Is ANet listening or do they just not care?

Is ANet listening or do they just not care?

in WvW

Posted by: FearedbytheGods.8617


Go google Sacrx video, he explains everything.

WvW is ‘supposed’ to be unbalanced. They frustrate WvW, GvG with the idea you will move to spvp and make it an e-sport. But just as you said, the people i know simply left the game.

Is ANet listening or do they just not care?

in WvW

Posted by: Luiz Swordbreaker.6547

Luiz Swordbreaker.6547

Considering the thread with feedback from Bloodlust just got moved to trashcan and all the responses were deleted…I think that’s your answer right there.

[Scnd] Use Your Illusion

Is ANet listening or do they just not care?

in WvW

Posted by: Victory.2879



My opinions on the matter:
——WvW and sPvP are, at their core, PvP. You get a PvP experience by playing either.
——sPvP eliminates a ton of things that are “poisoning” the WvW experience: it makes the dueling classes easier to handle (thieves and mesmers), if you’re with a team (not random players, but even then not bad) you don’t have as many number issues. Any isssues can be solved by simply finding a better server (which is just a few clicks away). There is always action, even during the “slow” days (like Tuesdays on WvW….slow as fooook), and a slew of other fixes/things that make the game fun.
——sPvP is easier on slower PCs (a big complaint for people who don’t want to be on the top-tier servers; “my PC couldn’t handle the zergs”).
——I’ve found that the best PvPers (in WvW or otherwise) are sPvPers who play regularly (especially when playing with a team of regulars against other teams of regulars). You get to fine tune your build so much that you generally just crush other people skill-wise. And people actually talk to and help each other there, and you can watch good people and check out their builds if they’re beating you and your build.
——sPvP is fun!! I have no idea why more people don’t do it. You are fighting much more often than you do in WvW. It’s an awesome non-stop kill fest with no annoyingly-long travel periods where your goal is to kill two Dolyaks and some NPCs. sPvP keeps you busy and is more exciting. The thrill of victory is nicer, and IMO there is no real “sting of defeat” there; you learn so much when you lose as well. Just an all-around enjoyable experience.

I play WvW a lot too, but you are really missing out on something awesome if you are this upset and are skipping sPvP, especially if you have a group you like to play with. Just get them to try it with you for a month, and you will be excited by life and find love again. FEEL THE GLORY!

And the good thing is, your server can be the smallest, most wretched server in the game and that doesn’t have to affect your sPvP experience. Your entire server can QQ, and you will feel nothing but exaltation and happiness. AND!!! (if that wasn’t enough) you will actually have time to do PvE! There is such an abundance of battle that is available at any time that you don’t feel the need to make it your life. People try to make WvW their full-time job, especially now that the “seasons” have started for WvW. You are doing yourself a huge disservice by falling into the “I have to be there!” trap. You’re wasting your time and your life in that keep that people may or not not show up to, and you’re wasting even more if you get mad that they take the keep anyway even when you’re defending it. Remember those 3 hours you spent defending dolyaks and fully upgrading that keep? Gone in one Golem rush. That is 3 hours you could have spent battling (the fun part of PvP) OR you could have even battled for an hour and then spent 2 hours doing PvE. You get to spend more time enjoying yourself with friends.

Let’s compare:

Defend dolyaks for three hours. Gained maybe some herbs/ore, maybe a gold, a little rare PvP here and there, and a lot of boredom, followed by sadness when you see your tenderly-loved keep/tower taken easily by a single golem rush.

sPvP: Battled for an hour straight. Got some good ranking-up done, had fun. Then went and did 2 instances for 2 hours (accounts for travel time and finding groups; you could easily do 4 instances if you already have a group). Got 2-4 gold + drops.

So sPvP you got: Twice the gold, more than twice the epic glory, and none of it relied on where guilds on your server transferred to or did not transfer to, or how big your server is. You also sprout wings and fly IRL, because you are so elated and care-free.

