Is it possible to transfer into BG?
BG is currently full. It is unlikely to open up anytime soon unless a large portion of players transfer off.
ah that sucks :/ don’t really know where else to go as sos is pretty quiet for fights during the times I play.
Might be worth posting what times you play and what style of play you are looking for maybe some people can give you some advise on which server is best suited for you.
BG shouldn’t be completely full at the moment, a few guilds left, however the server has been locked for quite a while, not sure when they’ll be removing said lock (all the T1 servers are I believe)
We’ve had a few join our guild from other servers just before the lock, just have to wait for off hours to try to enter.
Might be worth posting what times you play and what style of play you are looking for maybe some people can give you some advise on which server is best suited for you.
as stated above. tell us what you like to do, zerg, roaming, havoc??? and what time?
There are plenty of good servers out there.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Remember “population” is now based on WvW activity, not it’s population.
Technically it would be easy for any Full server to open itself up, all the main WvW guilds and players simply do not play for a few weeks.
The server’s activity falls, and so does it’s “population” allowing players to transfer in.
Might be worth waiting to see what happens when hot hits next month. Some servers may gain activity and some may lose activity to pve, guild halls etc….
Sorry for the late reply. I am into roaming and havoc/zerg busting. Do not like blobbing. I consider a blob anything over 20 people. I play during 3pm to 8pm Australian eastern time which is 10pm to 3am PST.
Stay away from T1 then. Its Blob Wars 2 there.
I would say any NA server in T3-T5 would do for what you need.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Stay away from T1 then. Its Blob Wars 2 there.
I would say any NA server in T3-T5 would do for what you need.
I have another account that’s in tier 4 and I can literally afk outside keeps for half an hour and not get killed. So don’t wanna go belbow t3. In tier 2 during those hours it’s hard enough to find fights.
(edited by TwistedFate.8705)
I’d personally wait till HoT, but you’ll still probably want to stick to t1/t2 for those timezones.
You want to have people on your server at those times, but you also want to have enemies at those times right? Those times are around when NA is dropping off a little bit lately, though this will change with HoT maps i’d imagine. The new maps should promote more small group activity as opposed to large zergs.
And while it gets tiring fighting blobs constantly, sometimes I find it quite fun, a change of pace as you will. I mean, 15v15 is fun too, but gets repetitive as well.
HoT changes will get more people into wvw in all servers, for a while. But generally, most wvw’ers have gone to t1/t2, those who have left t1/t2 tend to be “fight” focused, and will probably just do gvg’s for the most part. /speculation
And in their guild halls potentially…
I’d personally wait till HoT, but you’ll still probably want to stick to t1/t2 for those timezones.
Yea that’s what I was thinking. Was hoping I could get into tier 1 as I lm pretty sure it would be a bit more active then tier 2 as t2 has lost a lot of players.
Yea, right now I think T2/T3 servers might swap places a bit, not sure how many guilds are moving around. T1 is still pretty stable, even with YB entering the fray, will see how stable YB is.
Sorry for the late reply. I am into roaming and havoc/zerg busting. Do not like blobbing. I consider a blob anything over 20 people. I play during 3pm to 8pm Australian eastern time which is 10pm to 3am PST.
if you consider 20 people a blob, then you definitely don’t want to join any of the top 4 servers. SoS has the TF blob during that time. If you prefer fighting the blob instead of joining them, then your best bet for activity is FA.
nope, tough luck, come again in 3 years.
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Should have transferred over when I told you it was open 6 months ago, after asking me to watch when it was open for you. Irony
[oT] Ominous Threat – Reform hype inc?
OCX Rallybot
Stay away from T1 then. Its Blob Wars 2 there.
I would say any NA server in T3-T5 would do for what you need.
I have another account that’s in tier 4 and I can literally afk outside keeps for half an hour and not get killed. So don’t wanna go belbow t3. In tier 2 during those hours it’s hard enough to find fights.
but the OP considers anything more than 20 people a blob. So forget T1. I started off in TC and only just moved because it was BLOB WARS 2 over there in NA prime time.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "