Is "Match Making" broken?.
There seems to be lot’s of blow outs in lower tier this week. Wonder why.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
I am from Aurora Glade EU (Stop laughing) and was wondering why we are being matched against a giant like Vizunah Square [FR], is this a glitch in the system or an intentional if rather cruel joke on the part of Anet. Could someone explain to me why this one sided match up occurred?.
Aurora Glade = 13th – 42,000 points @ time of posting
Far Shiverpeaks = 12th – 55,000 points @ time of posting
Vizunah Square [FR] = 3rd – 121,000 points @ time of postingQuote from Wiki
“Worlds in WvW are matched up based on their ranking using a modified Glicko rating,4 so that high-ranked worlds will battle other high-ranked worlds, and low-ranked worlds will battle other low-ranked worlds. This attempts to ensure that every world has a fair chance of winning matches despite differing levels of player participation or skill.”
I agree X1000
FA has been matched against IoJ and SBI – um…. 100,000+ to 40,000 isn’t a game, it’s a waiting room.
The FA/SBI/IoJ matchup can’t be fixed… FA is 7th, SBI is 8th and IoJ is 9th… That’s the ‘ideal matchup’ on T3 based on rankings. However the population imbalance betwhen these servers make it a big joke…
As for the euro matchup, these were some real bad rolls… That quote is from when we still had real tiers and the server matchups would only change when a server actually passed other on ratings…
Right now there is a random roll (i think they call RNG) that they do at the start of every week with every server rating, in order to give some new matchups instead of the stale ones we had on the old tiered ladder… However, with a few bad rolls on the RNG, some matchups (Like VZ/AG/FS which are 3rd, 13th, 12th respectively) will be very unbalanced since a server that isn’t suposed to be on that tier, end up facing servers that are much higher or much lower.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Aye the match for AG / FSP / VS is abit of a joke playing wvw this week ( im from FSP )
my hopes are when VS find them selves with a suitable lead like i dunno 100k+ they would step back abit and atleast let FSP and AG try and duke it out abit ( i know its not gonna happen since humiliating lower tiered servers seems more important than actually have good fights ) but im also wierd that way :’( ( i need a hug )
Aye the match for AG / FSP / VS is abit of a joke playing wvw this week ( im from FSP )
my hopes are when VS find them selves with a suitable lead like i dunno 100k+ they would step back abit and atleast let FSP and AG try and duke it out abit ( i know its not gonna happen since humiliating lower tiered servers seems more important than actually have good fights ) but im also wierd that way :’( ( i need a hug )
They are not playing to humuliate us, they just play like we do, the proble is they can have big numbers in every bls, like it was yesterday afternoon, we FSP were like 3 ppl on VS bl and they where just waiting for us to flip something.
Very boring match up for everyone :/
There seems to be lot’s of blow outs in lower tier this week. Wonder why.
Yeah, it’s curious, isn’kitten There are some super boring matches that are very frurstating for all of the participants; like this one:
But I really do wonder why I could understand it if the ranking system was very slow in adapting to huge server population changes and if they did something “well thought out” like I don’t know…. free transfers to some servers on top of that?
But since this isn’t the case, I’m as puzzled as you and probably everybody else in here
“They are not playing to humuliate us”
So when a 40 man group chase a 3 man roaming group the full lenght of the map it isnt to humiliate us its just to hug us and give us cookies ?
“They are not playing to humuliate us”
So when a 40 man group chase a 3 man roaming group the full lenght of the map it isnt to humiliate us its just to hug us and give us cookies ?
I’ve been on both sides of such situations (ankitten ot from Vizunah btw.) and can’t speak for your specific situation but I don’t think it’s acting in bad faith most of the time a thing like this happens.
If there are huge differences in server strength in a machup, this just happens.