AND!! they give new maps in sPvP more often than they update WvW in any significant way.

PLUSSS you don’t have to give up WvW if you don’t want to. I mainly play WvW at the moment, actually, because I like the guild I am in now and that is what they do (such amusing people), but if I were ever to get annoyed, I feel at peace with my inner self because I know that beautiful, glorious sPvP is just a click away, should I choose to take advantage of it.

If you’re upset with ANet or angry at anything in life, you’ve not yet lived, my friend. Take advantage of the beauty they’ve created in their Zen-like sPvP. Learn how to knock people off of lasers, not get noob-tackled, and you’ll be great and you will FEEL even greater, you soon-to-be mighty warrior of the mists!

Good luck, and good pwnage to you!


Your on the wrong part of the forums, you need to be in ‘advertised spvp on behalf of Anet’.

If your not an Anet employee promoting spvp then you should be, if you believe all that you just posted…..

Victory, Beings Lost On Borderlands (BLOB), SFR & Gandara (inactive)

Is ANet listening or do they just not care?

in WvW

Posted by: Zenguy.6421


WvW is ‘supposed’ to be unbalanced.

People keep posting this as if it is gospel. Why?
Why is WvW supposed to be unbalanced’?

Sure, WvW will never attain the levels of balance that sPvP aspires to, nor would we want it to (the constraints that would impose on WvW wouldn’t be worth it).

But equally, we don’t want WvW to have too little balance because that leads to too many bad match-ups – and who wants that?
FYI, we have lots of bad match-ups at a time when the mantra has become “WvW is supposed to be unbalanced.” – Coincidence?

It’s time the mantra changed to “We need an appropriate level of balance in WvW, because that’s what it will take to get better match-ups more of the time."

Is ANet listening or do they just not care?

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

WvW is ‘supposed’ to be unbalanced.

People keep posting this as if it is gospel. Why?
Why is WvW supposed to be unbalanced’?

Sure, WvW will never attain the levels of balance that sPvP aspires to, nor would we want it to (the constraints that would impose on WvW wouldn’t be worth it).

But equally, we don’t want WvW to have too little balance because that leads to too many bad match-ups – and who wants that?
FYI, we have lots of bad match-ups at a time when the mantra has become “WvW is supposed to be unbalanced.” – Coincidence?

It’s time the mantra changed to “We need an appropriate level of balance in WvW, because that’s what it will take to get better match-ups more of the time."

I think you misinterpreted his post. What he means is that Anet wants to make WvW more imbalanced in order to push all serious PvP players to sPvP (because: esport!).

Is ANet listening or do they just not care?

in WvW

Posted by: Xom.9264


I think you misinterpreted his post. What he means is that Anet wants to make WvW more imbalanced in order to push all serious PvP players to sPvP (because: esport!).

As crazy as it seems I kind of see it the same way…. A legit GvG game mode is made and gains traction at a rapid pace, ex-DAoC elite 8 mans WoW deadly glads rejecting PvP for GvGs and before you know it bloodlust it pushed on us…. with Anet devs showing their hate openly for the GvG deathmatch mode some of the best players in GW2 made.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Is ANet listening or do they just not care?

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


do they care?
maybe. but honestly even if i hear stuff like that they are refusing to balance spvp and wvw separately(because its too confusing=too much work for anet) already tells me they dont. class balance is already a mess.

they are too proud to undo certain nerfs(like the mesmer confusion build overnerf could use a buff now, they buffed necros and warriors and are gonna buff eles now too, we get a stinky stupid useless stupid mantra kitten)

or remove certain features that are just wrong( ram mastery=too strong atm unless u improve keeps and towerd, treb mastery 3 gets abused by monster zergs camping a cliff and draining the last supply of u, ac…..oh well, cannon mastery can almost 1 shot u, ballista mastery on superior ballista 1shots people.

no i dont think they care.

