Is 3 faction really required? 2 faction actually might be better

Is 3 faction really required? 2 faction actually might be better

in WvW

Posted by: bartsimpsons.6135


NOTE: I am not expecting anet to change WvW to 2 faction (most likely unfeasible atm). This thread is just for discussion purposes.

Considering that WvW matchups change weekly do we really need 3 faction WvW? Even if you end up in a bad matchup, it will be better the next week.

Right now playing IoJ sitting at no.5 place on the rankings we are always matched with a server similar in strength to ours and one of the tier 2 servers (ET, SBI, JQ) which have a habit of destroying the 2 weaker servers. This seems to be an issue with most matchups.

If we have 2 faction WvW, only 2 servers have to be similarly matched in order for an even match up to occur. In 3 faction, 3 servers have to similarly skilled. If N is the number factions participating in a WvW matchup you could say that:

as N -> infinity
the likelyhood of everyone being equally matched is less.
therefore 3 faction is more likely to have an imbalance than 2 faction.

The reason why 3 faction is good is because the 2 weaker servers can team up on the stronger server but this is not happening in gw2. Im not sure why but im guessing it because we cant communicate with other servers or maybe because of map deisgn/morale?

Is 3 faction really required? 2 faction actually might be better

in WvW

Posted by: blink.4239


I think it makes for more intuitive strategy when you have the option of pressuring one of your enemies to attack the other.

Is 3 faction really required? 2 faction actually might be better

in WvW

Posted by: Imix.6152


The 3 factions in theory are supposed to self regulate based on the 2 weaker sides teaming up on the strong one. This would require much longer, or permanent matchups for the communication to penetrate the non-forum going (majority) community. Not to mention, all of the effort put into forming cross-faction alliances would be a complete waste when they are matched against completely different servers week to week. It also requires there to be a goal for the teams to want to accomplish in order to stimulate this communication. As it stands there is no end goal or benefit to “winning” or attempting to maintain points in the face of inevitable defeat.

Is 3 faction really required? 2 faction actually might be better

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


All game with 2 factions open pvp fail… look warhammer online and comeback say 2 factions is better …

In 2 faction open pvp you can"t balanced pop unbalance :/
With 3 faction, the 2 weaker can make some alliance vs the stronger to reverse the situation.

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

Is 3 faction really required? 2 faction actually might be better

in WvW

Posted by: fingis.2867


You’re going to give the DAoC crowd a heart attack with that kind of talk.

Is 3 faction really required? 2 faction actually might be better

in WvW

Posted by: Phy.2913


The match ups should get better as time goes on.

Is 3 faction really required? 2 faction actually might be better

in WvW

Posted by: Imix.6152


You’re going to give the DAoC crowd a heart attack with that kind of talk.

Not really, DAOC’s predecessor tried the 2 faction system and it failed miserably. However what made DAOC’s 3 faction system work does not exist in Guild Wars 2; Permanent match ups, Alternate Advancement, and Winner spoils, among other minor things.

Is 3 faction really required? 2 faction actually might be better

in WvW

Posted by: Kiviar.7063


The match ups should get better as time goes on.

So far all we have seen is the continuation of the same trend. Save for a small number of even matches, most tiers are simply the same story of one server simply dominating the other two.

Winning draws people to your server, which keeps your population high and your battlegrounds full longer. This helps you win more. Losing drains your server of manpower, as they move to higher pop, but more successful servers.

Once a few months go by and WvW begins to lose its luster, this will just get worse and worse. Queue times on higher pop servers will go down as people quit the game, leaving space for people to flee the bottom ranked servers to win for a change.

Really it just boils down to how WvW was designed. Take Planetside 1 for an example. It had massive population differences between the 3 factions, but due to the way the map was built and the node capture system worked, you were never fully pushed out of the map, there were too many back doors and other ways to attack.

(edited by Kiviar.7063)

Is 3 faction really required? 2 faction actually might be better

in WvW

Posted by: Cloud.7613


It’s W3 for a reason, If you want 1v1, sPvP is for you.

Is 3 faction really required? 2 faction actually might be better

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


As long as instant free transfers exist the logic behind three faction rvr won’t function. You will still have coattailers (if that can be used as a real term) jumping ship all over the place.

Now if they eliminate free transfers and limit how often they can transfer the three faction paradigm can actually have a chance of working.

Although I think how often you can transfer is more important than charging to transfer to be honest.
