Is EOTM good for leveling ?
Short answer: yes
Long answer: yes very
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
Someone said it was good. I tried it last week and we were outnumbered every night I logged in (3-4 times). So, it was a massive failure for me.
I could assume if I was on the other side it would probably be amazing though
If you’re outmanned, no it’s not good. If there is a pin running a good train, then yes it’s fantastic for leveling. No more waiting for karma train Friday for trying level.
[KiS] Kinetic Storm
“Your server” doesnt have a 50 man zerg^^ EotM is a WvW Megaserver.
Yes, it’s very good if not the best way to level (not counting crafting).
If there’s a good train going on you can get about 4 levels and 2-3 WvW ranks per hour.
i would say a very good way to level (and far less costly then crafting). i’ve leveled a necro in 3 days (2 full matchups a 3h a day) from 20 to 80. although i have to say that i used a birthday booster
It’s good for leveling if you enjoy constant karma trains and if your server happens to be “Green” in WvW. Stay with the Zerg all the time and don’t fall off the ledges.
Record for me was 0-80 in about 20 hours of game time.
Green side, level 20 scroll, birthday booster, 18 % natural account XP boost, 50% XP boost, candy corn food (15% XP), and sharpening stone (10%)……plus the odd heroes banner.
If you get blue or red, it’s a lot tougher to keep a high xp/hour going. Being outmanned sucks unless you have a crafty commander. Then those XP bonuses for being outmanned can boost your progress even more.
Helps a ton if you are on the winning side and have a commander that doesn’t defend. It is also nice if you don’t have guild karma trains against you. You can still get decent experience while outnumbered if your commander is good at avoiding enemy zergs and knows how to use the underpass. This is if you have a zerg that can make orange swords while outnumbered and not referring to anything smaller, though.
Yes, it’s very good if not the best way to level (not counting crafting).
If there’s a good train going on you can get about 4 levels and 2-3 WvW ranks per hour.
Completely agree. All depends on the zerg going, though. You have to expect that you’ll have some bad days/nights out there, so don’t get frustrated. When you get in with a decent zerg, you can level, wvw ranks and actual character levels, very, very quickly.
Enjoy and have fun out there!
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
From my experience, Overgrowth (green) servers generally have higher total pop than the other two servers. In addition, joining the match midway through often throws you into outmanned teams (at least if you are Frostreach or Badlands) because Overgrowth’s total pop just outnumbers the others. If Overgrowth’s commander just happens to feel like being a bully then you’re probably not going to level that quickly if they decide to camp your spawn constantly.
Yup, but only as greens(overgrowth) my friend done whole 80(from 1. lvl to 80.) in 17 hours, ofcourse as overgrowth player.