Is support rewarded?

Is support rewarded?

in WvW

Posted by: Strenif.4935


Hi, first off I’m loving WvWvW. You guys did an outstanding job!

I play a support guardian built to be tank and have a lot of AE healing and disruption skills (roots, knock backs, ect). I’m am having great fun managing damage and take a lot of pride in keeping people alive by both healing damage, and as is more important in GW2, preventing it.

I’ve noticed then when I’m say, defending a keep, I don’t get anywhere near the marks of honor my guildies get. I spend my time with the staff and mace/shield buffing, healing, and blocking incoming damage. Since I don’t have any effective ranged dps I feel this is the role where I have the biggest impact in the fight.

So here’s my question. What incentives are there for a player to play support?

Is support rewarded?

in WvW

Posted by: Fugly.5287


Umm. You’re a guardian. The easiest class to obtain marks! Just land killing blows on downed players.


Is support rewarded?

in WvW

Posted by: Strenif.4935


That… doesn’t address my question… at all.

Is support rewarded?

in WvW

Posted by: Suddle D.9412

Suddle D.9412

The honest answer to your question is a support role will help your team overall, and WvW is a team based game mode. So yes, personally you may have less to show for it, but helping your team win should be a bigger incentive then personal gains. I know that is not the answer you want, and I think Anet made big strides in this game to make people work together, like gather nodes that don’t disappear for another player, and PVE mobs you get credit for with just tagging,, etc…Also I think the drop rate of Badges of Honor are not completely linear since sometimes I get a lot in a session and sometimes almost none, so that might still need some tweaking as far as drop rates. But, as a Mesmer and not a full time DPS, I feel your pain….

Is support rewarded?

in WvW

Posted by: Fugly.5287


All I play is support in WvW. Water elementalist with moderate +healing, but the primary support function is removing conditions and maintaining and stacking 4 boons on allies all times. Since I use 3 cantrips, I frequently push forward while scared guardians stay in the mob. This also allows for me to land final blows on down players, and thus aquire a large amount of marks, while always having an escape mechanism. I also trait for reviving players faster. I have never felt ineffective and know I contribute more then most others in capturing a fortified objective.

I guess I don’t understand what your issue is. If it is about looting more marks, then all you need to do is land final blows on downed players. That’s it. That’s how you get the most marks.

Is support rewarded?

in WvW

Posted by: Boggler.7519


Strenif you have to learn to switch to Kill mode when the timing is right. Take a look at your spec and see if there are some changes you could make to increase damage output in short bursts or possibly pick up a viable AOE build

I’ve decided to stop doing what I am capable of doing and instead do what I love most.

Is support rewarded?

in WvW

Posted by: Strenif.4935


This is what I have up in keep fights.

My armor is Cleric’s Draconic and weps are Cleric’s Pearl

If I’m up on a wall or down bellow them I’m not really in a position to land the final blow on anyone. I can equip a scepter and attack downed players but the range is short and I wouldn’t be doing any real damage I’d also have to give up the mace heal/block.

I’m not asking how do I get marks form killing players, I can do that fine with a greatsword/1hsword-torch combo. I’m asking why should people heal the people around them when they benefit more from damaging the ones across from them.