(LX) Legion
Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC
Whats that TC? You’re going to golem rush our garrison when we only have 10 people on? Oh… how cute, you gotta get some combat skills before you think you can just seige your way to victory silly guys.
TC likely has only about 10 people there as well. ^.^ Looks like this time of day will be slow for all of us. New tactics to figure out. Fun!
That 30+ with the golems says otherwise. Maybe now, but definitely yeah, you guys really gotta find another server to latch on to. Happy hunting!
soooo tired… must… keep… fighting…
Sanctum of Rall
Ah, I’m just waking up! Must keep fighting? Ok!
Ah, I’m just waking up!
Must keep fighting? Ok!
No, wait! not you! doh!
Sanctum of Rall
Score Update
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!
after 14 hours since reset, its finally time for me to log out and get a few hours of sleep. SoR BL has been nothing but fun and exciting, and i have nothing but respect for the SBI and TC players that have been giving me hell all night long -_-
AAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDD to the TC group that attempted to ninja bay back after we FINALLY flipped it, MAJOR kudos to you guys! if me and alien hadnt of stumbled in on your fight with the lord you would of taken it back for sure! we will have to be extra cautious next time we take your things! >.<
SoR – Iconic Guild Commander
“They are to our left, right, in front, and behind us. They cant get away this time!”
Have to say, last night was some of the most fun I’ve had in SoR BL in quite some time. Thanks to TC and SBI for all the fights.
Versig 80 Warrior, Joxx 80 Engineer
The Venture Brothers (TVB) Sanctum of Rall
SBI has amazing oceanic coverage, really feeling the heat here!
Great match up so far, can’t wait to see how the rest of the week plays out. Had a rough time keeping garrison on TCBL for a while there last night, but we pulled it off.
| Ashe Daisuke – Guardian | Ms Cheng – Elementalist | Farron Eclair – Mesmer |
(edited by IIRedReignII.5063)
I be havin ’ta thank SBI and SoR as well for ’da fight in ’da garrison last night.
While ye made me run back a few times, it be worth it fer all ’da plunder I be lootin.
A pirate never be leavin his booty behind!
Tarnished Coast [TC]
If this is a beaten and broken SBI from people transferring off/quitting, I shudder to think of what the former SBI looked like.
I be havin ’ta thank SBI and SoR as well for ’da fight in ’da garrison last night.
While ye made me run back a few times, it be worth it fer all ’da plunder I be lootin.
A pirate never be leavin his booty behind!
I personally never leave without my buttocks either.
80k kills and counting
Had a lot of fun last night running with SPQR SBI REALLY wanted to take SM away from us but we wiped them last second in the lords room twice, and the TC that came in after them trying to sneak it out from both of us >:D
SoR lifer
Assuming TC wanted it would be an error. >.>
We kept putting holes in it to wipe your trebs. That’s about it. We’ll leave the fighting over the castle to SBI and SoR
First 6 hours: SoR loses every single tower. And eventually SM. SBI loses WC 3 times. And SM.
TC loses Anzalia once, in the first 30min.
I’ve appreciated SoR actually being on the map tonight. Longest lasting presence I’ve seen in 3 weeks. Well done. It makes the map a lot more fun and balanced than what was essentially 1v1 vs BG, with an occasional brief spurt of SoR activity.
Hopefully you’ll keep it up all week long
SBI, enjoying having you in EB too. It’s been a great night.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
yeah EB is the red headed step child that all of our big guilds hate. So our biggest organised group last night was SPQR with about 15 ppl the rest were the rallian militia.
and last week the biggest organised group was ME XD. i was pretty much the only commander for most of the night last week on reset. I had some help every once in a while but most people wouldnt listen to my orders XD
I had to get off early last night though so it looks like i misssed most of the fun! got off around 1030 pm eastern because of a dc
SoR lifer
During reset last night was SO much fun on the SoR BL. SoR, we just could NOT understand how you folks kept up holding Garrison. We just could not believe it. TC, you guys had your side of the map on lockdown. You could not even attempt to take anything due to your quick response. I have nothing but respect for SoR and TC. If all fights in T2 are like this, I want to stay in T2.
Formerly [QT] Questionable Tactics
Whats that TC? You’re going to golem rush our garrison when we only have 10 people on? Oh… how cute, you gotta get some combat skills before you think you can just seige your way to victory silly guys.
