Is anyone else concerned?

Is anyone else concerned?

in WvW

Posted by: Bruce.9674


Is anyone else concerned at the massive amount of newbies and crybabies who can’t handle how the game is setup? The worst example I’ve seen has got to be the 24 hours a day WvWvW issue.

I was in utter shock to see people complaining about WvWvW being 24 hours a day, and people even suggesting that you get LESS POINTS AT CERTAIN TIMES OF THE DAY?! Are you ****ing kidding me?
Do people with nighttime shift jobs get payed less because they aren’t on mainstream hours? Think people. For the love of god THINK. You’re giving us all eye cancer.
And yes, I’m calling out every single person who thinks that 24 hour WvWvW needs to change.

This sums up any thought about making WvWvW not 24 hours:

“OH, you don’t have a life exactly like mine? SORRY, only people with lives like mine are allowed to play the game without any penalties. "
Only thing that made me not throw my keyboard through the screen was that ArenaNet agreed that yes, it’s stupid for you to think people should be penalized for not playing when you play.

Stay strong ArenaNet. I know it’s hard to deal with all these newbs.

Is anyone else concerned?

in WvW

Posted by: Felix.3028


I agree with this, and made posts saying such in other threads.

Basically, I want to log in and see my server down. That way when I log off with my server up, I know I made a contribution.

I don’t understand the hair-pulling and jumping around that people do if their server falls behind while they are not logged on. It seems immature; it’s WvW for Pete’s sake, it’s determined by players from all over the world. It needs to be epic, and sometimes that means the challenges are epic.

Go run a dungeon or something if you always need to win, or you want the result to be based solely on your personal contribution.

Is anyone else concerned?

in WvW

Posted by: tbox.2307


OP c’mon you can’t understand their point of view?

These people are not noobs or cry babbies. They are simply people who are frustrated with the limited factor of their server success or failure is determined by whether there is a strong off hours community or not.

The only thing noob about them is their mistake to believe Anet is going to actually do change WvW in regards to this issue.

For Anet WvW is biased towards access to casuals and limiting point score in WvW on off peak times or setting server windows of opportunity etc is too drastic for them.

Anet sold them Server pride and people bought it apparently, and they dont like not having something to be proud of due to a lack of off peak players.

Is anyone else concerned?

in WvW

Posted by: tbox.2307


I agree with this, and made posts saying such in other threads.

Basically, I want to log in and see my server down. That way when I log off with my server up, I know I made a contribution.

I don’t understand the hair-pulling and jumping around that people do if their server falls behind while they are not logged on. It seems immature; it’s WvW for Pete’s sake, it’s determined by players from all over the world. It needs to be epic, and sometimes that means the challenges are epic.

Go run a dungeon or something if you always need to win, or you want the result to be based solely on your personal contribution.

These people are caught up in Server pride. Anet gave them the carrot (WvW rankings) and now people are upset when off peak players are the deciding factor.

Give them something more than server pride.

Is anyone else concerned?

in WvW

Posted by: tombo.2984


Not really, I like to think that ArenaNet is much smarter group of ppl then the group of developers over at W.O.W. that pander to every little squeak in the forums.

Is anyone else concerned?

in WvW

Posted by: Aedgyth.4790


They should have made all servers international so they all had a mix across timezones – They could have gotten away with fewer servers and those servers would nearly all have 24/7 WvW.

Is anyone else concerned?

in WvW

Posted by: kitanas.3596


They should have made all servers international so they all had a mix across timezones – They could have gotten away with fewer servers and those servers would nearly all have 24/7 WvW.

the reason they did NA/EU servers was because of ping. EU accounts can still play on NA and vise-versa

Is anyone else concerned?

in WvW

Posted by: Aedgyth.4790


They should have made all servers international so they all had a mix across timezones – They could have gotten away with fewer servers and those servers would nearly all have 24/7 WvW.

the reason they did NA/EU servers was because of ping. EU accounts can still play on NA and vise-versa

I play on US servers from the UK – there is no difference for me than when playing on the EU servers.

You can do a free transfer to a US / EU server and give it a go try it yourself ( then tfr back – takes less than a minute to tfr) – try it yourself. I have no idea how AN pulled it off, but unlike LoL for example – there is basically zero difference.

Is anyone else concerned?

in WvW

Posted by: Fugly.5287


Do people with nighttime shift jobs get payed less because they aren’t on mainstream hours?

With the exception of manufacturing, yes, they do. Go ask any human resources manager if you’d like confirmation.

Now regarding your beef with WvW complaints. I for one find it annoying that I can play from 5 to 10 p.m. and have participated with a team that perform exceptionally well, perhaps having taken majority control of eternal battlegrounds. Only to go to sleep, and another server with a much larger oceanic, Asian, or whatever population undo all that hard work just because of their superior number of active PvP players during their prime time hours (while the majority sleeps). If those players were spread even across all servers instead of gathered in a select few, then it would be fair.

I see no resolution to this problem. And yes, I know some people do not see this as a problem. However if you’re someone that cares about server rankings, then it is difficult to not acknowledge the issue. I just wish North American servers had been region locked by IP address range from the get-go. From a customer service aspect it would be bad news to force free transfers upon other regions, even if they accepted the benefits of a local datacenter. Then there are still the population issues.

Anyway. If and when we start to see new PvP battleground types (that ANet promised!), hopefully some that last maybe 1 to 4 hours, I predict a mass exodus from WvW. WvW would probably end up being a resource farming ground.

If I could play one single epic battle style PvP match start to finish during a single gameplay session, well then that would just be great.

(edited by Fugly.5287)

Is anyone else concerned?

in WvW

Posted by: Kinglette.4906


I’m concerned that the crying is going to ruin wvw, I am oceanic and we fight for our keeps only to lose them in our off peak hours.
I had a sick day this week and did some wvw in our off peak, and you know what my realm was outnumbered and holding very little map. So tell me the difference.
We have spoken to us players to help us hold in our off peak times and have started to do much better. All I hear is jealousy that some realms think being social with other time zone/ countries is a bad idea in multiplayer game!
Adapt or just aim to win your wvw round, whilst some of us strive to be rank 1.

Oh and in our part of the world the people that work off peak hours actually get paid more

80 Guardian, 80 Warrior, 80 Thief