Is WvW still acrive?
LFG is still pretty new in WvW, so most people don’t use it.
What server are you on, btw? That kind of determines the activity.
I think 80% of EU servers have queue on at least 2 maps everyday during primetime. Try joining voice comms, join a semippt guild or ask teamchat to find activity.
Some servers are more hibernating because lack of good commanders for now. During day/nighttime its more of an RNG if there is a Karmander online on any map, typically t1 servers have commander like 90% of the day and t2 servers 75% etc.
EU Roamer, Dueler, Commander, Fighter, Scout
Is there still activity in WvW?
NA servers now have 2 overstacked servers
BG with twice as many people as any other server which is 2 mapblobs during EU time and 2-3 mapblobs during NA time that can’t be beaten by PPT
Maguuma with normal numbers but very strong players and teamwork players that can’t be beaten in fights
means if you fight bg you can’t win by PPT and whatever zergsize you bring, bg will get twice your numbers most of the time
if you fight maguuma, you will either lose large scale fights or you can force a withdraw by running away or staying in your keep and don’t even try to fight
with that situation general wvw participation sinks because everyone got bored most of the time + all servers got lockbanned untill next year so no changes to expect
Hey there,
I recently returned to GW2 after some years of not playing. This was the only game I loved doing PvP in the form of WvW with. Following a Zerg around etc.
I tried to use the LFR tool to do some WvW but sadly enough nog groups. Is there still activity in WvW?
You won’t find it in LFR or LFG tools. Just go into WVW, any map but best home BL or EBG, use /t for team chat and ask if any raids are going on. Join them on teamspeak or discord or whatever else VOIP they’re using and go from there.
Mind you things vary now greatly from match to match + link to link + your server and timezone. If you are unfortunate and there are consistantly no raids going on in your timezone you might need to hop servers to find some action.
Also, a lot of squads / raids nowadays do raid invites from within voice comms only, so if you dont get on, you dont have to talk, just listen a bit, you will not get an invite a lot of times.
Hope this helps, but in general, WVW is very much alive and kicking, especially with latest changes unless you are on wrong server for your timezone.
Thanks for the friendly reactions. I’ll try to find a group tonight and see if things are still fun. See you there
Reading that you haven’t played in years; Teamchat is now cross all maps.
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