Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Drtrider.6314


This post’s goal has two parts.

1. Is there currently any plans for open world PvP outside of WvW?

2. What does the community think about some kind of PvP outside of sPvP or WvW? Is it something we would like to see?

As it stands WvW is the only current alternative to sPvP, and as such it holds quite a large chunk of the GW2 community. (Or so it would seem) However, within that community there are quite a few smaller groups of players that go about their business roaming the vast reaches of the borderlands and Eternal Battle ground looking for smaller number fights, or trying to catch some one off guard. I myself, am one of these players.

However, it seems that quite allot of people who are more interested in the big picture frown on such roamers due to the limitation of player slots within WvW. Having another place to openly participate in player vs player combat would possibly be beneficial allowing small group play, dynamic play-style, and an over all open-world feeling this game so desperately needs.

We have already seen such a place with the separation of the Eternal Battle Ground’s jumping puzzle, and I personally would love to see more of such content. To be honest, with a bit of brain storming the limits of what could be done with such an area would be endless. Dog-Tag like items to show off who you’ve beaten, objectives or events that kick off when players enter certain areas, traps and triggers scattered about to bait people in, rewards based on kills alone to show your ‘stuff’ and flex your fame.

However, with all that said what does the community think of such a zone? What would your idea be to such an open area? What do you look for in a PvP zone? And what would be your ideal reward for participating in such content?

Sylvioux 80 Thief
SWäG [Still Winning and Grinning]

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


This post’s goal has two parts.

1. Is there currently any plans for open world PvP outside of WvW?

2. What does the community think about some kind of PvP outside of sPvP or WvW? Is it something we would like to see?

As it stands WvW is the only current alternative to sPvP, and as such it holds quite a large chunk of the GW2 community. (Or so it would seem) However, within that community there are quite a few smaller groups of players that go about their business roaming the vast reaches of the borderlands and Eternal Battle ground looking for smaller number fights, or trying to catch some one off guard. I myself, am one of these players.

However, it seems that quite allot of people who are more interested in the big picture frown on such roamers due to the limitation of player slots within WvW. Having another place to openly participate in player vs player combat would possibly be beneficial allowing small group play, dynamic play-style, and an over all open-world feeling this game so desperately needs.

We have already seen such a place with the separation of the Eternal Battle Ground’s jumping puzzle, and I personally would love to see more of such content. To be honest, with a bit of brain storming the limits of what could be done with such an area would be endless. Dog-Tag like items to show off who you’ve beaten, objectives or events that kick off when players enter certain areas, traps and triggers scattered about to bait people in, rewards based on kills alone to show your ‘stuff’ and flex your fame.

However, with all that said what does the community think of such a zone? What would your idea be to such an open area? What do you look for in a PvP zone? And what would be your ideal reward for participating in such content?

Just give us a map, that has no objectives…. a few trees… maybe a few hills…and is just flat out wide open…no balance needed…no dolyaks no nada…..

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Vadio.5439


At terms desing its not happens , soon or anytime in future
My tip you try another game

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Drtrider.6314


At terms desing its not happens , soon or anytime in future
My tip you try another game

Regardless if it ever happens or not, would still love to see people’s thoughts.

Sylvioux 80 Thief
SWäG [Still Winning and Grinning]

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Let us go other servers and kill PvE players.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Hule.8794


Please focus on bug fixing first. We need better grouping, repaired gates, krait/quaggans solved and then you should consider new maps.

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


You’re talking about WoW.

It’s horrible. High level characters lurk in the starter zones and at any travel choke point or resource node, just waiting for a low-level character to wander by trying to play the game. Then they kill them.

You can’t do anything without the constant risk that just when you’ve beaten a mob down almost to stomping (and you’re at half health) someone will pop out and send you back to the graveyard.

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Thesilentflute.8761


It would be cool to see an outlaw system like in runes of magic or even something as simple as flag on flag off. It would give "GvG"ers a huge playground and give little used content some use.

I see good ideas every day …good in theory. – Shawn Farthing
Masters in Geek Mythology

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: DeadlySynz.3471


You’re talking about WoW.

It’s horrible. High level characters lurk in the starter zones and at any travel choke point or resource node, just waiting for a low-level character to wander by trying to play the game. Then they kill them.

You can’t do anything without the constant risk that just when you’ve beaten a mob down almost to stomping (and you’re at half health) someone will pop out and send you back to the graveyard.

This is one thing Anet got right by disallowing open world PvP in the “PvE” zones. For this very reason (though I never cared if I got smoked by a high level in WoW), generally doesn’t work with most people. It acts more of a deterrent from playing than anything.

The only aspect I enjoyed with open world PvP in WoW was the achievements and holiday events that required toons to storm into the enemies major cities and wreak havoc.

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Said it before, saying it again – Reintroduce the real Shatterer event. Where he flies over a zone and corrupt players, ending in an all out battle between corrupted and regular players. The only changes that need to be done compared to the beta event is that the corruption should be visual only, everyone should be upscaled to 80 (like normal WvW) and there should be some sort of auto-balance so that the corrupted and regular players remain roughly the same ratio. Add large sPvP style capping points in important areas that we can fight around. And of course no Eir and Rytlock that walk around insta-killing everyone in sight, like the last time.

