Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]
Jade Quarry recruitment thread
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]
Yay Jade Quarry!, We welcome all~
Whether large or small, JQ wants you! And we’d love to have you <3
We’re friendly, both relaxed and dedicated at the same time. Has been my guild’s home since beta weekend 1 and a fantastic place to be, especially on the wvw battlefields!
Join us. We’re nice. And our commanders are awesome! Heck, everyone’s awesome. Come stomp around with us sometime.
(edited by khorren.3702)
Is there a good guild to join?
There are lots of guild always recruiting
Joining a wining server is for weak go start from lower tiers if you have what it takes.
Bumping for a great server that I have been a part of since release! We are competitive and we welcome new people – get the best of both worlds!
We also have many great WvW guilds that are recruiting so please reach out to one of us in game or on our official webpage for the jadequarry community:
Dragonbrand (Ex-JQ)
JQ is relaxed; we have even taken a break in the last WvW match to enjoy the holidays.
Mar Steadfast G, Silent Intrigue T, Mar Fidget Engi, Mar Fierce W, Silent Awe M
In GW2 since BWE1 ~ ~ ~ Guild leader of Legio Romana [LR], too
Kellnor’s right, we do have a fantastic community. We also have a thriving PvE community, for those of you who are also inclined to that sort of thing. Our commanders are all A+ in terms of their ability to lead, their ability to listen to us as players, and their willingness to make everyone feel part of the team. They also occasionally run around without pants, but who doesn’t?
So, yes, join us!
-Experience t1 for yourselves; it is madness!
-Be a part of one our friendly WvW guilds! (The commanders listed by Kellnor represent the larger guilds on JQ, but we are also powered by lots of smaller guilds as well! There is no one main ‘force’; we are many guilds, but one JQ.)
-We are dedicated to JQ as a whole. It is our home, and we will defend it. Many of us have been here since beta, and have no plans to leave. Server pride!
Plus you get to scream JAAADE QUARRRRY when running into battle.
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]
You’re also full, not allowing any transfers.
We do have an amazing community in JQ. Whether its in WvW , PvE or just hanging out in Lions Arch, you wont find a more welcoming group of people.
If you are having trouble transferring to the server, contact one of the commanders listed and they will assist you with this. There have been several recent successful guild moves coordinated, so if you are interested and are unable to please do contact them.
Just a QUICK note here, JQ IS full often but that DOES NOT mean you cant transfer Best transfer times are laaaaaate late at night US time, generally between 1-7am EST.
What we can do to facilitate:
Talk to me or the representative of any major guild on JQ and let them know when you want to switch, we can then have our members (across several coordinated guilds) log out which will drop the player population by several hundred players, this should change JQ’s status from “Full, to High” for enough time for any of you and your friends/guildies to transfer.
As this IS quite a process, we’ll need to coordinate details such as when and how long of an opening we can give you guys in game.
Also Zhonnika is 100% correct in saying my list was just a few of the commanders in our major guilds, but JQ is REALLY made up of large and small guilds working together to be AWESOME.
In regards to if any guilds are recruiting, I honestly don’t know of any that AREN’T I’ve talked to several other guild leaders and we would love to have you in any of our (or all of our) guilds!
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]
JQ has deadly players and brilliant leadership. Their only shortcoming is coverage. I am certain that anyone who joins JQ will not regret it.
Good luck with the recruitment drive, JQ. See you on the battlefield.
how active is this server other than wvw, are the questing areas empty or with some ppl? and dungeons, pretty active there too?
JQ is one of the most active servers in GW2 (which leads some issues with players facing a “full” game world when trying to transfer) WvW is very active but PvE is also a HUGE part of the community, you will definitely not need to worry about ‘running into people’ out there
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]
Although I disagree with all capitals in the thread name, +1 to this thread. Jade Quarry is a PvX server, if anything we have more PVE players than WvW players. From my observations, our gaps in WvW coverage are around 6pm and 8am GMT. We have a strong south east asia presence and eastern NA.
If you are an oceanic or south east asia player you are welcome to check out Aggroculture, a PvX WvW focused guild on Jade Quarry.
I’m eligible for xfer tmrw night so hopefully it won’t be full. Hope to find a large active guild asap and do it all from dungeons,wvw, events, and alts!
I’m eligible for xfer tmrw night so hopefully it won’t be full. Hope to find a large active guild asap and do it all from dungeons,wvw, events, and alts!
We are usually have transfer windows open as well throughout the day. And I would expect it might be open a bit more the 24th and 25th North American time simply because of the holidays. If you have any questions feel free to message me in game : Immortal Stei
Immortal Stei
AoS Leader/JQ Commander
P.S We have been tier 1 since the beginning and are constantly adapting. We will come out to play regardless of the score and we will have fun doing so. So come be a part of something great and Join us today!
This is not a “guild recruitment” page… So who’s the dummy who moved it to the “guild” section????
