JANTHIR Alliance Public Announcement
Any NA players OR NA guilds in the pacific looking for a tier 2 server that NEVER gives up, should definitely give us a try! You can also contact me for more info!
Eclesa – Engineer
Primordial Dragons
I am torn right now I want to wish yall good luck. I also want you to crumble. SoR 4 Life! We have similar raid times as well, we will see you out there!
Paintrainchoo.com – Conductor – TC
Does Team Legacy still play on IOJ?
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)
Our guilds will never give up, and our alliance will only grow stronger.
The JANTHIR Alliance is now the single, most powerful NA presence on the IoJ.
The JANTHIR Alliance prefers to enter a losing borderland and
smash right into its enemies.
@Cover Girl: Yes, TL is still around.
This alliance is continually growing and we are seeing improved results without having any major guilds join our server. So much so our competitors have thought we have gained more.
If your a NA Player/Guild looking to join a server with a healthy community and stable never say die W3 presence, I suggest you take a look at Isle of Janthir.
Dia – IoJ forever!
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server
Hope to face you guys again soon. I’m so bored or SBI and JQ
Resigned Founder of Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC]
Join 1500+ WvWers @ blacklion.enjin.com
My guild will always be a part of the IoJ community and we have no intention of ever giving up. We support the alliance 100% And are always ready for battle. Though the server’s numbers have not increased, it seems that our coordination has. Even working under the useless outmanned buff, we’re managing to hang in there and put up a fight. We’ve got some amazing guilds starting to surface and it’s awesome to watch our community as life gets breathed back into it.
If you’re looking for a server that will never give up no matter the odds. IoJ is for you. Come join the server and find the guild that is the right fit for you.
Isle of Janthir
~If you want your story to be told, write it~
I posted this in another thread so wanted to put it in here as well. IoJ have an amazing community in both pve and pvp. We are an unofficial oceanic server so have a large aus/nz participation. We also have a very large Korean guild that take over from the oceanics. So our overall coverage is very good but we could do with some NA guilds to help our battle hardened team.
Let me tell you about our W3 environment.
- We have a community website and forums to help coordinate.
- We also have a community 1000 slot TS3 server which we encourage both pugs/militia a well as guilds to join.
- We hold bi weekly W3 improvement meetings and weekly w3 reset guild coordination meetings.
- We work very well together across the different time zones to coordinate coverage.
- We have many commanders that contribute huge amounts of time continually bettering our server.
In the NA prime time
- We have many w3 dedicated guilds.
- Due to being in T2 for pretty much the entire time with 2 weeks in t1/3 we have been facing the most tough servers week in week out. Also usually in NA prime time we have slightly less numbers. This has created a unique situation where our players have learnt to play under extremely tough circumstances and due to this have developed some very tough pvpers.
- We often win skirmishes even though we are out numbered in many scenarios.
- Since we have a lot of smaller W3 guilds we have taken a lot more time to settle and coordinate well. Since the start of December we started the Janthir alliance focussing on the NA prime time slot initially. This alliance work together and utilize the public ts3 to coordinate a lot better , so its like one big guild but people remain in their intimate settings. We have even heard our regular opponents think we have received mass xfers due to our improvement in this time slot.
Why you should join IoJ?
- You will love our W3 community.
- You will be joining a server that has developed it’s core population in W3 rather than receiving multiple band wagoners.
- You will be joining a server that will benefit greatly from your time slot.
- You will have an oceanic force follow your playtime so your hard work of upgrades won’t be in vain.
- Zero queues at any time.
- Very strong on reset due to the time scenario of our demographic. We have a strong presence across all maps due to 5pm Friday CST and 10am sat morning AEST.
- You will be welcomed with open arms and be able to contribute in planning from day one.
The majority of IoJ w3’ers wants to be a teir 1/2 server. If we strengthen our NA time zone we will be a t1 potential server and regularly compete for first spot in t2. We have had our share of guilds leaving us in the past but the rot has stopped a long time ago and all that remain are loyal IoJ guilds for life and the only direction from now on is up.
What we want from people xfering to us?
- Never say die attitudes
- Willing to listen and work as a team with current guilds/setup.
- Good tactically and willing to share that information constructively for the betterment of IoJ
- Play to win as well as rack up kills
- Play ultimately for fun, (egos are not handled very well by oust IoJ NA prime time members)
- An in it for the long haul outlook, people that will stick by IoJ through good and bad times.
If your considering a move and the above info sounds like what you are looking for, you will be welcomed on IoJ.
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server
As of this moment, IoJ is still looking for more guilds on the lookout for a great WvW community to join. I can’t say much more since Diashame pretty much fleshed it all out as eloquently as I have seen.
I’ve been with this server from the start. I have seen our outmanned forces smash through enemy zergs. I have seen guilds come and go, but each server transfer has strengthened our community one way or another, and we always encourage each other to “never give up”. If this attitude appeals to you, then we’d be happy to have you on our server.
I wish you guys luck and hope you find what you are looking for… but please don’t send “representatives” to other servers and put your recruitment stuff in team chat when we are trying to take of business in our match. It really shows a lack of class when you do. Thank you.
We will in fact be on different servers recruiting, just like all t1/t2 servers. However, we have no plans to conduct recruiting in team chat during WvW, and any recruiting we do will be very clearly stated in purpose, motivation, and furthermore conducted in private with a reasonable expectation of discretion on both parties involved. I apologize if you took offense to our private discussion which was conducted in whispers, it seemed cordial enough at the time.
Shout out to PtX ( Pain Train) from Armored FIST btw, keep fighting the good fight!