TC likely has only about 10 people there as well. ^.^ Looks like this time of day will be slow for all of us. New tactics to figure out. Fun!
It’s going to be so nice when I log on tomorrow and we actually still have our keeps and garrison <3
Aw missing us already?
Whats that TC? You’re going to golem rush our garrison when we only have 10 people on? Oh… how cute, you gotta get some combat skills before you think you can just seige your way to victory silly guys.
You know nothing about our server — Golem God be praised!
Men of Science [MoS] – Tarnished Coast
Assuming TC wanted it would be an error. >.>
We kept putting holes in it to wipe your trebs. That’s about it. We’ll leave the fighting over the castle to SBI and SoR
First 6 hours: SoR loses every single tower. And eventually SM. SBI loses WC 3 times. And SM.
TC loses Anzalia once, in the first 30min.
I’ve appreciated SoR actually being on the map tonight. Longest lasting presence I’ve seen in 3 weeks. Well done. It makes the map a lot more fun and balanced than what was essentially 1v1 vs BG, with an occasional brief spurt of SoR activity.
Hopefully you’ll keep it up all week long
SBI, enjoying having you in EB too. It’s been a great night.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
yeah EB is the red headed step child that all of our big guilds hate. So our biggest organised group last night was SPQR with about 15 ppl the rest were the rallian militia.
and last week the biggest organised group was ME XD. i was pretty much the only commander for most of the night last week on reset. I had some help every once in a while but most people wouldnt listen to my orders XD
I had to get off early last night though so it looks like i misssed most of the fun! got off around 1030 pm eastern because of a dc
I do truly appreciate you folks fighting for as long as you did last night. Thank you!
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
Could a SoR commander please contact me in game? Thank you
edited to add: thank you, someone was in touch. It’s appreciated.
(edited by Jayne.9251)
Whats that TC? You’re going to golem rush our garrison when we only have 10 people on? Oh… how cute, you gotta get some combat skills before you think you can just seige your way to victory silly guys.
You know nothing about our server — Golem God be praised!
As if there are rules of engagement in this game lol.
I love doing this!
Yes ye be wench, yes ye be…
Tarnished Coast [TC]
Whats that TC? You’re going to golem rush our garrison when we only have 10 people on? Oh… how cute, you gotta get some combat skills before you think you can just seige your way to victory silly guys.
You know nothing about our server — Golem God be praised!
Aye, ’da Golem God be a cruel one, but good ’ta boot on occasion.
Tarnished Coast [TC]
omg you guys are hilarious on these forums. i love it. Nothing like the super duper serious T1 forum talk. >.>
omg you guys are hilarious on these forums. i love it. Nothing like the super duper serious T1 forum talk. >.>
For now.. The start of BG/SoR/TC match up sounded all friendly like too.. but we (who witnessed it) saw how long that lasted (not very).
Miasmic, I’ll be out there hunting for your blood on Monday brah Till then, I’ll continue enjoying Vegas!!!
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com
I just wanted to say what a fantastic match-up this is shaping up to be. I salute both TC & SBI for being such classy and quality opponents.
omg you guys are hilarious on these forums. i love it. Nothing like the super duper serious T1 forum talk. >.>
I’m rarely serious darlink. Go back and read all my posts
If this is a beaten and broken SBI from people transferring off/quitting, I shudder to think of what the former SBI looked like.
How do you think we stayed in T1 for so long and won several matches?
SBI is from what I have seen been called “steelbluff isle” because we never give up and just keep pushing. Our morale is hard to break and usually the more you do to break it, being outnumbered or whatever, just make boosts it even and makes us fight that much harder. Loosing some guilds and numbers only hurt us on coveerage in certain areas and made it were we could not fully compete with the T1 servers. How T2 turns out for us at this point in unknown because of new opponents we are not sure where each servers coverage stans for the week.
Stormbluff Isle
(edited by NightFox.3957)
Woohoo! SBI you guys are fun! Nice job SoR and SBI all around – what a fun first day of fighting. That battle just a bit ago in SoRBL at Bay was a brutal bloodbath huh? Looking forward to more!
AT about 18h EST today something happened in the TC BL.