In the beginning it isn’t that bad. But after a short while a lot of people on the losing side get frustrated and stop playing WvW for the current matchup, making things even worse/the gap between servers even stronger. It’s not only frustrating for the losing servers but also for the winning side. A server clearly dominating usualy has way more people wanting to play WvW and at the same time a lot less objectives they can tackle. It’s super boring if your server’s doing too well. This matchup queues declined drastically for us after we’ve got a hold of over 75% of everyhting there was to own. It just gets super boring becaus you want to play but everything already has your color and you can’t attack it and there are also no big zergs to fight. Basically you’re just hanging around waiting to defend or take back something and in that situation every enemy in sight is a welcome sight and gets pursued asap because you then have something to do again for at least a few minutes.
I’m absolutely not saying it’s cool or anything like that but I honestly believe that it’s out of boredom and not out of spite most of the time.
When a server can drop max numbers on all maps it’s not fun. The match-up system is extremely broken and needs to be fixed soon. I also have been on both sides and either way it is not fun.
The out maned buff is a joke and offer nothing to help make the fights fair to the smaller groups. I think and over maned de-buff should be implemented reducing stats on the huge mindless zergs. Seiging should have strategy involved not a 50 man paving crew that clears everything in it’s sight.
Possibly a gate and wall health increase buff of some sort might help…I don’t know what the solution is I just know it’s FUBAR.
There seems to be lot’s of blow outs in lower tier this week. Wonder why.
Yeah, it’s curious, isn’kitten There are some super boring matches that are very frurstating for all of the participants; like this one:
But I really do wonder why
I could understand it if the ranking system was very slow in adapting to huge server population changes and if they did something “well thought out” like I don’t know…. free transfers to some servers on top of that?
But since this isn’t the case, I’m as puzzled as you and probably everybody else in here
Take into consideration, in Gandara’s place it would have been a nice match up this week since rating and ranking are quite close together, but since Gandara’s big influx of guilds has made that match up what it is. Gandara are on the climb and will get the matches it deserves from next week.
But as for FSP AG and Viz, its a joke match up they should have never been matched against our servers but in good faith they bring plenty of loot bags, they win by coverage and hiding behind walls. A whole Viz zone blob ran from a guild of 25-30 last night to the nearest structure they own so they could have AC coverage while they fight us when they were clearly enough to wipe us without AC’s, but i suppose that’s the way they play and win.
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
I am from Aurora Glade EU (Stop laughing) and was wondering why we are being matched against a giant like Vizunah Square [FR], is this a glitch in the system or an intentional if rather cruel joke on the part of Anet. Could someone explain to me why this one sided match up occurred?.
Match-Making is a combination of your worlds-rank (ca 1650 for you) and a relative small random variation (plus minus 75) and the match requirement that three servers are matched together.
With a -75 rating-modification Vizu “rolled” below Baruch (which could roll a +75 to support this) and got rolled-rank 7. And with +75 you and FSP managed to roll to rolled-rank 8 and 9. T3 is rolled-ranks 7, 8 and 9 so yes it can happen even if it is VERY unlikely.
Ken computes match-probabilities each week
Vizu – Gunnar’s Hold – Far Shiverpeaks had only a probability of 0.097727%, i.e. approx. 1 in 1000. And it’s not ANet doing it, it’s bad luck that may happen.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Take into consideration, in Gandara’s place it would have been a nice match up this week since rating and ranking are quite close together, but since Gandara’s big influx of guilds has made that match up what it is. Gandara are on the climb and will get the matches it deserves from next week.
But as for FSP AG and Viz, its a joke match up they should have never been matched against our servers but in good faith they bring plenty of loot bags, they win by coverage and hiding behind walls. A whole Viz zone blob ran from a guild of 25-30 last night to the nearest structure they own so they could have AC coverage while they fight us when they were clearly enough to wipe us without AC’s, but i suppose that’s the way they play and win.
You’re totally right that Gandara would have had a fair matchup if it wasn’t for the huge influx of players caused by the free trasnfers (peaktime queue for EB went up from 5~ minutes to 1-2 hours) while the Vizunahmatchup just was an unfair matchup in comparison to the ranks, current points, etc.
I guess I just wanted to point out that that’s yet another thing that causes unfair matchups and that the matchup algorithem as well as things as free server transfers before the start of a season should be things that Anet might want to reconsider/rework to lessen the occurances of matchups that aren’t fun for either side.
