Isle of Janthir.
Because we all know that zerging supply camps with 45 people is hard work.
Say what you will, but you can see how well groups work together. They zerg when needed, they split and stay when needed.
They don’t randomly go running around; they’re coordinated. If they’re taking supply camps, why do you think that is?
Not to mention there’s good supply, response, siege setups, and defense.
Plus at least this time around people aren’t afraid to switch to different borderlands when needed.
“My mind is my battlefield and sanctuary.
My weapon is conviction and perseverance is my shield.”
How much competition did you have when you took the map over?
A lot initially.
Weekend was a tough fight. We were actually in last place, if you can recall.
It was a tough fight until Tuesday, actually, when map was finally taken completely.
Even now ET or CD (mostly ET at night) still take towers and camps.
PS: I speak of the weekdays in PH / SG time.
“My mind is my battlefield and sanctuary.
My weapon is conviction and perseverance is my shield.”
i am sure all the door on every borderland put a hell of a fight when they attack. what an accomplishment. clap clap clap.
^ You do your servers a disservice.
They fought hard and well over the weekend. It was intense.
At the very least acknowledge ET and CD did a good job and fought back well.
Last I checked, ET and CD players weren’t doors, they were formidable fighters and powerful guilds.
PS: when we took the majority of those during the weekend and Monday, I’m sure there were hordes of defenders (unless I’m imagining the spells and arrows dropping on our guilds’ heads). Don’t go making these silly PvDoor comments. Before the battle grounds emptied out, we had to take most of those tooth and nail from ET and CD.
“My mind is my battlefield and sanctuary.
My weapon is conviction and perseverance is my shield.”
(edited by Eisenhart.7965)
Meh Im from ET and I say yes you all are good server to fight against but the orbs of power just way over do it i still say it needs to be fixed but bravo to you all. Also you should have took a pic about 10 mins ago when we took sunny with a golem
also side note the owner ship of said tower was about 5 mins lol
^ ET never dies. They keep taking stuff fast. __
I think if left unchecked, they’d retake the ET borderlands quickly.
“My mind is my battlefield and sanctuary.
My weapon is conviction and perseverance is my shield.”
yup you gotta keep an eye on us
^ You do your servers a disservice.
They fought hard and well over the weekend. It was intense.
At the very least acknowledge ET and CD did a good job and fought back well.
Last I checked, ET and CD players weren’t doors, they were formidable fighters and powerful guilds.
PS: when we took the majority of those during the weekend and Monday, I’m sure there were hordes of defenders (unless I’m imagining the spells and arrows dropping on our guilds’ heads). Don’t go making these silly PvDoor comments. Before the battle grounds emptied out, we had to take most of those tooth and nail from ET and CD.
That’s actually pretty funny…. We are a WvW guild on CD and since Sunday morning we have yet to go into EB or any borderlands and not het the outmanned buff. I guess I’m confused as to what hordes you are referring to…..
Have all of the “pride” you want, but IoJ has owned 80% + of the map since Saturday morning…. and if you say different you’re either a liar or pay zero attention to the maps.
Your server can do alot of great things but this weekend I saw how far some of your members were willing to go for map control, and I was disappointed. Ill be sure to catch them in the act next time, if we ever get our CD Garrison back.
But we had some good battles before that and I commend my server and yours.
we will accept your women and free tokens as a peace offering.
Down Under – Stormbluff Isle
Its been awesome battling with CD & ET, they never give up. Next time around we will see who has the lucky transfers on their side :P
~Isle of Janthir
Yea those doors can put up quite a fight. You really have to be at the top of your game to take them down.
Idk why diminishing someones acomplishment enhances anothers game enjoyment… when they said it was diing a diservice it hints to the kid who refuses to shake hand after a game because they didnt get any runs. Aside from exploiters a win should be craciously congradulated or silently scorned. Its as poor taste as winners saying the other team sucked to diminish a win.
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.
it’s amazing how many Janthir threads have popped up recently
Bottom Line: The Island of Janthir seeks EU WvWvW guilds who enjoy the fight we are a server who never gives up, and have been crushed by tier 1’s since the game has launched. Janthir has been the one constant and at its core are pvp’ers and killers who love the battle more than anything. If you’re a EU wuvwuv guild thinking of moving..
think of the Island.. we cannot promise you will win. we can promise you will find people who will fight with you every step of the journey
Idk why diminishing someones acomplishment enhances anothers game enjoyment… when they said it was diing a diservice it hints to the kid who refuses to shake hand after a game because they didnt get any runs. Aside from exploiters a win should be craciously congradulated or silently scorned. Its as poor taste as winners saying the other team sucked to diminish a win.
If you were referring to me, I don’t recall ever saying or implying that IoJ sucked. On the other hand… congrats… but the rah rah about how even things are or how ET and CD never quit coming at ya blah blah blah. ET never really showed up to the party after the reset and CD had checked out of the game by mid Sunday. The thread is celebrating taking over the entire map…. never said IoJ sucked, but, once again, since early Sunday afternoon we have had the outmanned buff in every single area… at least on my screen. I know there have been some efforts to organize some, but all in all most of the guilds went to do other things until reset.
Anyways….. enjoy your victory. Well played.
apologies i was typing from my phone and hence being lazy with punctuation.
No I wasn’t saying you said “they suck”. I was comparing that saying their victory is lame, is like when the winners say the losing team sucks… it comes off “poor sporty”, even if it wasn’t meant to be that way.
And I didn’t mean to single you out eiter, it was meant to be more general to all the comments about how “xxx server didn’t really win because they have more players, or a 24 clock, or they made an alliance or whatever”, there’s tons of it floating around this forum.
A server should have some pride and community enthusiasm, its what gets em through the zerglings to come lol. As long as it’s in good sport I think its healthy, personally.
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.
I wouldn’t worry about CD trying to diminish the current point lead or overall well played standing by IoJ. When looking at the forums last week, CD was bashing another server saying they never should have won anything.
It looks like some of them enjoy trash talking a ton until the tables are turned.
Either way IoJ will continue to move forward with our skill and abilities and we will take it to Tier 1 the best we can. We may lose utterly, but we wont give up!
Rink Inc: Level 80 Engineer
IoJ noob extraordinaire.
Yeah really great going here. You guys are so pro.
You’re fighting Crystal Desert which isn’t all that organized when it comes to WvW and ET which was decimated by server transfers.
Man I’m IOJ from the start but this IOJ chest puffing is a little over the top. We’re a good server. But since there’s nothing magical about our server that AN put in place, we can fall victim to the same things because the population is allowed to change and its naive to think otherwise.
If our server would become full of trolls and people not contributing but taking up WvW server spots thus making game play constantly bad and not fun…you are foolish to think that won’t impact us negatively.
Not everyone at IOJ thinks our poop doesn’t stink.
Man I’m IOJ from the start but this IOJ chest puffing is a little over the top. We’re a good server. But since there’s nothing magical about our server that AN put in place, we can fall victim to the same things because the population is allowed to change and its naive to think otherwise.
If our server would become full of trolls and people not contributing but taking up WvW server spots thus making game play constantly bad and not fun…you are foolish to think that won’t impact us negatively.
Not everyone at IOJ thinks our poop doesn’t stink.
Here here, I think some of our people are letting this win go to their heads. I look forward to putting up good fights next week, but the chest puffing needs to stop.
Kalima – ranger
resident rally bait
There is no doubt ET will slide down to the lower tiers. Server transfers and major guild abandonment will hurt any server. We had our day in the sun, no regrets.
To the OP, just be careful what you wish for, you may just get it. Good luck next week, you will certainly need it.
“Did you see that? Tell me you saw that!”
IoJ is one of the more interesting servers to watch now. I’ll be curious to see how they do.
There is no doubt ET will slide down to the lower tiers. Server transfers and major guild abandonment will hurt any server. We had our day in the sun, no regrets.
To the OP, just be careful what you wish for, you may just get it. Good luck next week, you will certainly need it.
Unfortunately right now ET is projected to stay in T2, when I definitely think we need to be in T3 next week.
it’s amazing how many Janthir threads have popped up recently
Bottom Line: The Island of Janthir seeks EU WvWvW guilds who enjoy the fight
we are a server who never gives up, and have been crushed by tier 1’s since the game has launched. Janthir has been the one constant and at its core are pvp’ers and killers who love the battle more than anything. If you’re a EU wuvwuv guild thinking of moving..
think of the Island.. we cannot promise you will win. we can promise you will find people who will fight with you every step of the journey
Every once in a while Charlie posts good stuff.
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry
Sooooo you guys do realize that the top 2 Wv3 guilds on ET left the server in the past week, one of which went to IoJ. This may have a lot to do with suddenly turning the tables on ET since the reset. Just sayin.
Bookmarking this thread so I can bump it next week when IoJ is last place t1 and all the guilds that transferred there middle of this week jump ship again. /lol incoming….
Next week is a new battle. We may get completely rolled in Tier 1 and then the trolls who bookmarked the thread so they can dance around and point fingers and laugh will be out in force. But if thats the case, we can say at least we made Tier 1
To be fair… it would’ve never resulted in getting the 3rd slot in tier 1 if it wasn’t due to the massive departure from ET elsewhere (many of whom went to IoJ) and due to the massive departure as well from HoD. Otherwise, it most likely would’ve have stayed with IoJ at #5 and CD falling back down to 3rd tier. The timing is just perfect.
I’ve been taking advantage of server hopping this week (started out on Dragonbrand>ET>HOD>IOJ). I will say there is a common theme among the first three servers I was on…they have all experienced an exodus of people in WvW guilds which has dramatically put them at a strategic disadvantage.
I was shocked I was able to transfer to IOJ. I wanted to get a perspective from the other side. On the positive side I did not notice a great deal of boasting or, chest bumping because of IOJ’s lead. Overall people seemed pretty friendly and took pride in their server.
Additionally, I witnessed first hand the numbers advantage IOJ had while almost simultaneously repelling garrison attacks from ET and CD on its East and West gates in the ET borderlands (I think it was ET). I also witnessed if not around the clock full coverage…decent enough coverage to hold onto a sizeable portion of every map.
Based on my limited experience on IOJ I really think they will be competitive over the next few weeks. I have yet to experience a long queue (however many might not be logging into WvW because the result isn’t in doubt).
Congrats IOJ on your success. Good luck next week taking on JQ.
Sanctum of Rall
(edited by mmartong.1794)
I’ve been taking advantage of server hopping this week (started out on Dragonbrand>ET>HOD>IOJ). I will say there is a common theme among the first three servers I was on…they have all experienced an exodus of people in WvW guilds which has dramatically put them at a strategic disadvantage.
I was shocked I was able to transfer to IOJ. I wanted to get a perspective from the other side. On the positive side I did not notice a great deal of boasting or, chest bumping because of IOJ’s lead. Overall people seemed pretty friendly and took pride in their server.
Additionally, I witnessed first hand the numbers advantage IOJ had while almost simultaneously repelling garrison attacks from ET and CD on its East and West gates in the ET borderlands (I think it was ET). I also witnessed if not around the clock full coverage…decent enough coverage to hold onto a sizeable portion of every map.
Based on my limited experience on IOJ I really think they will be competitive over the next few weeks. I have yet to experience a long queue (however many might not be logging into WvW because the result isn’t in doubt).
Congrats IOJ on your success. Good luck next week taking on JQ.
excellent post +1
:) IoJ is a humble server and our greatest strength is being home to a buncha people who just love to fight
we’re also pretty low pop and our queues are near instant
to be honest, Janthir lacks coverage and needs more EU guilds and Asian guilds to come join The Island
the water is warm, we got the sun the breeze the ladies..
most important, you won’t find egotistical pricks or chest thumpers or whatever in Janthir, it’s a great great server to be
:) good travels to you mmartong and here’s hoping CD gets an influx as well!
IoJ have done well to stay a top 5 server since the get go, first couple of matches we had some horrible holes in our coverage. Without any chest beating or woo-hooing, I am very much looking forward to biffing in top tier next week. Will we be able to stay T1….who can tell, things can swing very easily, will our Queue’s be horrible, I would think so, does that mean the more casual folks who get 1-2 hours here and there to play will be disadvantaged, disenfrachised….yeh most likely.
Its a global game on a 24 hour clock, guild can hop from server, so there is no guarantee that past performance predicts future outcomes.
I hope for two things, 1) a good (clean…no shenanghins) fight that at least goes into the week proper for IoJ to survive in T1 and 2) we behave well in victory or defeat and keep turning up every day irrespective of the score.