balance is important for me. and if i wanna run with my mesmer i do actually not wanna be a stupid veil/tw/portal bot because anet overnerfed confusion and over buffed everything else while refusing to buff mesmers because our class does well in spvp and roaming.

stupid spvp ruins wvw balance and now also our maps with the bloodlust playground for 1v1 players.
split the spvp and wvw balace anet. it is not the same gamemode!!!!!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Is ANet listening or do they just not care?

in WvW

Posted by: Buzzcrave.6197


do they care?
maybe. but honestly even if i hear stuff like that they are refusing to balance spvp and wvw separately(because its too confusing=too much work for anet) already tells me they dont. class balance is already a mess.

they are too proud to undo certain nerfs(like the mesmer confusion build overnerf could use a buff now, they buffed necros and warriors and are gonna buff eles now too, we get a stinky stupid useless stupid mantra kitten)

or remove certain features that are just wrong( ram mastery=too strong atm unless u improve keeps and towerd, treb mastery 3 gets abused by monster zergs camping a cliff and draining the last supply of u, ac…..oh well, cannon mastery can almost 1 shot u, ballista mastery on superior ballista 1shots people.

no i dont think they care.

balance is important for me. and if i wanna run with my mesmer i do actually not wanna be a stupid veil/tw/portal bot because anet overnerfed confusion and over buffed everything else while refusing to buff mesmers because our class does well in spvp and roaming.

stupid spvp ruins wvw balance and now also our maps with the bloodlust playground for 1v1 players.
split the spvp and wvw balace anet. it is not the same gamemode!!!!!

One thing you need to know is class balance testing are done in WvW and not sPvP. Said no one ever.

Is ANet listening or do they just not care?

in WvW

Posted by: incognito.4019


Is Anet actually listening?
Yes to whatever NCSoft tells them

Does Anet really care?
Only about your $$$$$

so much so that they will steal your money. truth.

Is ANet listening or do they just not care?

in WvW

Posted by: draugris.9872


People keep posting this as if it is gospel. Why?
Why is WvW supposed to be unbalanced’?

It´s unbalanced in terms of numbers each side can bring, level the players have and obviously the gear they have. Anet decided to unbalance it even more with this bloodlust garbage even a few months ago a post from Habib stated that they removed orbs because the buff made the already strong even stronger. So you can see how contradictory their statements are. Devon Carver is hiding and so the community is venting on the forums. I dont remember when he posted on that forum last time, really a shame for somebody in charge with the wvw community. But on the other hand the wvw comm is ignored in the same way the spvp comm is. Look how many Teams and people left because Anet is not able or willing to listen. Class Balance is a mess in this game.

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

Is ANet listening or do they just not care?

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


do they care?
maybe. but honestly even if i hear stuff like that they are refusing to balance spvp and wvw separately(because its too confusing=too much work for anet) already tells me they dont. class balance is already a mess.

they are too proud to undo certain nerfs(like the mesmer confusion build overnerf could use a buff now, they buffed necros and warriors and are gonna buff eles now too, we get a stinky stupid useless stupid mantra kitten)

or remove certain features that are just wrong( ram mastery=too strong atm unless u improve keeps and towerd, treb mastery 3 gets abused by monster zergs camping a cliff and draining the last supply of u, ac…..oh well, cannon mastery can almost 1 shot u, ballista mastery on superior ballista 1shots people.

no i dont think they care.

balance is important for me. and if i wanna run with my mesmer i do actually not wanna be a stupid veil/tw/portal bot because anet overnerfed confusion and over buffed everything else while refusing to buff mesmers because our class does well in spvp and roaming.

stupid spvp ruins wvw balance and now also our maps with the bloodlust playground for 1v1 players.
split the spvp and wvw balace anet. it is not the same gamemode!!!!!

One thing you need to know is class balance testing are done in WvW and not sPvP. Said no one ever.

XD true! very very true

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood