JQ Implosion ?
God Emperor of JQ left, JQ ppt level just dropped 10 fold
/matchup thread
I have a dream – Our Anet Senpai will make WvW Great Again!
WvW Forum is more competitive than WvW
From what I’ve seen LGN guild left, quickcry, and a few friends I got took off the for the coast from JQ.
Reverse of the bandwagon affect in action to be honest, just the way it is.
What’s happened to JQ? They gained 300+ transfers a few weeks ago and are currently losing to YB ?
Cloudfly left, he was carrying their off hours much like DK used to for YB.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Cloudfly is just taking a break. He’s coming back soon last time I talked. We have a few guilds on our NA rebuilding, and 1 of our SEA guilds is playing on EU for better fights while the other one is also a new guild building.
We’re doing poorly because BG recruited quite a bit and FC is a THICC link and the YB population is finally coming out to play. Showing the weaknesses with the link system. JQ experienced this a few weeks ago when we were paired with SoR and AR. The link system is a terrible system and needs to be reworked ASAP.
As a server, we also don’t do push or tank weeks to escape a matchup. We just play the game and have fun. This is a 5 year old game, in a game mode that isn’t even properly supported. Most of us are just coasting along until the next great thing drops.
President of Jade Quarry
YB did gain some folks and have seen some old faces return, but the FC / YB link is a big difference. We went t4 → t1 with the link last time and fell back to t4 without the link.
Also, it’s only Saturday…..
That said, reset was a lot of fun.
We’re doing poorly because BG recruited quite a bit and FC is a THICC link and the YB population is finally coming out to play. Showing the weaknesses with the link system. JQ experienced this a few weeks ago when we were paired with SoR and AR. The link system is a terrible system and needs to be reworked ASAP.
What other system would fix that? Anet can’t account for sleeping populations in any system, we all don’t know when they would return, if they return. Can’t really complain about BG recruit when it’s stated in this thread JQ just recruited 300 players a few weeks ago (an exaggerated amount I’m sure, but still). We could complain for them to lower the population threshold yet again.
Most times players will come out to play if there’s commanders around. We see this with DK or Cloudfly when they take a break, their followers take a break of sorts too, if servers want keep up momentum, gotta get more commanders out there.
Lastly there’s ups and downs with populations and participation, don’t know why people expect servers to maintain full service and high level of play all the time, just relax not like JQ is falling to tier 4, twelve hours after a reset.
Lastly, lastly… matchup thread.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“I knew it, I’m surrounded by…” – Dark Helmet
- Nobody is carrying any single hour NA/EU/SEA/etc NOBODY CAN is not they dont want to, they simple CANT
- Cloudfly gone (followers gone and others which didnt dont want to play anymore with whats left, they wont follow anybody else)
- Other people which carried from T2 till T1 (2-3 months ago until 3 or 4 matches ago) stopped playing (followers and friends stopped too and wont follow anybody too)
- Is not surprise JQ losing Reset, that is what always happens
- Militia lost from previous links
The problem with JQ is some always make others leave or stop playing because they get tired of them or refuse to carry them anymore
And no, JQ didnt recruit anybody, was until ‘’T1 rise’’ when they started to come (by their own, like its supposed to be) was people from previous Links and some others from other places, BUT they didnt count some keys gone now, and they cant carry either
So yes, IMPLODE by the same people, and will continue to happen for the eternity always the same people make other to just get tired of them, so they just stop, leave, gone, etc and this happens
An hour into reset, YB had 4 maps queued and a total of 95 waiting in Queue. BG had 4 maps queued as well. Meanwhile, we had 3 maps queued and our worlds locked, as usual.
This nanny state they created is a horrible design for what’s supposed to be a competitive mode.
We could complain for them to lower the population threshold yet again.
This is the wrong way of thinking about balance and causes more imbalance. The Dev’s have fallen into this same thinking too which is exacerbating balance issues. The one thing that creates balance is the map queues. We must have sufficient populations to fill the maps! The lower we go from this level, the more opportunity there is for imbalances.
An hour into reset, YB had 4 maps queued and a total of 95 waiting in Queue. BG had 4 maps queued as well. Meanwhile, we had 3 maps queued and our worlds locked, as usual.
This nanny state they created is a horrible design for what’s supposed to be a competitive mode.
Two months ago, YB was locked, had no link, and could barely find a single map queue on reset.
It’s happened to more than just JQ. And it’s not fun when it’s happening to you.
An hour into reset, YB had 4 maps queued and a total of 95 waiting in Queue. BG had 4 maps queued as well. Meanwhile, we had 3 maps queued and our worlds locked, as usual.
This nanny state they created is a horrible design for what’s supposed to be a competitive mode.
Two months ago, YB was locked, had no link, and could barely find a single map queue on reset.
It’s happened to more than just JQ. And it’s not fun when it’s happening to you.
And yet, both YB and BG are open right now and JQ is not. That just illustrates how poorly designed the linking is. We’d be better with just open Servers.