Go the IoJ, lets have at ’em
Unfortunately Free transfers will hit you. This sounds likes Sea Fareres rest from EU. As soon as you get a tough team, everyone will hit the transfer button and you will loose horribly as you wont have enough to withstand the zerg
Youll notice you dont have to que for WvW anymore
Good luck to you tho
Whats actually happening in your screen shot is the other servers have given up playing. This is prolly due to everyone transferring away from those servers to other servers
You guys starting winning the exact moment a bunch of people transferred to IoJ. Please stop acting like you’re master strategists and simply excel at the game. Every server has WvW guilds. Every server has people who “just love to fight”. You just outnumber everyone. Plain and simple.
If there were no free transfers, you would not be winning (at least not by this wide of a margin). Free transfers ruined this match up (and many others).
I hope you remember this next week. Because WHEN you start losing, all those fair weather players that transferred to IoJ this week because their server was losing, are going to bail on you next week when you’re losing. In fact, a few weeks from now you’ll probably be below tier 2.
(edited by Kam.8109)
You guys starting winning the exact moment a bunch of people transferred to IoJ. Please stop acting like you’re master strategists and simply excel at the game. Every server has WvW guilds. Every server has people who “just love to fight”. You just outnumber everyone. Plain and simple.
If there were no free transfers, you would not be winning (at least not by this wide of a margin). Free transfers ruined this match up (and many others).
I hope you remember this next week. Because WHEN you start losing, all those fair weather players that transferred to IoJ this week because their server was losing, are going to bail on you next week when you’re losing. In fact, a few weeks from now you’ll probably be below tier 2.
Pretty much this. IoJ has had an influx of quality guilds. It’s not that the guilds currently in it have been great. In most cases IoJ would only function adequately once the zerg showed up. In any event these types of posts will disappear most likely when IoJ goes tier 1 then we will start to see posts on how broken WvW is then -.-
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
@Sopp @Kam ^ Untrue.
We’ve always been a consistent tier 2 server, and we have achieved similar score results TWICE already. Admittedly, it has always been followed by being beaten face down by the Tier 1 server (strangely enough, one of those was ET).
Also, what influx? There was only one significant transfer, which is [TL], which is only at par with the larger guilds on the server (and certainly not among the top 3 largest even).
Long before that, the server’s been holding out with it’s native guilds (most of which have been there since Day -3).
Plus, we were already starting to capture everything during the weekend; [TL] only came out in force on Sunday / Monday, oceanic time.
As for transfers, I doubt it, as most of the guilds there are sort of inter-connected in a way, plus there’s this server pride thing that’s kinda nice and not hostile in a toxic way. It’s a fun place to play in, even though I gotta admit, most guilds just go PvE.
“My mind is my battlefield and sanctuary.
My weapon is conviction and perseverance is my shield.”
(edited by Eisenhart.7965)
Just to follow up:
1. @Sopp @Kam – before making assumptions like this, do research a bit.
2. As for the reason for this current dominance (it no longer holds, CD took half the map as of this morning), it’s less to do with IoJ, and more of ET being vacated.
As I said in the previous post, IoJ tends to dominate and THEN, get kicked to the curb by the higher server. It just so happens that in this case, it didn’t happen due to ET being a bit dead (though I wonder how they can still field zergs that outnumber us 2:1). We were expecting ET to steamroller us a bit.
As they say in our forums or chat “ET is back”, and we were kinda scared, but we just wanted to play for fun anyway.
“My mind is my battlefield and sanctuary.
My weapon is conviction and perseverance is my shield.”
Of course I pick this week to start exploring WvW with you RED kittenS owning every map!
Of course I pick this week to start exploring WvW with you RED kittenS owning every map!
Actually, CD (blue) owns like half of WvW when I left this morning. O_o
“My mind is my battlefield and sanctuary.
My weapon is conviction and perseverance is my shield.”
i kinda like the sound of red kittens just off topic i know, but that’s cool, to me
red kittens!
Of course I pick this week to start exploring WvW with you RED kittenS owning every map!
Actually, CD (blue) owns like half of WvW when I left this morning. O_o
Yea it’s pretty amorphous, I was able to sneak in a second borderland map while ET was doing pretty well. I picked a good time too since IoJ quickly took everything back. Still can’t touch eternal battlegrounds though with that sea of red.
Can’t wait for an IOJ/SOS rematch now that both servers have 24/7 presence, it’ll be helluva fun!