It's time to close wvw and regroup

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: fivekiller.1432


i wouldn’t mind it if they let me keep playing while they work on the problems.

-Desirz Matheon

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Corvindi.5734


I don’t find it unplayable. I hate that there are exploits, I hate that enemies don’t render, but I would really hate it if I logged in tomorrow, queued up, and read, “WvW will be down indefinitely for repairs”. I’d be off to play a new game.

“…we don’t expect you to be forced into dungeons at endgame.”


It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Cloud.7613


Because that will throw gasoline on the fire. If WvW went down, a lot of people would quit.

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Deathcarlyle.6075


What exactly would closing the Ladders do? Wouldnt change anything. i guess it may change how matches are paired up. But i would hate for the lower servers to face a T1 server just cause you didnt want a ladder. Play as it is right now stop Crying so much. Things take time. And another Note Culling sucks but not game breaking same for orbs.

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Cloud.7613


What exactly would closing the Ladders do? Wouldnt change anything. i guess it may change how matches are paired up. But i would hate for the lower servers to face a T1 server just cause you didnt want a ladder. Play as it is right now stop Crying so much. Things take time. And another Note Culling sucks but not game breaking same for orbs.

I don’t know …. It’s just as bad.

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Narcosis.3812


If you want competition from PvP in GW2, then WvWvW is the wrong place for it. Go sPvP, WvWvW is for fun

Duplicitous, Free Kitty Riot, Robalai Bleeds, Narcotic Reign [TWL] Sanctum of Rall

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Yoke.4671


I dont care about ladders or ranking, just close it down to get it fixed, asap. I love wvw but it is just to kitten flawed at the moment, the cons out weigh the pros

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: mangarrage.1062


I’m not saying that these do not need to get fixed because they do, but those 2 things are actually universally shared by all servers. Rendering issues happen to everyone and orb hacking is happening to everyone. This isnt something that 1/2 the servers face

I mean I am in total accord these are w/o question the biggest 2 issues in WvW but since they are universal, there is no reason to turn off the servers to do it.
They would lose a ton of people if it was any more then a day

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Narcosis.3812


No, I’m saying people SHOULD WvWvW for fun. I agree that the hacking needs to be fixed and the rendering issues are a PITA. So what is it you win in this competition? That’s right NOTHING, so have fun, it is a game, remember? Just because your panties are in a wad isn’t a reason to cancel everyones fun.

Duplicitous, Free Kitty Riot, Robalai Bleeds, Narcotic Reign [TWL] Sanctum of Rall

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Hux.8739


No reason to shut it down, it won’t get it fixed any faster. They don’t have a solution right now. When they do have a solution and tell me they need to shut down WvWvW to fix the problems I won’t complain(if I’m still playing). I don’t see why you would request them to shut them down considering you have no idea how that would help.

If it’s simply to preserve the integrity of the pre-season matches before we go to the 2 week schedule, then I think most will agree that you are overestimating the importance of these matches. Just play and when they need to fix it, they will, or quit, who cares there’s no sub fee anyways, you can play anytime… or not.

Huxer(EC) Economic Collapse
Asura Warrior

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: HoukaKetsueki.6924


They should fix this also(as if they can, they can’t even admit it).

Or atleast put a proper option in report menu in this kind of thing.

Koko Puffz / Kokoro Chan
Tarnished Coast Asian Roamer

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Felix.3028


No need to shut down WvW rankings as all they are for is to create even match-ups. There really is no “winning” or “losing” in WvW, just the next match. And even though the rendering and hacks are a problem that needs to get fixed, they have a relatively low impact on who wins or loses a match.

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Shintai.5618


They should fix this also(as if they can, they can’t even admit it).

Or atleast put a proper option in report menu in this kind of thing.

And its getting so widespread. I stopped with WvW mainly due to the constant hacks and exploits. And PvE is close to get the same fate. Good thing I preordered XCOM.

Then there is all the unfixed issues, culling, and the other invisible thing that sure aint culling. Did I mention the masses of bots too?

Only my GF and I are left in our guild. Then we found new friends outside the guild. They are basicly gone too now…

(edited by Shintai.5618)

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: sainguine.2870


it is soooo gamebreaking-oh wait i am playing just fine,servers are up and running and all.signed-a player with a life

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: shorty.2608


oh snap guys sain telling us if we get a life everything just magically fixes it self!!!! that an amazing discovery sainguine…

As far WvW goes in the sense is it competitive i believe its extreamly competitive and i dont want to have to go back down a tier cause i cant see any one and crystal desert is better at Invisible Wars 2 Ghost v Ghost v Ghost!

Tarnished Coast. The Sovereign Gaming. GuildMaster

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: fatboy.5016


+1, fix the exploits, the hacks, the invisible armies, End free transfers makem for every 30-60 days. Fix WvW. im level 80, got all my gears, goodies, money means nothing to me now and i only spend it on WvW, and my wvw fun is dieing down fast cuz of all this crap. FIX IT Anet. botters and this should be top priority rite now. This is all we got for a end game ><

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Arreyanne.2683


Didn’t BioWare do that with SWTOR close their Open world zone tsk tsk Its still closed four to six months later

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Sir Arthur.8905

Sir Arthur.8905

What I don’t get is how every aoe attack, even pools of fire, can only damage a maximum of 5 people at a time. Healing spells that effect an area, also capped at 5 from what I’ve seen…. why is it that a mesmer can portal infinite amounts of people instantly? Maybe limit it to a team-sized amount like 4-5 through and it closes?

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Phara Miu.2816

Phara Miu.2816

WvW enterd the Hardmode since today where you cant see your friend or foe or npc’s.

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Kiviar.7063


Honestly the move to one week matches was probably a few months too early. Anet can’t go back to 24 hour matches unfortunately, as it would mean them admitting that the product they provided us was cripplingly flawed.

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Minibiskit.6158


I would not mind keeping the ladder as it is, pairings and all. Just make us blind to the current scores. Tally them up at the end of the week and then show us how the scores look. This minute-by-minute tally system is what keeps most people from queuing for WvW when the opposition is dominating.

I’m speaking from my experiences on SBI, since last week our turnout in WvW was terrible. People were tired of losing to the same guilds on HoD, which is understandable. Now we are in T2 and dominating to the point of no opposition. This situation might be nice for people who want their map completion, but it is still not fun for pvpers. Making us blind to scoring until the end of the week is not the complete answer to the woes of WvW, but it is a step toward promoting a more fun and self-balancing system.

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Harpazo.5217


It’s not game breaking. I haven’t experienced any of these issues to the degree you’re talking about. Obviously, the culling thing everyone experiences, but the hacking isn’t something that’s come remotely close to stopping me from queueing up, opening my map, and going to complete objectives.

As far as the culling goes, it’s not nearly as big of a problem as people make it seem. There aren’t zergs of people ramboing across the map and killing others before they’re rendered. Sure, if you happen upon a zerg of units at random, or a zerg sweeps past you at random, then you can be killed before they all render. But if you are aware of what’s going on in the world and where the fighting is, this isn’t a problem.

The biggest problem I’ve seen with culling is that of sieges. I underestimate the force outside a gate when I see only a handful of players rendered and so jump out to start fighting… only to find thirty people waiting for me at the bottom. That’s frustrating, but it’s my own stupid fault for not looking before leaping. If AoEs are popping off like crazy all around you and you decide to rush in? That’s your own stupid fault. If you see a handful of enemies charging a keep where you have a zerg waiting and you seriously think, “Yeah, they don’t have an army with them, they’re just trying to take our tower with a force 1/6th of our size.” then it’s your own stupid fault.

The same goes for hacking. Granted, I’m on NSP and we’re doing quite well in WvW, and there’s some controversy over exactly what has been done with our orbs or with our enemies orbs, but none of that has stopped the enemy from pushing us back into our spawn completely in certain zones or wiping us out of towers relentlessly.

Are these issues? Yes. Are they game breaking? No. You encounter them but they don’t alter the way the game is supposed to be played or the effectiveness of the players who try to play it the way it’s meant to be played. It just means you have to be aware of the issues and approach them appropriately. Don’t go rushing around the map by yourself near enemy fortifications, you wont see what’s out there before it’s too late. That’s just common sense. If you don’t like it, don’t play it. It’s not going to hurt you to stop playing if it bothers you that much. It’s not like anyone is forcing you to play it and get kitten off about it.

As far as rankings go, no matter what happens now, when the issues are fixed then things will balance themselves out. It’s not like any server will be ranked higher than they ought to be and stay that way. If a server is ranked where they shouldn’t be, it’ll work itself out.

Northern Shiverpeaks
Soletaken [ST]

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Kiviar.7063


Personally I wouldn t mind doing wvw without the server scoring while they fix things.

Oh neither would I. However there would be a lot of bad publicity and everything that brings with it. Also admitting that one of the main selling points of your game is nearly an unplayable mess is very difficult for people who have spent the last four years making it.

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Harpazo.5217


It’s not game breaking. I haven’t experienced any of these issues to the degree you’re talking about…

As far as the culling goes, it’s not nearly as big of a problem as people make it seem. There aren’t zergs of people ramboing across the map and killing others before they’re rendered.

If you don’t like it, don’t play it.

Are you sure you are playing the same game? Saying that there aren t zergs of people exploiting the rendering issue really makes me question if you are actually playing wvw in groups or just playing alone.

With all due respect haven t you read all the threads, seen the youtube videos clearly demonstrating this issue?

EDIT: and just so you know, there ARE groups, a lot of them, that are purposefully using the culling issue with mesmer portals in order to dominate. And the “If you don’t like it, don’t play it” well there is not much but /facepalm that can be said about this retort

Perhaps you’re only reading what you want to read, instead of what I’m saying. I grant you that the issues are PRESENT in the game, but I do not grant you that the issues BREAK the game. Culling only lasts a few seconds and a few seconds, even if being flanked, does not determine a zerg fight. I’ve been a part of mass fights that lasted twenty or thirty minutes where the line of the fight went back and forth on the open ground between keeps. One person can be burst down in a few seconds, but not an entire army.

