JQ proveing a point

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: Ranc.7192


We are beating Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert by 100k even though they are hitting us from each side.

We have already beat SbI by 100k points, when there masters (HoD) werent there to help them out. And they had to fight us 1v1 with no other server help.

So ET……just move aside and let the big dog go to work, you guys shouldnt be in a tier 1 match up.

Rexir-80 Guardian
Guild- [EMP]
Server-Jade Quarry

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: MrPicklez.6473


Uhhhh DB and CD have been attacking each other all week. Sadly, JQ vastly outnumbers both DB and CD during the off-prime hours. JQ can’t hold a candle to SBI, let alone HoD. While you can field the numbers necessary to be a tier 1 server, you severely lack the organization. Good news for you is that numbers trump organization, the latter only being the deciding factor when populations are similar.

That being said, enjoy struggling against tier 2 servers during primetime only to roll them during weekday off hours, followed by being completely demolished in tier 1. Have a nice day and a nice four hour queue.

(edited by MrPicklez.6473)

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: Mindtrick.5190


^^ i like you and i dont even know you

Got Ninja?
<3 and Hugs no Hate I Just Point Out Fail.

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: Blades.9417


theres a reason why they are called JQQ. ridiculous post.

SFR thief.

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: DigitalKirin.9714


Ranc, sadly, the point you proved was not the point you thought you proved.

Genevieve Talbot [NP] – Noble Phantasm on Stormbluff Isle

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: Shredicus.8706


If only Ruin would xfer to JQQ so we could have all the obnoxious players on one server…

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


I find JQ a challenging server but not tier 1, they were behind a lot at potential points all weekend.

They definitely had a zerg last night during oceanic though, I thought CD had a good oceanic pop but we don’t hold a candle to JQ.

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: HulkaGem.2568


I find JQ a challenging server but not tier 1, they were behind a lot at potential points all weekend.

They definitely had a zerg last night during oceanic though, I thought CD had a good oceanic pop but we don’t hold a candle to JQ.

but i heard JQ complaining abt Oceanic presence

Mjdeathless – Necromancer
Kopiousiudai – Thief
Canadian Pizza – Warrior

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


I find JQ a challenging server but not tier 1, they were behind a lot at potential points all weekend.

They definitely had a zerg last night during oceanic though, I thought CD had a good oceanic pop but we don’t hold a candle to JQ.

but i heard JQ complaining abt Oceanic presence

We consolidated all borderlands to EB and had outmanned buff

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: Kishandreth.2798


so what if you have the pop? i took a tower with 6 maybe 7 people in the JQ borderland right next to your big ol’ castle. You zerg, then zerg some more. whipped you countless times in even matches. You have lambs to the slaughter, wheres the decent players at?


JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: Saul.3905


Man I am from JQ and I consider the OP a kitten. Why post something like this in the first place? There’s no point in bragging through words. Let’s beat the tier 1 folks fair and square and you will get whatever recognition you’re looking for. Shame on you dude. Shame on you…

Jade Quarry | Exitializ Guild | Ranger | Lord Saul

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: SoPP.7034


so what if you have the pop? i took a tower with 6 maybe 7 people in the JQ borderland right next to your big ol’ castle. You zerg, then zerg some more. whipped you countless times in even matches. You have lambs to the slaughter, wheres the decent players at?


We know where DB is… camping the jumping puzzle

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: CardboardBox.6087


OP must be the sorta kittenthat gives servers a bad name. The very same sorta kittenwho will make a post next week about SBI and HoD teaming up on him and whining about how unfair life is.

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: Arasuki.6094


@ cardboardbox

you know what? i like you.

[DU]Arasuki – Ranger
Down Under – Stormbluff Isle

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: xXTalentXx.2156


OP must be the sorta kittenthat gives servers a bad name. The very same sorta kittenwho will make a post next week about SBI and HoD teaming up on him and whining about how unfair life is.

Why team up if we’re a bad tier 2 server that “gets demolished by tier 1’s”? any server would lose 2v1 any day in that match up. Grow some balls and drop your hand holding alliance and see what happens ;D

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: Keldrath.4735


ET has actually done better this match up than JQ did last match up. Just saying.