Either way, JQ is great server, moved here last week to “test” the waters, and havent looked back since. I havent even stepped foot outside of WvW though cuz the fight is too good here, so i cant really speak for the PvE aspects of the server… But if your looking for a great pvp community, JQ is the place to be!
In addition so some of the finest larger wvw guilds in GW2, JQ has a core composed of old bitter stomp your face DAOC guilds. My guild Shadow Gypsies (mids mostly), Furious Pantaloons (albs mostly), and several others even some dirty hibbies! Send me a whisper on forums or in game and we’ll hook you up with people who like to wvw as you do.
Simply the best server to wvw on, hands down.
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.” [SG since ’99]
JQ is an awsome place to call home!!!
We are a laid back server, if you are looking to have fun in WvWvW and kick some t1 butt, we are the server for you!
Rexir-80 Guardian
Guild- [EMP]
Server-Jade Quarry
Joining a wining server is for weak go start from lower tiers if you have what it takes.
JQ isn’t a winning server. It almost always comes in 2nd or 3rd place in tier 1. The main point to understand is that they usually do it against all odds. Less coverage, less hardcore guilds, but just a great group that fight hard and succeed with what they can. =D
I think JQ has the potential to win Tier 1 if a number of things happen.
1. SoS stops stacking numbers
2. JQ oceanic and EU time coverage is increased
3. There are no PvE events in the WvW Week.
JQ is the best place for any WvWer. We easily have the best commanders of any server and just need a little more coverage to be the 1st place server in T1.
I think JQ has the potential to win Tier 1 if a number of things happen.
1. SoS stops stacking numbers
2. JQ oceanic and EU time coverage is increased
3. There are no PvE events in the WvW Week.
1 will probably not happen for a long time. SoS is solid when it comes to fielding numbers.
JQ doesn’t lack Oceanic imo. We actually lack NA primetime players.
That thief shooting rainbows at you? That’s me.
JQ doesn’t lack Oceanic imo. We actually lack NA primetime players.
This is the truth. We actually lack Thurs – Sunday coverage from about 6pm PST to 2am PST.
But its getting better all the time. In my personal opinion, JQ have some of the most talented WvW players, and groups of players in the Guild Wars.
The community tight and friendly. And remember that JQ has been in and remained Tier 1 longer than any other server around.
The only issues we have are that we dont have many monster WvW guilds to give us a constant foundation of coverage, and JQ community seems to be a bit more distracted by “shinies!” than SOS. The PvE monthly Events have kicked our servers WvW kitten every month so far. Then we regroup after.
Selwynn Swiftblade, Guardian
E m p ë r i u m [EMP] ~ J a d e Q u a r r y
JQ has deadly players and brilliant leadership. Their only shortcoming is coverage. I am certain that anyone who joins JQ will not regret it.
Good luck with the recruitment drive, JQ. See you on the battlefield.
One of the best aspects of JQ is a lack of scrub zerg guilds, like Tsym, for instance. So, if you don’t like scrub zerg tactics (but is zerging a tactic?), come to JQ…if you enjoy that sort of thing, go to SoS and join Tsym. <3 In all seriousness though, we do fight against the odds and overwhelming numbers quite alot…good times.
Zabroshan – 80 Guardian / Sorroe – 80 Mesmer
Hands Off My Octopus
I’d love to get more NA players, but we could definitely use some more EU players as well. Come join the awesome JQ community!
Bump for Jade Quarry longest standing T1 server
Well said Selwynn and everyone else! We may not win 1st every week, but NO one can kick us out of T1 and that much is a fact!
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]
Aaah, just a note on the thread,
I filed a complaint about the thread being moved to the guilds section and they promptly moved it back to WvW. So for any of you who have it bookmarked and are trying to tell a friend where to find it, its BACK in the WvW section
Props to Anet for sorting that out fast!
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]
In addition so some of the finest larger wvw guilds in GW2, JQ has a core composed of old bitter stomp your face DAOC guilds. My guild Shadow Gypsies (mids mostly), Furious Pantaloons (albs mostly), and several others even some dirty hibbies! Send me a whisper on forums or in game and we’ll hook you up with people who like to wvw as you do.
Simply the best server to wvw on, hands down.
quoted for truth also the lacking PST prime time part. Us west coasters seems to have a rough go of it on the weeknights in handing off well upgraded keeps to our oceanics.
Sorry guys, we need to keep tryin to fill those gaps.
Jade Quarry was the original destination for a lot of small to medium sized DAoC / WAR guilds and tho a lot of them had to transfer off in the early days due to insanely long WvW queues, a large number stayed tight and helped keep our community awesome and RvR minded, maybe with a bit smaller #s these days.
