEA that says otherwise. There is no lack of coverage on these servers. They literally lost one match so they decided that they needed to rig the entire tournament to compete. After they had already won every match for two months between the two of them, they just couldn’t comprehend losing. Clearly they had to work together to manipulate the outcome of the entire tournament.
Hence the reason why I just ignore T1. They live in their own little bubble, and think they represent all of WvW. If they lose, they don’t accept that it happened, and look for some dumb kitten reason on why they lost. “The other server bought guilds”, “They 2v1’ed us” (I found this funny in the opening match of the tourney, cause both TC and JQ were complaining that each other were working with BG).
I don’t see these gripes much from T2 down, and we have more players (combined) than T1.
Guess that shows you the mentality of people who transfer up to T1. They don’t do it for the fights, they do it for the PPT (whether they admit it or not). Seems T2 is more in it for the fights (even though they PPT more), and T3 and below just want to have fun and attempt to win.
Man it seems all the Tier 1 WvW servers have like 0 Sportsmanship Im glad I transfered our of TC cause all of you JQ,TC,and BG all lie cheat and steal just to win a few extra tickets kinda puts a sad spin on such a great game I hop after this tournament after all the crap you will at least try and stop acting so awful towards each other and learn some sportsmanship.
It is a WvWvW what do you expect. If you want pure fairness how about this. Let JQ upgrade to T3 max on their BL same goes for BG and TC. Then everyone queues for EB and fights constantly over SMC that way nobody can say “Oh nos” we are getting 2v1 in WvWvW it is not fair. /pride. /sportsmanship.
So letting say HoD auto win in Silver = sportsmanship. But to make things more interesting and competitive = not? hmmmm . I hope people transfer to FA, SBI, and YB cause that is the only way to beat HoD in Silver. Can’t 2v1 since that is lack of sportsmanship. Might as well let HoD T3 everything on their side cause if two servers decide they want to get rid of a waypoint because it is tactically advantageous = lack of sportsmanship. #logic
I’m very sorry if I like to have a healthy yet competitive play time when i play a game but I dont find any 2v1 that fun win or lose especially when its pre organized and the fact I was harassed quite extensively for even mentioning that we should play fair made the choice very easy but I can only hope after all this TC/JQ/BG can find some way of being better players for the community.
Define competitive. Is it competitive if say all of the sudden one server (BG) gets a few guilds and the other servers don’t? Should I make complaint threads? How about a 30v30 fight and one side has 10 rangers. Is that fair? How about uplevels? Hills versus bay in terms of attack and defend. Is it competitive to be HoD where you have a massive OCX and SEA coverage to just wreck the other 2 servers.
Nothing said that WvW is meant to be extremely fair and competitive. In fact a 2v1 is competitive since it is WvWvW. So HoD is stacked and if no server does anything what happens after 9 weeks. HoD wins. At this moment unless some server does something to hamper HoD I can say that HoD is silver league winner for sure. Is that competitive? Or is it more competitive for the other two servers to band together to take down HoD to make it close so that 1st place and 2nd place are up for grabs instead of it being a given.
2v1 is better for the community at large. The reason is that currently the strat was to recruit as many guilds as possible to increase coverage and numbers. So most transfers go upwards from lower tier servers to higher tier servers. Now if a guild knows that going higher and stacking means 2v1 or no win they might think twice and join other WvW communities that need them most or at least try other servers instead of just stacking for a free win. This is a win for WvW since we know ANet isn’t capping servers. BG+TC+JQ were full before S2 but the cap was increased.
And even if it was, how would you stop players from doing it? o___O;
Since this thread has turned into another match-up discussion it is now closed.