80 Necromancer/Guardian/Mesmer
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: Thorgrum.4679


That being said, enjoy struggling against tier 2 servers during primetime only to roll them during weekday off hours, followed by being completely demolished in tier 1. Have a nice day and a nice four hour queue.

Pretty much this.

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: Smitten.3076


Sadly JQ is just a zergy server with a few well run guilds that keep it interesting.I don’t play during the wee hours of the night, so I’m sure there are a few more guilds I haven’t yet had the pleasure of seeing in action though. I think the majority of us on DB thank JQ for the badges we’ve been farming since Friday. There’s really nothing quite like seeing puggies wipe a zerg with a fourth of the numbers to drive home a point.

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: Click.5123


JQ is proving they can’t hang in the top tier, so they feel better winning the 2nd tier, against servers without nearly as large of a night cap population as them.

JQ proves that they have the 4th highest international presence during night time hours, which allows them to dominate the AM NA hours of the 2nd tier servers.

It’s going to be so funny when JQ gets owned again next week when they move back up to top tier.

W v W (at least top tiers) is a joke right now. The server with the highest amount of NA AM presence wins. Simple as that.

(edited by Click.5123)

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: Corti.6857


We are beating Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert by 100k even though they are hitting us from each side.

We have already beat SbI by 100k points, when there masters (HoD) werent there to help them out. And they had to fight us 1v1 with no other server help.

So ET……just move aside and let the big dog go to work, you guys shouldnt be in a tier 1 match up.

Really? 100K? You sure about that?

Anvil Rock 38294 Stormbluff Isle 82073 Jade Quarry 92625 9/1/2012 – About 10K

Yak’s Bend 45594 Stormbluff Isle 68550 Jade Quarry 63561 9/2/2012 – Oh SBI won by 5K

Jade Quarry 77199 Stormbluff Isle 67043 Dragonbrand 71709 9/3/2012 – 10K again

Stormbluff Isle 72810 Jade Quarry 105653 Dragonbrand 44156 9/4/2012 – 30K! A bit closer to 100K!

Crystal Desert 47766 Stormbluff Isle 64224 Jade Quarry 106086 9/5/2012 – 40K! Almost there!

Jade Quarry 60051 Stormbluff Isle 59788 Henge of Denravi 102249 9/7/2012 – 263 points!

If you add them all up its about 85K.

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: rndmize.9274


Man I am from JQ and I consider the OP a kitten. Why post something like this in the first place? There’s no point in bragging through words. Let’s beat the tier 1 folks fair and square and you will get whatever recognition you’re looking for. Shame on you dude. Shame on you…

Agreed. And for the love of god, if you’re going to post something under the general JQ banner, at least learn to spell.

Jade Quarry | Feign Disorder | Guardian
Interested in discussing WvW strategy? Contact me in-game.

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: Cruiser.3506


Hitting you from both sides? Beyond laughable. JQ has a heavy presence of players in the wee AM hours compared to CD and DB and he’s actually pretending JQ’s being challenged? How hard is it to zerg when there’s nobody there to fight?

As for JQ’s prowess, to date the only thing they have going for them is numbers. Period.

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: hex.3218


The OP does NOT represent JQ. This is a troll post, probably by a player from another server.

We have and continue to aknowledge that CD and DB are not intentionally teaming up, and the SBI and HoD did not either.

We lost last week, plain and simple. By the same token, we are winning this week.

Please for the love of the game ignore the OP and know that the majority of WvW people on JQ just want to do battle and don’t believe in this nonsense.

Calm Little Buddy

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: Ascii.9726


you go JQ you keep proveing that point… yea… keep doing that.

Rank 580+ Necromancer WvW Stream
Commander Ascii :: Tempest Wolves [TW] :: Sanctum of Rall :: Best Necromancer NA

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: hex.3218


you go JQ you keep proveing that point… yea… keep doing that.

The OP does not represent JQ. Read my post above yours.

Calm Little Buddy

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: fractalKinesis.8569


Ranc, don’t attract their attention. I like not having to play WvW like it’s a sport.

Xiro, High Five Warriors [HFW], Jade Quarry

JQ proveing a point

in WvW

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hi everyone.

This thread has gone rampant and does not offer at the moment anything meaningful to the community. Because of that, we will proceed to lock it.

Thanks for your understanding.