Is WvW fair ?

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: sereniity seven.5603

sereniity seven.5603

for the past week i have been trying to obtain a few vista to complete my map and its nearly impossible. its not fair that certain servers out number others 3 to 1. in my option this is just slaughter there is no fun in trying to zerg a server that out numbers yours.. is it just me who feels this way?

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: Winfernal.9208


right ok fine.. but where is the balance in wvw?.

WvW isn’t about balance. sPvP is.

Also, many guilds bandwagoned to the “popular”, high-tiered servers when the free transfers were up. So that ruined some of the “fair fights”. And left the remaining servers to be outnumbered.

Human nature for some i guess, flock to the winning side.

“Kharomir” – Human Guardian
[DW] Dynasty Warriors, [TNA] The Northern Assembly

(edited by Winfernal.9208)

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: Thrashbarg.9820


The thing is….. world completion was designed when the idea was for the game to be released with guesting and paid transfers already in effect. The delay on implementing guesting, and the free transfers they allowed for months as a compensation, got lots of people world completion easily.

The gold star by your name and the title “Been there done that” was really supposed to mean something.

How can you really claim to have been there and done that if you’ve never fought in a protracted battle over a keep?

Legendaries being sold in the TP and world completion through free transfers have really cheapened the “achievement” of the endgame goals unfortunately. If you earn yours the hard way it will feel much better though…..

Hats off to all the ones who stood before me, and taught a fool to ride.

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


All is fair in love and war!

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


I seem to be one of the only people in this game that just got their 100% world completion without transferring >:


Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: MarkusParkus.8467


I got it a few weeks ago, while Gunnar’s were losing :P just wait for spawns and borderlands to change.

Furious Scumbag, Raging Scumbag & Geologist Greywind
[NOX] & [Coma] – Gunnar’s Hold.

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: Sergo.2867


No, it’s not fair. It’s not designed to be. The sPvP is supposed to be more carefully balanced. WvW offers some different experiences, including large-scale battles. But by the nature of what it is, it’s difficult or impossible to make it “fair.” Some of us really like the challenges it offers, even if our server doesn’t have an even chance of winning a given match.

So it is what it is.

I do understand the beef of world completion players who have to hope for the WvW team to pull off a miracle. I’m not sure making it part of world completion was a good idea.

Geros Rainhall, Warrior, et. al.
Tarnished Coast

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: Arosa.2647


I have completed the map with two characters (and 93% with a third one) without changing server. WvW colors change every week (unless you are in baruch bay, we are almost always red -_-). You only have to wait for the color change and get the points of your side. The only real problem would be stonemist, but the castle is not easy to defend.

[DA] Disaster Area | [HiNe] Hijos de NĂ©mesis
Togame la Estratega – Engineer
Marga Sorin – Druid

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: Dredrum.2563


WvW is War, and I’m pretty sure no one ever said war is fair, I could be wrong though maybe we signed a no portal bombs treaty recently or something. Sorry I’m not up to date on my Guild Wars politics. /shrug.

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: naia.4601


I disagree with all of you. There is a difference between making things challenging and making things impossible. I pretty much can’t explore one whole area because of how imbalanced the three US servers are. I do come in and help, but there are other things I want to do in Guild Wars besides WvW. I shouldn’t have to “deal with it” or “roll a theif and break the game” when I am 80% complete with my ranger.

I have gotten some vistas and POI’s by sneaking in and dodging opponents. That can be a fun part of WvW. It isn’t much fun when I can only access one waypoint because the other two servers have claimed everything else and can only go so far.

Furthermore, why are there jumping puzzles in WvW? I spent two and a half hours of my life trying to do the jumping puzzle at Eternal Battlegrounds. Most of the time when people from other servers come, the unspoken thing is to let people be so they can do the puzzle and move on. People who are there are NOT in WvW to do combat and take over keeps. I can do that in other parts of the world. If I’m in a jumping puzzle, I want to do the puzzle. Some jerk team of a warrior and mesmer (why are mesmers always the kitten?) killed me and my fellow guild member just as we were about to reach the treasure. Can someone explain to me why waisting two hours of my life focusing on one aspect of Guild Wars, only to have it taken away in thirty seconds is “fun?”

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: Teamkiller.4315


I disagree with all of you. There is a difference between making things challenging and making things impossible.

It’s not impossible to

1) organize 50 PvE players who need that point and make a push
2) help your own server out during their peak hours
3) pony up the cash to transfer.

Furthermore, why are there jumping puzzles in WvW? I spent two and a half hours of my life trying to do the jumping puzzle at Eternal Battlegrounds.

This gets complained about a lot, but basically I don’t want you getting free siege to kill me with later on, so I tolerate people who kill enemies in the JP.

Me personally? I’m rarely in the jumping puzzle and I don’t attack unless attacked, but I am perfectly fine with people who gank in jumping puzzles. (Just as long as there aren’t like 30+ sitting in there using up our queue spots)

I seem to be one of the only people in this game that just got their 100% world completion without transferring >:

Dragonbrand typically does extremely extremely well during their peak hours, where they tend to take the vast majority of the map (I’ve seen 500+ ppt many mornings I wake up, eastern time btw)

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: Columba.9730


not with culling. one class can get huge advantages from it.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ragnar.4257


The mistake people make is to think of WvW maps in the same was as PvE maps. You can scoot around a PvE map grabbing points and finish it in under an hour. People think “I will do all of this map, then I will do all of that map”.

If you peep in to WvW for 5 minutes 2 or 3 times a day, you’re guarunteed to get your map completion after a couple of weeks. You just can’t do it all at once. And tbh why should one of the end-game goals be one you can achieve in a few hours anyway?


Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


Define fair. And we can talk about this subject.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ragabol.8365


I’m on SoR and i think JQ is unbeatable just because of how stacked they are. They have good coverage in every timezone.

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


I seem to be one of the only people in this game that just got their 100% world completion without transferring >:

Dragonbrand typically does extremely extremely well during their peak hours, where they tend to take the vast majority of the map (I’ve seen 500+ ppt many mornings I wake up, eastern time btw)

I know.
We usually get close to or above +600 at least one or two mornings a week.

But I had to sludge through my 100% in wvw back before our Asians kicked in when we had the same kinda timezone coverage as everyone else


Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


The need to have more mechanics to promote more medium size forces on the battlefield instead of promoting zergs.

Starting with a better grouping system for 2-4 groups (that does not have a blue zerg magnet pin).

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: duckideva.6358


I just started doing wvw probably around Christmas. Since then, our team has always been red. I’ve been able to get in and get some pois and whatnot on the blue and green maps, but I totally understand the frustration of people who feel like a major game goal is denied because of the way that ANet has structured the WvW rankings.

For example; NSP, AR, and BP have been together for what seems like forever. I’ve begun to recognize folks on the other server, and wave at them before their zerg runs over me like a shiny, shimmering army of death. As teams go, we’re actually pretty well matched; hence the reason we’re together all the time, like a mormon trio…eternally bound for better or worse. I wouldn’t mind keeping our happy family together, but kitten I’d like to have a different color flag now and then, so I could get those last few POIs. And yes, I realize that depends on our server’s ability to perform; but Anet shouldn’t have made such a huge personal character milestone depend on your server, ya know? Especially since you can’t guest in WvW and the only way to change servers is to pay a fee; which essentially, for low tier servers means that the only way to you may be able to achieve world completion is to pay a fee to Anet, and lose a couple of weeks away from your real guild and friends. I just think it was a poor game design decision, and I wish they would rethink it.

Cruella LaDucki: Have corpses, will travel
Torwynd Trueheart: Here I come to save the day!
NSP – Quak Resident Duchess L’Orange

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


Furthermore, why are there jumping puzzles in WvW? I spent two and a half hours of my life trying to do the jumping puzzle at Eternal Battlegrounds. Most of the time when people from other servers come, the unspoken thing is to let people be so they can do the puzzle and move on. People who are there are NOT in WvW to do combat and take over keeps. I can do that in other parts of the world. If I’m in a jumping puzzle, I want to do the puzzle.

You are quite mistaken that there’s an unspoken rule, there are no such rules in the JP. The thing is laden with player-operated traps for a reason.

For my part, puzzle newcomers are usually fairly obvious to spot and as they aren’t good sport I don’t go after them. Just as there are people who are new to the puzzle and require 2 hours to complete it, there are people who can do it in 6 minutes with permanent stealth from the fountains. We are happy to portal up other players for backup then go and wipe the campers, or kill any gankers who try to jump us. I go to the puzzle because it’s an easy way to get free blueprints for – guess what – taking keeps.

Of course, if you’re camping in the puzzle and you spot someone coming up, you don’t know if they’re an experienced player (faking, perhaps, to not know what they’re doing) or a new player, and the safe and profitable thing is to knock them off for the badges.

Talleyrand, Captain and Commander of the Bloody Pirates
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: DanH.5879


life (aka irl) is not fair, war is not fair.
why wvw should be ?

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: Beyondthelol.9504


‘’Is wvw fair?’’

Aramir Hellforge
Terror [TG]

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: Mance.5640


I’m on SoR and i think JQ is unbeatable just because of how stacked they are. They have good coverage in every timezone.

If you lose in every time zone you’ll also find yourself down by 50k points on a Tuesday most likely.

If you’re on SOR and you didn’t get your 100% completion during the 3 weeks you owned everything on the T2 maps, it’s really no ones fault but your own.

Mance Khan – Shadow Gypsies – Jade Quarry
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.” [SG since ’99]

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ungood.3054


for the past week i have been trying to obtain a few vista to complete my map and its nearly impossible. its not fair that certain servers out number others 3 to 1. in my option this is just slaughter there is no fun in trying to zerg a server that out numbers yours.. is it just me who feels this way?


Yes.. WvW is supposed to be fair, in the sense that the goal is to match up evenly balanced worlds against each other and there to be fun and challenging fights all around.

Yes.. WvW is supposed to be fair, in the sense that the goal is to match up evenly balanced worlds against each other and there to be fun and challenging fights all around.WvW is currently not fair, because it seems there are simply not enough “closely balanced” worlds to make even and enjoyable 3 team match ups.

Yes.. WvW is supposed to be fair, in the sense that the goal is to match up evenly balanced worlds against each other and there to be fun and challenging fights all around.WvW is currently not fair, because it seems there are simply not enough “closely balanced” worlds to make even and enjoyable 3 team match ups.That is the state of the game.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: Mance.5640


Life isn’t fair =(

You broke my heart ungood.

Mance Khan – Shadow Gypsies – Jade Quarry
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.” [SG since ’99]

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: Kromsin.6359


It’s not fair. I get rolled up all the time by the organized guilds. That’s the way it should be though.

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: Sleel.8365


The thing is….. world completion was designed when the idea was for the game to be released with guesting and paid transfers already in effect. The delay on implementing guesting, and the free transfers they allowed for months as a compensation, got lots of people world completion easily.

The gold star by your name and the title “Been there done that” was really supposed to mean something.

How can you really claim to have been there and done that if you’ve never fought in a protracted battle over a keep?

Legendaries being sold in the TP and world completion through free transfers have really cheapened the “achievement” of the endgame goals unfortunately. If you earn yours the hard way it will feel much better though…..

Earned my star. I been everywhere, and fought there too. GoM since I started playing. I don’t transfer to win, anymore then I use exploits.