Is this working as intended please?

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


First of all, sorry about my poor english.. ill try.

We win some matches and we lose others… its ok, im not here to cry about anything. I only want to ask if this is working as intended. or if our perception on it is wrong.

Its happening in some matches; yesterday we decided to take numbers. We asked for everyone in a zone (from our team) to say “im here”; got around 30 responses.
Of course, we looked for our people in each tower or keep on our side. We only had 2 towers and one keep anyway.
We searched for people in the wild, puzzles etc ; we looked for everyone from our team.

We were around 40 guys; finally all the people went to the same tower, and we sent some guys to see if in the rest of the fortifications had more of our people -but there was no one-.

So we were around 40 guys, but we still had a 1 hour cap.

Then, the enemy;
One of the enemy teams was attacking 3 things at the same time.
They were attacking a fortress (from the 3rd team) with around 40-50 guys
They were attacking our tower with a incredible zerg with so many people that i dont know how much they were; for sure much more than the first zerg.
They were attacking other tower from the 3rd team (around 20 guys).

More on that, they had a group of people defending 2 suply camps, around 10 guys in total. And random people around all the map (they were taking the Npc camps too, but we could not go to investigate).

My question is.. is this normal? is it working as intended?
I was thinking that if there are 500 players per map (for example), 1/3 of that should be always reserved for each team.
How is it possible that we had a cap with 40 guys inside, and they were like 150 playing?

Or is it 500 players for all the team? and one team can get the places of the others?
If its working that way, its ok, but i want to know about it. Today we are having the same issue.

Thank you.

(edited by Tukor.7514)

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


Anyone knows how is this actually working please?

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Setch.2398


I think the queue’s are being investigated. I wonder if that is the only issue here. I too have wondered if there is a problem with people per side. I play on henge and we don’t seem to have that problem… but facing opposing servers, they never seem to have as many people. Of course I can’t confirm that… but that is just my observation.

SOR – [Boss]

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: chili.9382


i have recently pointed this out also, additional evidence would be some people queueing, getting in, and having the ‘outgunned’ buff on them. How is it possible to be in a queue when your team dont have enough players inside the map, additionally, the other team have much much much more players than ones own server.

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


Again, today, we are being outnumbered by the enemy, specially by one of the teams.

While we have the CAP, we are just like 30-40 guys.
that enemy team well.. there are hundred of them, everywhere.
Each time we attck something, a BIG TERRIBLE zerg comes and rushes us:
If we attack 3 different points at the same time, tree BIG TERRIBLE zergs come after us.

We did not have any tower or point, we were around 3 hours being killed by the enemy at our gates (at the spwan point) and there were so many of them, than our elite guards killed them slowlier than their teammates resucited them.

Of course, we tryied to attack by leaving the initial area for the other 2 ways, but if we got something, then simply an outstanding zerg came and wiped us (while they were already killing our people at the initial point). Unbeliable.

This cant be working they way it should. Having around 40-50 people in a map, and a 30min (at least) CAP.. well it discourgaes to play the game.

How the hell is it posible that u finally enter the map, and get the “outnumbered” buff… when you have a 30min CAP?

Something is not working, and we are waiting a response by Anet, seriously.

Excuseme for my poor english.

(edited by Tukor.7514)

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: djoeb.2053


wow .. sounds pretty rough. and here im worried about my server being zerged when most of us are asleep .. if I thought this was happening, id be playing a different game.

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: MikeFerguson.8921


If I understand the situation correctly, this should not be happening. Every world has the same population cap and outmanned only activates when your team has significantly less people on the map as another team, so you shouldn’t be getting the buff if your map is full.

What world and map are you on when this happens?

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: kaesebrezen.3104


What i noticed is that right after a match reset our side had a 1-2 minute queue.

When we were able to enter – we had no single person at SM, let alone somebody even reach our overlook, while the enemy team were already sieging the SM gates.

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Saga.1652


I don’t know if it’s related, but there’s definitely something weird about the queue. There’s a lot of personal anecdotes of “this guy has been in the queue for 3 hours and I got in before him in 15 minutes of waiting”. There’s just too many anecdotes of this ilk to be a pure misconception.

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Suddle D.9412

Suddle D.9412

I don’t know if it’s related, but there’s definitely something weird about the queue. There’s a lot of personal anecdotes of “this guy has been in the queue for 3 hours and I got in before him in 15 minutes of waiting”. There’s just too many anecdotes of this ilk to be a pure misconception.

They have already acknowledged the queue issues and stated that some people do get in faster than others who have been waiting longer. Hopefully it will be fixed soon rather than later.

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: The Dude.6942

The Dude.6942

First of all, sorry about my poor english.. ill try.

We win some matches and we lose others… its ok, im not here to cry about anything. I only want to ask if this is working as intended. or if our perception on it is wrong.