An hour into reset, YB had 4 maps queued and a total of 95 waiting in Queue. BG had 4 maps queued as well. Meanwhile, we had 3 maps queued and our worlds locked, as usual.
This nanny state they created is a horrible design for what’s supposed to be a competitive mode.
Two months ago, YB was locked, had no link, and could barely find a single map queue on reset.
It’s happened to more than just JQ. And it’s not fun when it’s happening to you.
And yet, both YB and BG are open right now and JQ is not. That just illustrates how poorly designed the linking is. We’d be better with just open Servers.
I’ve thought for some time – let the length of the que control population. If you really want to stack, then have fun sitting in queue not playing.
The problem with that is some people who have never left their server through thick and thin ( yes there are some -quite a few on yb actually) could be the ones sitting in the queue. Having a priority based on how long you have been on the server wold fly like a lead balloon (though Mythbusters did fly one LOL). Us stubborn ones would probably stop playing before moving which isn’t good either…..
This is the wrong way of thinking about balance and causes more imbalance. The Dev’s have fallen into this same thinking too which is exacerbating balance issues. The one thing that creates balance is the map queues. We must have sufficient populations to fill the maps! The lower we go from this level, the more opportunity there is for imbalances.
Servers thinking they’re so important to be in T1 is why we have had servers paying for stacking for years. Lowering the threshold wouldn’t cause an imbalance, it’s eventually brings the top servers down more in line with the general level of population of the rest of the servers. “We must have sufficient populations to fill the maps!” and the other servers shouldn’t? Maybe try and wake your sleeping population.
Not that I was calling for the lowering, but it may just lock the other servers that probably shouldn’t be open right now. The current threshold only really affects like 3 out of 24 servers right now.
P.S I wouldn’t mind seeing Anet take this joke to the next level and take off the threshold all together, let people stack if they want, let them destroy T1 again, let them transfer back and forth, Anet would be happy for the extra gem sales.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“I knew it, I’m surrounded by…” – Dark Helmet
(edited by XenesisII.1540)
Join the party, has happened to everyone. Quite frankly if links are a problem, they may need to flat out merge servers then. I can’t imagine how bad it was below T4 when there was 8 tiers. It’s nice having actual populated matches during the week and not being T1.
Cloudfly is just taking a break. He’s coming back soon last time I talked.
From what I understand he’s moved servers to SOR.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Servers thinking they’re so important to be in T1 is why we have had servers paying for stacking for years. Lowering the threshold wouldn’t cause an imbalance, it’s eventually brings the top servers down more in line with the general level of population of the rest of the servers. “We must have sufficient populations to fill the maps!” and the other servers shouldn’t? Maybe try and wake your sleeping population.
Its not about servers thinking they should be in T1 its about having a sustainable population that doesn’t rely on 1 or 2 guilds which then burn out. Bringing the population down across the board just exacerbates these issues and leads to more burnout across the board. This is 1 thing that anet have never gotten.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
From what I’ve seen LGN guild left, quickcry, and a few friends I got took off the for the coast from JQ.
Reverse of the bandwagon affect in action to be honest, just the way it is.
LGN moving servers is nothing new tbh. They move quire frequently. I Wonder what server they moved to this time (think I may have seen some on FA but I could be wrong).
- I am currently a main thief roamer for SF in WvW. LOVE ME!
- {SOAP} Solo/Havoc roamer, lover of good fights
From what I’ve seen LGN guild left, quickcry, and a few friends I got took off the for the coast from JQ.
Reverse of the bandwagon affect in action to be honest, just the way it is.
LGN moving servers is nothing new tbh. They move quire frequently. I Wonder what server they moved to this time (think I may have seen some on FA but I could be wrong).
They do seem to move around a lot but do believe they were on JQ for some quite time. If I remember right, they were running around the TC server last week in fairly large numbers.
From what I’ve seen LGN guild left, quickcry, and a few friends I got took off the for the coast from JQ.
Reverse of the bandwagon affect in action to be honest, just the way it is.
LGN moving servers is nothing new tbh. They move quire frequently. I Wonder what server they moved to this time (think I may have seen some on FA but I could be wrong).
They do seem to move around a lot but do believe they were on JQ for some quite time. If I remember right, they were running around the TC server last week in fairly large numbers.
That guild moved from JQ like 4 months ago, they leaving have nothing to do with currents implosion because they were not part of the last ‘’JQ quick rise’, they left long before links happened for start with’…dont use internet explorer
Its not about servers thinking they should be in T1 its about having a sustainable population that doesn’t rely on 1 or 2 guilds which then burn out. Bringing the population down across the board just exacerbates these issues and leads to more burnout across the board. This is 1 thing that anet have never gotten.
It’s not across the board, the current threshold has only affected 4 out of 24 servers since it’s change, BG JQ Mag YB(for whatever reason they were full for a while). Every single time BG and JQ are closed we get players in here crying about it, one bad week and all of a sudden the server is dying they need to recruit more. If you hadn’t noticed the populations HAVE spread out a little from the T1 servers to the middle tiers in the past 6 months.
