Is there an more efficient way of building siege weapons?
I liked what they did in DAoC, you could carry enough supplies (crafting mats) yourself, but if it was for something large (like a treb, or enough to repair a door) you essentially walked at half speed all the way through dangerous territory. Since siege dies pretty easily, I think players should be able to carry more supplies but the more you carry, the higher a penalty there is.
The worst thing is that supply is effectively useless for repairing at the moment if you’re being attacked and is better off being used on temporary siege to hopefully wipe the attackers. Personally I think there should X supplies for keeps/repairs and Y supplies for siege weapons.
No. Siege weapons placed by players can only be built by players carrying supplies. Thus why supply camps are very important. When you capture them, you usually have your zerg pick up supplies from the supply camp to build siege with on your next target (usually a keep or tower).
This limit of 10 spplys is sure frustrating if you are alone, but as a MMO in a massively multplayer PvP mode, it’s the metagame devs implement. So that one person can’t change the balance of the game, you need to cooperate.
If you could easily build by yourself a trebuchet or a golem, that would be to easy. You would see a lot of them everywhere. Siege weapons, siege weapons everywhere …
Do you sure you want that?
Don’t make the game easier and don’t put away the teamplay and tactic that make that game so interesting and thrilling please.
Guild Canard PC [CPC]
Alliance Grand Cross @Vizunah Square
Actually, i find the limited supply carrying capabilities a great mechanic to encourage team play. Another problem with unlimited supply would be that the individual supply of each player is part of the world’s “total instantly available supply” (lets say, TIAS). This amount is limited also through the supply depot caps. The TIAS essentially limits a world’s capabilities of playing a “treb rush” or a “golem rush”. If you would drop the individual cap, the TIAS would skyrocket. So the individual cap is actually pretty good game design.
On the other hand, I would appreciate to see smaller (more gimmicky?) devices added to the game that have a strictly limited use but can be powered by a single player for just 5 or 10 supply. E.g., I imagine:
- a smaller arrow cart which has only ammo for ~30 seconds, or
- a ladder which allows a single player to climb an enemy wall (this might actually game breaking be if you would be able to portal your friends in, so maybe not)
- a dwarven powder keg which can be detonated to damage doors or walls, or can be planted on the ground as an invisible booby trap to highly damage the next enemy who triggers it.
Tyrian Intelligence Agency [TIA]
Dies for Riverside on a regular basis, since the betas