It's the End of the World!!! of warcraft...
There is no real reason to stick around for long periods of time.
I’m on Blacktide (T1 for 4/5 weeks now) and we’ve dominated T1 for 3/4 weeks in a row. Mainly because I feel we were more powerful than the other servers but I cannot deny that we just had a better 24/7 force than the other lasting T1 server (Vizunah FR).
Since the start of this weeks matchup we went from having an organized 60-80 people across 4 maps during the day to 15-20 across 4 maps untill primetime. And then at our EU primetime we might just be able to get 60-80 people across 4 maps.
According to server reports Blacktide is still considered a “full server” however for WvW this sure as hell isn’t the case. I could blame it on people getting bored of winning (which I haven’t seen before in my life) or the holidays. However I think it has a lot more to do with people getting bored of a buggy environment, class imbalance and countless other issues that have been known since the release but are untouched so far.
What shouldn’t be forgotten is that because it’s the holiday season, a lot of new games hit the market which could also be a reason for people not being around as often as they did 1/2 months ago.
For me however its the overall lack of interest from ANet (I could be absolutely wrong here) concerning WvW and its metric crapton of issues. Even if they are working on it, atleast give us a heads up of how far you are, share insights on big issues etc etc. But for now we have to make do with a single short, and often, meaningless post that says “we’re working on it”.
I’m going to be taking a break until 2013 which I started yesterday. I still check in on these forums for official statements and patch updates but I won’t be playing for a while. Maybe, come January, I will be back in that state of mind where the bugs/exploits don’t annoy me as much.
Some rare spawns in the boarderlands would be nice. Like a shark in the lake around mid.
More chances to get bonuses to magic find.
Green/Yellow increased drop rate from the puzzle chests.
Farming nodes with the chance to drop siege.
Hire guards to patrol from one structure to another.
Just some random ideas.
Biggest mistake AN did was to allow people to migrate. So every mediocre player decided to jump in the bandwagon and head to SoS (which used to be a server with good PVP-ers, now it’s just a server with too many people), leaving other servers incomplete and unable to compete because the lack of people.
Some rare spawns in the boarderlands would be nice. Like a shark in the lake around mid.
More chances to get bonuses to magic find.
Green/Yellow increased drop rate from the puzzle chests.
Farming nodes with the chance to drop siege.
Hire guards to patrol from one structure to another.
Just some random ideas.
We don’t need more PvE in WvW.
[Aia] Amoria- The guild of pleasant love
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Biggest mistake AN did was to allow people to migrate. So every mediocre player decided to jump in the bandwagon and head to SoS (which used to be a server with good PVP-ers, now it’s just a server with too many people), leaving other servers incomplete and unable to compete because the lack of people.
Just where are you getting your facts from? I play there and we haven’t really seen any new guilds there lately and have actually lost a major one in PRX.
I love SoS cause it’s full of smaller guilds with hard working commanders that work in long shifts. I work night shifts and when I get on in the morning (eastern time) I’m lucky to see 35 people in EB but we hold out vs double the JQ because of our great organized commanders.
Right now it’s hard to get into tier 1 servers as they are usually listed as full most of the time with maybe a half hour window here or there.
Verucalize: 80 Thief
Señor Chang: 80 Ranger
I work night shifts and when I get on in the morning (eastern time) I’m lucky to see 35 people in EB but we hold out vs double the JQ because of our great organized commanders.
Migh want to upgrade your graphics then cause I can’t remember the last time I haven’t seen a queue in EB.
I get you love your server, but let’s not pretend that SoS wasn’t overpopulated by migrating guilds and players who dumped their servers to join the servers that faired the best ( back when SOS was actually a server with many good PVP-ers ).
I’m not saying SoS no longer has PVP-ers on it, it’s just that now, your main perk is your numbers and numbers during any hour of the day.
I work night shifts and when I get on in the morning (eastern time) I’m lucky to see 35 people in EB but we hold out vs double the JQ because of our great organized commanders.
Migh want to upgrade your graphics then cause I can’t remember the last time I haven’t seen a queue in EB.
I get you love your server, but let’s not pretend that SoS wasn’t overpopulated by migrating guilds and players who dumped their servers to join the servers that faired the best ( back when SOS was actually a server with many good PVP-ers ).
I’m not saying SoS no longer has PVP-ers on it, it’s just that now, your main perk is your numbers and numbers during any hour of the day.
My graphics card is just fine. Perhaps you should play outside of Prime Time? Cause everyday I get off work there is no queue to get into EB all the way until I head to bed. So that’s roughly 8:00am est all the way until 1-2pm Eastern. We can’t even put forces on more then 2 maps during that time frame hence JQ always ends up owning their own border and SBI isn’t far behind during that time and were lucky if were running at 150PPT. Heck this past Friday at reset. Our queue was a whopping 5-20 minutes for the first couple hours.
Name me one even moderate sized guild that joined AFTER SoS hit Tier 1? It’s not our fault JQ can’t get out of it’s zerg mentality and wipe to forces half it’s size while SBI inexplicably caps only where they meet no resistance.
Verucalize: 80 Thief
Señor Chang: 80 Ranger
There’s nothing to do anymore.
I like some variation, there’s 0 variation in any part of the game, even FOTM is pretty much “Well, ive gotten up to lvl 14…. zzzzzzzz, cba anymore” (easy money though)
You’re not working towards something (especially now i’ve got my elgendary, dem flowers), quite a few people are on a break atm and i log on, see 2 people online, 1 maybe in WvW, and there’s simply no reason for me to stay online, being an elitist kitten who prefers guild groups and there being nothing else to do.
I think a big part of the WvW population are hoping and praying that the next big WvW patch in Feb gives new content, if not, I could very well see a lot of people quitting. Because it’s so stale. I really like WvW, but it gets to a point where it’s like Aion all over again, one big grind.
Also It’s like they forgot how to operate a MMO since the original game, a VERY high percentage of MMO players feel the need to grind the highest vertical progression gear and those players may not exactly want to do PvE(which also takes away the actual WvW players also)
Call me crazy, but I just don’t get it.
in a sense isn’t everything dying.
such is the nature of impermanence.