Meanwhile there are servers below you that operate with less population, with the same situations of a couple guilds carrying time zones. But who cares about other servers, just need more people to zerg (whoops meant populate) all four maps to stay in T1, keep T1 open!
BG and JQ seem down in population compared to old school T1 populations, and frankly that’s a good thing, because no one wants to super stack to take on servers like that anymore.
Thread about worlds, matchup thread, server reopening request, arguing world links, all the reasons to close this thread soon! and infractions probably will be handed out!
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“I knew it, I’m surrounded by…” – Dark Helmet
BG and JQ seem down in population compared to old school T1 populations, and frankly that’s a good thing, because no one wants to super stack to take on servers like that anymore.
Population is down across all servers, a sign that what anet are doing is not working overall.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Population is down across all servers, a sign that what anet are doing is not working overall.
You’re not going to get an argument from me about that, probably down across the board including pve and spvp. We all know the many reasons why it’s down in wvw at this point.
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“I knew it, I’m surrounded by…” – Dark Helmet
Carrying timezone is pointless. People need to step up.
Gw2 is a declining game, nothing innovative new.
Henge of Denravi Server
Meanwhile, was about 3:30am est and BG still has an EB map queue. Wonderful job there opening BG. smh
All I care is having good fights, that is open field with no siege involved and where both sides can last a while, doesn’t matter which side wins. But the score is based on capturing objectives mostly, and I can’t stand that boring build siege, stay there doing nothing until wall/gate/etc goes down, then kill those NPC, though it’s fun if there are even numbers and both sides are fighting — without siege, or at least just very few siege…
That’s how many or most?! players feel, so the “score” means nothing – because the FUN is in good fights, the boredom is in capture & siege play.
It’s absolutely pointless looking at (mostly) PPT based score anymore. That part of the game died long time ago, when realm identity was dissolved with transfers, and later annihilated with megaserver… not even talking about the linking farce that is going on lately – there is no — insert server name here — anymore. RIP.
From what I’ve seen LGN guild left, quickcry, and a few friends I got took off the for the coast from JQ.
Reverse of the bandwagon affect in action to be honest, just the way it is.
LGN moving servers is nothing new tbh. They move quire frequently. I Wonder what server they moved to this time (think I may have seen some on FA but I could be wrong).
They do seem to move around a lot but do believe they were on JQ for some quite time. If I remember right, they were running around the TC server last week in fairly large numbers.
That guild moved from JQ like 4 months ago, they leaving have nothing to do with currents implosion because they were not part of the last ‘’JQ quick rise’, they left long before links happened for start with’…dont use internet explorer
Anger management……
Most of JQ cmd spend too many time on PVF in cancer discord
Trust me. Supposing JQ stoped wasting thier time QQing for rascist kitten and pin snipe kitten , but be serious on fighting(Not just dodge or log off after wiped 2 times)
See this post on reddit , it shows that JQ will be back to thier place in the future.
We just need wait.
Yeah…..just wait.
(edited by ALEX.8562)
cuz JQ most cmd just cost many for cancer dicord
but trust me
if JQ really give run cancer discord and serious for fight (not wipe 2 time dodge fight)
JQ will rise again
see this reddit article
JQ already hinted will rise again
we just need wait
yeah…..just wait
LOL what ?
Moderator must play on jq. Only reason this thread still open.
if JQ really give run cancer discord and serious for fight (not wipe 2 time dodge fight)
You run open raids(map q blob) with pirateship, open field siege, actively tell people to pinsnipe and you’re wondering why people dodge you for fights? lol
if JQ really give run cancer discord and serious for fight (not wipe 2 time dodge fight)
You run open raids(map q blob) with pirateship, open field siege, actively tell people to pinsnipe and you’re wondering why people dodge you for fights? lol
this guy same from JQ
if JQ really give run cancer discord and serious for fight (not wipe 2 time dodge fight)
You run open raids(map q blob) with pirateship, open field siege, actively tell people to pinsnipe and you’re wondering why people dodge you for fights? lol
this guy same from JQ
He’s not a big fan of yours but people pinsniping you should be expected since that’s pretty much your comp. You’re gonna get what you give.
On the bright side, I just returned back to states after 1 years oversea training.
JQ has been around since the dawn of time, unlike many new rising power JQ actually have many core players (such as I), JQ will prevail.
ps. since pub forum isn’t my thing as stated by me 2 years ago…you probably won’t see my post again till 2 years later…? I donno.
(edited by Vicious.3042)
On the bright side, I just returned back to states after 1 years oversea training.
JQ has been around since the dawn of time, unlike many new rising power JQ actually have many core players (such as I), JQ will prevail.
As long as JQ dominate SEA, it will never collapse
I have a dream – Our Anet Senpai will make WvW Great Again!
WvW Forum is more competitive than WvW
We’re going to go ahead and close this thread, as match-up threads are not permitted on the forums.