Its happening in some matches; yesterday we decided to take numbers. We asked for everyone in a zone (from our team) to say “im here”; got around 30 responses.
Of course, we looked for our people in each tower or keep on our side. We only had 2 towers and one keep anyway.
We searched for people in the wild, puzzles etc ; we looked for everyone from our team.

We were around 40 guys; finally all the people went to the same tower, and we sent some guys to see if in the rest of the fortifications had more of our people -but there was no one-.

So we were around 40 guys, but we still had a 1 hour cap.

Then, the enemy;
One of the enemy teams was attacking 3 things at the same time.
They were attacking a fortress (from the 3rd team) with around 40-50 guys
They were attacking our tower with a incredible zerg with so many people that i dont know how much they were; for sure much more than the first zerg.
They were attacking other tower from the 3rd team (around 20 guys).

More on that, they had a group of people defending 2 suply camps, around 10 guys in total. And random people around all the map (they were taking the Npc camps too, but we could not go to investigate).

My question is.. is this normal? is it working as intended?
I was thinking that if there are 500 players per map (for example), 1/3 of that should be always reserved for each team.
How is it possible that we had a cap with 40 guys inside, and they were like 150 playing?

Or is it 500 players for all the team? and one team can get the places of the others?
If its working that way, its ok, but i want to know about it. Today we are having the same issue.

Thank you.

No the cap can’t be a total cap and must be per each individual zone. I says this because often some zones are capped (eternal battlegrounds), while others have no queue at all on my server.

It must be a zone wide cap, not WvW wide.

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


If I understand the situation correctly, this should not be happening. Every world has the same population cap and outmanned only activates when your team has significantly less people on the map as another team, so you shouldn’t be getting the buff if your map is full.
What world and map are you on when this happens?

Baruch Bay.

Its not happening always, for example tonight we started the new match (the 1 week one) and it seems to work well.
But we had the issues in the last 2 matchs. It happened in at least 2 borderlands maps; i dont know if its happening in eternal battlegrounds, as we did not investigated there (we usually play any of the borderlands).

Anyway, i had a 2 hours cap today, while some of my friends were getting into the map in 5 minutes (and i was waiting before them, but they went in before).

Im happy to read that every world has the same population cap, and i thank you for your response Mike. I can asure you that we are really having these issues, but i dont know why. Next time ill try to make a video or something.

Thank you.

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Shaileya.7063


I thought they fixed this. We saw it in the early days, when my server was stuck with the same exact matchup while others were getting new matches. The one server very clearly, distinctly and obviously had more than the cap.

People spoke about it in map chat like the bug was common knowledge when others asked what on earth was going on, while we watched both ourself and the other team pitted against the giant team be unable to own a single keep or supply post for more than a matter of minutes before they steamrolled over us to take it back. I assumed it was fixed when they finally got us out of the repeating match. I can for sure say it was happening to us during that period. They had enough people to hold every single thing on every map while the other two teams hovered at about 2-4k points.. on a match that was not resetting for days so the third teams score kept skyrocketing.

You didn’t post the match results on that other thread for the days our server was in the broken matches Mike, but i’m sure you can see them as potential proof that bug did occur. How else could a server play what I think was a week long match, and have such stark difference in the point numbers between one team and the other two?

(edited by Shaileya.7063)

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: joejean.6842


On Kaneing server this situation is standard, we are basically always 1 vs 4 at all times, honestly I don’t even want an explanation, Player vs player MMOs are hard to make and many, id say vast majority of game makers get it wrong.

At this point, I’d say this whole World vs World was just a gamick to attract players to the game and not much thinking went into it really. Its a huge turn off for me, unplayable really, my main spawn point Keep is almost constantly camped, spawn points to ennemy zones are also often camped 4 against 1…

Most players on Kaineng are pretty much giving up WvW and leaving the server or basically not coming to the borderlands at all since they are always out numbered and basically being chased down in their own backyard…

I dunno, seems to me a 5 year old child knows you can’t play dodgeball 40 vs 1, how come these guys here seem not to have known this?

Obviously when one of the 3 server owns the entire map for 7 days after a few hours into the reset, you know the game is borked big time…

I doubt they can do anything about it in a reasonable time frame, the game got a good rating already so no pressure here, it’ll most likely turn into another game I deleted 2 months after buying it even tho it was great looking and filled with bells and whistles…

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


Every world has the same population cap

After reading again this (and because my english is bad and maybe im not understanding it well)…:

“every world has the same population cap”…. for each team?
I mean, each team has reserved 1/3 of the slots? So the other teams cant get my server slots?

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Athanasius.3875


That’s how it’s meant to work, yes.

Going by the initial (way back around BWE2) official statement of 500 players per WvW map (so 2000 over all of it), it was also stated this meant 166 players per World per Map (yes this means the cap is actually 498 per Map, no-one gets to use the 2/3rd of a player that’s spare).

Note they did reduce the caps in a later BWE and then said they increased them again, but I’ve seen no official statement about what the current numbers actually are.