Even if people are purposefully running around to exploit the culling, it isn’t game breaking. If your team properly communicates where zergs have been and where they are headed you can anticipate and act. I know this because I’ve gone into enemy territories by myself and avoided zerg rushes by paying attention to map chat and being aware of where fights break out. Just have some map awareness and you wont get crushed.

The other thing about culling is that it works both ways. It’s not as if culling means your enemies are invisible but you’re visible to them. That doesn’t makes sense. If two groups of enemies happen upon each other they will both have to take the same amount of time to be visible to one another. That’s not an advantage, that’s just a hitch in the system for both teams. It’s hardly exploitable and it’s certainly not game breaking.

I’ve been wrecked far more often by zergs I could see coming than by invisible groups, both by myself and while I was running with the pack.

Stop exaggerating the issue and look for ways that you can work around it.

Northern Shiverpeaks
Soletaken [ST]

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Yougottawanna.7420


Pop-in problems have gotten worse since the latest patch. Before the patch, when zergs were in the open (ie not portal bombing) I only occasionally had pop-in, and usually at least part of the zerg would show up, giving you a warning that there might be more not drawn yet.

Now? I fought at Woodhaven for like an hour last night after the patch against invisible enemies. I just logged off after fighting invisible enemies for like twenty minutes at Bay. I’m getting waaaaay more pop-in problems than I used to. After twenty minutes or so even the NPCs near the spawn aren’t being drawn anymore.

Even restarting my client only fixes the problem briefly, it always returns.

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Mattress.3629


It’s not game breaking. I haven’t experienced any of these issues to the degree you’re talking about…

As far as the culling goes, it’s not nearly as big of a problem as people make it seem. There aren’t zergs of people ramboing across the map and killing others before they’re rendered.

If you don’t like it, don’t play it.

Are you sure you are playing the same game? Saying that there aren t zergs of people exploiting the rendering issue really makes me question if you are actually playing wvw in groups or just playing alone.

With all due respect haven t you read all the threads, seen the youtube videos clearly demonstrating this issue?

EDIT: and just so you know, there ARE groups, a lot of them, that are purposefully using the culling issue with mesmer portals in order to dominate. And the “If you don’t like it, don’t play it” well there is not much but /facepalm that can be said about this retort

Perhaps you’re only reading what you want to read, instead of what I’m saying. I grant you that the issues are PRESENT in the game, but I do not grant you that the issues BREAK the game. Culling only lasts a few seconds and a few seconds, even if being flanked, does not determine a zerg fight. I’ve been a part of mass fights that lasted twenty or thirty minutes where the line of the fight went back and forth on the open ground between keeps. One person can be burst down in a few seconds, but not an entire army.

Even if people are purposefully running around to exploit the culling, it isn’t game breaking. If your team properly communicates where zergs have been and where they are headed you can anticipate and act. I know this because I’ve gone into enemy territories by myself and avoided zerg rushes by paying attention to map chat and being aware of where fights break out. Just have some map awareness and you wont get crushed.

The other thing about culling is that it works both ways. It’s not as if culling means your enemies are invisible but you’re visible to them. That doesn’t makes sense. If two groups of enemies happen upon each other they will both have to take the same amount of time to be visible to one another. That’s not an advantage, that’s just a hitch in the system for both teams. It’s hardly exploitable and it’s certainly not game breaking.

I’ve been wrecked far more often by zergs I could see coming than by invisible groups, both by myself and while I was running with the pack.

Stop exaggerating the issue and look for ways that you can work around it.

Nope, this thing is pretty game breaking.

Got to love attacking a keep with an army of pet’s seeing as that’s the only thing that would load for me for over an hour.


Mattress – Asuran Elementalist
Whiteside Ridge

(edited by Mattress.3629)

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Harpazo.5217


Huh. I have yet to experience it as lasting an hour. I played after the update, but not for long, and I didn’t notice any culling issues lasting nearly as long as other people described. That’s unfortunate to hear it’s breaking the game.

Northern Shiverpeaks
Soletaken [ST]

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Ald.9418


The culling obviously needs to be fixed, but the speed hacking and POS hacking cannot be prevented and happen in every game. You can implement a system of zero tolerance along with a report feature but you need full time GM’s online to take care of these players. Until then, players will continue to hack.

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Max.8503


Fix WvW pls, its getting not fun at all

It's time to close wvw and regroup

in WvW

Posted by: Eliteseraph.4970


Got to love attacking a keep with an army of pet’s seeing as that’s the only thing that would load for me for over an hour.

I absolutely HATE the fact that often times all I’ll see are friendly pets. I don’t give two kitten about friendly pets! Why is my client wasting resources drawing them instead of the enemy?

Also, amusing the name of the cat in your picture. Is it REALLY there, or did the culling error just think it was there?