I love seeing comments about how JQ hardly even needs our community TS anymore as we all just know what to do out there and this was bred from necessity of so many smaller guilds doing their own thing but being smart about it. We have a high percentage of players who know what needs to be done without being told and a lot of small groups that can rush out and do it quickly with commanders who have been bred in trial by fire to lead our uniquely built community. /salute
Xyleia Luxuria / Sweet Little Agony / Morning Glory Wine / Precious Illusionz /
Near Fanstastica /Ocean at the End / Blue Eyed Hexe / Andro Queen / Indie Cindee . . .
Not trolling your thread, but we’ve been here in T1 with you guys all but one week, think that makes us even :P – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry
In addition so some of the finest larger wvw guilds in GW2, JQ has a core composed of old bitter stomp your face DAOC guilds. My guild Shadow Gypsies (mids mostly), Furious Pantaloons (albs mostly), and several others even some dirty hibbies! Send me a whisper on forums or in game and we’ll hook you up with people who like to wvw as you do.
Simply the best server to wvw on, hands down.
quoted for truth
also the lacking PST prime time part. Us west coasters seems to have a rough go of it on the weeknights in handing off well upgraded keeps to our oceanics.
Sorry guys, we need to keep tryin to fill those gaps.
Jade Quarry was the original destination for a lot of small to medium sized DAoC / WAR guilds and tho a lot of them had to transfer off in the early days due to insanely long WvW queues, a large number stayed tight and helped keep our community awesome and RvR minded, maybe with a bit smaller #s these days.
I love seeing comments about how JQ hardly even needs our community TS anymore as we all just know what to do out there and this was bred from necessity of so many smaller guilds doing their own thing but being smart about it. We have a high percentage of players who know what needs to be done without being told and a lot of small groups that can rush out and do it quickly with commanders who have been bred in trial by fire to lead our uniquely built community. /salute
You mean you don’t like hearing my sexy voice leading you all? kitten it!!! Anyhow off topic but keep in mind we have a very dedicated WvW group that will play regardless of score!
It also the most stable server both wvw/pve and 24/7 population. Meaning…if you like gw2 and intend on playing it for a long time, you will want to be on JQ to have the best experience when population #’s dwindle.
We are also recruiting mercenaries from SBI who would like to continue the fight vs SoS. You will be given, food, lodging, weapons, and plenty of SoS to stab.
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.” [SG since ’99]
JQ very much impressed me as a server when I first showed up as a “tourist” who just couldn’t find Arah groups a the time. Activity wise I would say JQ is very active and evenly split between PVE and WvW. That is the problem, the deck needs to be further stacked on the WvW side If you are fresh to the game and are only just starting to get into WvW then there is no better server that can accomodate both WvW and PvE needs.
There is also a community teamspeak so you will not have to join a “hardcore” guild of people you don’t necessarily like just to have the coordination and focus. The anti elitist atmosphere is very true and the best part about JQ
OMG U Noobs – 80 Norn Guardian
Jade Quarry server
SBI has been here a lot of the time but they’ve definitely been gone more than 1 week
Co-Leader & Defensive Strategist of Empërium [EMP]
Do you also have guilds, which are focussed on WvW during european prime time?
Regardless of the outcome of this week, JQ is an amazing place to be playing right now. We could especially use more NA primetime players, who are willing and able to help us push for first place. If you’re looking for a committed group of group to WvW with, who are also silly enough to run naked defense, jooooin usss <3
Jade Quarry
Onslaught [OnS]
Gerald while we don’t have many European guilds we have a lot of Eu players in some of our guilds. We also have a very large contingent of oceanics who handover fully fortified keeps to our European types every morning so if you want to be a part of something awesome let me know
We are the current top rated WvW (NA) Guild!!! Get into our server soon before its capped!!!
I had a naked norn in my war party today. I think everyone fought better as no one was willing to go into the “downed state.”
“a friend of death, a brother of luck, and a s.o.b.” [SG since ’99]
Rexir-80 Guardian
Guild- [EMP]
Server-Jade Quarry
number one question people should be asking when joining a top tier server, how long are queue times in NA primetime.
I am also wondering about the que. Can we get an average? Thank you.
I had a naked norn in my war party today. I think everyone fought better as no one was willing to go into the “downed state.”
I bet that Norn was the sexiest beast you’ve ever seen though!
Jade Quarry is awesome!
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry
number one question people should be asking when joining a top tier server, how long are queue times in NA primetime.
On most nights there are no queue times. If there is one you are in within 5 minutes. This of course is not the same on Friday night. You might have to wait 10-15 minutes at that point.
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry
number one question people should be asking when joining a top tier server, how long are queue times in NA primetime.
On most nights there are no queue times. If there is one you are in within 5 minutes. This of course is not the same on Friday night. You might have to wait 10-15 minutes at that point.
that is not bad at all. Thank you for the
JQ are strong enough with the new influx of recruit guilds as you can see by this pretty easy win. Lets not go overboard and make it a HoD2.0 and boring washouts eh?
10x Tier 1 Champions