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Windtalker.2609


Our server(Jade Quarry) seems to be in the same situation on all 4 maps against Henge of Denvari. We will have everyone defending our garrison, for example. Henge will own most of the rest of the map. They send a large zerg to the garrison, and also have a large party attacking another tower. The numbers just don’t seem to match up.

I really believe there is a population bug. It may be related to the queue bug, but I’m not sure. We really need a tool to see how many people are actively on a map, per server.

I absolutely love WvW, but it is not fun when you get destroyed. I really don’t mind losing, if it is close. I could care less if we are first. I just want some close games. Against Henge, that never happens with anyone. Just look at their scores on that spreadsheet.

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: CharliePrince.2071


If I understand the situation correctly, this should not be happening. Every world has the same population cap and outmanned only activates when your team has significantly less people on the map as another team, so you shouldn’t be getting the buff if your map is full.

What world and map are you on when this happens?

Mike Ferugon, so what you are saying is essentially what the OP asked which is “Is this working as intended?”

so that’s how wuvwuv works???! here’s a sample scenario
ie: you have a 300 man population cap for a borderland.. Queue IS FULL
Eredon Terace = 150 people got in
Isle of Janthir = 100 people got in
Sea of Sorrows = 50 people got in

and the solution to this is that the lesser population gets the “outmanned buff” ?! SO THAT IS HOW IT WORKS?! you guys didn’t set it so that it is equal cap on both sides?!
ie: 100 max per faction = 300 total population cap?!

please explain this because as the days go on I often wonder how the other teams have so many more players than us when the queue to our own borderlands is already full

this problem is most prevalent in borderlands and not in EB from what I have experienced

my goodness wuvwuv is all sorts of messed up

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Fury.6248


Tukor, the sad truth is yes it is true. Ideally we all want to think its 1/3 for each population but it’s currently whoever gets in first gets in first. I had a 3hour queue while my guild was in our borderlands and it was a ghost town we couldn’t find very many allies anywhere. I don’t notice it happening every day but I do notice it when it does.

Dragonbrand Server

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Nofe.7269


Mike why is the outmanned buff a magic find buff? Seriously. I’m on Eredon terrace and every time we have to play against Henge we systematically get overrun and spawn camped. I have to wonder if there isn’t some sort of bug being abused to get more people on their side. Also, come on now. The outmanned buff doesn’t help in combat in any way, I just use it to farm skelks.

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Cayden.4587


I have seen this too. I waited in queue for 30 minutes but when I got in I had the outmanned buff signifying that we had less people. I was curious if maybe a whole bunch just left so I left and tried to re-enter and was queue’d again. Once I got in again I still had the buff. Something is not working.

Back to Planetside 2 beta. Where 500 v 500 v 500 happens everyday with no invisible armies.

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Starfleck.8392


@Charlie: calm down, that’s the exact opposite of what Mike is saying.

“If I understand the situation correctly, this should not be happening.” -Mike

I’ll take a wild guess and say that most of you have not played in the beta weekend events, where the problem was first identified, and subsequently fixed. Apparently the problem has re-emerged somehow, along with the issue they’ve seen, also since beta, of people skipping in the queue line somehow. It’s a mystery to me how these will be solved, but I assure you it’s not intended and meant to be fixed.

We are such flecks as stars are made of. . .

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Tukor.7514


I really would love if Mike has the time to explain this to us, as i see that there are more people questioning this.

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: CharliePrince.2071


I really would love if Mike has the time to explain this to us, as i see that there are more people questioning this.

still waiting on Mike Ferguson to comment on this

maybe his team is over its head regarding WvWvW but this is horrible

the main problem arises in the Colored/Home Borderlands.. Eternal seems to be balanced properly with the population cap but the home borderlands is horribly messed up

as it stands ever since reset, ET’s had 3 people for every 1 of us

fix your caps, no excuses

FIX YOUR kitten

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Fugly.5287


Playing on eredon terrace is really messed up. Instant queues for the 3 citadel battles, and 4 to 6 hour for eternal today. Always outnumbered on the 3, so we have a crazy long time for a fair fight.

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Shlamorel.8714


Is it possible a large group were doing the puzzle underground maybe?

Just trying to think of possible explanations. That sounds very rough =[

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Musty.3148


Self delete…

Charlie, relax man. This isn’t the end of the world and I’m sure they are working on it. You are not helping.

80 Elementalist/80 Mesmer/80 Guardian/80 Thief
Now Musty Britches since someone decided Shortbus Rider was offensive… [LoS] [NSP]

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: pastuh.4371


Fix this kitten. Vizunah Square all the time with x9999 zergs.

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Shinzou.1534


I would not be surprised if this were happening here.

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

Yaks has had times where we had 30 people on a map with a full q while both invaders had 60+. Maybe the rest of our server was hiding but if the whole ma kitten plit between the other 2 teams and u don’t find any ally in jp I doubt they are on the map

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

Is this working as intended please?

in WvW

Posted by: CrAzY.3275