I was a sylvari mesmer (with TA shoulders) manning a balista near the south wall of Bay. I got downed by a TC D/D ele in front of the vale supply camp when my computer crashed which could absolutely look like an AltF4. I want to assure our new friends on TC I never did this on purpose and find AltF4 despicable behavior (like most SBIers). The ele in question – please contact me in game (Idril Sylverfoot- when I manage to log again ) to find a way to compensate for the loss of your kill.
Thx for your comprehension and apologies again.
Wow. I think that might be one of the most honorable things I’ve seen in WvW. Thank you for restoring my faith in other players today.
Public Relations/Inter-Guild Relations Officer
Tarnished Coast
Loving this matchup and we’re in last. All we’ve ever wanted was a fair fight and now I think we got one, this is awesome!
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
this match up is a lot of fun. i finally know what it feels like to have a fun WvW match up lol thanks for the fun all
Nothing is more gratifying than knocking over half a raid off the cliffs at hills it was a great attempt by them, I think they under estimated us…we had like 10 mesmers standing around!
Really really great fighting so far this match up!
Mesmer – FURY
Rank 55 – Bunker Engi, Top 300
AT about 18h EST today something happened in the TC BL.
I was a sylvari mesmer (with TA shoulders) manning a balista near the south wall of Bay. I got downed by a TC D/D ele in front of the vale supply camp when my computer crashed which could absolutely look like an AltF4. I want to assure our new friends on TC I never did this on purpose and find AltF4 despicable behavior (like most SBIers). The ele in question – please contact me in game (Idril Sylverfoot- when I manage to log again ) to find a way to compensate for the loss of your kill.
Thx for your comprehension and apologies again.
While I agree with the person saying this is incredibly honorable, it’s also not needed. :p Remember there’s a patch in place that makes any DC count as a “Death” if you were in combat. So that person DID get credit for the kill already…and a loot bag if one dropped.
While I agree with the person saying this is incredibly honorable, it’s also not needed. :p Remember there’s a patch in place that makes any DC count as a “Death” if you were in combat. So that person DID get credit for the kill already…and a loot bag if one dropped.
Yea – been told that Just shows you I never felt concerned by the issue – oh well.
Lots of fun for SBI, I can tell you – full fights for every objective, just the resistance we faced when doing the breakout on Briar was impressive. A change from what T1 used to be lately – mostly coverage wars, capping with zergs against outmanned foes and avoiding fights when numbers equal.
I was running around as a Quaggan this morning after over 13-14hours straight of WvW.
To the TC who stood, waved, and danced I love you all. I was so sleepy, really wasn’t registering much by that time, cause I was running on about 1-2hours of sleep in 50+ hours.
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
Remarkable matchup, it finally feels like everyone has some footing, making the game that much more enjoyable. The fights have been unbelievable and both our enemies have some stellar techniques. Kudos!
For those keeping track, here’s the score:
gonna take more then your entire bl to take your tower back tc on sor, you do realize we don’t require walls to farm you, yesterday’s defense of garrison should be evidence enough for that
edit: you took it finally! only took your entire bl 20 min with no walls up gj
(edited by Hoots.9564)
@Hoots Medals bags farm! Farm metals bags! Bag medals farm! Farm bags and also lets not forget MEDALS.
So there!
[DIS] and [TTC]
Tarnished Coast
@Hoots Medals bags farm! Farm metals bags! Bag medals farm! Farm bags and also lets not forget MEDALS.
So there!
This man knows what he is talking about.
80k kills and counting
This battle has been the most fun I have had in wvw in a long time! I haven’t seen any sketchy business on any of the servers. (Doesn’t mean there isn’t any… but to not see any for myself yet is great!) Good clean battles and a total blast facing new servers with their new tactics. It is quite refreshing!
Thank you TC and SoR!
I gotta say, so far? Looking like a very close match.
Noone ever posts scores!!! So here’s the update while I run AC!
Strike Force, You’re so mean. T.T
Killed my poor lil trebby at AH….:(
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
Strike Force, You’re so mean. T.T
Killed my poor lil trebby at AH….:(
You should put your server in your signature so people reading can tell where you are from!
Strike Force, You’re so mean. T.T
Killed my poor lil trebby at AH….:(
You should put your server in your signature so people reading can tell where you are from!
I Figured all would know Caedas is in SoR by now. :x
Maybe I’ll add the server in my siggy, good idea though I’d have to take out something from my siggy as it is
“Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.” Sun Tzu
(edited by Mishi.7058)