Isles of Janthir - Exploiters

Isles of Janthir - Exploiters

in WvW

Posted by: Wyrmlimion.1540


Well Your server can officially goto hell.

All day they have been exploiting the environment issue around Watergate of Crystal Deserts Borderlands Garrison by jumping the terrain into our Garrison without even having to breach a single gate.

We have enough issues with the world transfers in WvW without your players causing more trouble.

Isles of Janthir - Exploiters

in WvW

Posted by: kylia.4813


Can you give us some Guild tags? IAs one of the Admins of the IoJ WvW community forums, we take exploiters very seriously in IoJ, and if you can supply some screens, names of guilds etc. Then you can be sure that the IoJ community will do something about it.

Please feel free to PM me the details if that is easier for you.

Isles of Janthir - Exploiters

in WvW

Posted by: Spicyhash.7605


Pretty disappointed in IoJ if this is true. Never even heard a single report of any kind of exploiting until now. Although yesterday or the day before we pushed ET back off of our garrison in some borderlands, forget which, and went up to take Cragtop. Most of us were standing outside and I was alt-tabbed and when I came back I saw a bunch of us inside Cragtop on the wall and the door/walls were still up. Dunno if they used mesmer portal or what, but every since launch I have never seen this kind of behavior until recently.


Isles of Janthir - Exploiters

in WvW

Posted by: Wyrmlimion.1540


Well is was a pretty mixed group in the zerg, I managed to get 1 screenshot before dying but its not very good, if I see it again I will provide more evidence, but Im hesitant to point the finger at 1 guild since their was alot of them. But Im sure this was instigated but a small number since they used portals in the end to bring in the rest of their players.

Isles of Janthir - Exploiters

in WvW

Posted by: TheFug.5278


IOJ is getting a lot of transfers, and usually the servers that get the transfers also get the cheaters. I have never seen them cheat until now, so it really is just a few bad apples – the old IOJ core crew were always stand up fellows.

[KH] Kwisatz Haderach

Isles of Janthir - Exploiters

in WvW

Posted by: BaldricBlack.4359


I’m IOJ old crew, I do not approve of this sort of behavior. IOJ has fought tooth and nail for that 4th/5th position and I don’t want people saying we only got there because of exploits. If anyone on IOJ sees people exploiting please report it and warn others not too do it.

If you are from other servers and you see IOJ exploiting please take screenshots and post them up so that we can tell people that this is not appropriate behavior.

Baldric Black [GEN]
WvW Zergling on Isle of Janthir
I’m not as good as I think I am… :\

Isles of Janthir - Exploiters

in WvW

Posted by: Raze.5420


Absolutely correct. The core IoJ crew will not approve of this sort of stuff. We had a great reputation until now it seems. A lot of transfers bring a lot of the detritus with them unfortunately.

Please post your evidence and we will do our best to stamp this out.

Isles of Janthir - Exploiters

in WvW

Posted by: Jeheil.2516


I hate exploiters in any game. Cheatin is cheatin. So boo from another IoJ’er since launch.

Name n Shame whenever you can.

Jeheil, IoJ, [uA] – Defender of Gazza’s watergate

Isles of Janthir - Exploiters

in WvW

Posted by: draculthemad.6273


Its not evident from your screenshot, but you are saying the water gate below there is actually up, right?

Isles of Janthir - Exploiters

in WvW

Posted by: Squeal.7142


I just joined IoJ, 1 or 2 week ago. I was at CD borderland when this happened, I was already playing for several hours, You guys really fight tooth and nail, and it’s impressive. Each time we use balista to stop the treb from garrison, in 5-10 minutes, you guys build it up again. And each time we take over spiritholme, your zerg come to save it. You guys was really tenacious.

Well, anyway after several hour, someone yell at team chat that we are at inner garrison, and we have golem. I was suprised and impressed, such Spec Op tactic, timed so that the white sword was not noticed. So I came running to water gate, and I find my commander In front of the gate yelling, they “Fixed The Water Gate behind You !!”. When I check the gate though, it’s in full health. Garrison is under heavy siege, They have 0 supplies, If that gate is broken and repaired, It shouldn’t have 100% health. and now from your screenshot i see the golem was being build in front of innergate.

I’m new guy in the server, I have to say, even when we are ranked #2 in SBI/IoJ/BG, IoJ is a great server, people trolling in Team chat are simply burned for like 1-2 round and then blocked. No distracting teamchat that continued for 10-15 minutes. when we were outmanned last week, there’s no morale break, people keep trying. The majority of the server are polite, mature and very friendly.

I’m sorry to hear that there is exploitation included in our side, IMO we don’t need/want these kind of stuff. I have been in the other receiving end of this thing often enough. Having orb hack while 3 maps have outmanned buffs, Leopard that jump all over the map flipping camp solo, etc.

I’m not IoJ old crew, I’m newcomer. But I come here because I experienced the other side of this behavior and it’s heavy on morale. I’m not officer in my guild, so I cant talk for my guild. However for me personally, i wont join anymore watergate assault unless I;m sure it’s legitimate.

Good fight for CD, sorry for the imbalance in number, even more sorry to hear exploitation involved. Keep fighting.

Rose Forestborn, 80 Ranger,

(edited by Squeal.7142)

Isles of Janthir - Exploiters

in WvW

Posted by: Gangbot.8641


Did i see a thread made when CD fly hacked our orb twice from the hills and flew it back to their garrison? NO.

Now stop trying to tarnish a servers name because of the actions of a few morons.

Isles of Janthir - Exploiters

in WvW

Posted by: Gangbot.8641


Also screenshot proves nothing, maybe they knocked the gate down then someone repaired it behind them. Get real evidence.

Isles of Janthir - Exploiters

in WvW

Posted by: Elliot The King.5063

Elliot The King.5063

I feel like this is someone looking for pity. But I was not there so I will not judge. Regardless exploiters will get caught it’s just a matter of time.

Isles of Janthir - Exploiters

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator


Please do not make threads to commit character assassination. If you believe somebody is exploiting, cheating or botting, please use the in-game report function or contact support directly. Thank you.