Also, I feel your pain about clearly bigger forces running back into the range of their ACs and I know it’s not fun at all. I’ll keep my fingers crossed you’ll get better matchup next week!
The main problem is devs modified the random system it was introduces in May, by lowering the variation servers get.
By doing this, they tried to lower the possibilities of most broken combinations, but instead, they have just put a lot of chance to a small amount of combinations. That’s why nowadays, if a server has bad luck, it will play against some unfairly matchups, as it happened with Baruch.
Afet the 1st league, lots of people sttoped playing, and the server drowned into 15th position. But after new year’s, most of these people retuned and the server started to gain positions.
The problem is we have been stucked with servers with much lower rating than us. In the last 10 weeks, we’ve won 9 and the other we ended 2nd, but as we’ve been stucked with servers like Far Shiverpeaks, or Aurora Glade, we still are 7th, even below servers like Kodash or Riverside, servers we have won several times this year.
Maybe the previos system wasn’t totally fair for some servers, but still was very random. If a server got a bad week, they just need to wait for the other. But with this new matchups, the same server can be put in an unbalanced matchup for several weeks.
I’d prefer to restore the first random glicko sistem after this 2nd league ends.
i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz
I think match making not taking active WvW population into account is a mistake that creates unfair WvW match ups based on numbers and not tactics.
@Ansau: When you won against Kodash/Riverside you got some points and they lost some, however you did not won decisively (or often) enough to be ahead of them.
I think match making not taking active WvW population into account is a mistake that creates unfair WvW match ups based on numbers and not tactics.
Glicko-Rating IS a measure for previous active WvW-Population and it’s performance in WvW, so it is taken into account. However no method is able to predict how the wvw-pop will develop in the next week. And it has some inertia build into the formula.
(edited by Dayra.7405)
@Ansau: When you won against Kodash/Riverside you got some points and they lost some, however you did not won decisively (or often) enough to be ahead of them.
I think match making not taking active WvW population into account is a mistake that creates unfair WvW match ups based on numbers and not tactics.
Glicko-Rating IS a measure for previous active WvW-Population and it’s performance in WvW, so it is taken into account. However no method is able to predict how the wvw-pop will develop in the next week. And it has some inertia build into the formula.
Glicko only “registers” WvW population indirectly in the sense that servers with higher populations likely do better than those with fewer people and it always takes quiet a few wweks to adjust to big changes in serverpopulation (e.g if all Tier 1 people would move to the server in last place, it would still take a very long time for them to get back to the top).
Glicko works well where contesters only get gradually better/worse and changes in strenght take a long time.
I’d say server population/coverage is one of the biggest factors for winning a matchup.
Measuring the players/activity on a server at least as part of the calculation how strong a server is and which other server it should fight against might not be the worst idea after all. You could e.g. log how many hours that players put into WvW in total over a given week or even extend it and take into consideration when they’re active during the day, etc.
I don’t claim to have an idea of how to integrate it best or if it would solve most problems but it would at least allow to factor in the actual WvW activity and thus adapt better to huge population changes and also make for better matchups. Batercus might be on to something.
I am from Aurora Glade EU (Stop laughing)
Not even gonna lie…I laughed ..I laughed a lot…and now I am going to be yelled at for browsing forums in the office on the clock
@Ansau: When you won against Kodash/Riverside you got some points and they lost some, however you did not won decisively (or often) enough to be ahead of them.
The problem is not if we’re ahead of them with just 1-2 matchups, what really bothers me is that after winning Riverside twice and Kodash three times, we are still stacked against lower servers and haven’t fought upper servers like Vizunah or SFR.
It’s kinda of a joke that Baruch has won 9 of the 10 fully weeks of this 2014 because most servers have had lower rating and coverage than us, and the last time we fought Vizunah, Elona and SFR was during 1st league.
PD: I’m not just saying this only for us. I also feel sorry for FS, AG or Abbadon Mouth, as they have also been stucked fighting a server they don’t have a chance.
i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz
(edited by Ansau.7326)
You saved me a thread. It’s incredible a match like this. You want to know why? I explain it to you.
They have to be sure Vizunah Square is in the top 3 for the League.