It could be an all day event in any random zone, hell even cities. Imagine how fun it would be to PvP in Divinity with Shatterer roaring over our heads?

(edited by Dawdler.8521)

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


A server that has no PvE zones and is an entire PvP fest like the DAoC Modred Server is must have.

  • We will need someone from Anet to verify if this something that is easy to implement. If it is easy to implement then why havent we done so
Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Paavotar.3971


Theres one problem with a server that is all PvP. You would have to make a new server for that, and they had to do three of them at once to balance out WvW match set up. Other solution would be to make some of the servers PvP, but they would have to offer everyone a free span of month or two to transfer around to find a new home. And that would wreck WvW ranks atm a quite lot, making even more unbalanced matches.

I would be kitten ed off if my home world would turn into PvP server as I don’t really care about PvP if I happen to go to PvE. If I am in PvE, I want to fight mobs, not players.

But Duels, that would be nice if they implemented it. Dueling system with some kind of title system that would show who is the boss around.

A Pink scumbag of [FACE] and deep inside a [GuM]ster
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


Adding open-world pvp to pve areas would ruin chain event farming so its a bad idea. Adding open-world pvp zones is a good idea and would attract alot of people to the game, but they are too happy with the lame pvp arenas we currently have.

Bad Elementalist

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


  • We will need someone from Anet to verify if this something that is easy to implement. If it is easy to implement then why havent we done so

As I said before its already been done. PvP in Plains of Ashford was a beta event over a year ago. It wasnt all that good since people was scaled down, turned into corrupted beasts and had wierd skills with completely out of whack damage, but it was still open world PvP (with epic music, lol).

Just kick everyone out of the zone on event start, replace the NPCs/event layer with a PvP layer for the specific zone, then allow people to enter the zone again. Upon entering, you get assigned a side and spawn in a specific location, ie that teams home base. When its over, everyone is kicked out of the zone and it is reset to normal PvE mode again. Cant 24/7 champ farm during a few hours/days? Deal with it.

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Delta Blues.8507

Delta Blues.8507

Yeah it would indeed be good to have an open area for pvp.
The main problem with that though would be that it would take many players out of wvw which i guess could be a huge issue

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


That Shatterer event from the Beta looked like it was a lot of fun. That’s the sort of thing I would really like to see in a Living Story update. I don’t like being shoved down a hole in Divinity’s Reach.


Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: iAmTheDuke.6201


Said it before, saying it again – Reintroduce the real Shatterer event. Where he flies over a zone and corrupt players, ending in an all out battle between corrupted and regular players. The only changes that need to be done compared to the beta event is that the corruption should be visual only, everyone should be upscaled to 80 (like normal WvW) and there should be some sort of auto-balance so that the corrupted and regular players remain roughly the same ratio. Add large sPvP style capping points in important areas that we can fight around. And of course no Eir and Rytlock that walk around insta-killing everyone in sight, like the last time.

It could be an all day event in any random zone, hell even cities. Imagine how fun it would be to PvP in Divinity with Shatterer roaring over our heads?

Sounds fun

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Kasama.8941


ArenaNet confirmed that an open world PvP server was not going to be made, even before the game was released, I believe. I don’t see how open world PvP fits into the game structure either. I mean, in a dynamic event, people would constantly be confused as to whether they should help each other, or kill each other. It would just be a very weird mixture. WvW also already feels a lot like playing open world PvP, except with much less griefing.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

(edited by Kasama.8941)

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: lioka qiao.8734

lioka qiao.8734

As much as I would love storming the Black Citadel it’s never gonna happen. Those were rare events in WoW indeed when players would raid an enemy city. I sometimes think about going back to WoW to form an open world pvp guild dedicated to holding as much enemy territory as possible.

Little red Lioka

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


I would love to see open world pvp, in some form.

I hated getting ganked in WoW as much as the next guy, but the tension of seeing a high level ride by while i’m trying to hide behind a tree to avoid him, anxiously waiting to see if he either saw me, or will even bother to kill me…that made it worth it

At this point i think if they just implemented dueling that would scratch my itch.

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: lioka qiao.8734

lioka qiao.8734

I remember that tension. It’s like that scene in LOTR Fellowship where Frodo and gang hide from the Nazgul on their way to bree. My poor little blood elf did that. I’d wait while the bugs tried to escape the lvl 80 epic geared Alliance kittenbag that was hunting me.

Little red Lioka

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Every so often, randomly in a PvE zone a rift in space/time opens up a portal to another server’s PvE zone for X time or until Y players have gone through. Allow players to purchase mobile respawn points they can hide in the world that can be destroyed by the other side. Just like Aion in it’s prime.

Too bad this gaming community could never handle a system like this.

Is there plans for open wrold PvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Having a single server that has open world PvP would be really nice. I would make city zones PvP free just to keep it simple, but everywhere else would be fair game. The only combos would be those in your party. Would be nice if party size would increase if they would do this.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”