Anet balancing the game, like when they made transfers free to SFR.
@Ansau As this friday starts the new league and match-making will be made according to swiss-tournament (danish variant I think, for the next 9 week you will meet SFR in the next weeks as often as you win in the next weeks. Vizu was so far quite weak in 2014, we will see if they get reinforcement for the league.
I know that xd
In fact, I said I want the previous random system after the second league ends. Time bewteen leagues is not so enjoyable, and with this modified random glicko system we have, it makes it even more boring.
i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz
with this modified random glicko system we have, it makes it even more boring.
It’s not glicko that makes matches with you boring. It’s that you make your points in the nights under the week that make matches vs Baruch boring.
with this modified random glicko system we have, it makes it even more boring.
It’s not glicko that makes matches with you boring
. It’s that you make your points in the nights under the week that make matches vs Baruch boring.
Well, then we’ll have to blame the spaniard culture
i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz
Please don’t start the nightcap-blame again. Imho Baruch were always great enemies that searched the big fights. They did not hide like other “big” servers and most of the time respected small scale fights.
If you play against a server just nightcapping, adapt and try to work your schedule around them. I know back when we had the manpower we beat BB regulary by moving our schedules a few hours. Let them cap the night if they want and recap early in the morning as soon as they log off, then hold it for most of the day.
Have a good season 2 everyone
Please don’t start the nightcap-blame again. Imho Baruch were always great enemies that searched the big fights. They did not hide like other “big” servers and most of the time respected small scale fights.
If you play against a server just nightcapping, adapt and try to work your schedule around them. I know back when we had the manpower we beat BB regulary by moving our schedules a few hours. Let them cap the night if they want and recap early in the morning as soon as they log off, then hold it for most of the day.
Have a good season 2 everyone
Let me just call my boss and let him know I have to move my work schedule up a few hours so I can log onto WvW and recap everything that I lost overnight because a bunch of losers log on at night and get free points.
No, this game is broken and anet needs to make nightcapping a realistic point value. Oceanic players should have their own servers anyway.
Just so you guys know Aurora Glade has just lost 8+ WvW guilds. That equates to roughly 50-75 active WvW players per guild, so for arguments sake we lost about 400 active WvW players. Our numbers have taken such a hit that we stand no chance of bouncing back from this for some time, i fear that because we took such a hit that this will put even more people off for the new season and we may not even recover. Unfortunately we are in that bracket where a slow and lumbering ranking system is only going to kill our WvW. that being said our PvE is very strong and we ned the guilds to come up with guild missions in WvW. for example the person with the most zerg kills gets 10g, 2nd gets 5g and 3rd get 2g. I’m sure there are more ways to get PvE players into WvW but the guild leaders need to look at Aurora Glade as whole and not just PvE or WvW only.
I am from Aurora Glade EU (Stop laughing) and was wondering why we are being matched against a giant like Vizunah Square [FR], is this a glitch in the system or an intentional if rather cruel joke on the part of Anet. Could someone explain to me why this one sided match up occurred?.
Aurora Glade = 13th – 42,000 points @ time of posting
Far Shiverpeaks = 12th – 55,000 points @ time of posting
Vizunah Square [FR] = 3rd – 121,000 points @ time of postingQuote from Wiki
“Worlds in WvW are matched up based on their ranking using a modified Glicko rating,4 so that high-ranked worlds will battle other high-ranked worlds, and low-ranked worlds will battle other low-ranked worlds. This attempts to ensure that every world has a fair chance of winning matches despite differing levels of player participation or skill.”
I agree X1000
FA has been matched against IoJ and SBI – um…. 100,000+ to 40,000 isn’t a game, it’s a waiting room.
Match making is NOT broken for that. No matter how you put it, it will not be fair.
NA T3 is not fair because there are 7 servers with a lot more coverage then the ones immediately below; and thus whoever gets stuck in t3 will have a faceroll matchup. What can the system do? Make one server sit out?
Blame people for stacking the top servers and blame anet for leaving wvw so stale so we don’t have enough population to go around the lower servers. They’re breaking more ground by allowing transfers to low servers, but at the moment that will not solve some of these problems.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.